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===Angled Casts===
=== 倾斜抛竿===
It is possible to slightly alter the line's placement mid-cast with the movement keys, allowing better control over aiming the cast. Angling the cast is useful in two scenarios:
* In some non-standard fishing spots, it is necessary to angle the cast to get further from land.
* When bubbles spawn in an awkward location, it is sometimes necessary to angle the cast to get the bobber to land in them. Some bubble spots are completely unreachable.
1. 在一些形状不规则的钓鱼区,需要通过倾斜抛竿才能钓到深水区的鱼。
2. 部分气泡生成的位置需要调整抛竿角度才能使鱼钩落入气泡中。

於 2024年4月5日 (五) 06:12 的修訂

Rotten Plant.png  劇透提醒  Rotten Plant 2.png

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Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Razark於2024-04-05 06:12:10.




玩家可以使用釣魚竿在水中進行釣魚。按住使用鍵(PC端默認為C鍵和滑鼠左鍵Left-Click.png, Xbox為360 X.png, Playstation為PS4 Square.png, Switch為Switch Y.png)拋鉤,這時會出現一個量表指示把魚鉤拋多遠,鬆開使用鍵即可拋出魚鉤。提高釣魚技能等級或使用更好的釣魚竿可以把魚鉤拋的更遠。在魚鉤拋出後且未入水時,按住方向鍵可以改變落點位置,這一技巧可以用於在更好的釣魚區和不易達到的氣泡處釣魚。







  • 季節
  • 天氣(晴天、雨天、任何)
  • 水域類型
  • 時間
















水域的每個格子都按照離(最近)岸邊的距離被劃分為釣魚區0、1、2、3或5[2] ,距離越遠,數字越大,等級越高,釣魚收穫越好。釣魚區等級在距離大於等於5時設為5,否則設為距離減去1。遊戲將陸地、碼頭、石橋都視為岸,木橋除外。釣魚區分布請查看距離圖片


  • 釣上垃圾機率減小。
  • 平均而言,魚基礎品質更好、尺寸更大。
  • 難上鉤的魚上鉤機率略微增大。
  • 釣魚寶箱中的一些獎勵對釣魚區有要求,例如某些獎勵只能在釣魚區5釣得的寶箱開出。
  • 一些傳說魚類上鉤對釣魚區有要求。



如果釣魚時小魚圖標始終沒有離開綠條就達成完美釣魚,釣魚遊戲結束時會提示"完美!" 。完美釣魚給予兩個獎勵:

  • 如果釣上的是銀星/金星魚,品質提高一級(即變為金星/銥星)。
  • 獲得2.4倍釣魚經驗。




基礎品質 1個優質浮標 2個優質浮標 僅完美釣魚 完美釣魚 + 1個優質浮標 完美釣魚 + 2個優質浮標
普通 銀星 金星 普通 金星 銥星
銀星 金星 銥星 金星 銥星 銥星
金星 銥星 銥星 銥星 銥星 銥星



釣魚區 釣魚等級 魚的基礎品質 (%) fFishSize 魚的完美尺寸 (英寸)
普通 銀星 金星 最小 最大 沙丁魚 鯡魚
1 0-1 0.04 0.22 100 0 0 2 - 4 9 - 11
1 2-3 0.07 0.22 100 0 0 2 - 4 9 - 11
1 4-5 0.11 0.22 100 0 0 3 - 4 10 - 11
1 6-7 0.14 0.22 100 0 0 3 - 4 10 - 11
1 8-9 0.18 0.22 100 0 0 3 - 4 11
1 10-11 0.22 0.26 100 0 0 4 11 - 12
1 12-13 0.25 0.31 100 0 0 4 - 5 12
1 14-15 0.29 0.35 67 33 0 5 12 - 13
1 16-17 0.32 0.40 10 90 0 5 - 6 12 - 13
2 0-1 0.07 0.44 73 27 0 2 - 6 9 - 14
2 2-3 0.14 0.44 67 33 0 3 - 6 10 - 14
2 4-5 0.22 0.44 56 44 0 4 - 6 11 - 14
2 6-7 0.29 0.44 33 67 0 5 - 6 12 - 14
2 8-9 0.36 0.44 0 100 0 5 - 6 13 - 14
2 10-11 0.43 0.53 0 100 0 6 - 7 14 - 15
2 12-13 0.50 0.62 0 100 0 7 - 8 15 - 16
2 14-15 0.58 0.70 0 67 33 8 - 9 15 - 17
2 16-17 0.65 0.79 0 10 90 9 - 10 16 - 18
3 0-1 0.11 0.66 42 57 1 3 - 9 10 - 16
3 2-3 0.22 0.66 27 71 1 4 - 9 11 - 16
3 4-5 0.32 0.66 3 95 2 5 - 9 12 - 16
3 6-7 0.43 0.66 0 98 2 6 - 9 14 - 16
3 8-9 0.54 0.66 0 95 5 7 - 9 15 - 16
3 10-11 0.65 0.79 0 10 90 9 - 10 16 - 18
3 12-13 0.76 0.92 0 0 100 10 - 12 18 - 20
3 14-15 0.86 1.00 0 0 100 11 - 13 19 - 21
3 16-17 0.97 1.00 0 0 100 13 21
3 18-19 1.00 1.00 0 0 100 13 21
5 0-1 0.18 1.00 20 39 41 3 - 13 11 - 21
5 2-3 0.36 1.00 0 49 51 5 - 13 13 - 21
5 4-5 0.54 1.00 0 32 68 7 - 13 15 - 21
5 6-7 0.72 1.00 0 0 100 9 - 13 17 - 21
5 8-9 0.90 1.00 0 0 100 11 - 13 19 - 21
5 10-11 1.00 1.00 0 0 100 13 21
5 12-13 1.00 1.00 0 0 100 13 21
5 14-15 1.00 1.00 0 0 100 13 21
5 16-17 1.00 1.00 0 0 100 13 21
5 18-19 1.00 1.00 0 0 100 13 21




