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— 羅賓


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果樹數據存儲在Content\Data\FruitTrees.xnb中, 編輯文件時需進行解包。


  "628": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Cherry_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)638",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 0,
    "CustomFields": null
  "629": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Apricot_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)634",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 1,
    "CustomFields": null
  "630": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Orange_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)635",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 2,
    "CustomFields": null
  "631": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Peach_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)636",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 3,
    "CustomFields": null
  "632": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Pomegranate_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)637",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 4,
    "CustomFields": null
  "633": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Apple_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)613",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 5,
    "CustomFields": null
  "69": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Banana_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)91",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 7,
    "CustomFields": null
  "835": {
    "PlantableLocationRules": null,
    "DisplayName": "[LocalizedText Strings\\Objects:Mango_Name]",
    "Seasons": [
    "Fruit": [
        "Season": null,
        "Chance": 1.0,
        "Condition": null,
        "Id": "Default",
        "ItemId": "(O)834",
        "RandomItemId": null,
        "MaxItems": null,
        "MinStack": -1,
        "MaxStack": -1,
        "Quality": -1,
        "ObjectInternalName": null,
        "ObjectDisplayName": null,
        "ToolUpgradeLevel": -1,
        "IsRecipe": false,
        "StackModifiers": null,
        "StackModifierMode": "Stack",
        "QualityModifiers": null,
        "QualityModifierMode": "Stack",
        "ModData": null,
        "PerItemCondition": null
    "Texture": "TileSheets\\fruitTrees",
    "TextureSpriteRow": 8,
    "CustomFields": null


Data/FruitTrees 由以下字符串組成:

字段 說明
DisplayName 是一個可標記字符串用於放置樹種類的名稱,其返回值不帶「tree」(例如 Cherry 表示為櫻桃樹)。
Seasons 果樹結果的季節,該數據類型由season names列組成( spring, summer, fall, or winter)。
Fruit 當果樹處於當季時,水果項(fruit items)將每天添加到對應的果樹上。

This consists of a list of models with these fields:

field effect
common fields See item spawn fields for the generic item fields supported for fruit items.


  • If set to an item query which returns multiple items, one of them will be selected at random.
  • Season conditions are ignored in non-seasonal locations like the greenhouse and Ginger Island.
Season (Optional) If set, the group only applies if the tree's location is in this season. This is ignored in non-seasonal locations like the greenhouse and Ginger Island.
Chance (Optional) The probability that this entry is selected, as a value between 0 (never drops) and 1 (always drops). Default 1 (100% chance).
Texture The asset name for the texture under the game's Content folder. Use \ (or \\ in JSON) to separate name segments if needed. For example, vanilla fruit trees use TileSheets\fruitTrees.
TextureSpriteRow The tree's row index in the Texture spritesheet (e.g. 0 for the first tree, 1 for the second tree, etc).
PlantableLocationRules (Optional) The rules to decide which locations you can plant the sapling in, if applicable. The first matching rule is used. This can override location checks (e.g. crops being limited to the farm), but not built-in requirements like crops needing dirt.

This consists of a list of models with these fields:

field effect
Id The unique string ID for this entry within the list.
Result Indicates whether the sapling can be planted in a location if this entry is selected. The possible values are:
  • Default: the sapling can be planted if the location normally allows it. This can be used to stop processing further rules, and/or set a custom DeniedMessage.
  • Allow: the sapling can be planted here, regardless of whether the location normally allows it.
  • Deny: the sapling can't be planted here, regardless of whether the location normally allows it.
Condition (Optional) A game state query which indicates whether this entry applies. Default true.
PlantedIn (Optional) The planting context to apply this rule for. The possible values are Ground (planted directly in the ground), GardenPot (planted in a garden pot), or Any. Default Any.

Note that saplings can't be planted in garden pots.

DeniedMessage (Optional) If this rule prevents planting the sapling, the tokenizable string to show to the player (or null to default to the normal behavior for the context). This also applies when the Result is Default, if that causes the planting to be denied.
CustomFields The custom fields for this entry.

For example, this content pack adds a custom fruit tree, including custom items for the sapling and fruit:

    "Format": "2.3.0",
    "Changes": [
        // add fruit + sapling items
        // note: sapling must have an edibility under 0 (usually -300) to be plantable
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/Objects",
            "Entries": {
                "{{ModId}}_Pufferfruit": {
                    "Name": "{{ModId}}_Pufferfruit", // best practice to match the ID, since it's sometimes used as an alternate ID
                    "DisplayName": "Pufferfruit",
                    "Description": "An example fruit item.",
                    "Type": "Basic",
                    "Category": -6,
                    "Price": 1200,

                    "Texture": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
                    "SpriteIndex": 0
                "{{ModId}}_Puffersapling": {
                    "Name": "{{ModId}}_Puffersapling",
                    "DisplayName": "Puffersapling",
                    "Description": "An example tree sapling.",
                    "Type": "Basic",
                    "Category": -74,
                    "Price": 1200,

                    "Texture": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
                    "SpriteIndex": 1

        // add fruit tree
            "Action": "EditData",
            "Target": "Data/FruitTrees",
            "Entries": {
                "{{ModId}}_Puffersapling": {
                    "DisplayName": "Pufferfruit",
                    "Seasons": [ "spring" ],
                    "Fruit": [
                            "Id": "E{{ModId}}_Pufferfruit",
                            "ItemId": "{{ModId}}_Pufferfruit"
                    "Texture": "Mods/{{ModId}}/FruitTrees",
                    "TextureSpriteRow": 0

        // add images
            "Action": "Load",
            "Target": "Mods/{{ModId}}/FruitTrees, Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
            "FromFile": "assets/{{TargetWithoutPath}}.png" // assets/FruitTrees.png, assets/Objects.png

The fruit trees can then be added to the game by giving the player a sapling item in the usual ways (e.g. from a shop).

Fruit items

For C# mods, the fruitsOnTree field (number of fruit on the tree) has been replaced by fruit (list of fruit items).

Spawning fruit trees

Custom trees can be added to the game in two ways:

  • Spawn them on map tiles when the location is created, using the new SpawnTree: fruit <tree ID> [growth stage on location created] [growth stage on day-update regrowth] tile property. This must be added on the Paths layer, which must also have tile index 34 from the paths tilesheet.
  • Or give the player a seed item in the usual ways (e.g. from a shop, mail letter, etc).