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(撤销Xueranyinghun讨论)的版本5101 Snow Yam is not a fruit)
行 592: 行 592:
  |details = 谢恩会在湖边码头上分你一罐啤酒, 向你吐露他的不幸。他对你表示出欣赏态度,认为你拥有大好前程并警告你不要酗酒。<br/>
  |details = 谢恩会在湖边码头上分你一罐啤酒, 向你吐露他的不幸。他对你表示出欣赏态度,认为你拥有大好前程并警告你不要酗酒。<br/>
 你最后会以 "[[Buffs|醉酒状态]]" 结束此事件。
 你最后会以 "[[Buffs|醉酒状态]]" 结束此事件。
  |video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbK0p0QEoYI
  |video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbK0p0QEoYI

於 2018年4月12日 (四) 20:48 的修訂


Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Margotbean於2018-04-12 20:48:05.

“我從瑪妮姑媽那裡租到了一間價格合適的屋子。 它是有點小,但我沒的抱怨。如果我能重新開始我的生活,我也許會辦一個養雞場。當然只出售散養雞的雞蛋。”
— Shane

謝恩 是一個 鵜鶘鎮村民,他總表現得有些粗魯和悶悶不樂,並且患有抑鬱症。不過如果玩家選擇和他成為朋友,他對玩家和其他人的態度會有所轉變。大多數日子裡,他從上午9點到下午5點會在Joja超市 工作,下班後經常泡在星之果實餐吧(在角落裡喝悶酒)。謝恩周末不上班,經常在 瑪妮的牧場附近的地方出沒。 在社交狀態菜單里,當謝恩在Joja超市工作時,他的圖標會換成身穿Joja超市 工作服的樣子。


Spring.png 春季

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Joja超市.
5:00 PM Leaves Joja超市 and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
All Day Standing in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Summer.png 夏季

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Joja超市.
5:00 PM Leaves Joja超市 and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
12:30 PM In kitchen at Marnie's Ranch
12:00 AM Goes to bed

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Fall.png 秋季

Monday - Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Joja超市.
5:00 PM Leaves Joja超市 and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and goes to bed

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Winter.png 冬季

Monday - Friday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
7:10 AM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Joja超市.
5:00 PM Leaves Joja超市 and heads for the Stardrop Saloon.
11:10 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Standing in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads for Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Sunday (Community Center Not Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Standing in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 AM Still standing in kitchen...

Monday - Friday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
11:00 AM Leaves the kitchen and returns to his room.
12:00 PM Leaves his room and stands by the fireplace at Marnie's Ranch.
2:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.

Saturday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
9:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in kitchen at Marnie's Ranch.
12:00 PM Leaves Marnie's Ranch and heads to Pierre's General Store.
5:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and heads to the Stardrop Saloon.
11:00 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and heads back to Marnie's Ranch.
Mermaid's Pendant.png 婚後


時間 地點
早晨6點 在家
上午9點半 準備離開家
上午10點半 到達 瑪妮的牧場
上午11點半 離開 瑪妮的牧場
上午11點50 站在 秘密森林北邊的大樹下。
下午5點 離開大樹向家走去。
晚上7點半 到家。
夜晚10點 上床睡覺。


時間 地點
早晨6點 在家。
上午8點半 離開家沿着河走向 鵜鶘鎮
上午10點 站在河邊。
下午1點 離開河邊走向皮埃爾雜貨店
下午5點 離開皮埃爾雜貨店走向 星之果實餐吧
夜晚10點 離開星之果實餐吧 並回家。


謝恩和他的教女(干閨女)賈斯住在他的姑媽瑪妮的牧場裡。他在Joja超市工作 (除非 社區中心 所有獻祭完成), 他的主管是 莫里斯



如果他在生日當天(Spring.png 春季 20日)收到禮物,好感度的變動是平常的8倍,並且根據謝恩的喜好觸發以下任意一條對話。







圖片 名字 描述 來源 材料
Shane Happy.png
啤酒 請適度飲酒。 工匠物品 Wheat.png 小麥(1)
Hot Pepper.png
辣椒 超級辣,稍甜。 耕種 - 夏季
Pepper Poppers.png
爆炒青椒 裹着麵包屑的辣青椒裝滿了乳酪。 烹飪 Hot Pepper.png 辣椒(1)Cheese.png 奶酪(1)
披薩 受歡迎是很合理的事。 烹飪 Wheat Flour.png 大麥粉(1)Tomato.png 西紅柿(1)Cheese.png 奶酪(1)