  • 魚上鉤速度變為四倍。
  • 釣魚區等級提高一級。
    • 此時的釣魚區等級提高對魚的尺寸和基礎品質沒有影響,對寶箱獎勵也沒有影響。






1. 在一些形狀不規則的釣魚區,需要通過傾斜拋竿才能釣到深水區的魚。 2. 部分氣泡生成的位置需要調整拋竿角度才能使魚鉤落入氣泡中。


  • 單人遊戲時
    • 釣魚遊戲中和查看釣魚寶箱時,時間暫停。
  • 多人遊戲時,時間不會暫停。
  • 如果玩家受到攻擊(例如在秘密森林釣魚被史萊姆攻擊),即使時間暫停,敵人仍在攻擊並傷害玩家。
  • 星露谷展覽會冰雪節的釣魚項目中進行釣魚遊戲時,比賽計時不會暫停。



圖片 名稱 價格 工具特點 獲取途徑 要求
Training Rod.png
訓練用魚竿 data-sort-value="25">Gold.png25金 容易使用(只能捕獲基礎的)。 從威利的魚店購買
Bamboo Pole.png
竹魚竿 data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金 「前往沙灘」任務的過場動畫


Fiberglass Rod.png
玻璃纖維魚竿 data-sort-value="1800">Gold.png1,800金 可以使用魚餌 從威利的魚店購買 Fishing Skill Icon.png釣魚2級


Iridium Rod.png
銥金魚竿 data-sort-value="7500">Gold.png7,500金 可以使用魚餌漁具 從威利的魚店購買 Fishing Skill Icon.png釣魚6級


Advanced Iridium Rod.png
高級銥金魚竿 N/A 可以使用魚餌和2個漁具 精通山洞 Fishing Skill Icon.png 釣魚精通

Fishing Skill Icon.png 釣魚技能



等級1 等級2 等級3 等級4 等級5
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成/烹飪配方: 合成配方: 選擇一個職業:
拋擲距離增加一格 Bait.png 魚餌 Crab Pot.png 蟹籠Dish O' The Sea.png 海之菜餚 Deluxe Bait.png 高級魚餌Worm Bin.png 蟲餌盒Recycling Machine.png 回收機
  • 拋擲距離增加一格
Fisher.png 漁夫
Trapper.png 捕獵者
等級6 等級7 等級8 等級9 等級10
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 漁夫 捕獵者
Bait Maker.png 魚餌製造器Spinner.png 旋式魚餌Trap Bobber.png 陷阱浮標Sonar Bobber.png 聲納浮漂 Cork Bobber.png 軟木塞浮標Treasure Hunter.png 尋寶者 Deluxe Worm Bin.png 高級蟲餌盒Barbed Hook.png 倒刺鉤Dressed Spinner.png 精裝旋式魚餌
  • 拋擲距離增加一格
Magnet.png 磁鐵Seafoam Pudding.png 海泡布丁 Angler Icon.png 垂釣者
Mariner.png 水手
Pirate.png 海盜
Luremaster.png 誘餌大師


  • 每次收穫蟹籠獲得5點經驗(不管收集到什麼)。用魚竿釣到垃圾、白藻、綠藻、海草獲得3點經驗。完成魚塘任務和從魚塘收穫產物也能獲得經驗。

捕獲一條魚獲得的基礎經驗XP如下[6]: XP=(魚的品質+ 1)* 3 + 難度 / 3 魚的品質:普通-0,銀星-1,金星-2,銥星-4。完美釣魚按原品質計算這一數值。舉個例子,一條普通品質的沙丁魚(困難度30)會給玩家帶來(0+1)*3+30/3 = 13點經驗。




