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<ref name="destroy">See game code in <samp>Beach::DayUpdate</samp>. Note that all extra items are created using <samp>GameLocation::dropObject</samp>, which gives them the <samp>isSpawnedObject</samp> flag, causing them to automatically be destroyed at the end of a week/season.</ref>
<ref name="destroy">See game code in <samp>Beach::DayUpdate</samp>. Note that all extra items are created using <samp>GameLocation::dropObject</samp>, which gives them the <samp>isSpawnedObject</samp> flag, causing them to automatically be destroyed at the end of a week/season.</ref>
<ref name="foraging_xp">Experience is rewarded by <samp>GameLocation::checkAction</samp>, based in part on whether an item <samp>Object.isForage</samp>.  Although shells and fish would not normally qualify as forage items, <samp>Object.isForage</samp> explicitly allows all items found on the beach to be considered forage.</ref>
<ref name="foraging_xp">Experience is rewarded by <samp>GameLocation::checkAction</samp>, based in part on whether an item <samp>Object.isForage</samp>.  Although shells and fish would not normally qualify as forage items, <samp>Object.isForage</samp> explicitly allows all items found on the beach to be considered forage.</ref>
<ref name="standard_forage">Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 647 (12%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items.  133 of these locations are east of the broken bridge. For more information on forage item spawning, see [[Foraging#Spawning|Foraging]].</ref>
<ref name="standard_forage"> 沙滩上的5200个地块中,647(12%)个地块是可产生标准的觅食物品的。其中的133个地块属于破损的桥的东边区域。详情见[[觅食#生成限制]]Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 647 (12%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items.  133 of these locations are east of the broken bridge. For more information on forage item spawning, see [[Foraging#Spawning|Foraging]].</ref>
<ref name="tidepool">The game code spawning tide pool items is in <samp>Beach::DayUpdate</samp>. Coral and Sea Urchins are created within a loop that starts with a base 100% chance, then repeats indefinitely, multiplying the chance by 0.5 each time, until one of the tests fail.  The actual spawn rate is reduced slightly by valid locations: the code randomly selects any of 300 tiles, but only 212 of the tiles are valid spawning tiles.  Seaweed is created within a second loop, where the chance of the first seaweed is 0.025 (0.25*0.1), but multiple loops are also possible.  Location selection does not alter the spawning chance, because all 17 possible seaweed tiles are valid spawning tiles.</ref>
<ref name="tidepool">The game code spawning tide pool items is in <samp>Beach::DayUpdate</samp>. Coral and Sea Urchins are created within a loop that starts with a base 100% chance, then repeats indefinitely, multiplying the chance by 0.5 each time, until one of the tests fail.  The actual spawn rate is reduced slightly by valid locations: the code randomly selects any of 300 tiles, but only 212 of the tiles are valid spawning tiles.  Seaweed is created within a second loop, where the chance of the first seaweed is 0.025 (0.25*0.1), but multiple loops are also possible.  Location selection does not alter the spawning chance, because all 17 possible seaweed tiles are valid spawning tiles.</ref>
<ref name="summer_bonus_std">在夏季 12-14 期间, <samp>GameLocation::spawnObjects</samp> 被调用六次而不是一次: <samp>Beach::DayUpdate</samp> 在 <samp>GameLocation::DayUpdate</samp> 的标准调用之上调用它五次。但是,对 <samp>spawnObjects</samp> 的额外调用在很大程度上是无效的,因为每次都测试相同的位置——随机数种子(基于游戏 ID 和玩过的天数)总是相同的。</ref >
<ref name="summer_bonus_std">在夏季 12-14 期间, <samp>GameLocation::spawnObjects</samp> 被调用六次而不是一次: <samp>Beach::DayUpdate</samp> 在 <samp>GameLocation::DayUpdate</samp> 的标准调用之上调用它五次。但是,对 <samp>spawnObjects</samp> 的额外调用在很大程度上是无效的,因为每次都测试相同的位置——随机数种子(基于游戏 ID 和玩过的天数)总是相同的。</ref >
<ref name="summer_bonus_tide">在夏季 12-14 期间,额外的珊瑚和海胆在 2600 个可以随机选择的有效生成图块中拥有 1239 个有效生成图块。</ref>
<ref name="summer_bonus_tide">在夏季 12-14 期间,额外的珊瑚和海胆在 2600 个可以随机选择的有效生成图块中拥有 1239 个有效生成图块。</ref>
<ref name="green_ocean"><samp>Beach::resetSharedState</samp> 会改变水体颜色, 添加了绿色水域,仅在夏季12-14日.</ref>
<ref name="green_ocean"><samp>Beach::resetSharedState</samp> 会改变水体颜色, 添加了绿色水域,仅在夏季12-14日.</ref>
<ref name="artifact_spots">Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 777 are valid spawn locations for artifact spots year-round. See [[Artifact Spot]] for more information.</ref>
<ref name="artifact_spots"> 沙滩上的5200个地块中,有777个地块是整年都可产生[[ 远古斑点]] 的。详情见[[远古斑点]]。</ref>
<ref name="artifact_extra">The chance of finding extra items in Artifact Spots in season-dependent: the chance is 50% smaller in winter. See [[Artifact Spot]] for more information.</ref>
<ref name="artifact_extra"> 在远古斑点中找到额外物品的几率收到季节影响:冬天会减少50% ;详情见[[ 远古斑点]]</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">在海滩上形成气泡的原始几率与所有其他地图上的相同,请参见 <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>,特别是关于 <samp>fishSplashPoint</samp>.  但是,代码会随机选择地图上的任何图块,并且仅当该图块恰好是“可钓鱼”图块时才会创建气泡。 海滩有 5200 个 (44%) 可钓鱼图块中的 2307 个,比其他地图的比例要高得多。</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">在海滩上形成气泡的原始几率与所有其他地图上的相同,请参见 <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>,特别是关于 <samp>fishSplashPoint</samp>.  但是,代码会随机选择地图上的任何图块,并且仅当该图块恰好是“可钓鱼”图块时才会创建气泡。 海滩有 5200 个 (44%) 可钓鱼图块中的 2307 个,比其他地图的比例要高得多。</ref>
<ref name="panning">The code in <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp> that spawns <samp>orePanPoints</samp> is skipped on the Beach, but the test does not recognize the <samp>BeachNightMarket</samp> map.</ref>
<ref name="panning">The code in <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp> that spawns <samp>orePanPoints</samp> is skipped on the Beach, but the test does not recognize the <samp>BeachNightMarket</samp> map.</ref>

