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於 2018年6月25日 (一) 14:36 由 Wu5xiaoren討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 →‎Quotes
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生日 秋季5
居住於 沙灘
詳細地址 艾利歐特小屋
最愛的禮物 Crab Cakes.png 蟹黃糕Duck Feather.png 鴨毛Lobster.png 龍蝦Pomegranate.png 石榴Tom Kha Soup.png 椰汁湯
Robin building.png
— 羅賓


本文或部分尚未完全翻譯成中文。 歡迎您通過編輯幫助其建設。
最後編輯Wu5xiaoren於2018-06-25 14:36:25.


Dev Update #12



除非下雨,春夏兩季他的活動是一樣的。下雨他會留在家中。 秋冬的周一到周三他都會去圖書館。 (第一年春天情況可能不一樣 - 他似乎總在小屋附近),中午會離開他的小屋,來到靠南邊的海灘上,盯著大海發呆。


Spring.png 春季


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開家,朝著利亞的農舍前的森林走去
3:00 PM 離開家,站在北部海灘的橋上看海水
6:00 PM 回家


Time Location
12:00 PM 離開家, 朝他家南部的篝火處走
1:30 PM 回家
3:00 PM 離開家,站在北部海灘的橋上看海水
6:00 PM 回家


Time Location
2:00 PM 在自家小屋前走來走去


Time Location
10:00 AM 在自家小屋前走來走去
11:00 AM 在他的書桌前寫作
11:30 AM 朝皮埃爾的雜貨鋪走
5:30 PM 朝自己的海邊小屋走


Time Location
10:00 AM 在自家小屋前走來走去
12:00 PM 離開家, 朝海邊篝火走去(?)
1:30 PM 回家
3:00 PM 離開家, 朝海邊南面通道走
6:00 PM 離開橋,回家


Time Location
3:00 PM 離開家,朝海灘南邊的橋走
6:00 PM 離開橋,回家


Time Location
12:00 AM 離開家,去海邊篝火處
3:00 PM 途徑海灘朝南邊的橋走
7:00 PM 回家, 鎖著門


Time Location
一整天 家裡
Summer.png 夏季


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開他的房子,開始往左邊走。
1:00 PM 在莉亞房子的南邊,對著河流發呆。
6:00 PM 離開河岸,往家裡走。

星期二 9號

Time Location
10:30 AM 離開自己的房子,去診所。
12:00 PM 哈維對他進行體檢。
1:30 PM 在莉亞房子的南邊,對著河流發呆。
5:20 PM 回到他的小屋,並且進去。


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開小屋
1:00 PM 在莉亞房子的南邊,對著河流發呆。
6:30 PM 回家


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開小屋
12:30 PM 皮埃爾的雜貨店
6:00 PM 開始回家


Time Location
12:00 PM 站在家附近的篝火旁。
2:00 PM 在皮埃爾的雜貨店


Time Location
1:00 PM 在莉亞房子的南邊,對著河流發呆。
6:00 PM 開始回家。
7:30 PM 回到家裡。


Time Location
12:00 PM 離開自己的小屋。
Fall.png 秋季


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開家,去圖書館。
12:40 AM 來到圖書館
5:30 PM 離開圖書館,開始回家
07:00 PM 回到家


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開家,去圖書館。
12:40 AM 來到圖書館
5:30 PM 離開圖書館,開始回家
7:00 PM 回到家裡


Time Location
12:40 PM 在圖書館


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開家裡
12:40 PM 來到皮埃爾的雜貨店
5:30 PM 離開皮埃爾的雜貨店
6:40 PM 回到家裡


Time Location
10:00 在他小屋裡走來走去。
12:00 PM 離開他的小屋,來到他家附近的篝火旁。
1:30 PM 回到家裡。
3:00 PM 離開小屋,走到沙灘北邊的橋上。
3:20 PM 站在沙灘北邊的橋上。
6:00 PM 開始往回走。
6:20 PM 回到家裡