圖片 名字 描述 來源
Shane Pleased.png


圖片 名字 描述 來源
Shane Neutral.png


圖片 名字 描述 來源
Shane Concerned.png
Common Mushroom.png
普通蘑菇 稍微堅硬,肉質滑。 覓食 - 秋季
雞油菌 一種美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 覓食 - 秋季
黃水仙 一種傳統的春天花朵,適合送禮。 覓食 - 春季
蒲公英 雖然不算漂亮,但是葉子適合做沙拉。 覓食 - 春季
榛子 真是巨大的一顆榛子! 覓食 - 秋季
冬青樹 它的葉子和鮮紅的漿果讓它成為了極受歡迎的冬天飾品。 覓食 - 冬季
韭蔥 洋蔥的美味近親。 覓食 - 春季
龍葵 因為獨特的味道而深受歡迎。 覓食 - 春季
Purple Mushroom.png
紫蘑菇 一種在山洞深處的稀有蘑菇。 覓食 - 礦井
海草 它可以被用於烹飪。
Snow Yam.png
雪山藥 這種小山藥隱藏在雪地下。 覓食 - 冬季
Wild Horseradish.png
野山葵 春天生長的一種根莖香料。 覓食 - 春季
Winter Root.png
冬根 一種澱粉塊莖植物。 覓食 - 冬季


圖片 名字 描述 來源 材料
Shane Annoyed.png
醃菜 一罐自製的醃菜。 工匠物品 任何蔬菜
石英 一種常見於洞穴和礦井裡的純淨晶體。 覓食 - 礦井



Two Hearts.png

在晚上8點至午夜12點之間進入 秘密森林

謝恩會在湖邊碼頭上分你一罐啤酒, 向你吐露他的不幸。他對你表示出欣賞態度,認為你擁有大好前程並警告你不要酗酒。

你最後會以 "醉酒狀態" 結束此事件。


Three Hearts.png


Image Recipe Description
Strange Bun.png
奇怪的小麵包 我在一本雜誌上看到了這個食譜,感覺很有意思。如果你做了記得給我嘗嘗哈。呵呵。.
- 謝恩
Pepper Poppers.png


Four Hearts.png


你發現謝恩昏倒在他的房間裡,周圍散落着空啤酒罐,瑪妮向你求助 ,你向謝恩的頭上澆水才終於喚醒了他。 瑪妮很擔心,指出謝恩整天沉溺在酒精里,謝恩轉過身去,完全沒有想說出自己煩惱的意思。他頓了一下,轉過身來說出了「自己不會在這裡待太久」的暗示,即想要自殺。賈斯不小心聽到了這段話,哭着跑開,謝恩發現後 感到十分愧疚。



Item Description
Pizza.png 披薩

Pepper Poppers.png 爆炒青椒




Six Hearts.png

在暴雨或普通雨天的上午9點至晚上8點之間進入 蘋果酒森林



Seven Hearts.png


謝恩從後面出來告訴瑪妮自己現在比以前開心了許多,瑪妮開玩笑道是不是啤酒清倉甩賣了,謝恩有點小生氣,回應道自己已經開始戒酒了,現在在喝蘇打水。接着說他意識到了自己還有人可以依靠,這麼做會讓自己不再脆弱。 然後他走向廚房裡的賈斯,送了她一個禮物。賈斯打開禮物發現是一雙自己心慕已久的昂貴鞋子 。她問謝恩哪裡有錢給她買禮物時,謝恩回答說這都是省下的酒錢。


Seven Hearts.png


你會發現謝恩在拍攝一個影片,主演是艾米麗克林特。謝恩向你解釋說JOJA正在舉辦一個比賽,為最新的JOJA可樂拍攝一個廣告,獲勝者會獲得data-sort-value="10000">Gold.png10,000金. 他會請你擔任群演以便艾米麗和克林特的表演更自然。拍攝結束後,他會感謝你的幫助。

* 在版本 1.1之前這是個6心事件。


Eight Hearts.png

當謝恩在家時(周末)進入 瑪妮的牧場(晴雨皆可)。




Ten Hearts.png

在上午6點至6點半之間離開你的房子觸發該事件,然後在下午4點至6點之間步行到 巴士站

謝恩會邀請你去祖祖城的體育場觀看 一場Zuzu City Tunnelers (a gridball team)比賽。你會看到你和謝恩在一個髒髒的體育館的看台上,然後球隊進球得分,每個人都在歡呼。就在這興奮的時刻,謝恩吻了你一下...隨後他又為自己的衝動而覺得有些尷尬。 稍停一會後,你主動給了他一個完整的吻並緩解了他的不安。




“Our hens have been working overtime to prepare for this festival. They deserve the best tonight... bowls full of sweet yellow corn!”


