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— 羅賓


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最後編輯BolingH於2020-11-18 09:36:43.


Dwarf Icon.png 矮人












樓層 主題 怪物 寶物 備註
入口 棕色地層 Rusty Sword.png 生鏽的劍 礦車位於這裡。
1 - 9 棕色地層 Green Slime.png 綠史萊姆Duggy.png 道基Bug.png 臭蟲Rock Crab.png 岩石蟹 可以獲得的礦石:紫水晶黃水晶石英地晶
10 棕色地層 Leather Boots.png 皮靴
11 - 19 棕色地層,雜草 Green Slime.png 綠史萊姆Duggy.png 道基Bug.png 臭蟲Rock Crab.png 岩石蟹Grub.png Cave Fly.png 蒼蠅 第19層的道路呈現一個迴旋的圖形。
20 棕色地層,雜草 Steel Smallsword.png 鋼製輕劍 釣魚鬼魚石魚
21 - 29 棕色地層,雜草 Green Slime.png 綠史萊姆Duggy.png 道基Bug.png 臭蟲Rock Crab.png 岩石蟹Grub.png Cave Fly.png 蒼蠅
30 棕色地層
31 - 39 陰影,灰色地層 Bat.png 蝙蝠Stone Golem.png 石魔 有着豐富的銅礦石,且晶球會出現頻繁
40 冰層 Slingshot.png 彈弓
41 - 49 冰層 Frost Jelly.png 冰凍果凍Frost Bat.png 冰凍蝙蝠Dust Sprite.png 沙塵惡靈 有着豐富的鐵礦石冰封晶球海藍寶石淚晶翡翠
50 冰層 Tundra Boots.png 凍土靴 鑽石從此層開始會出現(約每500個石頭出現一次)。
51 - 59 冰層 Frost Jelly.png 冰凍果凍Frost Bat.png 冰凍蝙蝠Dust Sprite.png 沙塵惡靈Ghost.png 幽靈 有着豐富的沙塵惡靈(會掉落煤炭)。
60 冰層 Crystal Dagger.png 水晶匕首 釣魚冰柱魚鬼魚
61 - 69 冰層 Frost Jelly.png 冰凍果凍Frost Bat.png 冰凍蝙蝠Dust Sprite.png 沙塵惡靈Ghost.png 幽靈
70 冰牢 Master Slingshot.png 高級彈弓
71 - 79 冰牢 Frost Jelly.png 冰凍果凍Frost Bat.png 冰凍蝙蝠Ghost.png 幽靈Skeleton.png 骷髏 有着冰封晶球及豐富的鐵礦石
80 岩漿、暗紫色地層 Firewalker Boots.png 蹈火者靴
81 - 89 岩漿、暗紫色地層 Red Sludge.png 紅色史萊姆Lava Bat.png 熔岩蝙蝠Lava Crab.png 熔岩蟹Shadow Brute.png 影子狂徒Shadow Shaman.png 暗影薩滿Metal Head.png 金屬大頭Squid Kid.png 烏賊娃 黃金礦石岩漿晶球從此層開始會出現。
90 岩漿、暗紫色地層 Obsidian Edge.png 黑曜石之劍
91 - 99 岩漿、暗紫色地層 Red Sludge.png 紅色史萊姆Lava Bat.png 熔岩蝙蝠Lava Crab.png 熔岩蟹Shadow Brute.png 影子狂徒Shadow Shaman.png 暗影薩滿Metal Head.png 金屬大頭Squid Kid.png 烏賊娃 煤炭從這層開始後會變得稀少(從沙塵惡靈身上得到)。
100 岩漿、暗紫色地層、雜草 Stardrop.png 星之果實 釣魚岩漿鰻魚
101 - 109 岩漿、暗紫色地層、雜草 Red Sludge.png 紅色史萊姆Lava Bat.png 熔岩蝙蝠Lava Crab.png 熔岩蟹Shadow Brute.png 影子狂徒Shadow Shaman.png 暗影薩滿Metal Head.png 金屬大頭Squid Kid.png 烏賊娃 有着豐富的黃金礦石
110 岩漿、赭紅色地層 Space Boots.png 太空之靴
111 - 119 岩漿、赭紅色地層 Red Sludge.png 紅色史萊姆Lava Bat.png 熔岩蝙蝠Lava Crab.png 熔岩蟹Shadow Brute.png 影子狂徒Shadow Shaman.png 暗影薩滿Metal Head.png 金屬大頭Squid Kid.png 烏賊娃
120 岩漿、暗紫色地層、雜草 Skull Key.png 頭骨鑰匙 最終層。






