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| [[File:Sam Pleased.png|48px|center]]
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| colspan="3"| '''所有[[友谊#喜欢的礼物|普遍喜欢的礼物]]''' ''(除了[[鸭蛋黄酱]], [[蛋黄酱]], [[腌菜]],[[蔬菜]])'', '''所有蛋''' ''(除了[[虚空蛋]])''
| colspan="3"| <ul><li>'''所有[[友谊#喜欢的礼物|普遍喜欢的礼物]]''' ''(除了[[鸭蛋黄酱]], [[蛋黄酱]], [[腌菜]],[[蔬菜]])''</li><li>'''所有蛋''' ''(除了[[虚空蛋]])''</li></ul>
|[[File:Joja Cola.png|center]]
|[[File:Joja Cola.png|center]]

2017年4月25日 (二) 05:23的版本

Robin building.png
— 罗宾


本文或部分尚未完全翻译成中文。 欢迎您通过编辑帮助其建设。
最后编辑Margotbean于2017-04-25 05:23:14.


Dev Update #12

山姆是居住在鹈鹕镇村民。他是可结婚的12个角色之一。[1] 他住在镇子南部,紧挨河的北边。(1柳巷)




山姆经常在他的卧室练习吉他。他也经常看到他的家外面玩掌机游戏,或尝试滑板技巧。周末他会在星之果实餐吧玩台球。周一和周三在Joja超市打工。玩家完成社区中心收集包后,他便改为去博物馆的文物矿产展示区(靠近壁炉)工作。 春季时他经常去星之果实餐吧, 秋季常去小镇西边的树林,夏季则会去沙滩



Spring.png 春季


时间 行动
10:00 AM 起床,站在他的卧室中间。
11:00 AM 离开他的卧室,前往Joja超市
12:50 PM 到达Joja超市,开始工作。
4:00 PM 结束在Joja超市的工作,走回
6:00 PM 到达他的卧室,站在书架前面。
9:30 PM 上床睡觉。


时间 行动
10:00 AM 起床,站在他的卧室中间。
10:40 AM 他的卧室弹吉他。
2:00 PM 离开家站在市长庄园边的河流旁。
6:30: PM 准备回


时间 行动
10:00 AM 起床,站在他的卧室中间。
11:00 AM 离开他的卧室,前往Joja超市
12:50 PM 到达Joja超市,开始工作。
4:00 PM 结束在Joja超市的工作,走回
6:00 PM 到达他的卧室 ,站在书架前面。
9:30 PM 上床睡觉。


时间 行动
10:00 AM 起床,站在他的梳妆台前。
10:40 AM 他的卧室里弹吉他
1:40 PM 离开他的卧室,前往刘易斯‏‎的家东南方的灌木丛边。
3:00 PM 站在刘易斯‏‎的家东南方的灌木丛边。
6:30 PM 开始回
7:50 PM 到达他的卧室,站在桌边。
9:00 PM 上床睡觉。


时间 行动
10:00 AM 起床,在他的卧室里弹吉他
11:00 AM 离开他的卧室,到他家旁边玩滑板。
3:00 PM 前往星之果实餐吧
4:00 PM 到达星之果实餐吧,在游乐场玩台球。
9:20 PM 离开星之果实餐吧走回
10:20 PM 到达


时间 行动
10:00 AM 醒来后在卧室里溜达。
10:40 AM 他的卧室里弹吉他
1:40 PM 离开他的卧室前往镇上,站在刘易斯‏‎的家旁的河边。
6:30 PM 镇上
9:00 PM 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。


时间 行动
9:00 AM 起床,站在他的梳妆台前。
11:00 AM 离开他的卧室,前往博物馆 边上的桥上。
12:00 PM 到达博物馆边上的桥上。
4:00 PM 离开 博物馆边上的桥上,前往海莉艾米丽的家门前的树边上。
4:40 PM 到达海莉艾米丽的家门前的树边上,玩掌机游戏。
7:00 PM
7:30 PM 到达他的卧室,站在书架前。
9:30 PM 上床睡觉。
Summer.png 夏季