Time Location
11:30 AM - 12:40 PM 離開家裡去圖書館
12:50 PM - 5:30 PM 在圖書館裡讀書
5:30 PM - 6:50 PM 從圖書館往家裡走


Time Location
12:00 PM 離開小屋,站在威利的商店附近的棧道上。
5:00 PM 站在南邊的橋上(沙灘旁邊)
06:00 PM 來到 星之果實餐吧
11:50 PM 離開 星之果實餐吧並且往回走
12:40 PM 回到家裡
Winter.png 冬季


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開小屋,往博物館走
3:50 PM 博物館讀書
5:30 PM 離開博物館,回家


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開小屋,往圖書館走
12:40 PM 來到圖書館
7:00 PM 回到家裡


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開小屋,往博物館走
3:50 PM 博物館讀書
5:30 PM 離開博物館,回家


Time Location
11:30 AM 離開家,往皮埃爾的雜貨店走
12:30 PM 來到皮埃爾的雜貨店
5:30 PM 離開雜貨店,往家裡走。
6:40 PM 回到家裡


Time Location
11:30 AM 在家裡
3:20 PM 在沙灘北邊的橋上
6:00 PM 開始往家裡走
6:20 PM 回到家裡


Time Location
11:30 AM - 12:40 PM 離開小屋,走向博物館
12:50 PM - 5:30 PM 在博物館裡讀書
5:30 PM - 6:50 PM 從博物館走回家


Time Location
3:00 PM 離開小屋,走到橋上
5:00 PM 離開橋,去星之果實餐吧。
Mermaid's Pendant.png 婚後
Time Location


艾利歐特獨自住在海灘的小屋裡,附近就是威利的魚店。他的朋友是威利莉亞。 花舞節默認與莉亞跳舞。



如果他在生日當天(Fall.png 秋季 5日)收到禮物,好感度的變動是平常的8倍,並且根據艾利歐特的喜好觸發以下任意一條對話。







圖像 名字 描述 來源 材料
Elliott Happy.png
Crab Cakes.png
蟹黃糕 蟹肉、麵包屑和雞蛋做成餅狀,然後油炸至金棕色。 烹飪 Crab.png 螃蟹(1)Wheat Flour.png 大麥粉(1)Egg.png (1)Oil.png (1)
Duck Feather.png
鴨毛 真是五顏六色。
龍蝦 居住在海中、尾部強壯的大型甲殼綱動物。 蟹籠
Pomegranate.png 石榴 果子裡是滿滿的多汁種子。 石榴樹
Tom Kha Soup.png
椰汁湯 這味道好極了! 烹飪 Coconut.png 椰子(1)Shrimp.png (1)Common Mushroom.png 普通蘑菇(1)


圖像 名字 描述 來源
Elliott Happy.png
章魚 一種神秘聰明的生物。 釣魚
魷魚 一種可以長得很大的深海生物。 釣魚


圖像 名字 描述 來源
Elliott Neutral.png


圖像 名字 描述 來源 材料
Elliott Concerned.png
Common Mushroom.png
普通蘑菇 稍微堅硬,肉質滑。 覓食 - 秋季
雞油菌 一種美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 覓食 - 秋季
黃水仙 一種傳統的春天花朵,適合送禮。 覓食 - 春季
蒲公英 雖然不算漂亮,但是葉子適合做沙拉。 覓食 - 春季
榛子 真是巨大的一顆榛子! 覓食 - 秋季
冬青樹 它的葉子和鮮紅的漿果讓它成為了極受歡迎的冬天飾品。 覓食 - 冬季
韭蔥 洋蔥的美味近親。 覓食 - 春季
龍葵 因為獨特的味道而深受歡迎。 覓食 - 秋季
披薩 受歡迎是很合理的事。 烹飪, 星之果實沙龍 Wheat Flour.png 大麥粉(1)Tomato.png 番茄(1)Cheese.png 奶酪(1)
Purple Mushroom.png
紫蘑菇 一種在山洞深處的稀有蘑菇。 覓食 - 秋季
Snow Yam.png
雪山藥 這種小山藥隱藏在雪地下。 覓食 - 冬季
Wild Horseradish.png
野山葵 春天生長的一種根莖香料。 覓食 - 春季
Winter Root.png
冬根 一種澱粉塊莖植物。 覓食 - 冬季


