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'''Animals''' serve as a source of money and resources on your farm. They can typically be obtained only after a building is constructed on the farm that is suitable to house them (a coop for chickens, for example) and with the exception of the horse and the pet, must either be purchased from [[Marnie's Ranch]] or hatched from an [[Incubator]]. In either case, these animals arrive as babies and must grow into adults before they begin producing animal products.
''' 动物''' 在你的农场扮演多种角色。有些是野生动物,无法互动。你可以有一只宠物,一只猫或狗,你可以与它增进感情。你可以得到一匹乘骑用的马。当然,你可以购买“农场动物”作为各种产品来源,提供资源和利润。
农场动物幼崽一旦成年后就能够生产动物产品。每天早上,住在鸡舍的成年动物(鸡、鸭、兔子和恐龙)有机会生产动物产品,可从在它们的建筑的地板上收集到这些。使用[[挤奶桶]],奶牛通常每天都可以挤奶,山羊通常每两天挤奶一次。当羊毛长出来时,可以用[[ 剪刀]]剪下绵羊的毛,猪可以在外面挖出松露,然后再从地上采集。
[[玛妮‏‎]]在你赚到{{price|1000}}后,将在[[春季]] 的第一个晴天的周三或周五的早晨在门外带着狗或猫过来找你。你必须在上午6点至9:30之间走出[[ 农舍]] 以触发事件(如果你在20日之前没有赚得足够的金钱,那么事件会无条件触发)。是否留下宠物是可选的(玛妮‏‎会问你是否想留下)。当你选择留下它时,你可以选择您想要的宠物名称(如果当玛妮带着宠物来找你时你还没遇到过她,她会在会面时做自我介绍。跳过剧情会自动领养宠物)。
Animals that live in coops (chickens, ducks, rabbits and dinosaurs) have a chance each morning of producing products that can be gathered on the floor. Using the [[Milk Pail]], cows can usually be milked daily, and goats can usually be milked once every two days. Sheep can be shorn with the [[Shears]] when their wool grows in, and pigs can be let outside to dig up truffles.
在初始宠物达到最大好感度,或在第二年还没有宠物的情况下,玩家可在[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 购买宠物饲养证以领养新的宠物。<ref name="adoptpet" />猫和狗为每只{{price|40000}},而海龟有两种种类,第一种为每只{{price|60000}},另一种为每只{{price|500000}}。玩家需要使用[[ 木匠的商店]] 为额外的宠物建造宠物碗,否则宠物会感到不安。任何不需要的宠物可以对其使用[[蝴蝶粉]]进行移除。
<gallery mode="nolines" widths="48px">
Cat 1.png
Cat 2.png
Cat 3.png
Cat 4.png
Cat 5.png
Dog 1.png
Dog 2.png
Dog 3.png
Dog 4.png
Dog 5.png
<gallery mode="nolines" widths="64px">
Iridium Turtle.png
[[玛妮‏‎]]在 赚到{{price|1000}}后,将在第一个晴 天的 早晨在门外带着狗或猫过来找你。你必须在周 一, 周二,周四,周六或周日的上午6点至9:30之间走 出[[ 农舍]] ,以触发此事件 是否留下宠物是可选的(玛妮‏‎会问你是否想留下)。当你选择留下它时,你可以选择您想要的宠物名称。(如果当玛妮带着宠物来找你时你还没遇到过她,她会在会面时做自我介绍)
可以每 点击你 宠物 并会显示 一颗爱心 [[File:DialogueBubbleLove.png|24px]]。
 你 可以 天一 点击你的 宠物 来宠爱它们 会显示出一颗爱心[[File:DialogueBubbleLove.png|24px]].
 你 与宠物的好感度最大是1000点, 每次 抚摸 宠物 都能增加12点。每200点为1心好感度 好感度达到999可以让你在[[ 爷爷]] 评估中获得1分。每天可以点击抚摸一次。
  与宠物的好感度 最大是1000 点, 每次 抚摸 宠物 都能 加12 点好感度。 每200点等于1级,有800 点可 以让你 在[[ 爷爷]] 评估中获得1分
  当您 与宠物的好感度 达到1000 时,您将收到弹出消息:“<动物名字> 爱你 &#9825;” &nbsp;可以在暂停界面查看宠物的好感度。
房子左上角的木板上有一个碗,你可以为你的宠物充满水。如果你给你宠物的碗里装了水 第二天早上 宠物 的好感度将 加6 (注意如果第二天早上下雨将不会触发)。在雨天,宠物的碗会自动加满水。如果在你收养宠物之前下过雨,那么碗中的水会被保留到你收养宠物之后。
没有任何机制会使宠物的 好感度 降低 无视你的宠物(甚至对宠物使用[[武器#弹弓|弹弓]])不会降低好感度。如果宠物在前一晚没有自己的宠物碗,那么第二天早上你与宠物的好感度将降低10 。<ref name="petnobowl" />
=== 能的礼物===
在宠物好感度达到最大时,每只宠物 每天第一次被抚摸时都有可能掉落礼物。一只宠物每天掉落礼物的概率为20%。<ref name="petgifts" />和村民用[[ 信件]] 发送的礼物一样,每次重新载入同一天时,宠物掉落的礼物也是随机的 下表列出了宠物必定掉落礼物时的不同物品掉落概率:
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!colspan="3" style="text-align: left;"|可能的礼物&nbsp;
| style="background-color: transparent;"|
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="float: left; margin-right: 12px; width: 20%;"
|data-sort-value="Joja Cola"|{{Name|Joja Cola|1}}
|{{Name|Trash (item)|1}}
|{{Name|Broken Glasses|1}}
|{{Name|Broken CD|1}}
|{{Name|Soggy Newspaper|1}}
|{{Name|Green Algae|1}}
|{{Name|Rainbow Trout|1}}
|{{Name|River Jelly|1}}
|{{Name|Largemouth Bass|1}}
|{{Name|Midnight Carp|1}}
|{{Name|Tiger Trout|1}}
|{{Name|Bat Wing|2}}
|{{Name|Rabbit's Foot|1}}
|{{Name|Duck Feather|1}}
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="float: left; margin-right: 12px; width: 20%;"
|{{Name|Bone Fragment|3-4}}
|{{Name|Prehistoric Scapula|1}}
|{{Name|Prehistoric Tibia|1}}
|{{Name|Prehistoric Skull|1}}
|{{Name|Skeletal Hand|1}}
|{{Name|Prehistoric Rib|1}}
|{{Name|Prehistoric Vertebra|1}}
|{{Name|Skeletal Tail|1}}
|{{Name|Ancient Doll|1}}
|{{Name|Elvish Jewelry|1}}
|{{Name|Chewing Stick|1}}
|{{Name|Ornamental Fan|1}}
|{{Name|Dinosaur Egg|1}}
|{{Name|Rare Disc|1}}
|{{Name|Ancient Sword|1}}
|{{Name|Rusty Spoon|1}}
|{{Name|Rusty Spur|1}}
|{{Name|Rusty Cog|1}}
|{{Name|Chicken Statue|1}}
|{{Name|Chipped Amphora|1}}
|{{Name|Artifact Trove|1}}
当您与宠物的好感度达到1000点时,您将收到弹出消息: " <动物名字> 爱你 &#9825;" &nbsp;除了这个消息以外,没有办法在游戏中查看你与宠 的好感度。
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="float: left; width: 20%;"
|{{Name|Sea Urchin|1}}
|{{Name|Nautilus Shell|1}}
|{{Name|Rainbow Shell|1}}
|{{Name|Sea Jelly|1}}
|{{Name|Cave Jelly|1}}
|{{Name|Seafoam Pudding|1}}
  房子左上角 木板上有 个碗 以为你的宠物充满水 。如果 你给你 宠物的碗里 装了 水,第二天早上 你与宠物的好感度将增加6点 (请注意 ,如果 第二天早上下雨 此事件不 触发 )
  猫掉落哪种鱼,取决于游戏当前 季节、天气和时间。比如,在下午6点之后抚摸 只猫 那么这只猫掉落的鱼就 能是[[鲷鱼]] 。如果 玩家在抚摸猫时,拿着 鱼竿 [[魔法鱼饵]] 那么这只猫可能掉落任何深山湖鱼或煤矿森林河鱼 同样 ,如果 玩家在抚摸猫时,拿着的鱼竿装备了[[针对性鱼饵]] 那么将 提升猫掉落某种特定鱼类的概率
[[File:Pet Bowl empty.png]] [[File:Pet Bowl full.png]]
Pet Bowl empty.png|空的宠物碗
Pet Bowl full.png|满的宠物碗
Dog.gif|来自[https://www.stardewvalley.net/dev-update-29/ 开发日志 #29]
Cat.gif|来自[https://www.stardewvalley.net/dev-update-29/ 开发日志 #29]
 马是一种坐骑,可以提 高30 %移动速度 。如 你把它留在某个地方 自动找到回家的路,在第二天早上出现在马厩 。马可以通过在[[木匠 ]]购买[[马厩]]获得。 和宠物 可以 在获得 的时候 取名字, 这个提示只有在第一次骑马 时候才有
 马是一种坐骑,可以提 高玩家30 [[File:Speed.png|24px|link=]][[速度#玩家速度| 移动速度]](这一效 可与食物和饮料带来的速度增益叠加) 并且穿过草和农作物时不 减慢速度 。马可以通过在[[木匠 的商店]]购买[[马厩]]获得。 在第 次骑上马时 玩家 可以 它取名字 。不过 马取好的名字 不能更改 的。
  当水平移动时,马可以正常穿过所有的空隙,但需要2 个方 格的的空间才能垂直移 ,这意味着骑马时,你不能像步行时一样穿过所有 小间隙。骑马 农场的农作物 移动时不会减速
  如果你把它留在某 ,它会自 找到回家 路, 第二天早 出现在马厩
'''Bug:''' 在[[ 木围栏]] 附近骑 ,会出现 一个BUG,使您能够穿过围栏
  如果你将马停滞在某处地方,它会在原地等待你,在你回来之后会显示一条信息“&lt;马的名字&gt;正纳闷你去哪儿了。”或是“你忠诚的爱驹在等你回来。”如果你将你的马丢 在[[ 农场]] 外回家睡觉, 会自动找到回家的路 第二天早上必然 会出现 在马厩内
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Riding_1.jpg|thumb|left|骑马bug 1]]</li>
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Riding_2.jpg|thumb|left|骑马bug 2]]</li>
==Animal Care==
Animals that live in barns and coops have a friendship rating that can be seen by right-clicking the animal after petting (while holding hay, you can not open this window which can be useful if you accidentally open it a lot). The rating is out of 5 hearts, is shown in half-heart increments, and is taken into account when deciding how likely that animal is to produce higher-quality products if that animal is capable of producing them in the first place.
Each half-heart is equivalent to 100 points of friendship, making the maximum value of Friendship 1000.
Actions that affect friendship are as follows:
* Petting (+15, or +30 if player has Shepherd or Coopmaster and animal is of relevant type)
* Milking or Shearing (+5, No penalty for not being milked or sheared)
* Eating Grass Outside (+8)
* [[大门]]: 可以开门、关门。
* [[鸡舍]] 和 [[畜棚]]:可以打开关闭鸡舍、畜棚的门。
* [[售卖|出货箱]]:可以将物品放入出货箱中。
* [[鱼塘]]:可以收集物品,添加鱼、任务物品,改变外观和清空池塘。
* [[村民]]:可以和村民交谈。
* [[#猫和狗|宠物]]:可以抚摸猫和狗。
* Not Fed (-20 ''Calculated day-end'')