於 2022年4月6日 (三) 04:01 的修訂

沙灘 位於鵜鶘鎮的南部,是個釣魚的好去處,也是鹹水的唯一來源。此外,海灘會出現許多貝類和可覓食物品(尤其是夏季的12~14號)。









魚店位於主要碼頭,由威利‏‎經營, 銷售各種釣魚用品。



下雨或在暴風雨的天氣中,可以在潮汐池的北邊緣找到 老水手。他出售結婚所需的美人魚吊墜。








海灘上可覓食物品出現位置的 導航地圖


  • Clam.png (56% 春/秋、43% 夏、24% 冬)
  • Mussel.png (19% 春/秋、14% 夏、12% 冬)
  • Oyster.png 牡蠣 (19% 春/秋、14% 夏、2% 冬)
  • Cockle.png 鳥蛤 (6% 春/秋、 5% 夏、3% 冬)
  • 夏季限定: Rainbow Shell.png 彩虹貝殼 (24%)
  • 冬季限定:Nautilus Shell.png 鸚鵡螺 (48%)

這些物品可能的生成位置已在右邊的地圖用紅色塊標出。生成位置包括了斷橋西邊絕大部分乾燥的沙地,以及斷橋東邊大部分乾燥的沙地。因為80%的生成位置都在斷橋的西邊,所以比起東邊,物品有四倍的機率在西邊生成。大量集中在斷橋西邊沙灘上的生成位置導致平均每晚生成1.1個物品的高刷新率。[3] 然而,最多只能一次性生成六個物品:這個數量限制包括了斷橋兩邊的沙地,但這個數量限制僅對此處羅列的標準可覓食物品(珊瑚海膽海草不受限)。



幾種特殊物品會只在斷橋東邊的潮汐池內(以普通機率生成)生成。這些物品和海灘生成標準可覓食物品(詳見上文 ↑)互相獨立生成,所以它們不會被計入六個物品的生成上限限制。

Coral.png 珊瑚Sea Urchin.png 海膽 可以在整個潮汐池區域內生成(導航地圖的藍色部分)。生成數量不受限制。整個潮汐池生成珊瑚和海膽的平均速度是每晚1,2個;[5]和其他標準可覓食物品不同,這個速度不會在星期日的早上或在每個季節的第五天增加。20%的潮汐池生成物是海膽,剩下80%將是珊瑚。一些珊瑚和海膽的生成可能會被忽略,因為它們可能存在於潮汐池邊的灌木狀海葵後面的半遮住的方格中。

