
Margotbean讨论 | 贡献2019年8月7日 (三) 03:09的版本 (fix scheduleheader)

生日 Spring.png 春季 4
居住于 鹈鹕镇
详细地址 1柳巷

Jodi Icon.png 乔迪(妻子)

Vincent Icon.png 文森特(儿子)

Sam Icon.png 山姆(儿子)

最爱的礼物 Fiddlehead Risotto.png 意式蕨菜炖饭Roasted Hazelnuts.png 烤榛子
Robin building.png
— 罗宾


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最后编辑Margotbean于2019-08-07 03:09:42.

— 肯特

肯特是一位住在鹈鹕镇村民。 第一年他在军队,第二年才会出现。His presence is hinted at by examining the drawer in 乔迪's bedroom and by Vincent saying "Daddy comes home soon[...]".




时间 地点
9:00 AM 离家并站在家附近的树下
11:00 AM Heads inside house.


时间 地点
9:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree near his house.
11:00 AM 回家
2:30 PM Leaves house and stands under tree north of house.


时间 地点
9:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree near his house.
11:00 PM Heads inside house.


时间 地点
9:00 AM In his living room.
2:00 PM Leaves his house.
5:20 PM Inside house.
9:00 PM Stands by the fence in front of his house.
11:00 PM Heads inside house.


时间 地点
9:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree north of his house.
11:00 AM Heads inside house.
2:10 PM Leaves house and stands under tree north of his house.
5:00 PM Goes to The Stardrop Saloon.


时间 地点
11:00 AM Heads inside house.
12:00AM Heads home from The Saloon


时间 地点
10:00 AM In his house (kitchen)


时间 地点
7:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree on the east, near the bridge.
11:00 AM Goes home.
2:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree on the north of the house.
5:00 PM Goes home.
9:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree in front of the house.
11:00 PM Goes home.


时间 地点
7:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree on the east, near the bridge.
11:00 AM Goes home.
2:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree on the north of the house.
5:00 PM Goes home.
9:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree in front of the house.
11:00 PM Goes home.


时间 地点
7:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree on the east, near the bridge.
11:00 AM Goes home.
2:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree on the north of the house.
5:00 PM Goes home.
9:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree in front of the house.
11:00 PM Goes home.


时间 地点
7:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree on the east, near the bridge.
11:00 AM Goes home.
2:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree on the north of the house.
5:00 PM Goes home.
9:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree in front of the house.
11:00 PM Goes home.


时间 地点
7:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree on the east, near the bridge.
11:00 AM Goes home.
2:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree on the north of the house.
5:00 PM Goes home.
9:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree in front of the house.
11:00 PM Goes home.


时间 地点
7:00 AM Leaves house and stands under tree on the east, near the bridge.
11:00 AM Goes home.
2:00 PM Leaves home and stands under the tree on the north of the house.
5:00 PM Goes inside Stardrop Saloon
11:50 PM Leaves Stardrop Saloon and goes home.


时间 地点
10:00 AM Leaves house and goes into Pierre's General Store.
12:00 AM Pray near altar of Yoba.
2:00 PM Stop praying and goes to the main department of Pierre's General Store.
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and goes home.
9:00 PM Leaves house and stands under tree near his house.
11:00 PM Goes home.


时间 地点
4:20 PM Under the tree above his house.


时间 地点
11:00 AM Arrive home


时间 地点
11:30 AM Enters Home to stand in living room.
3:00 PM Under the tree above his house


时间 地点
1:20 PM Inside of living room.
2:30 PM Under the tree above his house


时间 地点
9:00 AM At home
10:00 AM Leaves home, walks to Pierre's General Store
11:00 AM Arrives at Pierre's, walks into the Chapel in the back.
2:00 PM Leaves Chapel, goes back into the Store
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store, walks home
5:00 PM At home


时间 地点
12:20 PM In living room
2:00 PM Leaves home and walks to backyard with Vincent


时间 地点
5:20 PM Returns home.


时间 地点
12:20 PM In living room.
9:00 PM Exits house to stand under tree in front of 1 Willow Lane.
11:00 PM Goes back inside house.