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 醒来后在卧室里溜达。
11:00 AM 1柳巷 他的卧室里弹吉他
1:40 PM 海滩 离开他的卧室前往沙滩,和弟弟文森特一起在火堆旁。
7:00 PM 1柳巷 离开沙滩
9:00 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 醒来后在卧室里溜达。
11:00 AM 1柳巷 离开他的卧室,并和他的母亲乔迪一起前往Joja超市
12:50 PM Joja超市 到达Joja超市
4:00 PM Joja超市 离开Joja超市,回
5:50 PM 1柳巷 ,在卧室里溜达
9:00 PM 1柳巷 上床睡觉。
Fall.png 秋季


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 醒来后在卧室里溜达。
10:40 AM 1柳巷 他的卧室里弹吉他
1:20 PM 树林 离开他的卧室,前往树林
7:00 PM 1柳巷 树林
9:00 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 他的卧室里醒来。“今天需要拜访医生叔叔……好极了”
11:30 AM 诊所 来到诊所做年度检查,在候诊室玩掌上游戏机。
1:30 PM 哈维的诊所 诊所做全身检查。“我是个健康的男孩,医生。我能走了吗?这太无聊了。”
4:00 PM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 离开诊所前往镇上。 “我刚刚从医生的诊所出来。绝对健康,活力十足,和我预料的一样。”
9:00 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。
Winter.png 冬季


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 起床,在他的房间里溜达。
10:40 AM 1柳巷 他的卧室里弹吉他
1:20 PM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 离开他的卧室,前往星之果实餐吧
7:00 PM 1柳巷 离开星之果实餐吧,回
9:00 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。

9日 & 23日 (如果和潘妮的好感度低于6颗心)

时间 地点 行动
9:00 AM 1柳巷 起床,在他的房间里溜达。
11:00 AM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 离开他的卧室前往镇上
4:00 PM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 继续在镇上闲逛,玩他的掌机游戏。
7:00 PM 1柳巷 镇上返回家里
9:30 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 起床,站在他的他的房间里的梳妆台边上。
11:00 AM 1柳巷 他的房间弹吉他。
3:00 PM 1柳巷 他家厨房玩掌机游戏。
5:00 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室。站在他的梳妆台边上。
6:30 PM 1柳巷 他的卧室里,站在桌边。
8:00 PM 1柳巷 上床睡觉。


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 起床,在房间里溜达。
11:00 AM 1柳巷 房间里溜达
2:00 PM 星之果实餐吧 离开他的卧室前往星之果实餐吧。“在这种潮湿的雨天,没有什么比一杯冰凉的Joja可乐再好不过的了,不是吗?开个玩笑。呵呵呵。”
7:40 PM 1柳巷 离开星之果实餐吧,回到卧室上床睡觉。


时间 地点 行动
8:00 AM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 他的卧室里醒来去镇上,站在海莉‏‎艾米丽的家门口的河边。
11:00 AM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 前往附近的树丛边玩掌机。
12:30 PM 1柳巷 离开镇上, 回到他的卧室塞巴斯蒂安‏‎一起练习吉他。
3:00 PM 1柳巷 塞巴斯蒂安‏‎一起待在他的房间里。
6:00 PM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 离开自己,去他家门前和塞巴斯蒂安‏‎一起。
7:40 PM 1柳巷 回到他的卧室上床睡觉。

星期一& 星期三

时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 起床,待在他的卧室
11:00 AM Joja超市 离开the 他的卧室 前往Joja超市工作。
4:00 PM 1柳巷 结束在Joja超市的工作,回
6:30 PM 1柳巷 在他的卧室的书房前。
9:30 PM 1柳巷 卧室的床上。


时间 地点 行动
10:00 AM 1柳巷 起床,在他的卧室里弹吉他。
11:00 AM 鹈鹕镇‏‎ 离开他的卧室,到镇上玩滑板。
3:00 PM 星之果实餐吧 前往星之果实餐吧,在游乐场玩台球。
9:20 PM 1柳巷 离开星之果实餐吧,并回到卧室上床睡觉。
Mermaid's Pendant.png 婚后
时间 地点






如果他在生日当天(Summer.png 夏季 17日)收到礼物,好感度的变动是平常的8倍,并且根据山姆的喜好触发以下任意一条对话。







图像 名字 描述 来源 材料
Sam Happy.png
Cactus Fruit.png
仙人掌果子 尖刺仙人掌的甜美果实 觅食 - 沙漠
Maple Bar.png
枫糖棒 浇上枫糖的甜甜圈 烹饪 Maple Syrup.png 枫糖浆(1)Sugar.png (1)Wheat Flour.png 大麦粉(1)
披萨 受欢迎是很合理的事 烹饪 Wheat Flour.png 大麦粉(1)Tomato.png 西红柿(1)Cheese.png 奶酪(1)
虎眼石 它上面的金色的条纹使这块宝石拥有了温暖的光泽。 矿石