* Trapped outside overnight (-20 ''Calculated day-end'')
* Not Pet/Talked to (-5 to -10, ''Calculated day-end by the formula:'' (10 - (CurrentFriendship / 200)))
== 照顾动物==
Like friendship, an animal's current mood can be checked by right-clicking after petting the animal.
<div id="infoboxborder" style="min-width:48px"><span style="image-rendering:pixelated;image-rendering:optimizespeed;">[[File:DialogueBubbleLove.png|100px|center]]</span></div>
Mood is a very important factor when determining animal product quality and type. It is only taken into account when the game rolls animal produce at the beginning of the day, and has no effect otherwise.
Mood is a value from 0 to 255. You can estimate its current value from the message in the animals right click dialogue:
*''<Animal Name> looks really happy today!'' indicates Mood is at least 200 and at most 255.
* 抚摸(+15,若玩家选择[[耕种#耕种技能|鸡舍大师或牧羊人职业]]则对应动物+30)
*''<Animal Name> looks fine.'' indicates Mood is at least 30 and less than 200.
* 挤奶或剪毛(+5,不挤奶或剪毛不会减少友谊值)
*''<Animal Name> looks sad.'' indicates Mood is at least 0 and less than 30.
* 吃外面的[[草|青草]](+8)
'''Actions that affect Mood are as follows''' (''every 10 minutes refers to ingame minutes''):
* 没有喂食(-20,每天结束后计算)
*Petting ('''+32 to +36''' dependent on animal type, '''double''' amount if player has [[Shepherd]] or [[Coopmaster]] and animal is of relevant type)
* 被困在外面一晚上(-20,每天结束后计算)
*Eating Grass Outside ('''Sets Mood to 255''')
* 没有抚摸或对话(-5 ~ -10 ,每天结束后按公式计算:(10 -(当前友谊值 / 200)))
*Season is Winter, animal is in an area with a Heater, and has mood 150 or higher ('''+4 to +8 every 10 minutes''' past 6PM the Player stays awake, up to 255. Only one heater required. ''overrides all other "every 10 minutes" effects'')
*Animal was fed ('''+4 to +16''', dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps, checks whether the animal ate either hay or grass)
*Animal outside after 6PM, but before 7PM, and has less than 150 Mood ('''+4 to +8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
*Animal outside in the rain or Winter ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
*Animal outside past 7PM ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
*Player staying awake past 6PM, animal inside Barn or Coop ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes the Player stays awake''', until a minimum of 150 is reached.)
*Animal slept outside ('''-Half of current Mood''', Calculated when the Player sleeps)
*Animal was not pet ('''-20 to -40''', dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps)
*Animal was not fed ('''-100''' Calculated when the Player sleeps)
*''<动物名字> 今天看起来非常高兴!'' 表示心情值为200-255。
*''<动物名字> 看起来心情不错。'' 表示心情值为30-200。
*''<动物名字> 看起来悲伤。'' 表示心情值为0-30。
<font color="Red">'''Important caveat: If an animal is pet when it would increase it above the max (255) mood, their mood value will roll over, and begin again from the minimum (Zero) value.'''</font>
To maximize Mood in seasons that are not winter, the player must pet their animals before they eat grass outside, and end their day as soon as possible after 6PM when all the animals are inside. Closing the door behind them will prevent them from eating grass outside before you can pet them.
*抚摸('''加32-36点''' 取决于动物类型,如果玩家选择的是[[耕种#耕种技能|牧羊人]]或[[耕种#耕种技能|鸡舍大师]]职业,对应的动物的心情值会'''加倍''')
*在冬季,动物的所在区如果有加热器,心情值为150以上('''每10分钟加4-8点'''在晚上6点后玩家还醒着时,直到255。只需要一个加热器。 ''覆盖其他“每10分钟”的效果'')
*动物待在外面在6PM之后,但在7PM之前,心情值为150以下('''每10分钟加4-8点''' ''不与任何其他“每10分钟”效果叠加'')
Each animal type has a different amount of days required before they will be able to make a product. For example, cows and chickens can produce milk and eggs everyday, whereas a goat can only produce milk every other day.
If the animal has met the required amount of days to create their product, some additional checks will be made to determine if they will actually produce.
*冬季或雨天动物待在外面('''每10分钟减8-10点''' ''不与任何其他“每10分钟”效果叠加'')
*If the animal was not fed, it will not produce.
*在7PM之后动物还待在外面('''每10分钟减4-8点''' ''不与任何其他“每10分钟”效果叠加'')
*If the animal has less than 70 Mood, there is a chance it will not produce. The lower the mood, the less likely it will produce. (The percent chance it will still produce is equal to Mood/70)
* 没有抚摸动物('''减20-40点''',取决于动物类型,玩家睡觉后计算)
* 没有喂食动物('''-100'''玩家睡觉后计算)
Whether an animal produces a Deluxe or Large product, and the quality of the products, is determined at the very beginning of the day by some randomness as well as a combination of Mood and Friendship.
*If an animal has 150 Mood or above, it will gain the ability to produce Quality and Large or Deluxe products. ('''Note, this is just the ability, the actual chance for these items is covered in the sections below, Quality and Large/Deluxe products are not guaranteed''')
*If an animal is below 150 Mood, it still has a chance to have the ability to produce Quality and Large or Deluxe products. The lower the mood, the less likely. (The percent chance to gain the ability is equal to Mood/150)
* 如果动物没有喂食,就不会产出动物制品。
* 如果动物的心情不到70点,就有可能不会产出动物制品。心情值越低,产出动物制品的可能性就越小。(产出动物制品的几率=心情值/70)
Special case: If an animal meets the requirement to produce something, but does not gain the ability to create a Quality or Large/Deluxe product, the game will not register the fact that it produced an item that day. In this case, animals that normally would take multiple days to produce, will produce again immediately the next day.
动物是否生产高级或大型动物制品,以及产品的品质取决于心情值与友谊值的组合以及一些随机性。<ref name="dayupdate" />
'''<font color="Red">Warning: [[Sheep]], [[Pigs]], and [[Dinosaurs]] at a high enough mood and friendship will NOT PRODUCE ANYTHING because they will always roll a "Large/Deluxe product", and the animal type cannot produce Large or Deluxe products</font>'''
*如果一只动物的心情值在150以上,它将有可能生产高品质、大型或高级产品。(''' 注意,只是有可能,并不是一定会产出高品质、大型/ 高级产品,具体条件如下'''
====Deluxe and Large Products====
特例: 如果一只动物满足产出动物制品的要求,但没有能力产出一个高品质、大型或高级产品,那么游戏将不会判断该动物在当天产生制品。在这种情况下,需要多天生产的动物将在第二天再次产出动物制品。
A "Mood Modifier" is calculated when rolling for whether Deluxe produce (Large products, Duck Feathers, and Rabbit feet) will be created in the following ways:
*If Mood is more than 200, it will be multiplied by 2
*If Mood is 200 or less, it will be multiplied by '''Negative 2'''
This "Mood Modifier" will be used in different ways depending on the animal.
''Try to avoid medium amounts of Mood to prevent high penalties.''
'''<font color="Red">If a player stays up until 7:50PM, an animal with a -5 Happiness drain (A cow, for example) that started at 255 happiness will receive a massive -400 Mood score modifier</font>'''
'' 尽量避免中等程度的心情值,以防止被减太多心情值。'' 
=====Duck Feathers and Rabbit Feet=====
===== 鸭毛和兔子的脚=====
