
Margotbean讨论 | 贡献2017年6月9日 (五) 16:15的版本
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最后编辑Margotbean于2017-06-09 16:15:26.










樓層 主題 怪物 寶物 備註
入口 棕色地層   生鏽的劍 礦車位於這裡。
(玩家需要鋼十字鎬Cherry Bomb去擊破障礙物。)
1 - 9 棕色地層   綠史萊姆  道基  臭蟲  岩石蟹 可以獲得的礦石:紫水晶黃水晶石英地晶
10 棕色地層   皮靴
11 - 19 棕色地層,Weeds   綠史萊姆  道基  臭蟲  岩石蟹    蒼蠅 第19層的道路呈現一個迴旋的圖形。
20 棕色地層,Weeds   鋼製輕劍 釣魚鬼魚石魚
21 - 29 棕色地層,Weeds   綠史萊姆  道基  臭蟲  岩石蟹    蒼蠅
30 棕色地層
31 - 39 陰影,灰色地層   蝙蝠  石魔 有著豐富的銅礦石,且晶洞會出現頻繁。
40 冰層   彈弓
41 - 49 冰層   冰凍果凍  冰凍蝙蝠  沙塵惡靈 有著豐富的銀礦石冰封晶洞海藍寶石淚晶翡翠
50 冰層   凍土靴 鑽石從此層開始會出現(約每500個石頭出現一次)。
51 - 59 冰層   冰凍果凍  冰凍蝙蝠  沙塵惡靈  幽靈 有著豐富的沙塵惡靈(會掉落煤炭)。
60 冰層   水晶匕首 釣魚冰魚苗鬼魚
61 - 69 冰層   冰凍果凍  冰凍蝙蝠  沙塵惡靈  幽靈
70 冰牢   高級彈弓
71 - 79 冰牢   冰凍果凍  冰凍蝙蝠  幽靈  骷髏 有著冰封晶洞及豐富的銀礦石
80 岩漿、暗紫色地層   蹈火者靴
81 - 89 岩漿、暗紫色地層   紅色史萊姆  熔岩蝙蝠  熔岩蟹  影子狂徒  暗影薩滿  金屬大頭  烏賊娃 金礦石炎封晶洞從此層開始會出現。
90 岩漿、暗紫色地層   黑曜石之劍
91 - 99 岩漿、暗紫色地層   紅色史萊姆  熔岩蝙蝠  熔岩蟹  影子狂徒  暗影薩滿  金屬大頭  烏賊娃 煤炭從這層開始後會變得稀少(從Dust Sprite身上得到)。
100 岩漿、暗紫色地層、Weeds   星之果實 釣魚熔岩鰻鬼魚
101 - 109 岩漿、暗紫色地層、Weeds   紅色史萊姆  熔岩蝙蝠  熔岩蟹  影子狂徒  暗影薩滿  金屬大頭  烏賊娃 有著豐富的金礦石
110 岩漿、赭紅色地層   太空之靴
111 - 119 岩漿、赭紅色地層   紅色史萊姆  熔岩蝙蝠  熔岩蟹  影子狂徒  暗影薩滿  金屬大頭  烏賊娃
120 岩漿、暗紫色地層、Weeds   骷髏鑰匙 最終層。


Useful food when spelunking in the Mines.

Image Name Description Stat Bonus Duration
Autumn's Bounty A taste of the season.   采集(+2)  防御(+2)   7m41s
Coffee It smells delicious. This is sure to give you a boost.   速度(+1)   1m23s
Crab Cakes Crab, bread crumbs, and egg formed into patties then fried to a golden brown.   速度(+1)  防御(+1)   15m10s
Cranberry Sauce A festive treat.   采矿(+2)   3m30s
Eggplant Parmesan Tangy, cheesy, and wonderful.   采矿(+1)  防御(+3)   4m39s
Fried Eel Greasy but flavorful.   运气(+1)   7m
Fried Mushroom Earthy and aromatic.   攻击(+2)   7m
Lucky Lunch A special little meal.   运气(+3)   11m11s
枫糖棒 It's a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze.   耕种(+1)  钓鱼(+1)  采矿(+1)   16m47s
Miner's Treat This should keep your energy up.   采矿(+3)  磁性(+32)   5m35s
Pepper Poppers Spicy breaded peppers filled with cheese.   速度(+1)  耕种(+2)   7m
Pumpkin Soup A seasonal favorite.   运气(+2)  防御(+2)   7m41s
Roots Platter This'll keep you digging for more.   攻击(+3)   5m35s
Spicy Eel It's really spicy! Be careful.   运气(+1)  速度(+1)   7m
Stuffing Ahh... the smell of warm bread and sage.   防御(+2)   5m39s
Super Meal It's a really energizing meal.   速度(+1)  体力值上限(+40)   3m30s






Infested floors

Occasionally you will enter an infested floor filled with slimes or a mix of monsters. Unlike normal floors, there are no rocks and in slime-infested floors the walls and ground are covered in green slime rather than the normal themes. Forage-able items such as quartz or mushrooms may still be found though. To proceed from an infested floor, you must continue to fight until all monsters are killed (this includes duggies that may be hidden under dirt patches), at which point a ladder will appear either where the last monster was killed or next to the entrance (the player will be notified with a message saying, "A way down has appeared").

A Staircase can also be used to escape an infested floor.

An infested floor will always be on the same level for each day and goes up one level the next day. For example, if an infested floor is found on level 54 one day, it will be on 53 the next day, 52 the day after that, and so on. On some days, an infested floor might not be found because certain floors are excluded from being infested. These include elevator/treasure floors and the first five, last ten, and nineteenth floor of each section (refer back to the information about sections in Floors). There can be multiple infested floors at once, each are generally around twenty or more floors apart.

Skull Cavern Mine

On floor 120 of the Mines is the Skull Key. The skull key is used to open a door in a cave in The Desert, leading to the Skull Cavern. It is also used to unlock the Junimo Kart arcade machine for play in The Saloon.


  • The axe, scythe or pickaxe can be used to kill monsters in lieu of the sword.
  • Stone can be purchased from the Carpenter's Shop for data-sort-value="20"> 20金 each, making it possible to skip all 120 floors for just under data-sort-value="250000"> 250,000金 (useful for unlocking all the floors in order to return later)
