
865927499讨论 | 贡献2017年5月21日 (日) 06:54的版本
Robin building.png
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最后编辑865927499于2017-05-21 06:54:01.


巴士站是这个游戏的出生点。 你到达之后巴士将坏掉,直到你在社区中心完成了金库收集包,祝尼魔将修复它或者在Joja社区花40000金币购买‘车站修复’这一项。

Pam becomes the Bus Driver once the bus is repaired. She arrives at the Bus Stop at 10:00am and will leave at 5:00pm every day, and tickets are only available for purchase during this time. Bus tickets can be purchased for 500g (and return) at the machine to the left of the bus during the hours that Pam is present. The bus stop is closed on the 25th of Spring, because Pam is sitting in her trailer. The fastest way to the Bus Stop is to take the Minecarts or just walk to the Bus Stop from your farm.

Purchasing a ticket at the kiosk triggers the bus to take The Player to Calico Desert.

If you leave your horse by the bus stop, when you return from the desert a message will appear in the bottom right corner saying "Your loyal horse waits patiently for your return." or "(Name of Horse) is wondering where you have been."

Deleted Scene



The bus ticket shown below is unimplemented in the game as of PC v1.2. It was intended to appear in the Player's wallet.