Ducks and rabbits will take into account the [[Daily Luck]] to determine if they will create their Deluxe produce.
在计算鸭子和兔子是否产出高级产品是会受到每日[[ 运气]] 值的影响。
For each duck or rabbit, an overall score is created using the following formula: <code>(<font color="Red">Friendship</font> + <font color="Blue">Mood Modifier</font>)/5000 + <font color="Green">Daily Luck</font></code>
对于每只鸭子或兔子,使用以下公式创建总分:<code>(<font color="Red"> 友谊值</font> + <font color="Blue"> 心情值修正</font>)/5000 + <font color="Green"> 每日运气</font></code>
For example, an animal with <font color="Red">600 Friendship</font> (3 Hearts), <font color="Blue">150 Mood</font>, and <font color="Green>0.10 Daily Luck</font>, would be calculated as:
例如,一个动物按<font color="Red">600 点友谊值</font> (3心)、<font color="Blue">150 点心情值</font> <font color="Green>0.10 每日运气</font> 计算的话:
<code> =(<font color="Red">600</font> + (<font color="Blue">150*(-2)</font>))/5000 + <font color="Green">0.10</font>
<code> =(<font color="Red">600</font> + (<font color="Blue">150*(-2)</font>))/5000 + <font color="Green">0.10</font>
第124行: 第411行:
Each time a product is rolled, a random number between 0-1 is rolled against this score. If the overall score is higher than the random number, a Deluxe product will be created. '''At max Friendship, Mood, and Luck, you will have a 40% chance of getting a Deluxe product'''
每次产出一个产品时,系统都会掷一个0-1 之间的随机数。如果总得分高于这个随机数,就会生产一个高级动物制品。''' 在友谊值,心情值和运气均为最大时,你将有40%的机会获得豪华产品'''
=====Large Eggs and Milk=====
===== 大鸡蛋和牛奶=====
For animals that have a chance to produce a Large product, the game will take Mood and Friendship into account.
Each animal will have an overall score created with the following formula: <code>(<font color="Red">Friendship</font> + <font color="Blue">Mood Modifier</font>)/1200</code>
每个动物都按照下列公式得出一个总分:<code>(<font color="Red"> 友谊值</font> + <font color="Blue"> 心情值修正</font>)/1200</code>
For example, an animal with <font color="Red">600 Friendship</font> (3 Hearts) and <font color="Blue">150 Mood</font> would be calculated as:
例如,一个动物按<font color="Red">600 点友谊值</font> (3心)和<font color="Blue">150 点心情值</font> 计算的话:
<code> =((<font color="Red">600</font> + (<font color="Blue">150*(-2)</font>))/1200
<code> =((<font color="Red">600</font> + (<font color="Blue">150*(-2)</font>))/1200
第140行: 第427行:
Each time a product is rolled, a number between 0-1 is chosen randomly. If the overall score is higher than the random number, a Large product will be created. '''An overall score of at least 1200 will guarantee a Large product.'''
每次一个产品是滚动的,在0-1 之间随机选择一个数字。如果总分比随机数量更高的话,就会生成一个大型产品。''' 一个总分至少为1200时将保证有一个大型产品。'''
==== 品质====
If the animal has the ability to produce a Quality item, it will roll for quality from normal to iridium.
如果动物有能力产出一个有品质的物品,它将在普通到铱星品质之间滚动。<ref name="dayupdate" />
Each animal will have an overall '''score''' created with the following formula: <code>((<font color="Red">Friendship</font>/1000) - (1 - (<font color="blue">Mood</font>/225))</code>
每个动物都按下列公式得出一个总的''' 分值''' <code>((<font color="Red"> 友谊值</font>/1000) - (1 - (<font color="blue"> 心情值</font>/225))</code>
For example, an animal with <font color="Red">600 Friendship</font> (3 Hearts) and <font color="Blue">150 Mood</font> would be calculated thus:
例如,一个动物按<font color="Red">600 点友谊值</font> (3心)和<font color="Blue">150 点心情值</font> 计算的话:
<code>=((<font color="Red">600</font>/1000) - (1 - (<font color="Blue">150</font>/225))
<code>=((<font color="Red">600</font>/1000) - (1 - (<font color="Blue">150</font>/225))
第158行: 第445行:
='''0.266...''' </code>
='''0.266...''' </code>
If the player has [[Shepherd]] or [[Coopmaster]], and the animal is a relevant type, 0.33 will be added to the '''score'''.
如果玩家选择[[ 耕种#耕种技能|牧羊人]] [[ 耕种#耕种技能|鸡舍大师]] 职业,和动物相关类型的,0.33将增加到'''分值'''中。
:''例如,一个分值为'''0.266...''' 将除以2变成'''0.133...''';物品将有13%的几率为金星品质。''
The game will begin checking what quality to create by first seeing if the '''score''' value is above 0.95. If it is, the '''score''' divided by 2 will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If the '''score''' divided by 2 is greater than the random number, the item will be Iridium quality.
如果没有产生一个金星品质的物品,''' 分值''' 将直接与从0-1 之间随机选择的数字作比较。如果它比随机数字要大的话,物品将为银星品质。
:''In our given example, a score of '''0.266...''' is not above 0.95; the item would not be able to become Iridium.''
:'' 例如,如果物品不为金星品质,它将有26.6%的几率为银星品质。
If an Iridium quality item is not produced, the '''score''' divided by 2 will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If the '''score''' divided by 2 is greater than the random number, the item will be Gold quality.
:''In our given example, a score of '''0.266...''' would be divided by 2 to become '''0.133...'''; the item would have a 13% chance to become Gold quality.''
If a Gold quality item is not produced, the '''score''' will be compared against a random number between 0-1. If it is greater than the random number, the item will be Silver quality.
:''In our given example, if the item was not Gold, it would have a 26.6% chance to be Silver quality.
If the item is not Silver quality, it will be Normal quality.
=== 食物===
Buildings can be purchased from the [[Carpenter's Shop]], and will be completed within a few days. Once placed, they can be moved around at the [[Carpenter's Shop]] as well.
[[Barn]]s, [[coop]]s and [[slime hutch]]es house animals, [[silo]]s store [[hay]], and the [[stable]] unlocks the [[horse]].
住在畜棚和鸡舍里的动物可以喂食新鲜的[[ ]] (如果允许在外面的话)或[[ 干草]] (如果需要保持在里面,或者没发现草的话)。这些动物吃到新鲜的草时它们的心情将变成“今天非常高兴!”。史莱姆也需要通过喷壶给它们的水槽装满水,马和宠物不需要喂食。
Animals do not die if not fed, but will become upset and cease production of animal products until feeding resumes.
Animals that live in barns and coops can eat either fresh grass (if allowed outside) or hay (if kept inside, or unable to find grass). These animals will have their mood changed to "very happy today!" upon eating fresh grass. Slimes only need to have their troughs filled with water from the watering can, and horses and pets do not need to eat.
If it is a festival day, animals do not need to be fed, the game will automatically consider them fed.
====Grass & Hay====
如果吃的是鲜草,鸡舍动物每天要吃2丛青草(或1丛蓝草),畜棚动物每天要吃4丛青草(或2丛蓝草)。<ref name="food" /><ref name="grass" />
Opening the gates of a [[coop]] or [[barn]] will allow animals to come outside (when the [[weather]] is not rainy, snowy, or stormy) and eat [[grass]]. The animals will return to their buildings by 6pm to sleep. Closing the gates again in the evening will prevent them from leaving immediately in the morning to eat grass. They can be opened again during the day to allow them to eat. Closing the gate before all the animals have returned will result in the ones being left out over night making them vulnerable to wolves and if not eaten they will have their mood reduced from being left out in the cold.