圖像 名字 描述 來源
Elliott Annoyed.png
莧菜 遠古文明廣泛耕種的一種紫色穀物。 農作物 - 秋季
石英 一種常見於洞穴和礦井裡的純淨晶體。 覓食 - 礦井
美洲大樹莓 一種帶有森林的味道的春天漿果。 覓食 - 春季
Sea Cucumber.png
海參 一種在海底能找到的黏滑生物。 釣魚

Heart Events


Two Hearts.png




Four Hearts.png

在下午三點和十點之間進入星之果實餐吧,需要 格斯在場。



  • "為了鵜鶘鎮" (+25好感度 "啊,為社區營造一個和諧的未來…多好的主意啊。這裡是鵜鶘鎮!"
  • "為了我們的友誼!" (+50好感度 "真是個好主意!為了我們!"
  • "為了我的健康!" (-10好感度 "好吧。。行吧。"
  • "為你的運氣!" (-50好感度 "哦,別提了!"



Six Hearts.png




Eight Hearts

Eight Hearts.png

After receiving a letter from Elliott, visit the museum between 1pm and 7pm. (It doesn't need to be the same day.)

Elliott sends you a letter inviting you to a reading of his finished novel at the library that afternoon.

When you enter the museum, you find many villagers have gathered to listen to Elliott's first book reading. Elliott expresses his delight at your coming to listen. He reads from his novel. Depending on your choice in his first heart event, you'll get one of these stories:

  • The mystery novel Blue Tower. "It's a mystery novel set in a surreal, dystopian future. Chapter One. From the shadows emerged a man, radiating with enigmatic omniscience. 'Good Evening, Mr. Lu,' he said, the corners of his mouth quivering. Lu seemed astonished. 'How did you know my name?'" (Fade.) "Lu checked Jenu's pockets, then stood up and walked into the bedroom. He quickly found the small golden key that he was looking for and slipped it into his coat pocket."
  • The romance novel Camellia Station. "It's a romance novel about a train stewardess who falls in love with a traveling architect... Chapter One. 'Your ticket, sir?' Ticket collector Gozman extended a gloved hand towards the young commuter. 'Ah, yes. I have it right here,' he replied, reaching into his coat pocket. Mortified, he discovered that the ticket was missing." (Fade.) "...'Clara, there's something I must tell you,' he blurted as she turned to leave. Clara turned, slowly, and saw the look of desperation in Horatio's eye. At that moment Gozman burst into the compartment, red-faced."
  • The sci-fi novel The Rise And Fall Of Planet Yazzo. "It's a sci-fi epic spanning thousands of years in an exotic planetary system. Chapter One. Commander Yutkin stepped through the golden archway as the airlock snapped shut behind him. Today was his first day on Planet Yazzo, and all 14 of the alliance delegates had been summoned to the Grand Spire..." (Fade.) "...And as the 7th moon descended beneath the horizon, the planet of Yazzo would begin its sinister transformation... an event for which Commander Yutkin was completely unprepared."

Elliott thanks everyone for coming, then walks up to you and asks how you think it went. He says he's glad that you liked it, because he dedicated it to you and he based it on your favorite genre.

Elliot Eight Heart Event.jpg

Ten Hearts

Ten Hearts.png

Go to the beach on a sunny day between 7am and 1pm. A letter will be sent to you but it is not needed to trigger the event.