图像 名字 描述 来源
Sam Pleased.png
Joja Cola.png
Joja可乐 JOJA公司的旗舰产品。 JOJA公司, 钓鱼, 沙龙自动贩卖机


图像 名字 描述 来源
Sam Neutral.png
所有普遍觉得一般的礼物, 所有水果 (除了仙人掌果子, 果树果实, 美洲大树莓), 所有奶类


图像 名字 描述 来源
Sam Concerned.png
所有普遍不喜欢的礼物 (除了煤炭,铜锭,金锭,黄金矿石,铱锭,铱矿石,铁锭,精炼石英,虎眼石), 所有蔬菜 (除了啤酒花小麦)
Common Mushroom.png
普通蘑菇 稍微坚硬,肉质滑。 觅食 - 秋季
鸡油菌 一种美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 觅食 - 秋季
黄水仙 一种传统的春天花朵,适合送礼。 觅食 - 春季
蒲公英 虽然不算漂亮,但是叶子适合做沙拉。 觅食 - 春季
榛子 真是巨大的一颗榛子! 觅食 - 秋季
冬青树 它的叶子和鲜红的浆果让它成为了极受欢迎的冬天饰品 觅食 - 冬季
韭葱 洋葱的美味近亲 觅食 - 春季
龙葵 因为独特的味道而深受欢迎。 觅食 - 春季
Purple Mushroom.png
紫蘑菇 一种在山洞深处的稀有蘑菇 觅食 - 矿井
石英 一种常见于洞穴和矿井里的纯净晶体 觅食矿井
美洲大树莓 一种带有森林的味道的春天浆果 觅食 - 春季
海草 它可以被用于烹饪 Fishing
Snow Yam.png
雪山药 这种小山药隐藏在雪地下 觅食 - 冬季
Wild Horseradish.png
野山葵 春天生长的一种根茎香料。 觅食 - 春季
Winter Root.png
冬根 一种淀粉块茎植物 觅食 - 冬季


图像 名字 描述 来源 材料
Sam Annoyed.png
所有普遍讨厌的礼物 (除了Joja可乐海草)
煤炭 一种可燃的矿石,可用于加工和熔炼。 采矿
Copper Bar.png
铜锭 一根纯铜锭。 熔炉 Coal.png 煤炭(1)Copper Ore.png 铜矿石(5)
Duck Mayonnaise.png
鸭蛋黄酱 香味浓郁的黄色蛋黄酱。 蛋黄酱机 Duck Egg.png 鸭蛋(1)
Gold Bar.png
金锭 一根纯金条 熔炉 Coal.png 煤炭(1)Gold Ore.png 金矿石(5)
Gold Ore.png
黄金矿石 一种珍贵的矿石,能被熔炼成金锭。 采矿
Iridium Bar.png
铱锭 一根纯铱条 熔炉 Coal.png 煤炭(1)Iridium Ore.png 铱矿石(5)
Iridium Ore.png
铱矿石 一种有着很多稀奇属性的独特矿石。能被熔炼成铱条。 采矿
Iron Bar.png
铁锭 一根纯铁条 熔炉 Coal.png 煤炭(1)Iron Ore.png 铁矿石(5)
蛋黄酱 看起来很适合抹在面包上。 蛋黄酱机 Egg.png (1)
腌菜 一罐自制的腌菜。 罐头瓶 任何蔬菜
Refined Quartz.png
精炼石英 一种纯度更高的石英。 熔炉 Coal.png 煤炭(1)Quartz.png 石英(1)



Two Hearts.png


  • "令人愉悦的流行乐。" (不影响好感度
  • "实验性质的硬摇滚。" (不影响好感度
  • "极富能量的舞曲。" (不影响好感度
  • "气氛活跃的乡村音乐。" (不影响好感度