If the animals remain inside or do not find grass to eat, they will instead eat [[hay]]. To feed them hay you can take some by clicking on the hay hopper (which automatically takes hay from the silo) and put it in the feeding bench. The [[Deluxe Coop]] and the [[Deluxe Barn]] will distribute the hay automatically. Each animal eats one "portion" of hay per day.
如果动物保持在里面或找不到草吃的话,它们将吃[[ 干草]] 代替,每只动物每天一份。喂食它们干草,你可以通过点击喂料斗获取一些到[[ 物品栏|存货]] 里,自动从[[ 筒仓]] 中获取干草,并放入喂食斗里。[[鸡舍|高级鸡舍]]和[[畜棚|高级畜棚]]会自动喂食。
[[File:Chickens fed ZH.png|300px]]
Once a [[silo]] has been constructed on the farm, using a [[scythe]] on grass will place hay inside the silo (50% chance per grass). Each silo holds 240 pieces of hay. Hay can then be gathered from hoppers inside barns and coops and placed in the feeding bins nearby. Building a silo before building animal buildings can make care much easier, though hay can be purchased from [[Marnie's Ranch]] even if the silo has not been built.
一旦农场里建成[[ 筒仓]] ,在草地里使用[[ 鐮刀]] 将获取干草到筒仓里(每块草地50% 的几率)。每个[[ 筒仓]] 可以容纳240份干草。干草可以集中在畜棚和鸡舍的喂食斗里,放置在饲养箱附近。在建造动物建筑物之前建造筒仓能更容易些,如果筒仓还没建成的话干草可以在[[玛妮的牧场]]购买。
In the winter, snow covers the grass completely, making grazing impossible. Therefore, it may be advisable to use the scythe to cut some or all of the grass into hay before the end of the fall season to ensure enough reserve hay to feed your animals through the winter.
===Animals Trapped Outside===
=== 动物被困在外面===
An animal may be trapped outside a barn or coop if the doors are closed at night. The conditions that cause an animal to be trapped outside are not clear. It may be more likely for an animal to be trapped outside if the player does not leave the farm after 5pm (when animals begin to return to the barn/coop) and does not enter the barn/coop after 5pm.  (Leaving the farm and entering the barn/coop after 5pm both seem to cause animals to transport or spawn to the inside of the barn/coop automatically).  
  外出的动物通常会在下午 6 点前返回它们的建筑物睡觉。晚上关上仓门可以防止它们在早上立即离开吃草,为玩家在第二天抚摸动物节省时间。在所有动物回来之前关上仓门,它们有可能在夜间受到野生动物的袭击。
动物被困在外面的条件还不清楚。动物被困在外面的原因很有可能是玩家在5pm之后没离开农场(当动物开始返回畜棚/ 鸡舍时)和 在5pm之后没进入畜棚/ 鸡舍。(在5pm之后离开农场或进入畜棚/ 鸡舍似乎可以使动物自动返回畜棚/ 鸡舍并生产)。玩家在下午 5 点之前睡觉,也有可能发生这种情况。
If it rains the next day, and the animal was left out, the animal will stay outside in the rain. This is the only instance in which a farm animal will be outside during the rain.
如果第二天下雨,动物被遗忘在屋外的话,动物将会停留在屋外淋雨。这是唯一在雨天农场动物在外面的实例。同理,如果动物在秋季 28 天时被困在屋外,动物会在外面停留到冬季 1 天。
An animal left outside its barn/coop will be grumpy the next day.
动物被困在畜棚/ 鸡舍外面第二天将会生气。
animal left outside dialog.png|Grumpy animal
animal left outside dialog.png| 生气的动物
animal in the rain.png|Animal in the rain
animal in the rain.png| 下雨天的动物
===Wild Animal Attacks===
=== 野生动物袭击===
[[File:AnimalAttackDialogue ZH.png|thumb|right|140px|野生动物袭击后的其他动物]]
如果一个动物因畜棚或鸡舍大门关闭被困在外面(请查看上一个段落)的话,在晚上的时候有一定几率会遭到野生动物袭击。<ref name="dogs" />
If an animal has been trapped outside (see previous section) with the barn or coop doors closed, there is a chance they will be attacked by a wild animal during the night.
每个建筑物,游戏会随机取一个0到1之间的数字并与 1/( 农场建筑物的数量) 比较。如果随机数字更大的话,建筑物将被忽略。换句话说,玩家的建筑物越多,被袭击的几率越低。例如,如果玩家有两个农场建筑的话,每个建筑有50%的几率被袭击,三个建筑将为33%,四个建筑将有25%的几率被袭击,等等。
After the player goes to sleep, any events that will happen during the night (such as Bundle events) are calculated as normal. If no events are due to occur, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt to start a wild animal attack event. If this event proceeds, the game will go through all buildings to find a barn or coop that has their doors '''closed''' and has animals left outside.
一旦一个建筑被选到,事件将第一个被困在建筑外面的动物视为攻击目标。动物将在第二天早上被游戏移除,其他所有的动物将有一个心情信息说“''&lt;动物的名字&gt;'' 今天似乎很紧张不安。昨晚应该发生了些事情。”
For each building, the game takes a random number between 0 and 1 and compares it to 1/(the number of total farm buildings). If the random number is larger, the building is ignored. In other words, the more buildings the player has, the less likely that one will be attacked. For example, if the player has two farm buildings, each building has a 50% chance of being attacked, three buildings would give 33%, four would give 25% chance of being attacked, etc.
类似于动物袭击,如果在夜间没有其他的事件发生,游戏将有50%的几率触发一个动物生育事件。游戏会搜寻没有满的升级后的畜棚。游戏还会有一个 0.55% * ( 拥有的动物数量) 的几率开始事件。例如,一个升级后的畜棚里有3个动物将有一个 1.65% 的几率开始检查。如果建筑物没有通过此检查,游戏将继续搜寻所有建筑物直到结束。
Once a building has been chosen, the event takes the first animal stuck outside from that building to be the target of the attack. The animal will be removed from the game and in the morning, all other animals will have a mood message saying "''&lt;animal name&gt;'' looks stressed and paranoid today. It seems like something bad happened last night."
===Animal Births===
== 出售动物==
Similar to animal attacks, if there are no other events occurring in the night, there will be a 50% chance that the game will attempt an animal birth event. The game searches through all buildings for an upgraded Barn that isn't full. The game then makes another check where there is a 0.55% * (the number of animals inside) chance of proceeding with the event. For example, an upgraded barn with three animals inside would have a 1.65% chance of passing this check. If the building fails this check, the game will continue going through all buildings until none are left.
<br />将光标移动到界面右边的金币按钮上,游戏会提示该动物的售出价格。
<br />点击金币按钮和随后出现的确认按钮,就可以完成出售。
If a barn passes all these checks, a random animal inside is chosen. If the animal is not a baby and has pregnancy enabled, that animal will give birth.
动物的售出价格是<code>基础价格 * ((友谊值 / 1000) + 0.3)</code><ref name="sellprice" />。
<br />此处的<samp>基础价格</samp>可在游戏数据文件 <samp>Data/FarmAnimals.xnb</samp> 中找到。
==Coop Animals==
== 鸡舍动物==
These animals cannot be purchased until a [[coop]] is built on your farm, and must occupy a spot in a coop. They will leave their products inside the coop each morning.
在你的农场里建造[[ 鸡舍]] 之前是无法购买这些动物的,并在鸡舍里占一个点。它们将在每天早上在鸡舍里生产出它们的产品。
=== ===
:''Main article: [[Chicken]]''
: 主要页面:[[ ]]
Adult chickens will produce eggs every morning if fed. Happier chickens may produce larger, more valuable eggs.
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[File:White Chicken.png]]
|[[File:White Chicken.png]]
|[[ ]]
| {{Price|800}}
| {{Price|800}}
| [[File:Egg.png|32px]] [[Egg]] - 50g<br>[[File:Large Egg.png|32px]] [[Large Egg]] - 95g
| [[File:Egg.png|32px]] [[ ]] - 50g<br />[[File:Large Egg.png|32px]] [[ 大鸡蛋]] - 95g
| {{Price|1040}}
| {{Price|1040}}
|[[File:Brown Chicken.png]]
|[[File:Brown Chicken.png]]
|[[ ]]
| {{Price|800}}
| {{Price|800}}
| [[File:Brown Egg.png|32px]] [[Brown Egg]] - 50g<br>[[File:Large Brown Egg.png|32px]] [[Large Brown Egg]] - 95g