Elliott writes you a letter saying he has an idea. You join him on the docks. Elliott had fixed the row boat that's been on the docks, and he wonders if you want to go with him on a "maiden voyage."
  • If you accept, Elliott talks about his novel and how he couldn't have done it without you. Then he's at a loss for words to explain how he feels about you. Suddenly, he kisses you! You begin trembling. You can choose to respond with "I'm happy" or "You're making me very uncomfortable. Stop." (Telling him you're uncomfortable incurs a minor friendship penalty. It's less than 1 heart and may drop you from 10 back to 9 hearts). You both head back to shore, and Elliott comments on how the valley finally looks like home.
  • If you refuse, Elliott says "I see" and the event ends.


Elliott's room.

3 days after you give Elliott the Mermaid pendant, you will get married to Elliott in the town square. Elliott wears a gray suit. After the ceremony ends, you return to your home. Elliott will be inside, and a new addition will be added to the east end of your home. Elliott's end of the house will have a mini-library, and other various decors. On New Year's Eve (28 Winter), he will give the player a bottle of wine.

Once married, Elliott assists with tasks around the farm including mending broken fences, feeding the animals, and refilling the cat or dog water bowl. He'll also set up a small potted plant garden behind the farmhouse where he'll go to read.

Occasionally in the mornings, Elliott will provide you with a cup of coffee.

Elliot Wedding.jpg






“我希望你也能漸漸把這裡當作『家』。 ”


“無心插柳柳成蔭……但如果你想得太多,反而會錯過稍縱即逝的靈感。好吧,我真的得回去工作了。 ”


“森林可是個美妙的地方。你去過那裡了嗎? ”


“您好,<玩家名>。你最近好嗎? ”
“我找不到開始寫小說的靈感啊…… ”
“最近我覺得很有希望。可能是因為季節變化了吧。 ”
“有時我覺得自己可能是太膨脹了,實際上沒什麼本事……不,不……我不是為了獲得奉承。雖然我很希望得到表揚…… ”
“我得道歉,在我們第一次見到的時候我有些太著急了。我只是太想交個朋友了。有你這樣的好朋友真好。 ”


“星露谷這裡的空氣對身體和心靈都很好哦。在戶外溜達溜達總是能讓我振奮起來。 ”
“我承認……每天早上我都會花幾個小時來把髮型弄好。 ”


“請原諒我這裡這麼亂。 ”