Three Hearts.png


山姆看着弟弟文森特玩沙子,他说父亲过去常常在晴天带他们来到海边。山姆说:“那当然。” 文森特提到自己不小心听见人们讨论战争会造成大批伤亡,山姆说不要相信他们的话,之后文森特继续去玩沙子了。山姆的一席话让弟弟的期望提高,对此他感到十分内疚,并询问玩家的看法。
  • "对小孩子坦白很重要。" (不影响好感度 山姆对此不是很认同,不过之后表示小孩子迟早都是会知道世界的残酷。
  • "你做得很对。不能让小孩子失去希望。" (不影响好感度 山姆表示赞同,并说小孩子应该尽可能得保持他们的天真无邪。



Four Hearts.png


  • "山姆把零食递给我的时候掉到了地上。" (-10好感度
  • "山姆把零食递给我的时候被我弄掉了。" (+50好感度 山姆表示同意
  • "山姆故意弄掉的。他觉得这样很好玩。" (-50好感度



Six Hearts.png


  • "先生,你是对的。山姆不应该私闯私人领域的。" (不影响好感度 山姆不太高兴,但接受了,并说自己不会再玩滑板。
  • "别怪山姆,他也是实在没地方可以滑了才这样的。" (不影响好感度 山姆看上去很高兴。镇长感觉沮丧,他表示玩家应该更加成熟才对,但之后向山姆道歉,希望他之后更加小心。
  • "这事我不管。" (不影响好感度 镇长刘易斯说他不想再看到山姆这样做了,山姆表示同意,之后镇长离开。之后山姆转向你,问你有没有看到他刚才的特技。


Eight Hearts.png


Sam's gig.gif


Ten Hearts.png




  • 快出来。 (不影响好感度 (若选这项,之后会有下面2个选择)
    • 靠近他。 (不影响好感度
    • 看向窗外。 (不影响好感度 代表玩家拒绝了山姆。
  • 待在原地。 (不影响好感度 山姆爬到床上并吻了你,他说“我一直感觉我们之间的关系非同寻常”


First Meeting 


"The clouds look great this time of year, don't they?" ... "Like scoops of vanilla ice cream floating on blue raspberry sauce... Or maybe I'm just hungry." [Spring]

"Ugh, I stepped in something gross earlier.. and I just bought these shoes."

"Hey, farmer."

"My Dad is a soldier, fighting against the Gotoro Empire. That's why he's not here..." ... "He'll come back someday." ... "...I've heard some terrible things about the Gotoro Empire..."

"Hmm. I just remembered that I was supposed to do something... But I forgot." ... "This happens to me all the time."

"Hey, how's it going?" ... "Last night I practiced guitar for 4 hours straight. My fingers hurt like crazy." ... "Bye, I've got something to do..."

"Oh, it's a nice day, isn't it?"

"Hey, how's it going?" ... "I'm hungry." ... "See you later."

"Oh! I just remembered I'm supposed to call my Grandma. Okay, I'm going to put this rubber band on my wrist so I don't forget." ... "I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things."

"Hey... something smells good, like pizza."

In His Room

(Upon looking in the trash bin) "Hey, don't look in there!"

At the Saloon

"Hmm.. if I give the cue ball a bit of a top spin, maybe I could..." ... "*Sigh*... I'm not very good."

Flower Dance

(Spring 28, Day Before) "Why couldn't the flower dance be today so I could get work off?"

(If accepted) "You want to be my partner for the flower dance?" ... "Okay. I look forward to it."

(If refused) "Hmm... I dunno. Maybe next year."


"[Player]. Um... I just wanted to say... You look nice today."


"I’m going to be really happy as your husband, [player name]. I’m excited."

"I never dreamed this would happen. I’m so lucky. I can’t wait till the wedding."


"I'm trying to come up with a new song for my band, but I'm blanking..." ... "Hey... What do you think my new song should be about?"

Farming, mining and chopping wood.
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
A city in the sea.
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
Choose anything, it'll be terrible anyway.
"Hey man... what the heck is your problem? Sorry I asked."
After Marriage 

Indoor Days

"Phew… I’ll tell you one thing I don’t miss about my old life… working at JojaMart."

"Hey, I made you some instant pancakes. Enjoy." ... "What? I never learned to cook… mom always did that."

"Hey. I know I joke around a lot, but I want you to know that I seriously love you…"

"Do you have big plans for the day?" ... "Oh, not me… I usually decide what to do a few moments beforehand…"

"Um… Maybe I’ll help out on the farm some other day. I feel lazy today." ... "You’re not mad?"