| [[File:Brown Egg.png|32px]] [[ 蛋|棕色鸡蛋]] - 50g<br />[[File:Large Brown Egg.png|32px]] [[ 大鸡蛋|棕色大鸡蛋]] - 95g
| {{Price|1040}}
| {{Price|1040}}
|[[File:Blue Chicken.png]]
|[[File:Blue Chicken.png]]
|[[ ]]
| {{Price|800}}
| {{Price|800}}
| [[File:Egg.png|32px]] [[Egg]] - 50g<br>[[File:Large Egg.png|32px]] [[Large Egg]] - 95g
| [[File:Egg.png|32px]] [[ ]] - 50g<br />[[File:Large Egg.png|32px]] [[ 大鸡蛋]] - 95g
| {{Price|1040}}
| {{Price|1040}}
|[[File:Void Chicken.png]]
|[[File:Void Chicken.png]]
|[[Void Chicken]]
|[[ 虚空鸡]]
| n/a
| [[File:Void Egg.png|32px]] [[虚空蛋]] - 65g
| {{Price|1040}}
|[[File:Golden Chicken.png]]
| n/a
| n/a
| [[File:Void Egg.png|32px]] [[Void Egg]] - 65g
| [[File:Golden Egg.png|32px]] [[ 金蛋]] - 500g
| {{Price|1040}}
| {{Price|1040}}
To obtain a Void Chicken; in a random event after you sleep, a witch will fly over one of your Chicken [[Coop]]s, leaving you with a Void Egg in the morning.  Alternatively, you can purchase a Void Egg from the [[Traveling Cart]] in [[Cindersap Forest]] or from [[Krobus]] for  {{Price|5000}} in the [[Sewer]].  After you obtain the Void Egg, putting the egg into an [[Incubator]] (you must have the [[Big Coop]]) will result in the hatching of a Void Chicken.
获得虚空鸡的方法:在一个任意事件之后睡觉,将会有一个女巫飞过你的[[鸡舍]],在第二天早上会留下一颗虚空蛋。你也可以在[[ 煤矿森林]] 里的[[ 旅行货车]] 里或是在[[ 下水道]] 里的[[ 科罗布斯]] 那里花{{Price|5000}} 购买一颗虚空蛋。你获得虚空蛋之后,将蛋放入[[ 孵化器]] 中(你必须有[[ 鸡舍|大鸡舍]] )孵化出虚空鸡。
你在[[ 玛妮]] 那购买的鸡是否为白色或褐色是随机的。
Whether you receive a white or brown chicken when purchasing from [[Marnie]] is random.
经历过[[ 谢恩]] 的8心事件之后,你在[[玛妮]]那购买的每只鸡都有一个1/4的几率是蓝色的。除了外貌,蓝色的鸡与白色的鸡一样。
After seeing [[Shane]]'s 8-heart event, each chicken you purchase from [[Marnie]] has a 1/4 chance of being blue. Aside from appearance, blue chickens are identical to white chickens.
You may receive a White, Brown, or Blue (If blue has been unlocked) Chicken from incubating an egg of either type (White or Brown).
=== ===
:''Main article: [[Duck]]''
: 主要页面:[[ ]]
Adult ducks will lay an egg or drop a [[Duck Feather]] every other day. Happier ducks have a higher chance to produce Duck Feathers instead of an egg.
鸭五天成年,成年鸭子每隔一天会产出一个鸭蛋或一个[[鸭毛]]。开心的鸭子有更高的机会生产[[ 鸭毛]] ,而不是蛋。
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 要求
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[ ]]
|Big Coop
| 大鸡舍
| [[File:Duck Egg.png|36px]][[Duck Egg]] - 95g <br/>[[File:Duck Feather.png|36px]] [[Duck Feather]] - 125g
| [[File:Duck Egg.png|36px]][[ 鸭蛋]] - 95g <br />[[File:Duck Feather.png|36px]] [[ 鸭毛]] - 250g
=== 兔子===
:''Main article: [[Rabbit]]''
: 主要页面:[[ 兔子]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 要求
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[ 兔子]]
|Deluxe Coop
| 高级鸡舍
| [[File:Wool.png|32px]] [[Wool]] - 340g<br>[[File:Rabbit's Foot.png|32px]] [[Rabbit's Foot]] - 565g
| [[File:Wool.png|32px]] [[ 动物毛]] - 340g<br />[[File:Rabbit's Foot.png|32px]] [[ 兔子的脚]] - 565g
Once sufficient [[friendship]] is reached, they can produce [[Rabbit's Foot]] automatically just like wool.
兔子六天成年,一旦达到足够的[[ 友谊]] ,它们会像掉落动物毛一样自动掉落[[ 兔子的脚]]
=== 恐龙===
:''Main article: [[Dinosaur]]''
: 主要页面:[[ 恐龙]]
To obtain a Dinosaur, a [[Dinosaur Egg]] must be found while [[Artifacts|Artifact]] hunting. Putting that egg into an [[Incubator]] will result in hatching a Dinosaur. The Dinosaur itself will act like any other coop animal, but it lays Dinosaur Eggs every 1-5 days and makes no sound.
要获得恐龙(游戏中也翻译为蜥蜴),[[ 恐龙蛋]] 必须通过搜寻[[ 古物]] 获得。将恐龙蛋放入[[ 孵化器]] 会孵化出一只恐龙。恐龙的行为模式和其他鸡舍动物一样,但它每1-5 天会产下一个恐龙蛋,与其他动物不同的是,恐龙没有叫声,玩家抚摸时恐龙不会发出声音。
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder".
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder".
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 要求
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[ 恐龙]]
|Big Coop
| 大鸡舍
|[[File:Dinosaur_Egg.png|32px]] [[Dinosaur Egg]] - 350g
|[[File:Dinosaur_Egg.png|32px]] [[ 恐龙蛋]] - 350g
==Barn Animals==
== 畜棚动物==
These animals cannot be purchased until a [[barn]] is built on your farm, and must occupy a spot in a barn. Their products are either gathered with a tool, or in the case of pigs, left on the ground outside while grazing.
这些动物需要建造[[ 畜棚]] 才能购买,每只动物都会占据畜棚的一个位置。收集牛或羊的产品需要特定的工具,而猪的生产则需要放牧。
Barn animals may become pregnant at random if the pregnancy option is enabled on their status menu. This is opened by right-clicking on the animal after having done so to give it affection first.  An icon to the right of the menu can be toggled to allow pregnancy for that animal.  If an animal becomes pregnant, during the night a message box will pop up saying an animal gave birth.  The game will then prompt you to choose a name for the new animal. For pregnancy to happen you need to have upgraded to a Big Barn and have enough room for another animal.
=== 奶牛===
:''Main article: [[Cow]]''
: 主要页面:[[ ]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! Image
! 图片
! Name
! 名称
! Cost
! 成本
! Produces
! 产品
! 5 Heart Selling Price
! 5 心售价
| [[File:White Cow.png]]
| [[File:White Cow.png]]
| [[Cow]]
| [[ ]]
| [[File:Milk.png|32px]] [[Milk]] - 125g<br>[[File:Large Milk.png|32px]] [[Large Milk]] - 190g
| [[File:Milk.png|32px]] [[ 牛奶]] - 125g<p>[[File:Large Milk.png|32px]] [[ 大壶牛奶]] - 190g</p>
| [[File:Brown Cow.png]]
| [[File:Brown Cow.png]]
| [[Cow]]
| [[ ]]
| [[File:Milk.png|32px]] [[Milk]] - 125g<br>[[File:Large Milk.png|32px]] [[Large Milk]] - 190g
| [[File:Milk.png|32px]] [[ 牛奶]] - 125g<p>[[File:Large Milk.png|32px]] [[ 大壶牛奶]] - 190g</p>
When interacted with, cows will stick their tongue out at you.
=== 山羊===
:''Main article: [[Goat]]''
: 主要页面:[[ 山羊]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 要求
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[ 山羊]]
|Big Barn
| 大畜棚
| [[File:Goat Milk.png|32px]] [[Goat Milk]] - 225g<br>[[File:Large Goat Milk.png|32px]] [[Large Goat Milk]] - 345g
| [[File:Goat Milk.png|32px]] [[ 羊奶]] - 225g<br />[[File:Large Goat Milk.png|32px]] [[ 大瓶羊奶]] - 345g
Goats produce milk every other day.
=== 绵羊===
:''Main article: [[Sheep]]''
: 主要页面:[[ 绵羊]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 要求
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[ 绵羊]]
|Deluxe Barn
| 高级畜棚
| [[File:Wool.png|32px]] [[Wool]] - 340g
| [[File:Wool.png|32px]] [[ 动物毛]] - 340g
Sheep need to be shorn when their coat grows in. [[Shears]] can be purchased at [[Marnie's Ranch]].
绵羊需要在它们的毛生长完全后才可以修剪。[[ 剪刀]] 可以在[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 里购买。
A sheep will normally grow in its coat every 3rd day if it has been fed and has at least 70 happiness.
If the player has 900 or more Friendship with the sheep and has pet it at least one time , it will reduce it to every other day.