“你好。希望你在農場的新生活進展順利啊。 ”
“哦…… <玩家名>!我正想著你什麼時候來呢。見到你太高興了。 ”
When in love / Living on the farm 
“You always smell so good after a hard day of work. It's your natural musk! You smell sweet, my dear. Like a honeycomb drifting on a pool of spice tea.”
“From the brightest winter star, to a fragrant fairy rose...nothing can compare with your captivating beauty.”
“When I behold thy wondrous face, a precious jewel of form and grace, my heart...torn by the dread of night, is purified with golden light. Poetry is the only way I can begin to describe my feelings for you.”
“My skill with words is unmatched, yet I can't find the way to properly describe your beauty.”
“I made a whole secret book of poems expressing my love for you.”
“Your feminine\masculine allure is irresistible today. I can't keep my eyes off you.”
“My love...I wouldn't trade you for 100 iridium bars. No 1000...Not even 10,000 bars, no. No, not even 100,000 bars! Wa...one million bars of pure iridium...? Don't make me do this...”
“My wildest dreams have come true...just look at this incredible landscape!”
“I never had much success growing plant in my old beach house. Hopefully I can pick up a thing or two by watching you. In this respect, you are the master and I only a humble apprentice.”
“Fertile soil beneath my feet, fresh air to fill my lungs, and the sun's warmth to delight my skin...Life is going well.”
“Ah, what a lovely day to read a book...don't you think, my dear?”
“A crackling fire adds wonderful ambiance to the house...every piece of wood burns in a unique way.”
“Now that winter's over, we've got lots of productive weather to look forward to.”
“It's strange, but I often have cravings for pomegranate in the spring.”
“I might stay here and write some poetry. I'm feeling a sudden surge of creativity! You go on ahead and take care of business.”
“I got up early and watered some crops for you. I hope it makes your job a little easier today. I also filled <pet name> water bowl.”
“I spent the morning repairing a few of the fences.. They should be as good as new.”
“I've been taking much better care of myself now that we're together. The bachelor life wasn't particularly healthy for me.”
“<spouse name> I'm so proud of all your hard work. I'm very lucky to have you.”
“Don't worry about me...I know you've got a lot of responsibilities outside of the house. I'm fine in here by myself.”
“I think I might do some writing today.Will you be okay without my help?”
“I drank too much coffee... my mouth feels about as dry as the Calico Desert. Oh... sorry about the coffee breath.”
“Sorry if I smell...I was sweating all night in the heat.”
“I think I'll walk down to the beach today, it's always nice to see the ocean again.”
“I had a nice time at the beach by myself, I watched the waves come and go, just like old times.”
“I was going to grab an extra bottle of ink from my cabin today, but then I remembered the Luau is tommorow. I'll just do it then.”
“If I stay perfectly still, perhaps a resplendent butterfly will bless my nose with a landing.”
“If you find a spider in the house, don't squash it!Just let me know and I'll take this poor thing outside.”
“I've had this reccurring nightmare that you gave me a buzz cut... you wouldn't ever do that to me, would you? I trust you.”
“Today is going to be a fantastic day... I can feel it! I get this special feeling in my nose...”
“Good morning, <spouse name>! I made us a pot of coffee. I find myself craving this robust flavour nearly every morning.”
“Good evening. Did you have a productive day, my dear?”
“Would you still love me if I guzzled two gallons of pumpkin ale at the Spirits Eve Festival? Sometimes a man has primitive urges.”
“I'm a little out of practice but I plan on entering the fishing contest tomorrow! you've got some stiff competition, dear.”

On a rainy day

“I think I'll remain indoors today, my dear. The rain causes my hair to go limp.”
“You're ice cold!Let me keep you warm.”

When jealous

“So, I heard you secretly gave <name> a gift today. Do I have to be suspicious of you?”

After marriage during the Egg Festival

“I enjoy seeing you so relaxed, my dear.”

After marriage, before and during the Flower Dance

“I look forward to dancing with you tommorow, my dear.”
“I wore my best shirt fot the dance...This sort of thing doesn't happen very often!”

When asked to be your dance partner

“Yes dear? Yes...could I refuse that soft, kind face? The touch of spring-time's sweet embrace?”

After marriage during the Feast of the Winter Star

“You don't need to get me anything, you've already given me the greatest gift of all.”

On the 28th of every winter

“Happy new year's eve, my dear. Please accept this [wine] to celebrate.”

On the 1st of every spring

“My new year's resolution is to write, write and write! I can never stop improving my skills.”

On the 1st of every summer

“It's hard to be in a foul mood when the sun is beaming and the butterflies are dancing on a spice-berry breeze.”

During pregnancy

“<spouse name> we're going to have a baby soon!”
“Honey\Hot Stuff, can't you tell?You're pregnant.”

After having children

“Two beautiful children...we've come a long way, haven't we?”
“We've done well, <spouse name>. The farm is doing excellent and our healthy children are a great joy. I couldn't be happier.”
“I'm going to teach <child's name> to read as soon as possible!That's a great way for children to learn about the world.”
“I was carrying <child's name> earlier and I could've sworn I heard a "Da...da".”




艾利歐特的外觀隨著遊戲的開發進展而改變。 這裡是一個時間軸,顯示了ConcernedApe的作品和艾利歐特的風格在遊戲推出之前幾年內的改變。

Elliott Timeline.png


In Elliot's shack on the beach, there is a framed picture of a green cube. This may be a reference to an object in Starbound called a Perfectly Generic Item, which is, itself, a reference to Homestuck.


  • 1.0:加入
  • 1.1婚後在農舍後面增加閱讀園區。