时间 地点
7:00 AM Exits house to stand under tree in front of 1 Willow Lane (Near the bridge).


时间 地点
4:00 PM Standing under tree near his house.
5:00 PM Leaves tree and heads inside house.


时间 地点
1:00 PM Prays at Yoba's Shrine in Pierre's General Store.
2:00 PM Leaves Shrine and moves to the counter in Pierre's General Store.
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's General Store and goes home.
5:00 PM At Home.
9:00 PM Leaves his house and stands under tree near his house.





如果他在生日当天(  春季 4日)收到礼物,好感度的变动是平常的8倍,并且根据肯特的喜好触发以下任意一条对话。







图片 名称 描述 来源 材料
意式蕨菜炖饭 香软的米饭拌上清炒的蕨菜芽。汤有点淡。 烹饪   (1)  蕨菜(1)  (1)
烤榛子 烤制工序使香味格外浓郁。 烹饪   榛子(3)


图片 名称 描述 来源
黄水仙 一种传统的春天花朵,适合送礼。 觅食 - 春季


图片 名称 描述 来源
鸡油菌 一种美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 觅食 - 秋季
普通蘑菇 稍微坚硬,肉质滑。 觅食 - 秋季
蒲公英 虽然不算漂亮,但是叶子适合做沙拉。 觅食 - 春季
榛子 真是巨大的一颗榛子! 觅食 - 秋季
野梅 酸甜多汁,香味浓烈。 觅食 - 秋季
韭葱 洋葱的美味近亲。 觅食 - 春季
龙葵 觅食 - 秋季
紫蘑菇 一种在山洞深处的稀有蘑菇。 觅食 - 矿井
野山葵 春天生长的一种根茎香料。 觅食 - 春季
冬根 一种淀粉块茎植物。 觅食 - 冬季


图片 名称 描述 来源
石英 一种常见于洞穴和矿井里的纯净晶体。 采矿
雪山药 这种小山药隐藏在雪地下。 觅食 - 冬季


图片 名称 描述 来源 材料
海藻汤 有些粘稠。 烹饪   绿藻(4)
冬青树 它的叶子和鲜红的浆果让它成为了极受欢迎的冬天饰品。 觅食 - 冬季
生鱼片 切成薄片的生鱼。 烹饪   (1)
墨西哥薄饼 可以用来盛食物,也可以直接吃。 烹饪   玉米(1)

Heart Events

Three Hearts I


Enter Kent's home while he and 乔迪 are both there.

When the player enters Jodi and Kent's house, a cut scene begins and player walks into the kitchen and Jodi says, "Hi, Player! I'm just making some popcorn." Kent screams and runs into the kitchen exclaiming "That sound... You should've known that sound would remind me of the war!" Jodi stops the popcorn, and Kent goes on to lament the loss of his friends. Jodi says, "But, dear... popcorn was always your favorite before you left." Kent responds with, "...Things have changed." Jodi then quietly asks the player's character if they can say something to Kent. There are three choices:
  • I know you're hurting... but don't blame your wife. (+50好感度 Kent says the player is "absolutely right," and apologizes to Jodi.
  • Jodi's to blame... she should've known better (-25好感度 Kent gets angry and says, "You keep quiet! Stop trying to turn me against my wife." Then apologizes to Jodi.
  • (Lie) Blame me... I asked for popcorn. (-50好感度 Kent gets angry and says, "Don't lie to me! I hate lies more than anything!" Then apologizes to Jodi.

Three Hearts II


After reaching three hearts with Kent, he will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Crispy Bass Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.

Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.


Four Hearts



Item Description
  樱桃炸弹  炸弹  超级炸弹  电池组 这东西一直在工具房闲置着. 我想你或许要用.


Seven Hearts


After reaching seven hearts with Kent, he will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Super Meal Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.

Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.



  • 经过战争的肯特患有PTSD。这从他在三心事件中对爆米花声音的反应和他在花舞节中对开阔场地表现的不适可以看出。
  • 在一个可以在周五被触发的对话中,山姆透露在他们以前住在祖祖城时,肯特是个清洁工。
  • 在一个可以在夏季周一被触发的对话中,山姆说在他小时候肯特会带他去沙漠玩。
