
Margotbean讨论 | 贡献2021年1月4日 (一) 22:57的版本 (ZH image)
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以下内容可能涉及到星露谷物语 1.6 版本的更新。如果想避免剧透,请谨慎阅读。

The Forge Interface

The Forge in the volcano caldera on 姜岛 lets you upgrade weapons, enchant weapons and tools, combine rings, and change weapon appearances.




名称 效果
紫水晶 获得更高的击退(每级+1)。
海蓝宝石 获得更高的暴击率(每级+4.6%)。
绿宝石 获得更高的攻速(每级+5)。
翡翠 获得更高的暴击伤害(每级+10%)。
红宝石 获得更高的伤害(使最小和最大伤害每级+10%)。
黄水晶 获得更高的防御(每级+1)。




Although enchantment is randomized, each weapon and tool have their own seeded enchantment "progression". Re-rolling the enchantment on the same weapon by restarting the day will result in the same order of enchantments with every attempt. However, this is unique to the individual weapon (i.e., 2 swords of the same type will have their own unique order of enchantments that will not change from restarting the day, or from moving on to the next day.)



名称 效果
巧妙 武器特殊动作的冷却时间降低50%
虫子杀手 对虫子的伤害翻倍,且可以杀死装甲虫
十字军 对不死族、暗影族伤害增加50%,木乃伊可直接杀死。
吸血鬼 当攻击时,有几率恢复血量。
干草 破坏杂草时,50%概率获得纤维,33%概率获得干草(农场直接加入干草堆,在外进入背包)。


名称 斧子 渔竿 锄头 镐子 水壶 效果
自动上钩 当钓到鱼后自动进入钓鱼小游戏。
考古学家 远古斑点出现古物概率加倍。
无底洞 无限容量。
省力 使用工具时不消耗体力
丰富 50%概率远古斑点产物加倍。
精通 手持时,使你的钓鱼等级+1
强力 Extra power level.
耐用 50%概率鱼饵和渔具不消耗。
范围 最大蓄力范围变成5×5。
木屑 有几率从树木、树桩和巨大作物获取额外的木材、硬木或农作物
迅捷 提升工具挥舞或使用的速度

Infinity Weapons

You can forge a Galaxy Soul into a galaxy weapon at the cost of 20 cinder shards. Doing this 3 times (at a total cost of 3 Galaxy Souls and 60 cinder shards) will turn the weapon into a more powerful "Infinity" weapon. Less or more Galaxy Souls do nothing. This works for the Galaxy Sword (Infinity Blade), Galaxy Hammer (Infinity Gavel), and Galaxy Dagger (Infinity Dagger).

Weapon Appearance

You can merge two weapons through the forge. The resulting weapon will have all the stats and info of the first weapon, but the appearance of the second weapon. You can only merge weapons of the same type (e.g. you can't merge a hammer with a sword), and can't merge slingshots.

This costs 10 cinder shards, and consumes the second weapon.

Combined Rings

You can combine two different rings into one with stacked effects. This costs 20 cinder shards.

This has two restrictions:

  • You can't combine two of the same ring into one. (You can combine two different rings with the same effect though, like Glow Ring and Glowstone Ring. Their effects will stack in the same way as wearing both rings separately.)
  • You can't combine three or more rings into one (i.e. a combined ring can't be further combined).


For a weapon, unforging removes all forge upgrades (but not enchantments) and resets its appearance. This is free, but only recovers some of the Cinder Shards used to forge it.

For a combined ring, unforge splits it back into the original rings.

To begin the unforging process, place the item that you want to unforge into the left square slot. Then click the red ⨯ symbol near the bottom right corner. The unforged item(s) will appear in your inventory.


The Forge is the only level of the Volcano Dungeon where fishing can occur. It is one of two locations in the game where players can catch Lava Eels.

Crab pots cannot be placed in the forge.


  • 1.5:Introduced.