“Mmm... excellent sauce. *slurp* Ah, this green stuff is spicy! *munch* *crunch* ...ow.”


“Wow... you don't get hot pepper chutney like this in the big city...”


“The jellies were here a year ago, and they'll be back a year from now... Nature is amazing.”


“All these animals are friendly and love to get massaged.”


“Why is there no more pumpkin ale?”


“If it was up to me, I'd probably have a pizza festival at the saloon, instead...”


“I've met some people who believe in spirits, and magic... but me? I've never seen anything that couldn't be explained by science.”


“...!!! I accept!! ... I'll set everything up. We'll have the ceremony in 3 days, okay?”
“Part of me is wondering if this isn't all some elaborate prank. I can't believe you'd actually want to marry someone like me.”


“<player name>... My head's spinning, and I haven't even had a beer yet.”

When in love / Living on the farm

“Hey, <spouse name>. You were sleeping like a baby so I slipped out of bed and went for a morning walk around the farm. Everything looks fine.”
“I may keep to myself a lot, and I may seem unhappy sometimes... but I do appreciate all the work you do. I'm a lucky guy.”
“<spouse name>? I just want to say that I appreciate all the hard work you do for our household.”
“*smooch*... Mmm, it tastes like someone's been nibbling on pizza rolls.”
“Huh... You're wondering why I have this goofy grin on my face? You really have a short memory span, don't you? *blush*”
“Hey, if I ever seem cranky, just ignore it. I get in weird moods sometimes, but it's not about you... okay?”
“Buh... I wish I was six inches taller and a whole lot smarter... You like me for who I am? I still have a hard time understanding that...”
“I'm starting to really feel my age... and I'm not comfortable with that at all.”
“Do me a favor... when I pass away, use my dust to fertilize some corn for the hens.”
“I dunno if my lungs can handle this freshness. I'm still used to JojaAir.”
“I spent the morning repairing a few of the fences. They should be as good as new.”
“I got up early and fed all the farm animals. I hope that makes your job a little easier today. I also filled <pet's name> water bowl.”
“I didn't sleep well last night so I'm hoping this fresh air will help get the juices flowing. What juices, you ask? Heh... you're weird.”
“Why don't you tell me about your day when we're in bed tonight? I'm kind of busy right now...”
“<spouse name>, should I do something useful today?... or just nap forever?”
“There's a wide, wide world out there... but I'd rather stay in my room.”
“Ooohh... my tongue is swollen from eating too many pepper poppers.”
“Buh... sometimes life feels like a slow, gray blur... know what I mean?”
“Hmm, what's on my agenda for today? I think I see some spicy pretzel snacks and a couple of 'cold boys' on the horizon.”
“Sometimes I stop and realize that I'm nothing more than a bag of juicy, squishy flesh. But hey... that's just fine... what's life, anyway?”
“*Sniff*... *sniff*... mmm... what's that wonderful fragrance you're wearing? Eau de pepperoni?”
“The name 'Shane' means 'Gift from Yoba'... What a joke.”
“Ah...life on the farm sure beats working at Joja. That place was disgusting. You thought it was depressing out front? Kid, you should see the backroom...”
“I just got off the phone with Jas and Marnie. They seem to be having a pretty good time without me.”
“I don't really feel like doing work today. Maybe I'll see what's on TV.”
“Beer or cider? Sometimes life can be challenging.”
“Hi, <spouse name>. I'll just hang out in here today and uh... maybe sweep the floor a little bit or something.”
“I hope Jas and Marnie are doing alright without me. I'm not too worried... Jas is old enough now to take care of the animals on her own.”
“Buhh... I don't feel like being productive today.”
“Are we doing okay on money? I don't want to have to go back to working at Joja.”
“I'm in a great mood today... The Tunnelers won big last night.”
“You know what? I think I've lost some weight since moving in with you.”
“Ah... this is the life. No responsibilities, Tunnelers game tonight, fridge stocked with all the goodies a guy could need.”