每個石頭都有2%的基礎概率生成梯子。概率會被運氣值/5(+/-10% / 5 = +/-2%)和食物增益(每點增益值/100,也就是每一點增益值都會增加1%的概率)影響。剩餘石頭數量的反數也會被加上(例:5塊剩餘的石頭——1/5 = 0.2 = 20%;剩餘100塊石頭——1/100 = 0.01 = 1%)。如果本層沒有剩餘的怪物,那麼再增加4%。如果概率達到要求,那麼就會產生梯子,並阻止遊戲在其他位置的石頭下產生樓梯。如果是在骷髏洞穴中,會有20%的概率會產生洞口,且不會影響到其他石頭下產生樓梯/洞口的概率。


Containers in the mines may randomly drop loot when destroyed. Containers are equally likely to be crates or barrels; the possible contents are not affected by the type of container. At most one item will be dropped by a container, although multiple copies of that item are possible.

Most containers respawn every time you enter a level. Containers on platforms in the Mines, however, are only spawned the first time you enter a level. After those containers are destroyed, no new containers will appear on the platforms.


Item 0-39 40-79 80+ (including Skull Cavern)
25.2% 25.2% 25.2%
Stone.png 石頭 10.4% 10.4% 5.2%
Wood.png 木材 10.4% 5.2% 5.2%
Hardwood.png 硬木 5.6% 5.6% 5.6%
Sap.png 樹液 5.2% 5.2% 5.2%
Coal.png 煤炭 5.2% 5.2% 5.2%
Copper Ore.png 銅礦石 5.2% 5.2% 5.2%
Iron Ore.png 鐵礦石 0% 5.2% 5.2%
Gold Ore.png 黃金礦石 0% 0% 5.2%
Cave Carrot.png 山洞蘿蔔 7.8% 7.8% 7.8%
Geode.png 晶球 8.2% 0% 0%
Frozen Geode.png 冰封晶球 0% 8.2% 0%
Magma Geode.png 岩漿晶球 0% 0% 2.6%
Omni Geode.png 萬象晶球 0% 0% 5.6%
Amethyst.png 紫水晶 5.6% 0% 0%
Topaz.png 黃水晶 5.6% 0% 0%
Aquamarine.png 海藍寶石 0% 5.6% 0%
Jade.png 翡翠 0% 5.6% 0%
Emerald.png 綠寶石 0% 0% 5.6%
Ruby.png 紅寶石 0% 0% 5.6%
特殊物品 5.6% 5.6% 5.6%


A small fraction of crates and barrels (2.2%) will drop one of the following special items[5]. Visually these crates and barrels are indistinguishable from containers containing standard loot.

These special items can also be dropped by a small fraction of monsters. About 1.2% of Slimes are identifiable as special Slimes by gold stars. For all other monsters, less than 0.2% of monsters will drop special items instead of standard loot, but these special monsters look identical to the standard versions.

層數 物品
礦井: 0-19 Carving Knife.png 刻刀Wood Club.png 木棒Sneakers.png 運動鞋Rubber Boots.png 橡膠靴Small Glow Ring.png 小型光輝戒指Small Magnet Ring.png 小型磁鐵戒指
礦井: 20-39 Forest Sword.png 森林劍Wind Spire.png 疾風利劍Wood Club.png 木棒Rubber Boots.png 橡膠靴Sneakers.png 運動鞋Small Glow Ring.png 小型光輝戒指Small Magnet Ring.png 小型磁鐵戒指
礦井: 40-59 Forest Sword.png 森林劍Iron Edge.png 鐵之刃Lead Rod.png 鉛棒Wood Mallet.png 木錘Thermal Boots.png 熱能靴Glow Ring.png 光輝戒指Magnet Ring.png 磁鐵戒指
層數 物品
礦井: 60-120
骷髏洞穴: 0-39
Lead Rod.png 鉛棒Combat Boots.png 戰靴Thermal Boots.png 熱能靴Glow Ring.png 光輝戒指Magnet Ring.png 磁鐵戒指
骷髏洞穴 40+ Burglar's Shank.png 飛賊之脛Steel Falchion.png 鋼刀Tempered Broadsword.png 淬火闊劍The Slammer.png 巨錘Wicked Kris.png 蛇形邪劍Dark Boots.png 黑暗之靴Genie Shoes.png 神怪之鞋Battery Pack.png 電池組