If the player also has Shepherd, it will reduce the time required to regrow by a further day, making a sheep grow it's coat every single day.
=== ===
:''Main article: [[Pig]]''
: 主要页面:[[ ]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! 图片
! 名称
! 成本
! 要求
! 产品
!5 Heart Selling Price
!5 心售价
|[[ ]]
|Deluxe Barn
| 高级畜棚
|[[Truffle]] {{price|625}}
|[[ 松露]] {{price|625}}
Pigs will find [[Truffle]]s after being let outdoors. [[Truffle]]s can be used in the [[Oil Maker]] to make [[Truffle Oil]].
猪十天成年,成年后在户外可能会生产[[ 松露]] [[ 松露]] 可以放入[[ 产油机]] 以生产[[ 松露油]]
Collection will be affected by Foraging skill, allowing you to gather gold quality Truffles with a chance of double harvest.
During Winter, pigs will not produce [[Truffle]]s since the field is covered in snow and they won't leave the barn.
:主要页面:[[ 鸵鸟]]
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
|{{name|Ostrich Egg|class=inline|size=32}} - {{Price|600}}
==Slime Hutch==
== 史莱姆屋==
:''Main article: [[Slime Hutch]]''
: 主要页面:[[ 史莱姆屋]]
Although technically not an animal, Slimes can reside on the farm similar to other animals. Slimes are unique in that they are not docile and harmless like other animals. They are similar in appearance and behavior to [[Slimes]] found elsewhere in the game, and will attack and damage the player if able to. They are obtained by placing a [[Slime Egg]] in a [[Slime Incubator]], either a player-crafted one or the built-in one that comes with the Slime Hutch.
尽管理论上史莱姆不是一种动物,但它可以像其他动物那样居住在农场里。史莱姆是独特的,不像其他动物那样温顺无害。它们的外观和行为与其他游戏中的[[史莱姆泥]]类似,并如果可以它们会攻击伤害玩家。它们可以通过放置一个[[史莱姆蛋]]到[[ 史莱姆孵化器]] 里获得,[[ 史莱姆孵化器]] 可以由玩家制造,[[ 史莱姆屋]] 默认内置一个。
[[Slimes]] produce {{ItemLink|Slime Ball}}s, and do so only when both male and female Slimes are present in the same location, and when given access to water via the troughs in the Slime Hutch. The Slime Ball can be right-clicked to release multiple {{ItemLink|Slime}} items. These piles of slime have a chance of appearing daily, much like the products of coop animals.
[[ 史莱姆泥]] 生产{{Name|Slime Ball|link=史莱姆球|class=inline}} ,只有当雄性史莱姆和雌性史莱姆同时出现在同一个位置,并当水流过史莱姆屋里的水槽时。史莱姆球可以右击分解成多个{{Name|Slime|class=inline}} 。这些成堆的史莱姆粘液每天都有一定几率出现,跟鸡舍动物的产品很像。
Male and female slimes will also occasionally [[Slimes#Mating|breed]] with each other. The color of the resulting offspring will fall anywhere on a spectrum between the parents' colors (e.g. a green slime may breed with a red slime to produce a yellow or orange slime).
雄性史莱姆和雌性史莱姆偶尔也会[[ 史莱姆(怪物)# 交配| 繁殖]] 。后代的颜色将在父母的颜色范围之间选择(例如一个绿色的史莱姆与一个红色的史莱姆将繁殖出一个黄色的或橙色的史莱姆)。
Slime Eggs can be obtained as rare drops from Slimes or by compressing 100 Slime items in a [[Slime Egg-Press]]. They come in various colors and will produce slimes of the same color as the egg. Slimes of any color can breed with slimes of any other color.
史莱姆蛋可以通过史莱姆稀有掉落获得或通过[[ 史莱姆压蛋器]] 压缩100个史莱姆粘液获得。它们开始有各种颜色并将生成相应颜色的蛋。任何颜色的史莱姆都可以繁殖出其他任何颜色的史莱姆。
Slimes incubated or bred in this way can be fought and killed just like any other slimes, and will drop items. A slime hutch can become a very dangerous place after even a few eggs have hatched, and it is advised that players take caution. It is recommended that the player obtain the [[Slime Charmer Ring]] before attempting large-scale slime farming.
孵化或繁殖史莱姆可以用于战斗像其他史莱姆那样,并将掉落物品。史莱姆屋甚至在只有少许蛋孵化后也会变得非常危险,建议玩家要注意。建议玩家在尝试大规模史莱姆农业之前获得[[ 史莱姆克星戒指]]
It is also important to note that once the hutch has more than 5 Slimes, there is a 3.5% chance per night per slime to escape and disappear.
还要注意一旦小屋里超过5只史莱姆,每晚每只史莱姆都有一个3.5% 几率逃跑并消失。
In a [[Random Event|random event]] after going to sleep, a [[Witch]] will fly over the Slime Hutch, turning all of the [[Slimes]] into [[Slimes#Black.2FTransparent_Slimes|Black Slimes]].
在一个[[ 随机事件]] 之后去睡觉,一个[[ 随机事件#女巫|女巫]] 将飞过史莱姆屋,使所有[[ 史莱姆泥]] 转变成[[ 史莱姆(怪物)# 变化| 黑色史莱姆]]
==Other Animals==
== 其他动物==
Many animals cannot be interacted with, such as rabbits, squirrels, green frogs, crows, woodpeckers, sparrows (small brown birds), and the sea serpent. Squirrels may occasionally cause [[Hazelnut]]s or other tree seeds to fall to the ground.
游戏中有许多无法与之互动的动物,比如兔子、松鼠、青蛙、乌鸦、啄木鸟、麻雀(褐色的小鸟)、海鸥和蝴蝶。松鼠偶尔会让[[ 榛子]] 和树的种子掉到地上。兔子会在树莓、黑莓季节从灌木丛中撞下浆果。
=== 蝴蝶===
Butterflies are abundant, and come in many colors, though they can only be seen in spring and summer. To see butterflies, walk around, shake or chop trees.
=== 乌鸦===
[[File:Owl Sprite.png|thumb|Owls as they can only be seen in data.]]
每天晚上,都可能有乌鸦吃掉农场里的作物。<ref name="addcrows" />乌鸦不会吃野生种子生长的作物、当天种下的种子和处于一个或多个[[稻草人]]范围内的作物。乌鸦会吃前几个季节剩下的死作物。
每只乌鸦有30%的概率试图进食。每只乌鸦会尝试10次去找到可以吃的作物,它在农场中随机选择一格耕地、树、草或地板(注意:This is done after overnight un-tilling<ref name="dayupdate" />),如果选择到有合适的作物的耕地,乌鸦将停止寻找;如果作物在稻草人的作用范围内,乌鸦就会被吓跑,否则会吃掉作物。
[[File:Owl Sprite.png|thumb| 只能在数据文件中看到的猫头鹰的样子]]
Owls are somewhat uncommon, and can only be seen at night (7:00pm-2:00am). They have been seen in all seasons.
猫头鹰只能在夜晚看到,游戏中每10分钟有1%的几率出现一只猫头鹰。<ref name="owlchance" />在春季和夏季,它们在晚上8点开始出现;秋季是晚上7点,冬季是晚上6点。
=== 萤火虫===
Fireflies can be seen everywhere at night, particularly in Cindersap forest, during the summer. They create a small glow of light around them.
=== 鹦鹉===
Seagulls appear at the beach. They can be seen floating in the water, doing nothing, or cleaning themselves with their beak. Should the player get too close, they will fly away.
在[[姜岛]]上,可以看到鹦鹉从头顶飞过,或者在姜岛丛林的树上栖息。 Parrots on perches can be fed with [[金色核桃]]s to unlock various rewards. 与[[艾米丽]]的4心事件中会出现一只鹦鹉,之后也会一直留在她家里。 If the player equips a [[鹦鹉蛋]] trinket, they will gain a parrot companion.
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Riding_1.jpg|thumb|left|骑马bug 1]]</li>
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Riding_2.jpg|thumb|left|骑马bug 2]]</li>
<ref name="addcrows">查看游戏代码中的<samp>Farm::addCrows</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="dayupdate">查看游戏代码中的<samp>Farm::dayUpdate</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="dogs">查看游戏代码中的<samp>SoundInTheNightEvent::SetUp</samp>和<samp>SoundInTheNightEvent::makeChangesToLocation</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="sellprice">查看游戏代码中的<samp>FarmAnimal::getSellPrice</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="owlchance">查看游戏代码中的<samp>GameLocation::tryToAddCritters</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="food">查看游戏代码中的<samp>FarmAnimal:Eat</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="grass">查看游戏代码中的<samp>Grass:reduceBy</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="petgifts">查看游戏代码中的<samp>Content\Data\Pets.xnb</samp>和<samp>Pet::checkAction</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="petnobowl">查看游戏代码中的<samp>Pet::dayUpdate</samp>。</ref>
<ref name="adoptpet">查看游戏代码中的<samp>GameLocation::animalShop</samp>。</ref>
[[Category:Animals| ]]
[[Category: 动物]]