Outdoor Days

"Maybe I should get some off-road wheels for my skateboard. Mayor Lewis can’t touch me out here."

"I always keep an eye on the wide blue sky… you never know when a UFO might go by."

"Hi, [Player]! If I knew more about farm work I’d help you out more. Sorry!" ... "I’ll try and help you with encouraging thoughts."

"Something in the air makes me feel positive… maybe it’s the faint whiff of pizza from Gus’ ovens."

"Wow… you look great today, and the specks of mud just add some extra charm."


"Hey, you look tired. Let me help you relax tonight, okay? Maybe I’ll give you a massage later."

"My day? Oh… I can hardly remember. I didn’t really do anything of note. Just relaxed and had a good time."

"Hey, sorry I didn’t make the bed. You know I’m sloppy… that’s why you like me, right?"

"The only thing I miss about living at home is Mom’s fish casserole."

"Ready to hit the hay? I actually made the bed for once…"

Rainy Days

"Might be a good day to sit back and jam on the guitar…" ... "Hey, you can relax too if you want."

"Do you think Sebastian and Abigail will ever hook up?" ... "Heh… now that I’m married I’m trying to get everyone else married too."

"Hey, I found one of these rolling around in the back of a drawer." ... "I thought you might be able to use it."

"Aw, man. These cloudy days are kind of a drag…"

"How’d you sleep? The sound of rain really makes me zonk."

Rainy Nights

"Hey, how was your day? I just layed around and read comics most of the day… it was great."

"It was a pretty low-key day for me… colas, frozen pizza, a few hours noodling around on the guitar. I feel relaxed."

"Earlier, I listened to our live recording from that show we played. Remember that? Man, was that sloppy." ... "It made me a little nervous that you were there, I didn’t want to mess up and have you think I was a loser!"

"I hope Vincent’s not too lonely now that I’m gone… I kinda felt responsible for the little guy." ... "But, life’s all about change… right? Kids need to learn that, eventually… Or else adulthood will destroy them."

"Hey, I tossed a couple frozen pizzas into the oven. Here’s yours."

In Bed

"Nnnghh... what is it? Make your own breakfast."

"Nghh... what is it? I'm trying to sleep."

On Halfpipe

"*Sigh*… I’m never gonna land this trick…"

Visiting Family

(Leaving) "I’m gonna visit the family today, okay? I’ll be home in the evening."

(At parent's house) "Don't tell my mom... but I really just came over for a free lunch."

(Returning) "Seeing family is nice, but it’s also kind of depressing in a weird way. Like… our lives are totally separate now, and everything feels more formal than it used to."

First Child

"I’ll change [First Child]’s diaper… don’t worry about it. You’ve got enough on your plate."

"It’s weird, but I really like being a father!"

"I think we should have another kid. Why stop now?"

Second Child

"I woke up early, fed the kids and changed their diapers! We’re all set. You can just focus on raking in that sweet money." ... "I’m just kidding… I didn’t marry you for the money."

"We have to make sure and give [First Child] a lot of attention now that we have [Second Child]. We don’t want any jealousy between them."

"It’s fun to see the babies playing with each other. I think they’re going to be very close."

"I never thought I’d become such a family man, but I’m really satisfied with what we’ve built here. Life is going great."

Good Mood/High Hearts

"Do you ever think of that night we snuck into my room? I do, often…"

"You know, I think I had a feeling we’d be together from the very beginning. There’s just something special between us."

"[Male Player] Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you do something with your hair? / [Female Player] Wow, you look stunning today. Did you do something new with your hair?"

"Be careful out there! I know you go into the caves sometimes… you could be eaten alive in there!"

"Baby, I was just gonna write you a song on the guitar. But now you’re here and I feel relaxed." ... "I mainly feel like playing guitar when I’m lonely."

"Baby, talk to me! I’m always interested to hear about your day."


(1st of Spring)

"Ub… spring… my doze… allergies."


"The pollen count is a little lower in summer, so my nose is really happy."

"Summer's great, but I'm ready for fall now."

(1st of Fall)

"It seems like the whole valley's changed overnight... I guess fall's finally here."

(28th of Winter) "We had a great year, [Player]… it’s kind of sad that it’s over. We’ll just have to make next year even better!"