Dirt Patches

The following table lists the chances of finding items available from dirt patches [5]. It doesn't matter if a hoe or a bomb is used to dig the soil.

物品 幾率
Dwarf Scroll I.png 矮人捲軸 I 0.16%
Lost Book.png 遺失之書 / Mixed Seeds.png 混合種子 0.16%
Rusty Spoon.png 生鏽的湯匙 0.16%
Rusty Spur.png 生鏽的靴刺 0.16%
Skeletal Tail.png 尾部骨骼 0.16%
Dwarvish Helm.png 矮人頭盔(只在1-40層) 0.1%
Dwarf Scroll II.png 矮人捲軸 II(只在1-40層) 0.1%
Dwarf Gadget.png 矮人小工具(只在41-80層) 0.1%
Gold Bar.png 金錠(只在41-80層) 0.1%
Dwarf Scroll IV.png 矮人捲軸 IV(只在81-120層) 0.2%
Strange Doll (yellow).png 詭異玩偶(黃) 0.03%
Strange Doll (green).png 詭異玩偶(綠) 0.03%
Stone.png 石頭 1.33%
礦石(與採礦等級相關) 1.33%
Clay.png 粘土 4.68%
Omni Geode.png 萬象晶球 0.17%
晶球(與採礦等級相關) 0.51%
Cave Carrot.png 山洞蘿蔔 5.03%






The Oil of Garlic Buff prevent floors from being infested. Oil of Garlic must be consumed before entering the floor to prevent infestation.

Repeatedly visiting infested floors can be an excellent way to quickly achieve some of the Monster Eradication Goals at the Adventurer's Guild.


The Mushroom Floor

Sometimes a floor in the lower section of the mine (floors 81-119) will have greatly increased spawns of red and purple mushrooms. These floors will also notably have a variety of colored lanterns which usually includes at least one green lantern.

Note that no mushrooms will spawn on an elevator floor (floors ending in 0 or 5) or if the floor is infested (see previous section.) Additionally, the mushroom floor is neither unique nor guaranteed -- there may be multiple active mushroom floors or no such floors at all on a given day, and that situation may persist for several days or weeks.


Dungeon floors are similar in appearance to the single floor of the Quarry Mine. They may spawn randomly at any floor of the Mines.



Furthermore, reaching this floor also changes other parts of the game (introduced in 1.3.27):

  • prismatic shards and diamonds will now rarely drop from any monster;
  • gems and purple mushrooms may now be found when searching trash bins;
  • gems and purple mushrooms may now be requested in NPC quests;
  • some monsters will be stronger.