於 2024年7月3日 (三) 02:12 的最新修訂
















你可以每天點擊你的寵物一次,並會顯示出一顆愛心 DialogueBubbleLove.png


當您與寵物的好感度達到1000點時,您將收到彈出消息:「<動物名字> 愛你 ♡」  可以在暫停界面查看寵物的好感度。





禮物 概率
Joja Cola.png Joja可樂(1) 3.56%
Trash (item).png 垃圾(1) 3.56%
Driftwood.png 浮木(1) 3.56%
Broken Glasses.png 破損的眼鏡(1) 3.56%
Broken CD.png 破損的CD(1) 3.56%
Soggy Newspaper.png 濕透的報紙(1) 3.56%
Green Algae.png 綠藻(1) 3.56%
Chub.png 鰱魚(1) 3.56%
Rainbow Trout.png 虹鱒魚(1) 3.56%
Walleye.png 大眼魚(1) 3.56%
Perch.png 河鱸(1) 3.56%
Lingcod.png 蛇齒單線魚(1) 3.56%
River Jelly.png 河凝膠(1) 3.56%
Largemouth Bass.png 大嘴鱸魚(1) 1.92%
Carp.png 鯉魚(1) 1.92%
Bullhead.png 大頭魚(1) 1.92%
Sturgeon.png 鱘魚(1) 1.92%
Midnight Carp.png 午夜鯉魚(1) 1.92%
Sunfish.png 太陽魚(1) 1.64%
Catfish.png 鲶魚(1) 1.64%
Bream.png 鯛魚(1) 1.64%
Shad.png 西鯡(1) 1.64%
Pike.png 狗魚(1) 1.64%
Dorado.png 麻哈脂鯉(1) 1.64%
Salmon.png 鮭魚(1) 1.64%
Tiger Trout.png 虎紋鱒魚(1) 1.64%
Shrimp.png (1) 5.75%
Snail.png 蝸牛(1) 5.75%
Periwinkle.png 玉黍螺(1) 5.75%
Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(2) 6.90%
Cheese.png 奶酪(1) 3.45%
Rabbit's Foot.png 兔子的腳(1) 1.72%
Duck Feather.png 鴨毛(1) 1.72%
禮物 概率
Bone Fragment.png 骨頭碎片(3-4) 31.01%
Clay.png 粘土(2) 15.50%
Hardwood.png 硬木(1) 15.50%
Driftwood.png 浮木(1) 15.50%
Stone.png 石頭(1) 15.50%
Prehistoric Scapula.png 史前肩胛骨(1) 0.22%
Prehistoric Tibia.png 史前脛骨(1) 0.22%
Prehistoric Skull.png 史前頭骨(1) 0.22%
Skeletal Hand.png 手部骨骼(1) 0.22%
Prehistoric Rib.png 史前肋骨(1) 0.22%
Prehistoric Vertebra.png 史前脊骨(1) 0.22%
Skeletal Tail.png 尾部骨骼(1) 0.22%
Ancient Doll.png 古代玩偶(1) 0.28%
Elvish Jewelry.png 精靈珠寶(1) 0.28%
Chewing Stick.png 咀嚼潔齒棒(1) 0.28%
Ornamental Fan.png 裝飾用扇子(1) 0.28%
Dinosaur Egg.png 恐龍蛋(1) 0.28%
Rare Disc.png 稀有圓盤(1) 0.28%
Ancient Sword.png 古劍(1) 0.28%
Rusty Spoon.png 生鏽的湯匙(1) 0.28%
Rusty Spur.png 生鏽的靴刺(1) 0.28%
Rusty Cog.png 生鏽的齒輪(1) 0.28%
Chicken Statue.png 雞雕像(1) 0.28%
Chipped Amphora.png 有缺口的土罐(1) 0.78%
Arrowhead.png 箭頭(1) 0.78%
Artifact Trove.png 古物寶藏(1) 0.78%
禮物 概率
Clam.png (1) 21.74%
Coral.png 珊瑚(1) 21.74%
Sea Urchin.png 海膽(1) 21.74%
Lobster.png 龍蝦(1) 2.17%
Crayfish.png 小龍蝦(1) 2.17%
Crab.png 螃蟹(1) 2.17%
Cockle.png 鳥蛤(1) 2.17%
Mussel.png (1) 2.17%
Nautilus Shell.png 鸚鵡螺(1) 10.87%
Rainbow Shell.png 彩虹貝殼(1) 4.35%
Sea Jelly.png 海凝膠(1) 4.35%
Cave Jelly.png 洞穴凝膠(1) 3.26%
Seafoam Pudding.png 海泡布丁(1) 1.09%










  • 大門: 可以開門、關門。
  • 雞舍畜棚:可以打開關閉雞舍、畜棚的門。
  • 出貨箱:可以將物品放入出貨箱中。
  • 魚塘:可以收集物品,添加魚、任務物品,改變外觀和清空池塘。
  • 村民:可以和村民交談。
  • 寵物:可以撫摸貓和狗。








  • 沒有餵食(-20,每天結束後計算)
  • 被困在外面一晚上(-20,每天結束後計算)
  • 沒有撫摸或對話(-5 ~ -10,每天結束後按公式計算:(10 -(當前友誼值 / 200)))





  • <動物名字> 今天看起來非常高興! 表示心情值為200-255。
  • <動物名字> 看起來心情不錯。 表示心情值為30-200。
  • <動物名字> 看起來悲傷。 表示心情值為0-30。


  • 撫摸(加32-36點 取決於動物類型,如果玩家選擇的是牧羊人雞舍大師職業,對應的動物的心情值會加倍
  • 去外面吃心情值為255
  • 在冬季,動物的所在區如果有加熱器,心情值為150以上(每10分鐘加4-8點在晚上6點後玩家還醒着時,直到255。只需要一個加熱器。 覆蓋其他「每10分鐘」的效果
  • 餵食動物(加4-16點,取決於動物類型,當玩家睡覺後計算,檢查動物是否吃了乾草青草
  • 動物待在外面在6PM之後,但在7PM之前,心情值為150以下(每10分鐘加4-8點 不與任何其他「每10分鐘」效果疊加

  • 冬季或雨天動物待在外面(每10分鐘減8-10點 不與任何其他「每10分鐘」效果疊加
  • 在7PM之後動物還待在外面(每10分鐘減4-8點 不與任何其他「每10分鐘」效果疊加
  • 動物睡在外面(當前心情值減半,當玩家睡覺後計算)
  • 沒有撫摸動物(減20-40點,取決於動物類型,玩家睡覺後計算)
  • 沒有餵食動物(-100玩家睡覺後計算)





  • 如果動物沒有餵食,就不會產出動物製品。
  • 如果動物的心情不到70點,就有可能不會產出動物製品。心情值越低,產出動物製品的可能性就越小。(產出動物製品的幾率=心情值/70)


  • 如果一隻動物的心情值在150以上,它將有可能生產高品質、大型或高級產品。(注意,只是有可能,並不是一定會產出高品質、大型/高級產品,具體條件如下
  • 如果一隻動物的心情值低於150,它仍然有機會生產高品質、大型或高級產品。但是心情值越低,可能性就越小。(幾率=心情值/150)

特例: 如果一隻動物滿足產出動物製品的要求,但沒有能力產出一個高品質、大型或高級產品,那麼遊戲將不會判斷該動物在當天產生製品。在這種情況下,需要多天生產的動物將在第二天再次產出動物製品。



  • 如果心情值>200,則心情值會×2
  • 如果心情值≤200,則心情值會×-2





對於每隻鴨子或兔子,使用以下公式創建總分:(友谊值 + 心情值修正)/5000 + 每日运气


=(600 + (150*(-2)))/5000 + 0.10

=(600-300)/5000 + 0.10





每個動物都按照下列公式得出一個總分:(友谊值 + 心情值修正)/1200


=((600 + (150*(-2)))/1200






每個動物都按下列公式得出一個總的分值((友谊值/1000) - (1 - (心情值/225))


=((600/1000) - (1 - (150/225))

=0.6 - (1 - 0.666...)

=0.6 - 0.333...






















