
於 2021年6月18日 (五) 04:28 由 BolingH討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 →‎Quotes
Robin building.png
— 羅賓



本頁最後由 BolingH 編輯於 2021-06-18 04:28:11。


生日 Winter.png 冬季17日
居住於 煤礦森林
詳細地址 法師塔
最愛的禮物 Purple Mushroom.png 紫蘑菇Solar Essence.png 太陽精華Super Cucumber.png 大海參Void Essence.png 虛空精華

法師, 原名M·拉斯莫迪斯, 是居住在煤礦森林西部法師塔村民





如果他在生日當天(  冬季 17日)收到禮物,好感度的變動是平常的8倍,並且根據法師的喜好觸發以下任意一條對話。







圖片 名稱 描述 來源
紫蘑菇 一種在山洞深處的稀有蘑菇。 覓食 - 礦井
太陽精華 發光的表面摸起來很溫暖。 怪物戰利品
大海參 一種稀有紫色品種的海參。 釣魚
虛空精華 黑暗能量在其中涌動着。 怪物戰利品


圖片 名稱 描述 來源
石英 一種常見於洞穴和礦井裡的純淨晶體。 礦井


圖片 名稱 描述 來源


圖片 名稱 描述 來源
雞油菌 一種美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 覓食 - 秋季
普通蘑菇 稍微堅硬,肉質滑。 覓食 - 秋季
黃水仙 一種傳統的春天花朵,適合送禮。 覓食 - 春季
蒲公英 雖然不算漂亮,但是葉子適合做沙拉。 覓食 - 春季
榛子 真是巨大的一顆榛子! 覓食 - 秋季
冬青樹 它的葉子和鮮紅的漿果讓它成為了極受歡迎的冬天飾品。 覓食 - 冬季
韭蔥 洋蔥的美味近親。 覓食 - 春季
羊肚菌 因為獨特的味道而深受歡迎。 覓食 - 春季
美洲大樹莓 一種帶有森林的味道的春天漿果。 覓食 - 春季
史萊姆 沒有氣味、發着微光的一團凝膠。 史萊姆 - 科羅布斯 - 史萊姆球
雪山藥 這種小山藥隱藏在雪地下。 覓食 - 冬季
野山葵 春天生長的一種根莖香料。 覓食 - 春季
冬根 一種澱粉塊莖植物。 覓食 - 冬季
這種尖銳、辛辣的根莖據說可以增加活力。 覓食 - 姜島
熔岩菇 一種非常罕見的蘑菇,生活在熔岩池旁邊。 覓食 - 火山地牢



圖片 名稱 描述 來源



當與法師的 友誼 值大過0,將有可能會從郵箱裡發現法師送的禮物. 隨玩家和法師感情增加,收到禮物概率增加。

物品 描述
  火水晶  淚晶  翡翠  紫蘑菇 你好,年輕的專家。


-M·拉斯莫迪斯, 魔法師



玩家能夠進入法師塔的地下室,在那裡與幻覺神龕互動可以用data-sort-value="500"> 500金重新設定人物形象。



First Meeting

“Ah, yes. I have predicted your arrival a long time ago, young [Player]. However, your fate is ultimately in your own hands.”


“Ah, yes. I have seen many things about your future, young [Player]. If I were to tell you, there could be grave consequences.”
“If you have nothing important to tell me, leave me be. I have much work to do.”
“It takes years of study to understand the language of the elementals. To actually speak their language requires a lifetime of devoted effort. Now, if you'll excuse me...”
“There are many mysteries around us. You must be patient if you wish to discover them.”
“I believe the townsfolk are afraid of me. It is unfortunate, but I suppose it is human to be afraid of the unknown.”
“Beware, you are standing above a potent magical field. I built my hut right here on purpose, you know.”
“Have you made any headway with the forest spirits?”
“I sometimes observe the local villagers in secret. I am hoping to find an apprentice. Some day I will leave this mortal plane, but my arcane pursuits must continue.”

4+ Hearts

“I trust you enough to allow you in my basement. Treat what you find there with respect.”

6+ Hearts

“I was married, long ago. After my wife and I split, she began flying around the countryside, cursing everything she saw. It's not a very mature way to express one's anger.”

10 Hearts

“You musn't tell anyone... but I have reason to believe that one of the locals is actually my daughter... I could be mistaken... It's rare, but it does happen.”

Note: The Wizard is not always accessible at festivals. Regardless, he has unique dialogue for each.

Egg Festival

“Hmm... And what about raw lizard egg sprinkled with blackened marrow?”

Flower Dance

“You shouldn't be up here.”

The Luau

“The merpeople are curious about your festivities. They become upset when you litter into the ocean.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

“How did you find me back here? I thought I was well-hidden. Perhaps you are blessed with the gift of clairvoyance. I'm here to observe the Lunaloos... or 'Moonlight Jellies', as you call them. They possess an unusually potent magical aura for an aquatic life form.”

Stardew Valley Fair

“Welwick and I have known each other for a long time... she is a remarkable diviner, and a good friend.

...That clown... I know him from somewhere. Was it the school of illusion? Or maybe the Carnival of Secrets? Hmm...”

Spirit's Eve
Although you cannot reach the Wizard to see the dialogue in-game, he has dialogue scripted in underlying data files.

“The affairs of mundane folk matter little to me, but the elementals like a chance to see you up close. It was for them that I created this silly maze.”

Festival of Ice

“Sneaking off to visit my weird tower? You're odd for a mundane.”

Feast of the Winter Star
Although the Wizard does not attend the Feast, he has dialogue scripted in underlying data files.

“Ah, the mysterious Winter Star. One of the reasons I chose this valley as the location for my... research.”



  • 因為在遊戲開始時法師塔的門鎖着,法師並不計入「認識所有人」的任務中。
  • 對法師的介紹在社區中心的祝尼魔事件中自然出現,是解鎖社區中心收集任務的一個部分. 在見到他的時候,你必須觀看整個片段。否則,遊戲不會記錄你與他的見面。儘管收集任務已解鎖,直到你再去找他一次,與他的交談和友誼任務都不能進行。
    • 法師塔亦會在購買喬家會員後解鎖。 After that, the player must speak with him at any time (including during Festivals) to commence friendship.
  • 雖然在大部分節日中不出現,法師還是對每個節日有獨特的對話,其中一些還包括事件的背景故事。
  • 法師在對話中承認女巫是他的前妻。
  • 法師懷疑有個村民是他的女兒,並讓你不要告訴其他人。通過與皮埃爾、卡洛琳和阿比蓋爾的對話可以發現,很大可能他的女兒是阿比蓋爾



  • 1.3:Added unique blue stationery used exclusively for letters from the Wizard.