Egg Hunt

(Day Before) "Are you excited for tomorrow’s festival? It’ll be cool to see Sebastian again."

(During) "The gang's just the same as always. Are you having a good time?"

Flower Dance

(Day Before) "Oh... tomorrow's the flower dance, isn't it? I thought I could get out of that now that we're married." ... "Whatever. I guess it’s funny in a weird way."

(During) "Aw, I gotta put on that dorky suit again? I thought now that we're married... Well, alright."


(Day Before) "Have you thought about what you're going to put in the soup?" (WIP) ... "It might be funny to put something nasty. You know, play a prank on the governor!" ... "Sorry..."

(During) "I guess it wouldn't be very nice to put something nasty in the soup..."

Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies

"Should we watch the jellies tomorrow night? It's always kind of fun."

Stardew Valley Fair

(Day Before) "Hey, tomorrow's the fair. I need to get my old slingshot wrist back in shape..."

(During) "Sebastian's the same as always. Are you having fun at the festival?"

Festival of Ice

(Day Before) "Are we going to stop by the ice festival tomorrow? It might be fun to see everyone again…"

(During) "Aren't you cold? Are you sure don't you want my jacket?"

Feast of the Winterstar

(During) "*yawn*... I'm just here for the gifts and the cookies."


Sam's addition to the room.

Once married, Sam will move into the farmhouse with you. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room off to the side of the bedroom, which resembles his old room. It has his keyboard and guitar, along with a computer and bookshelf. He also builds a half pipe in the backyard to continue practicing skateboarding tricks.

1: At 12 hearts he will sometimes wake up early to help on the farm by:
Water crops
Fill pet bowl
Feed animals
Repair fences
2: He will occasionally cook (breakfast/dinner) for you, adding one random food item to your inventory. Both are frozen/instant foods, which he explains is because he never learned to cook. If your inventory is full, you will not receive the item. Some of the possible items are:
Pancakes (90 Energy, 36 Health, +2 Foraging)
Pizza (150 Energy, 60 Health)


Sam spends a lot of time chilling inside of the house, most often in the kitchen. While he will help around the farm sometimes, he can also make the excuse of feeling "lazy today", and says he'll help out another day. He also quits his job at Joja Mart, which he's happy about.

Sam is very affectionate, excitedly asking you about your day, or offering to give you a massage after a day of hard work. He likes to refer to you as "baby" or "honey". While he still makes mention of playing his guitar, he tells you at some point that he has no interest in being a musician anymore, and is a "family man" now.

Near the start of Winter, he says:

“"Winter's just around the corner. We need to double check the heating system, turn off the valves, and check all the insulation in the house."”

...then tells you not to worry, because he'll take care of it. This is unlike his usually carefree and lazy attitude, and shows an oddly helpful handyman side of his character.

On Mondays and Fridays, he will go into town to visit his family for the day, then spend some time with Sebastian and Abigail at the bar like he would prior to marriage. He expresses a lot of worry for his younger brother Vincent after moving out, and while also mention that Vincent calls every so often. Even so, he says the only thing he really misses about living at his parent's house was his moms fish casserole

Sometimes after visiting his family or the saloon, he will come home in a bad mood, and complain that the house is dirty.



山姆的外观随着游戏的开发进展而改变。 这里是一个时间轴,显示了ConcernedApe的作品和山姆的风格在游戏推出之前几年内的改变。

Sam timeline.png


  • 复活节中会发现山姆对花粉过敏。 他还会在夏天提到,他的“鼻子很开心”,因为花粉数量会比较少。
  • 山姆的全名是山姆森(Samson),他会在达到好友关系后告诉玩家,并嘱咐不要告诉别人。
  • “山姆”是希伯来语起源的中性名字,意思是“神已经听到”。其他的意思是“太阳孩子”或“明亮的太阳”。
  • 当玩家翻垃圾桶被发现时,山姆的反应与其他NPC不同,他不会感到恶心,而是询问玩家为何要这么做。
  • 山姆肖像的衬衫是黄色,而游戏中是的贴图却是红色的。
  • 山姆的旧吉他是游戏中的一个武器,但目前无法获得。
  • 山姆过去居住在祖祖城。他回忆起那里的白天和黑夜如何明亮和热闹,并且夏天有多热。




  • 1.0:加入。
  • 1.1:在婚后,在农舍后方加入户外活动区域。