
Margotbean讨论 | 贡献2017年6月25日 (日) 17:47的版本 (+ja)
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最后编辑Margotbean于2017-06-25 17:47:30.


— 卡洛琳





Time Location
8:00 AM Standing in kitchen at home
12:30 PM Shopping in the second isle of the store
2:00 PM In the town square talking to Jodi
4:00 PM Returns home
4:30 PM Walking around living room
9:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up and gets out of bed


Time Location
12:30 PM Leaves house and heads towards the fountain, west of the Community Center


Time Location
3:30 PM Standing in town square with Jodi
5:00 PM Arrives home


Time Location
2:10 PM Arrives at Museum to read a book.
5:00 PM Leaves Museum to head home.
6:30 PM Stands in living room just below fireplace.
9:00 PM Heads to bed.


Time Location
10:00 AM In her kitchen.


Time Location
4:20 PM Heads to tree in park in front of Community Center
6:30 PM Heads home


Time Location
2:00 PM Standing in town square with Jodi


Time Location
9:00 AM Standing in living room at home
1:00 PM Aerobics class with other women at her house
6:30 PM Standing in kitchen at home


Time Location
1:30 PM Standing at the fountain, west of the Community Center
5:00 PM Leaves the fountain and heads home


Time Location
1:30 PM Leaves home and heads to town square


Time Location
1:40 PM At Museum to read a book
5:00 PM Leave Museum to head home


Time Location
2:50 PM Standing at town square
3:50 PM Leaves town square and heads home
6:30 PM Walks around in living room, pausing occasionally
9:00 PM Leaves living room and heads to bedroom
9:20 PM Goes to bed and is joined in bedroom by Pierre


Time Location
7:00 PM Standing in her bedroom


Time Location
11:30 AM Standing in kitchen at home


Time Location
2:30 PM Exercises in living room
6:00 PM Goes to bedroom
7:50 PM Already in the kitchen with Pierre


Time Location
3:00 PM Standing by the fountain, west of the Community Center.


Time Location
12:30 PM Looking at products on shelf in the store
2:00 PM Talking with Jodi in town square


Time Location
9:00 AM At home
12:00 PM Leaves home and heads towards the Museum
5:45 PM Leave Museum
7:00 PM Reaches home and stays in the hall


Time Location
4:30 PM Arrives home


Time Location
1:30 PM Leaves room and moves to shop.
3:00 Leaves home and heads to tree south of the Community Center
6:30 PM Leaves the tree south of the Community Center and heads home
7:20 PM Returns to her room.


Time Location
4:00pm Goes to her livingroom


Time Location
2:00 PM Standing in town square


Time Location
1:30 PM Arrive at fountain west of the Community Center
5:00 PM Leaves the fountain and heads home


Time Location
10:40 AM Standing in kitchen
1:30 PM Leaves home and heads for the town square
4:00 PM Leaves town square and heads home
4:40 PM Stands in living room


Time Location
2:00 PM Arrive at Museum to read a book
5:00 PM Leaves Museum and heads home
7:00 PM Stands in living room


Time Location
4:00 PM Leaves the town square and heads home


Time Location
9:00 AM Stands in her bedroom at home
1:30 PM Leaves room and shops in the store
2:30 PM Leaves home and heads to the front of the Community Center
6:30 PM Leaves the front of the Community Center and heads home
9:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
9:00 AM Stands in bedroom
11:00 AM Stands by bedroom bookcase with Abigail
1:30 PM Leaves room and shops at the store
2:30 PM Leaves store and heads towards the big tree in front of Community Center
6:30 PM Leaves the front of the Community Center and heads home
7:00 PM Stands in bedroom
9:00 PM Goes to bed



乔迪提到过卡洛琳是她最好的朋友, 她们之间可以谈任何事。两人还和鹈鹕镇的其他女士们一起参加了健身班,与玛妮, 艾米丽罗宾一起。



如果她在生日当天(  冬季 7日)收到礼物,好感度的变动是平常的8倍,并且根据卡洛琳的喜好触发以下任意一条对话。







图片 名字 描述 来源 材料
鱼肉卷 闻起来就很美味。 烹饪   金枪鱼(1)  墨西哥薄饼(1)  红叶卷心菜(1)  蛋黄酱(1)
夏季亮片 一种热带花朵,生长于潮湿的夏日季节。拥有芬香刺鼻的味道。 耕种 - 夏季


图片 名字 描述 来源
黄水仙 一种传统的春天花朵,适合送礼。 觅食 - 春季


图片 名字 描述 来源


图片 名字 描述 来源
苋菜 远古文明广泛耕种的一种紫色谷物。 耕种 - 秋季
鸡油菌 一种美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 觅食 - 秋季
普通蘑菇 稍微坚硬,肉质滑。 觅食 - 秋季
蒲公英 虽然不算漂亮,但是叶子适合做沙拉。 觅食 - 春季
鸭蛋黄酱 香味浓郁的黄色蛋黄酱。   蛋黄酱机
榛子 真是巨大的一颗榛子! 觅食 - 秋季
冬青树 它的叶子和鲜红的浆果让它成为了极受欢迎的冬天饰品。 觅食 - 冬季
韭葱 洋葱的美味近亲。 觅食 - 春季
蛋黄酱 看起来很适合抹在面包上。   蛋黄酱机
龙葵 因为独特的味道而深受欢迎。" 觅食 - 秋季
紫蘑菇 一种在山洞深处的稀有蘑菇。 觅食 - 矿井
雪山药 这种小山药隐藏在雪地下。 觅食 - 冬季
野山葵 春天生长的一种根茎香料。 觅食 - 春季
冬根 一种淀粉块茎植物。 觅食 - 冬季


图片 名字 描述 来源
石英 一种常见于洞穴和矿井里的纯净晶体。 觅食 - 矿井
美洲大树莓 一种带有森林的味道的春天浆果。 觅食 - 春季

Heart Events

Three Hearts I


Caroline sends you a recipe in the mail.

Recipe Description
  防风草汤 Nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care, -Caroline

Three Hearts II


Caroline begins sending you gifts in the mail.

Item Description
  花椰菜  防风草  土豆 Dear (Name),

Here's a vegetable from the little garden I keep out back. You probably have more veggies than you know what to do with, but oh well.


Six Hearts


Enter Pierre's General Store when Caroline and Abigail are there.

As you enter the store, you hear an argument between Caroline and Abigail in the kitchen.
  • Abigail: "Stop telling me how to live my life!"
  • Caroline: "Hey, cut it out! We're letting you live here free of charge until you finish school. It seems like you don't appreciate that at all!"
  • Abigail: "Stop trying to make me feel guilty. I appreciate that you and Dad are helping me out, but expecting me to dress the way you want is ridiculous. I'm not a little girl anymore, Mom."
  • Caroline: (pause) "...You're right. I'm sorry."

Abigail turns towards the door where you're hiding, and asks if someone is there. You run away, and Abigail swears the house is haunted. Abigail comes out, and says "Urgghh... Sorry... I was fighting with my Mom earlier."

Seven Hearts


Caroline sends you a recipe in the mail.

Recipe Description
  蔬菜杂烩 Nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care,


Quest Name Requirements Quest Text Quest Summary Provided By Requirements Rewards
Delivery Spring; 1 Days I have a craving for Dandelion. Please bring one by for me. -Caroline Accept quest at the Help Wanted board. Complete Quest by bringing Caroline 1 Dandelion within 1 Day. Help Wanted Foraging 120g; Caroline will be thankful.
