
JshiroR讨论 | 贡献2017年7月25日 (二) 11:58的版本 →‎Marriage


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— 罗宾


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最后编辑JshiroR于2017-07-25 11:58:32.

Dev Update #12






时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往小镇广场左边的花园
12:40 PM 在小镇广场左边的花园
5:30 PM 回去诊所
6.00 PM 到达诊所
6:30 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所,检查室
1:00 PM 候诊室
1:40 PM 和艾芙琳(2号)/威利(9号)/莉亚(16号)/乔治(23号)在检查室
4:40 PM 在前台的电脑前
6:00 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往小镇广场左边的花园
12:40 PM 在小镇广场左边的花园
5:30 PM 回去诊所


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所,检查室
1:00 PM 候诊室
1:40 PM 和阿比盖尔(4号)/文森特(11号)/乔迪(18号)/潘姆(25号)在检查室
4:40 PM 在前台的电脑前
6:00 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往皮埃尔的杂货店
12:30 PM 皮埃尔的杂货店
3:00 PM 返回诊所


时间 地点
全天 在诊所上方的公寓里


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往小镇广场左边的花园
12:40 PM 在小镇广场左边的花园
5:30 PM 回去诊所


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 上楼回公寓
5:30 PM 离开公寓,前往星之果实餐吧.
6:10 PM 星之果实餐吧,吧台前
10:00 PM 回家
10:20 PM 到家


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往喷泉南边
12:40 PM 在诊所后的喷泉南边站着
5:30 PM 回去诊所


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所,检查室
1:00 PM 候诊室
1:40 PM 和艾芙琳(2号)/艾利欧特(9号)/亚力克斯(16号)/乔治(23号)在检查室
4:40 PM 在前台的电脑前
6:00 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往喷泉南边
12:40 PM 在诊所后的喷泉南边站着
5:30 PM 回去诊所


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所,检查室
1:00 PM 候诊室
1:40 PM 和塞巴斯蒂安(2号)/罗宾(18号)/德米特里厄斯(25号)在检查室
4:40 PM 在前台的电脑前
6:00 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往皮埃尔的杂货店
12:30 PM 皮埃尔的杂货店
3:00 PM 返回诊所


时间 地点
全天 在诊所上方的公寓里


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往喷泉南边
12:40 PM 在诊所后的喷泉南边站着
5:30 PM 回去诊所


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 上楼回公寓
5:30 PM 离开公寓,前往星之果实餐吧.
6:10 PM 星之果实餐吧,吧台前
10:00 PM 回家
10:20 PM 到家


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往河边
1:00 PM 站在河边,通向海滩的桥的左侧

File:Harvey wed river.png

5:00 PM 回家
5:40 PM 到家


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所,检查室
1:00 PM 候诊室
1:40 PM 和艾芙琳(2号)/刘易斯(9号)/乔治(23号)在检查室
4:40 PM 在前台的电脑前
6:00 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往河边
1:00 PM 站在河边,通向海滩的桥的左侧

File:Harvey wed river.png

5:00 PM 回家
5:40 PM 到家


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所,检查室
1:00 PM 候诊室
1:40 PM 和格斯(4号)/山姆(11号)/玛妮(18号)/卡洛琳(25号)在检查室
4:40 PM 在前台的电脑前
6:00 PM 上楼回公寓


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往皮埃尔的杂货店
12:30 PM 皮埃尔的杂货店
3:00 PM 返回诊所


时间 地点
全天 在诊所上方的公寓里


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 离开诊所,前往河边
1:00 PM 站在河边,通向海滩的桥的左侧

File:Harvey wed river.png

5:00 PM 回家
5:40 PM 到家


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 上楼回公寓
5:30 PM 离开公寓,前往星之果实餐吧
6:10 PM 星之果实餐吧,吧台前
10:00 PM 回家
10:20 PM 到家


时间 地点
5:50 PM 离开诊所,前往星之果实餐吧


时间 地点
10:00 AM 在诊所里,站在前台后面
12:00 PM 上楼回公寓
5:30 PM 离开公寓,前往星之果实餐吧
6:10 PM 星之果实餐吧,吧台前
10:00 PM 回家
10:20 PM 到家