圖片 名稱 描述 增益效果 增益時效
Autumn's Bounty.png
秋日恩賜 秋季的味道。 Foraging.png 覓食(+2)Defense.png 防禦(+2) Time Icon.png 7m41s
咖啡 聞起來很香,這顯然會讓你加速。 Speed.png 速度(+1) Time Icon.png 1m23s
Crab Cakes.png
蟹黃糕 蟹肉,麵包屑和蛋做成餅,然後炸成金棕色。 Speed.png 速度(+1)Defense.png 防禦(+1) Time Icon.png 15m10s
Cranberry Sauce.png
蔓越莓糖果 節日的款待。 Mining.png 採礦(+2) Time Icon.png 3m30s
Eggplant Parmesan.png
帕爾瑪奶酪茄子 撲鼻的香氣,奶酪味,超讚。 Mining.png 採礦(+1)Defense.png 防禦(+3) Time Icon.png 4m39s
Fried Eel.png
炒鰻魚 油膩但很美味。 Luck.png 運氣(+1) Time Icon.png 7m
Fried Mushroom.png
炒蘑菇 質樸而芳香。 Attack.png 攻擊(+2) Time Icon.png 7m
Lucky Lunch.png
幸運午餐 特別的小食。 Luck.png 運氣(+3) Time Icon.png 11m11s
Magic Rock Candy.png
Magic Rock Candy N/A Energy.png500Health.png225Mining.png 採礦(+2)Luck.png 運氣(+5)Speed.png 速度(+1)Defense.png 防禦(+5)Attack.png 攻擊(+5) Time Icon.png 8m 24s
Maple Bar.png
楓糖棒 覆蓋了大量楓糖的甜棒。 Farming.png 耕種(+1)Fishing.png 釣魚(+1)Mining.png 採礦(+1) Time Icon.png 16m47s
Miner's Treat.png
礦工特供 這會讓你能量滿滿。 Mining.png 採礦(+3)Magnetism.png 磁性(+32) Time Icon.png 5m35s
Pepper Poppers.png
爆炒青椒 填滿漿液的勁辣青椒。 Speed.png 速度(+1)Farming.png 耕種(+2) Time Icon.png 7m
Pumpkin Soup.png
南瓜湯 帶有秋季情調的最愛。 Luck.png 運氣(+2)Defense.png 防禦(+2) Time Icon.png 7m41s
Roots Platter.png
塊莖拼盤 這會讓你持續挖掘礦井。 Attack.png 攻擊(+3) Time Icon.png 5m35s
Spicy Eel.png
香辣鰻魚 真的很辣!小心。 Luck.png 運氣(+1)Speed.png 速度(+1) Time Icon.png 7m
塞料麵包 啊... 溫暖的麵包和鼠尾草的味道。 Defense.png 防禦(+2) Time Icon.png 5m39s
Super Meal.png
巨無霸餐 這真的能讓人充滿能量。 Speed.png 速度(+1)Max Energy.png 最大能量(+40) Time Icon.png 3m30s
Triple Shot Espresso.png
Triple Shot Espresso Coffee.png 咖啡(3) Energy.png8Health.png3Speed.png 速度(+1) Time Icon.png 4m 12s







  • 斧頭,鐮刀或十字鎬可以代替劍用來殺死怪物,但攻擊力很低。
  • 石頭可以以data-sort-value="20">Gold.png20金的單價在木匠的商店購買,這使得玩家可以花不到data-sort-value="250000">Gold.png250,000金的金錢購買石頭作成樓梯,直接下到120層(用於解鎖所有樓層以便用電梯返回)。
    • 從第二年開始,石頭的價格會增長到data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100金,這使得這個方法的花費更高。
    • 在到達礦井的底部後,怪物會變得更難被殺死、傷害更高,並且可能會獲得更高的加速,所以解鎖所有電梯的方法並不毫無害處。[6]
  • 如果這層的所有怪物都被殺掉,在挖開石頭後找到梯子的概率就會增加4%。[7]
  • At floor 120, both the Green Serpent Statue and the Purple Serpent Statue are found.


External Links

Players with access to their saved game files may find the "Stardew Predictor" utility helpful for predicting which mine floors will be infested and which floors will be mushroom levels. The utility is located at https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/.


  1. See MineShaft::monsterDrop in the game code.
  2. See MineShaft::checkStoneForItems in the game code.
  3. See MineShaft::populateLevel in the game code.
  4. See BreakableContainer::releaseContents in the game code.
  5. See MineShaft::checkForBuriedItem in the game code.
  6. See Monster::parseMonsterInfo in the game code.
  7. See MineShaft::checkStoneForItems in the game code.

引用錯誤:在 <references> 中定義的 <ref> 標籤設定 name 屬性為 "specialitem",但在前文中並未使用。


  • 1.3:Removed exploit that created a ladder to the Skull Cavern on floor 120 by blowing up an item with a bomb.
  • 1.4:Added random dungeon (quarry mine) levels. Changed the way mushroom levels are spawned, so they cannot be repeatedly "farmed". Removed exploit where clicking the journal icon would prevent the passing out (from low health) cutscene where items and gold were lost. Mine levels are no longer forgotten when passing out due to low health. Added Marlon's Item Recovery Service. Mine floors now reset as soon as the player leaves the floor, instead of at the next 10-minute tick of the game clock.