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:注:此页面不是 {{Name|hopper|class=inline}}。
{{Infobox tool
{{Infobox tool
|image     = Hay_Hopper.png
|image     = Hay_Hopper.png
|image2    = Hay Hopper Full.png
|image2    = Hay Hopper Full.png
The '''Hay Hopper''' is a [[Tools|tool]] that moves [[Animals#Food|hay]] between a [[silo]] and the player's [[inventory]].  It comes with all [[Barn]]s and [[Coop]]s, and cannot be picked up or moved.
''' 喂料斗''' 是一种工具,用于在[[ 筒仓]] 和玩家[[ 物品栏| 背包]] 之间转移[[ 干草]] 。所有的[[ 畜棚]] [[ 鸡舍]] 里面都自带一个喂料斗,玩家无法将它放入背包或改变它的位置。
Once hay is dispensed by right-clicking on the Hay Hopper, it can be placed on the feeding bench where animals can eat it. Hay can be placed into a silo by holding the hay in inventory and right-clicking on the Hay Hopper.
The Hay Hopper in a Deluxe Barn or Deluxe Coop has an autofeed system, so hay is moved to the Feeding Bench automatically.  This prevents the player from manually withdrawing hay from the hopper.  Hay can still be deposited into a Hay Hopper with an autofeed system.
== 提示==
Hay can be stored in a [[chest]] instead of a [[silo]]. In order to store hay that is cut from [[grass]] on the farm in a chest, simply withdraw hay from the Hay Hopper and place it in a chest.  This requires at least one barn or coop that is not fully upgraded with an autofeed system and also has vacant spaces on the feeding bench.
* 干草也可以储存在[[ 宝箱|箱子]] 里,不必全部储存在[[ 筒仓]] 中。要想将筒仓中的干草储存在箱子里,只需将干草从喂料斗中取出,然后放入箱子中。这就要求至少有一个畜棚或鸡舍的饲料槽上有空位。高级畜棚或高级鸡舍会自动填满饲料槽,但饲料槽上的干草可以用炸弹破坏掉,以重新腾出空位,方便取出干草。
* 即使玩家没有升级到高级畜棚或高级鸡舍,如果玩家[[ 婚姻|已婚]] ,有时候玩家的配偶会[[婚姻#配偶会做的家务|帮玩家喂养农场动物]],此时每个鸡舍或畜棚的饲料槽会自动填满。在喂料斗和饲料槽前放置箱子或其他设备以阻挡配偶的进入也无法阻止饲料槽自动填满。但是可以用炸弹清空饲料槽,以重新取出干草。
If you are married and your spouse feeds the farm animals, the feeding benches in every Coop or Barn are automatically filled. (Placing chests or other equipment in front of the Hay Hopper and feeding bench in order to block spouse access will not work.) Once the feeding bench is filled, it is no longer possible to withdraw hay from the hopper and make use of the tip described above.  This bug can, however, be circumvented by exploding a bomb next to the feeding bench.
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[[en:Hay Hopper]]
[[en:Hay Hopper]]
[[es:Tolva de heno]]
[[es:Tolva de heno]]
[[fr:Trémie d'alimentation]]
[[it:Tramoggia di fieno]]
[[ko:사료 호퍼]]
[[hu:Etető retesz]]
[[pt:Distribuidor de feno]]
[[pt:Distribuidor de feno]]
[[tr:Yem Hunisi]]

於 2024年9月16日 (一) 10:09 的最新修訂

註:此頁面不是 Hopper.png 加料器
Hay Hopper.png  Hay Hopper Full.png
購買價格 不可購買





  • 乾草也可以儲存在箱子里,不必全部儲存在筒倉中。要想將筒倉中的乾草儲存在箱子裡,只需將乾草從餵料斗中取出,然後放入箱子中。這就要求至少有一個畜棚或雞舍的飼料槽上有空位。高級畜棚或高級雞舍會自動填滿飼料槽,但飼料槽上的乾草可以用炸彈破壞掉,以重新騰出空位,方便取出乾草。
  • 即使玩家沒有升級到高級畜棚或高級雞舍,如果玩家已婚,有時候玩家的配偶會幫玩家餵養農場動物,此時每個雞舍或畜棚的飼料槽會自動填滿。在餵料斗和飼料槽前放置箱子或其他設備以阻擋配偶的進入也無法阻止飼料槽自動填滿。但是可以用炸彈清空飼料槽,以重新取出乾草。