时间 地点
6:00 AM 在厨房里
12:00 PM 离开厨房,在卧室里走动
2:00 PM 离开卧室,前往客厅
10:00 PM 上床


时间 地点
6:00 AM 在厨房里
12:30 PM 离开厨房,前往育婴房(如果有)
10:00 PM 上床


时间 地点
6:00 AM 在门廊站着
1:00 PM 进屋,站在厨房






如果他在生日当天(  冬季 14日)收到礼物,好感度的变动是平常的8倍,并且根据哈维的喜好触发以下任意一条对话。







图片 名称 描述 来源 材料
咖啡 闻起来就很美味。它肯定能让你充满活力。 小桶, 星之果实餐吧 24px 咖啡豆(5)
腌菜 一罐自制的腌菜 罐头瓶 任意蔬菜
巨无霸餐 真是充满能量的一餐。 烹饪 24px 小白菜(1)

24px 蔓越莓(1) 24px 洋蓟(1)

松露油 佳肴必备的原料 产油机 24px 松露(1)
果酒 请适度饮酒。 小桶 任意水果


图片 名称 描述 来源
普通蘑菇 稍微坚硬,肉质滑 觅食 - 秋季
鸡油菌 一种美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣 觅食 - 秋季
黄水仙 一种传统的春天花朵,适合送礼 觅食 - 春季
蒲公英 虽然不算漂亮,但是叶子适合做沙拉 觅食 - 春季
鸭蛋 还热乎着呢
鸭毛 真是五颜六色
羊奶 羊的奶 山羊
榛子 真是巨大的一颗榛子! 觅食 - 秋季
冬青树 它的叶子和鲜红的浆果让它成为了极受欢迎的冬天饰品 觅食 - 冬季
龙葵 因为独特的味道而深受欢迎 觅食 - 秋季
大瓶羊奶 一加仑柔顺的山羊奶 山羊
韭葱 洋葱的美味近亲 觅食 - 春季
石英 一种常见于洞穴和矿井里的纯净晶体 觅食 - 矿井
紫蘑菇 一种在山洞深处的稀有蘑菇 觅食 - 秋季
雪山药 这种小山药隐藏在雪地下 觅食 - 冬季
大葱 在春天时疯狂生长 觅食 - 春季
野山葵 春天生长的一种根茎香料. 觅食 - 春季
[冬根]] 一种淀粉块茎植物 觅食 - 冬季


图片 名称 描述 来源
大壶牛奶 一大壶牛奶。 奶牛
牛奶 一壶牛奶。 奶牛


图片 名称 描述 来源 材料
面包 硬皮法式面包 烹饪 24px 大麦粉(1)
奶酪 你的普通的奶酪 压酪机 24px 牛奶(1)
山羊奶酪 用羊奶制成的柔软奶酪 压酪机 24px 羊奶(1)


图片 名称 描述 来源
珊瑚 小生物的聚集地,它们聚集起来形成美妙的形状。 觅食 - 沙滩
鹦鹉螺 一种古老的贝壳生物。 觅食 - 沙滩
彩虹贝壳 它是个非常美丽的贝壳。 觅食 - 沙滩
美洲大树莓 一种带有森林的味道的春天浆果。 觅食 - 春季
香味浆果 让空气中满满都是芬香的香味。 觅食 - 夏季

Heart Events

Two Hearts


Enter George's house while George is there.

Harvey is performing a private check-up on George. He tries to explain that George needs to make some lifestyle changes if he wants to keep healthy, but George seems irritated with his advice and states that he knows what's best for his own body. Harvey explains that he went to school for eight years so that he could help people in an attempt to get George to cooperate, but then his attention is drawn away as he notices your arrival. Harvey says you shouldn't be there because it is a private session, but George stops you from leaving by asking for a second opinion on the matter.
  • "George should follow Dr. Harvey's advice." (+40好感度 He again says that he's only trying to help and George finally gives in and agrees to following doctor's orders. After that Harvey thanks you for the help and say that he appreciates you.
  • "George knows what's best for his own body." (-40好感度 He sighs and tells George that if he's going to behave like this, Harvey will have to tell George's wife and she won't be happy. George begrudgingly concedes to the doctor's orders. Harvey tells you that it's better not to give patients mixed messages.