Chickens fed ZH.png




外出的動物通常會在下午 6 點前返回它們的建築物睡覺。晚上關上倉門可以防止它們在早上立即離開吃草,為玩家在第二天撫摸動物節省時間。在所有動物回來之前關上倉門,它們有可能在夜間受到野生動物的襲擊。 動物被困在外面的條件還不清楚。動物被困在外面的原因很有可能是玩家在5pm之後沒離開農場(當動物開始返回畜棚/雞舍時)和 在5pm之後沒進入畜棚/雞舍。(在5pm之後離開農場或進入畜棚/雞舍似乎可以使動物自動返回畜棚/雞舍並生產)。玩家在下午 5 點之前睡覺,也有可能發生這種情況。

如果第二天下雨,動物被遺忘在屋外的話,動物將會停留在屋外淋雨。這是唯一在雨天農場動物在外面的實例。同理,如果動物在秋季 28 天時被困在屋外,動物會在外面停留到冬季 1 天。






每個建築物,遊戲會隨機取一個0到1之間的數字並與 1/(農場建築物的數量) 比較。如果隨機數字更大的話,建築物將被忽略。換句話說,玩家的建築物越多,被襲擊的幾率越低。例如,如果玩家有兩個農場建築的話,每個建築有50%的幾率被襲擊,三個建築將為33%,四個建築將有25%的幾率被襲擊,等等。



類似於動物襲擊,如果在夜間沒有其他的事件發生,遊戲將有50%的幾率觸發一個動物生育事件。遊戲會搜尋沒有滿的升級後的畜棚。遊戲還會有一個 0.55% * (擁有的動物數量) 的幾率開始事件。例如,一個升級後的畜棚里有3個動物將有一個 1.65% 的幾率開始檢查。如果建築物沒有通過此檢查,遊戲將繼續搜尋所有建築物直到結束。




動物的售出價格是基础价格 * ((友谊值 / 1000) + 0.3)[8]
此處的基礎價格可在遊戲數據文件 Data/FarmAnimals.xnb 中找到。





圖片 名稱 成本 產品 5心售價
White Chicken.png data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800金 Egg.png - 50g
Large Egg.png 大雞蛋 - 95g
Brown Chicken.png data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800金 Brown Egg.png 棕色雞蛋 - 50g
Large Brown Egg.png 棕色大雞蛋 - 95g
Blue Chicken.png data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800金 Egg.png - 50g
Large Egg.png 大雞蛋 - 95g
Void Chicken.png 虛空雞 n/a Void Egg.png 虛空蛋 - 65g data-sort-value="1040">Gold.png1,040金
Golden Chicken.png 金色的雞 n/a Golden Egg.png 金蛋 - 500g data-sort-value="1040">Gold.png1,040金





獲得金色的雞的方法:在完成100%的進度(可以使用齊先生的核桃房內的進度跟蹤器查看進度)後睡覺,將有可能會有一個金女巫飛過你的雞舍,在第二天早上會留下一顆金蛋;也可以在瑪妮的牧場data-sort-value="100000">Gold.png100,000金購買或在齊先生的核桃房以data-sort-value="100">Qi Gem.png 100購買金蛋。獲得金蛋後,將蛋放入孵化器中(你必須有大雞舍)孵化出金色的雞。



圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Duck.png data-sort-value="1200">Gold.png1,200金 大雞舍 Duck Egg.png鴨蛋 - 95g
Duck Feather.png 鴨毛 - 250g


圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Rabbit.png 兔子 data-sort-value="8000">Gold.png8,000金 高級雞舍 Wool.png 動物毛 - 340g
Rabbit's Foot.png 兔子的腳 - 565g





圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Dinosaur.png 恐龍 n/a 大雞舍 Dinosaur Egg.png 恐龍蛋 - 350g data-sort-value="1300">Gold.png1,300金





圖片 名稱 成本 產品 5心售價
White Cow.png data-sort-value="1500">Gold.png1,500金 Milk.png 牛奶 - 125g

Large Milk.png 大壺牛奶 - 190g

Brown Cow.png data-sort-value="1500">Gold.png1,500金 Milk.png 牛奶 - 125g

Large Milk.png 大壺牛奶 - 190g




圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Goat.png 山羊 data-sort-value="4000">Gold.png4,000金 大畜棚 Goat Milk.png 羊奶 - 225g
Large Goat Milk.png 大瓶羊奶 - 345g



圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Sheep.png 綿羊 data-sort-value="8000">Gold.png8,000金 高級畜棚 Wool.png 動物毛 - 340g data-sort-value="10400">Gold.png10,400金






圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Pig.png data-sort-value="16000">Gold.png16,000金 高級畜棚 松露 data-sort-value="625">Gold.png625金 data-sort-value="20800">Gold.png20,800金





圖片 名稱 成本 要求 產品 5心售價
Ostrich.png 鴕鳥 N/A 畜棚 Ostrich Egg.png 鴕鳥蛋 - data-sort-value="600">Gold.png600金 data-sort-value="20800">Gold.png20,800金




史萊姆泥生產Slime Ball.png 史萊姆球,只有當雄性史萊姆和雌性史萊姆同時出現在同一個位置,並當水流過史萊姆屋裏的水槽時。史萊姆球可以右擊分解成多個Slime.png 史萊姆泥。這些成堆的史萊姆粘液每天都有一定幾率出現,跟雞舍動物的產品很像。







Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Grace Zhang於2024-07-03 02:12:49.








每隻烏鴉有30%的概率試圖進食。每隻烏鴉會嘗試10次去找到可以吃的作物,它在農場中隨機選擇一格耕地、樹、草或地板(注意:This is done after overnight un-tilling[4]),如果選擇到有合適的作物的耕地,烏鴉將停止尋找;如果作物在稻草人的作用範圍內,烏鴉就會被嚇跑,否則會吃掉作物。













姜島上,可以看到鸚鵡從頭頂飛過,或者在姜島叢林的樹上棲息。 Parrots on perches can be fed with 金色核桃s to unlock various rewards.與艾米麗的4心事件中會出現一隻鸚鵡,之後也會一直留在她家裏。 If the player equips a 鸚鵡蛋 trinket, they will gain a parrot companion.






  • 木圍欄附近騎馬時,會出現一個BUG,使你能夠穿過圍欄。
  • 如果你騎馬停在雪糕站台前時,會出現一個BUG,即使沒有人仍然允許你購買雪糕。
  • 如果你騎着你的馬睡着了,會出現一個BUG,在某些情況下遊戲會崩潰。
  • 當玩家向着睡覺中的動物移動並推開一小段距離時,快速點擊動物即可完成撫摸。
  • 騎馬bug 1
  • 騎馬bug 2


  1. 查看遊戲代碼中的GameLocation::animalShop
  2. 查看遊戲代碼中的Pet::dayUpdate
  3. 查看遊戲代碼中的Content\Data\Pets.xnbPet::checkAction
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 查看遊戲代碼中的Farm::dayUpdate
  5. 查看遊戲代碼中的FarmAnimal:Eat
  6. 查看遊戲代碼中的Grass:reduceBy
  7. 查看遊戲代碼中的SoundInTheNightEvent::SetUpSoundInTheNightEvent::makeChangesToLocation
  8. 查看遊戲代碼中的FarmAnimal::getSellPrice
  9. 查看遊戲代碼中的Farm::addCrows
  10. 查看遊戲代碼中的GameLocation::tryToAddCritters


  • 1.3.27:修復了玩家在下午6點之後未睡覺導致動物好感度降低的錯誤。可以給馬戴帽子。
  • 1.4:新增貓和狗的外表各2種。幻覺神龕可改變寵物的外表。帽子可從馬身上摘掉。刪除了壁紙#108在孵化器中代替恐龍蛋使用的漏洞。現在雨水可以裝滿寵物碗。出售動物所得金幣現在計入遊戲的總收入。
  • 1.4.3:修復了給寵物命名與NPC相同的名字會導致寵物出現在日曆上的NPC位置的錯誤。
  • 1.5:鴨子收購價格從4000金降低到1200金。鴨毛售價從125金上漲至250金。鴨毛掉落率增加。寵物不再阻礙新建築的建設。灑水裝置現在可以噴灑史萊姆小屋中的水槽。
  • 1.5.4:鴨子售價降低。
  • 1.6:現在可以從5種貓和5種狗中選擇收養。當初始寵物好感度到達最大值時可以購買新的寵物,包括烏龜。愛你的寵物有時會給你禮物。現在寵物需要寵物碗。現在可以跳過領養寵物場景,這將導致你領養寵物。現在減少了需要推動寵物才能通過它們的時間(從1.5秒減少到0.75秒)。幻覺神龕移除了改變寵物外觀的功能,取而代之的是寵物可以通過蝴蝶粉被永久移除。新增能力之書馬術秘籍,且現在馬可以每天餵一根胡蘿蔔。新增了一個顯示你所有寵物和動物的動物標籤頁。新增金色動物餅乾和藍草。如果你在夜間關上畜棚或雞舍的門,農場動物現在會獲得一點點友好度。新增青蛙蛋鸚鵡蛋。新增了一種新的稀有環境生物(負鼠)。
  • 1.6.3:如果玩家在第二年仍未擁有寵物,那麼可以在瑪妮的牧場手動領養一隻。