Seaweed.png 海草會生成在潮汐池附近的一條細長的長條狀沙灘上(導航地圖的綠色部分),生成概率是每晚3%。
















Spring.png 春季 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
Sardine.png 沙丁魚
Flounder.png 比目魚
Anchovy.png 鯷魚
Herring.png 鯡魚
Seaweed.png 海草
Halibut.png 大比目魚
Eel.png 鰻魚 僅限雨天
Summer.png 夏季 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
Octopus.png 章魚
Tilapia.png 羅非魚
Red Mullet.png 紅鯔魚
Red Snapper.png 紅鯛魚 僅限雨天
Tuna.png 金槍魚
Flounder.png 比目魚
Seaweed.png 海草
Halibut.png 大比目魚
Pufferfish.png 河豚 僅限晴天
Super Cucumber.png 大海參
Fall.png 秋季 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
Tilapia.png 羅非魚
Red Snapper.png 紅鯛魚 僅限雨天
Sardine.png 沙丁魚
Sea Cucumber.png 海參
Anchovy.png 鯷魚
Seaweed.png 海草
Albacore.png 青花魚
Eel.png 鰻魚 僅限雨天
Super Cucumber.png 大海參
Winter.png 冬季 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
Red Mullet.png 紅鯔魚
Sardine.png 沙丁魚
Sea Cucumber.png 海參
Tuna.png 金槍魚
Herring.png 鯡魚
Red Snapper.png 紅鯛魚 僅限雨天
Seaweed.png 海草
Albacore.png 青花魚
Halibut.png 大比目魚
Squid.png 魷魚



  • 在海灘的西北側,有兩棵樹之間有一個可疑的缺口。然而那裡的路徑被一堆木板阻擋了。
  • 雖然海水在邏輯上是鹹水,對植物有危害,但是玩家可以像往常一樣在海灘上將水壺裝滿水,再用這個水壺給農作物正常澆水。


Robin building.png
— 羅賓


本文或部分尚未完全翻譯成中文。 歡迎您通過編輯幫助其建設。
最後編輯EliGre於2022-04-06 04:01:02.

  1. Experience is rewarded by GameLocation::checkAction, based in part on whether an item Object.isForage. Although shells and fish would not normally qualify as forage items, Object.isForage explicitly allows all items found on the beach to be considered forage.
  2. 對於每個草料物品,提供的百分比是所有標準草料物品的平均百分比,這些物品將成為該季節的指定物品。數據來源是 Locations.xnb, 由下面這個代碼提供 GameLocation::spawnObjects.
  3. 沙灘上的5200個地塊中,647(12%)個地塊是可產生標準的覓食物品的。其中的133個地塊屬於破損的橋的東邊區域。詳情見覓食#生成限制Of the 5200 total tiles at the beach, 647 (12%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items. 133 of these locations are east of the broken bridge. For more information on forage item spawning, see Foraging.
  4. See game code in Beach::DayUpdate. Note that all extra items are created using GameLocation::dropObject, which gives them the isSpawnedObject flag, causing them to automatically be destroyed at the end of a week/season.
  5. The game code spawning tide pool items is in Beach::DayUpdate. Coral and Sea Urchins are created within a loop that starts with a base 100% chance, then repeats indefinitely, multiplying the chance by 0.5 each time, until one of the tests fail. The actual spawn rate is reduced slightly by valid locations: the code randomly selects any of 300 tiles, but only 212 of the tiles are valid spawning tiles. Seaweed is created within a second loop, where the chance of the first seaweed is 0.025 (0.25*0.1), but multiple loops are also possible. Location selection does not alter the spawning chance, because all 17 possible seaweed tiles are valid spawning tiles.
  6. 在夏季 12-14 期間, GameLocation::spawnObjects 被調用六次而不是一次: Beach::DayUpdateGameLocation::DayUpdate 的標準調用之上調用它五次。但是,對 spawnObjects 的額外調用在很大程度上是無效的,因為每次都測試相同的位置——隨機數種子(基於遊戲 ID 和玩過的天數)總是相同的。
  7. 在夏季 12-14 期間,額外的珊瑚和海膽在 2600 個可以隨機選擇的有效生成圖塊中擁有 1239 個有效生成圖塊。
  8. Beach::resetSharedState 會改變水體顏色, 添加了綠色水域,僅在夏季12-14日.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 在遠古斑點中找到額外物品的機率收到季節影響:冬天會減少50%;詳情見遠古斑點
  10. 沙灘上的5200個地塊中,有777個地塊是整年都可產生遠古斑點的。詳情見遠古斑點
  11. 在海灘上形成氣泡的原始機率與所有其他地圖上的相同,請參見 GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate,特別是關於 fishSplashPoint. 但是,代碼會隨機選擇地圖上的任何圖塊,並且僅當該圖塊恰好是「可釣魚」圖塊時才會創建氣泡。 海灘有 5200 個 (44%) 可釣魚圖塊中的 2307 個,比其他地圖的比例要高得多。
  12. The code in GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate that spawns orePanPoints is skipped on the Beach, but the test does not recognize the BeachNightMarket map.


  • 1.4:添加了可覓食的海草的自動生成點。夜市期間不能再在海灘上放東西。