“Hey. Take this [omelet]... I put a bit too much in the microwave. Sorry if it's squishy.”
“Here... take this [pepper poppers]. I bought some of those a while ago and they're almost expired...”


“I'm just gonna have a couple more beers before closing my eyes for the night.”
“Ughh... *gurgle*... I feel a little bloated... oof... too much Joja all-purpose dipping sauce.”
“How was your day? Mine actually went pretty well.”
“If... If only... ah, I was just thinking back on the glory days, when I played gridball on the varsity team. Now I'm old and weak, though...”
“I spent all day watching TV and now my legs feel like soft dough. Guess I'll have to take it easy until tomorrow.”
“Hmm... seems like a good night to microwave a few pizza rolls. Some people like to cook them in the oven, but it just takes too long for me. Plus I like that squishy texture.”
“Working at Joja was a drag, but at least I got to interact with people occasionally.”


“I guess... if I had some pants I might've gone outside today... but, nah.”
“Tip-tappa-tip-tappa-tip... I'm starting to feel thirsty.”
“The tip-tappa-tip of the rain takes me to a different time... a different place.”


“Honey... I wanted to give you that fruit as a symbol of my love.”


“Charlie's doing well.”


“I'm going out today, alright?”


“If I don't order a cold one now and then, Gus will go out of business. I'm just doing my civic duty. I'll head home around 10.”

結婚後,禮拜一在森林裡看見賈斯 期間/之後

“I'm attached to these woods... lots of memories...”
“Sorry if I'm sweaty... That was quite a walk... Buh, I'm out of shape.”


“Hmm... I have to say, JojaMart has a much better selection of frozen dinners.”


“Don't worry, this is only Joja Cola.”


“Sweetheart, can't you tell? You're pregnant.”


“Let's make sure to give <baby name> lots of eggs... Baby's gotta grow those legs!”
“Papa Shane reporting for duty... Buh... I've become corny in my old age.”


“I just don't feel like getting up today.”
“Are you still happy with me?”
“Nnnghh...what is it? Make your own breakfast.”
“Look, I just want to be alone. Why don't you go outside and do your own thing for a while?”
“Nghh... what is it? I'm trying to sleep.”
“I wonder if I could've done better.”
“*sigh*... I just want to stay in bed.”
“*grumble*... chores...”
“I don't really feel like doing anything today.”
“What... you want me to clean? Make you a sandwich? *sigh*...”
“What, you want me to clean the dishes? I'll do it... eventually...”
“Ugh... clean, clean, clean. Sweep, sweep, sweep. Bathe. Cook. Make the bed... Oh, well. Life's alright.”



“The egg festival is probably my favorite... you know how I am, I go crazy for anything to do with chickens.”


“I might fast until the luau tomorrow. I need the ol' bag to be empty so I can fill it with piping hot soup.”


“I'll be helping Marnie with the animals at tomorrow's fair, like usual. You should just kick back and have some fun.”


“Should we go to the Spirit's Eve festival tomorrow night?”


“Ooo... my throbbing head. How many did I have last night?”
“Now that winter's over, we've got lots of productive weather to look forward to.”
“Maybe I'll learn a new skill this year...”


“I like seeing all the tropical plants this time of year. The valley gets so lush.”
“It's summer... that means the house is full of flies. Don't worry, I'll take care of them.”
“What are your plans for the fall? I'm going to try and incorporate more wine into my diet.”


“Hmm... I might have to buy a few cases of pumpkin ale to celebrate the season...”
“Winter's just around the corner. We need to double check the heating system, turn off the valves, and check all the insulation in the house. Don't worry, I'll take care of it all.”

冬天 第一天/最後一天

“Any big plans this winter? I'll probably end up watching a lot of TV and just hanging out around the house.”
“Well, another year gone by... I look a little older, but that's about all.”



Shane's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Shane's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Shane Timeline.png


  • 1.0:Introduced.
  • 1.1:Added ability to marry, updated heart events, dialogue and schedule. Added a private room for him at Marnie's Ranch.
