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於 2021年1月1日 (五) 04:53 的修訂

Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯BolingH於2021-01-01 04:53:07.


鐵路 位於深山的北面. 第一年夏季第三天的一次地震將會清理掉擋住前往鐵路的路的障礙物,之後即能前往。


隨機一天的早上9:00到下午6:00, 一列火車將經過這裡。如果玩家在戶外, 一條消息將會伴隨火車的汽笛聲彈出 "一列火車正在通過星露谷"。

在這列火車經過時, 車上的的 石頭, 煤炭, 鐵礦石, 木材晶球 可能會掉落並被玩家獲得,這要求玩家需要在火車通過時在場。如果玩家站在火車前面,當玩家靠近或攻擊火車的時候,會受到輕微傷害並被撞到。即使遊戲暫停,火車也會通過並掉落物品。

在冬天, 火車車廂將裝滿禮物,不會掉落任何物品。如果火車在冬季的第25天到來, 玩家將能夠像以往一樣能夠收集從火車上掉下來的物品了。


有很多不同種類的火車將會經過。最常見的是運送各種資源的火車,像木頭,石頭或煤. 它也有可能是一輛客運列車,或者在兩側有塗鴉的列車。 其他的一些類型,包括...

  • 一輛灰黑色的列車,其側面有Joja的Logo
  • 由很多節運客車廂組成的客運列車
  • 一輛正常的資源列車,其速度是其他列車的兩倍
  • 一輛比其他列車快兩倍的藍色列車,並且安裝有鐵條窗
  • 一輛運有有禮物的汽車的紅色火車,但只在冬天出現











The Summit can be accessed by a staircase in the north-west area of the railroad. Initially, the stairs are blocked by a boulder that the player can not move. The player can access the summit once they fully complete Mr. Qi's Golden Walnut room on Ginger Island.


Locations at the Railroad where forageable items can spawn.

Forageable items found on the ground in the Railroad are:[1]

There are only 31 locations where forageable items can spawn, and initially they are mostly covered by weeds, sticks, and rocks. Once the debris is cleared, items can spawn at an average rate of 0.1 per night.[2] The map shows the possible locations as red and magenta tiles; when the original trees are present, the magenta tiles have a 90% smaller chance of spawning items because they are identified as being behind the original trees.

Artifact Spots

The only Artifact that can be found by digging up Artifact Spots at the Railroad is:

Other possible items are:

Artifact spots spawn at an average rate of 0.25 per night, except in winter when the average rate increases to 0.4 per night.[4]

Villager Paths

Most of the railroad map is safe from villagers destroying items placed on the map. However, four villagers do enter the area:

  • Abigail stands in front of the train platform most days in Summer (not on Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday).
  • Alex visits the Spa most days in Winter.
  • Linus stands next to the Spa all non-rainy days in Fall; he enters the Spa every day in Winter.
  • Sebastian walks the length of the train tracks on Thursdays.



  1. For each forage item, the provided percentage is the average percentage of all forage items that will be the specified item for that season. The input data is Locations.xnb, which is processed by code in GameLocation::spawnObjects.
  2. Of the 4340 total tiles at the Railroad, 39 (0.7%) are valid spawn locations for standard forage items. For more information on forage item spawning, see Foraging.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The chance of finding extra items in Artifact Spots in season-dependent. The maximum chance is in summer and fall. In winter, the chance is 50% less; in spring it is 6% less. See Artifact Spot for more information.
  4. Of the 4340 total tiles at the Railroad, 445 (10%) are valid spawn locations for artifact spots in spring, summer, and fall. 570 (13%) are valid spawn locations in winter. See Artifact Spot for more information.