Four Hearts


Enter the clinic when Harvey is there.

Harvey says he was just about to write you a letter about how you're overdue for your annual check-up. As he's looking you over, he notices your pulse seems high.
  • "I'm a little nervous..." (+20好感度 Harvey assumes that it's because of the Hospital and tell you to relax because he's here to help.
  • "I'm out of breath from working on the farm." (+20好感度
  • "Are you really a doctor? My pulse is fine!" (-50好感度

At the end of it Harvey declares you healthy and says you should take care not to overwork yourself on the farm.


Six Hearts


Enter the general store between 11am and 3pm.

You witness a dance aerobics session with some of the ladies and, unexpectedly, Harvey. Harvey seems out of breath as the session comes to an end, heading towards the door to leave but running into you on the way. Harvey seems incredibly embarrassed when he finds out you were watching, wanting to keep it a secret. He explains that he's doing it to stay healthy, which becomes more difficult with age and the stress of running the clinic essentially alone. Harvey seems discouraged because of how difficult it is for him to keep up with the rest of the group, figuring he must not be in good shape. He asks you not to tell the rest of the town that he's doing dance aerobics. If you choose not to tell, Harvey thanks you and say that he appreciates you.





Eight Hearts


Walk into the clinic.

You head into Harvey's room to find him using his equipment in an attempt to contact a pilot. He suddenly gets a response, surprising him and making his pulse race, but he manages to respond with his coordinates. He notices you and tells you he made contact with a real pilot. He excitedly tells you to come over to the window to watch the pilot fly overhead with him. After the plane passes Harvey opens up about how he always wanted to be a pilot when he was younger, but couldn't because of his bad eyesight and crippling fear of heights. He tells you not to be sad about it, that he's accepted not everyone can achieve their dreams and that is just the way the world is. Harvey tries to lighten the mood by asking you to look at his model planes, having just finished the TR-Starbird deluxe set.









Ten Hearts


Harvey sends you a letter asking to meet at the railroad tracks. Go there between 9am and 5pm.

When you meet him there, he says he's glad you came and that something should be happening very soon. A man in a hot air balloon lands nearby, says the balloon is yours for the next two hours, and heads into town for the Stardrop Saloon. Harvey tells you that he saw the hot air balloon rental advertised in the newspaper and thought it was a perfect thing to do together. Before hopping in, you can either immediately get to it or ask him why he did this, since you know about his incredible fear of heights. If you opt to ask him, he bashfully explains that while his fear is still a major factor, he admires you and your courage and says that it should be more than enough for the both of you.

Boarding the hot air balloon, Harvey switches on the burner below to make it ascend but freaks out once he realizes how fast it's rising. High in the sky his mood oscillates between fear and elation, eventually coming to his senses and remembering that you're there with him. He marvels at how much he can see below and is glad that he's doing this with you. Soon before the two-hour rental is up, you draw close into a kiss. You return the balloon to the rental man at least a half hour late.







Harvey's room.











Harvey's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Harvey's style changed over the years before the game was launched.


In Russia, doctor calls you!
  • During the eight-heart event in his room, he mentions that his coordinates are 52 North, 43.5 East. In the real world, this would put his location in southwest Russia, between Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
  • When married to the player, he may admit a fondness for jazz music, as he listens to it when finalizing his medical reports.
  • Despite telling others to eat healthily, his fridge is filled with convenience food and his microwave oven is well-used.
  • Inside the Clinic while he is working, you can find several plaques on the wall. 1 States that the clinic is licensed by the Ferngill Republic Health Authority. Another is an advertisement for proper sneeze etiquette. A third in the back is an advertisement for a fictional drug Pravoloxinone which has the side-effect of "Complete disinitegrtation of one or more bones" for 1 in 500 patients. Yet another near the back right of the clinic is described as a symbol of Yoba.


  • 1.0:加入。
  • 1.1:在婚后,在农舍后方加入读书小花园。