技能等級 經驗值 需要釣沙丁魚數(無星) 需要釣金星傳說之魚


1 100 8 1 20
2 380 30 2 76
3 770 60 4 154
4 1300 100 6 260
5 2150 166 10 430
6 3300 254 15 660
7 4800 370 22 960
8 6900 531 31 1380
9 10000 770 45 2000
10 15000 1154 67 3000



圖片 名稱 描述 所需原料 能量 / 生命值 增益效果 增益時長 食譜來源 售出價格
海鮮雜燴湯 在寒冷的海邊過夜後,用它來暖身再好不過了。 Clam.png (1)Milk.png 牛奶(1) Energy.png 225
Health.png 101
Fishing.png 釣魚(+1) Time Icon.png 16分47秒

Willy Icon.png 威利(郵件 - 3+ HeartIconLarge.png

Dish O' The Sea.png
海之菜餚 讓你在海上的寒風中保持溫暖。 Sardine.png 沙丁魚(2)Hashbrowns.png 薯餅(1) Energy.png 150
Health.png 67
Fishing.png 釣魚(+3) Time Icon.png 5分35秒 Fishing Skill Icon.png 釣魚3級 data-sort-value="220">Gold.png220金
法式田螺 淋上黃油的田螺,做的恰到火候。 Snail.png 蝸牛(1)Garlic.png (1) Energy.png 225
Health.png 101
Fishing.png 釣魚(+2) Time Icon.png 16分47秒

Willy Icon.png 威利(郵件 - 5+ HeartIconLarge.png

Fish Stew.png
燴魚湯 大海的味道撲面而來。不過嘗起來更好。 Crayfish.png 小龍蝦(1)Mussel.png (1)Periwinkle.png 玉黍螺(1)Tomato.png 西紅柿(1) Energy.png 225
Health.png 101
Fishing.png 釣魚(+3) Time Icon.png 16分47秒

Willy Icon.png 威利(郵件 - 7+ HeartIconLarge.png

Fish Taco.png
魚肉卷 聞起來就很美味。 Tuna.png 金槍魚(1)Tortilla.png 墨西哥薄餅(1)Red Cabbage.png 紅葉捲心菜(1)Mayonnaise.png 蛋黃醬(1) Energy.png 165
Health.png 74
Fishing.png 釣魚(+2) Time Icon.png 7分鐘

Linus Icon.png 萊納斯(郵件 - 7+ HeartIconLarge.png

Lobster Bisque.png
龍蝦濃湯 這碗精緻的湯用了威利家秘傳的配方。 Lobster.png 龍蝦(1)Milk.png 牛奶(1) Energy.png 225
Health.png 101
Fishing.png 釣魚(+3)Max Energy.png 體力值上限(+50) Time Icon.png 16分47秒

Cooking Channel.png 醬料女皇

Willy Icon.png 威利(郵件 - 9+ HeartIconLarge.png

Maple Bar.png
楓糖棒 澆上楓糖的甜甜圈。 Maple Syrup.png 楓糖漿(1)Sugar.png (1)Wheat Flour.png 大麥粉(1) Energy.png 225
Health.png 101
Farming.png 耕種(+1)Fishing.png 釣魚(+1)Mining.png 採礦(+1) Time Icon.png 16分47秒

Cooking Channel.png 醬料女皇

Trout Soup.png
鱒魚湯 很咸。 Rainbow Trout.png 虹鱒魚(1)Green Algae.png 綠藻(1) Energy.png 100
Health.png 45
Fishing.png 釣魚(+1) Time Icon.png 4分39秒

Cooking Channel.png 醬料女皇

Shrimp Cocktail.png
蝦雞尾酒 用新鮮捕獲的蝦製成的豪華開胃菜。 Tomato.png 西紅柿(1)Shrimp.png (1)Wild Horseradish.png 野山葵(1) Energy.png 225
Health.png 101
Fishing.png 釣魚(+1)Luck.png 運氣(+1) Time Icon.png 10分

Cooking Channel.png 醬料女皇

Seafoam Pudding.png
海泡布丁 這種咸布丁真的會讓你感受到大海的氣息! Flounder.png 比目魚(1)Midnight Carp.png 午夜鯉魚(1)Squid Ink.png 魷魚墨汁(1) Energy.png 175
Health.png 78
Fishing.png 釣魚(+4) Time Icon.png 3分30秒 Fishing Skill Icon.png 釣魚(9級) data-sort-value="300">Gold.png300金


在釣魚迷你遊戲時,一個寶箱偶爾會出現在豎條上。寶箱有獨立的進度條,通過保持寶箱圖標Fishing Treasure Chest.png在綠條的後面來增長進度條。如果獲得了寶箱,玩家將在釣到魚後隨機獲得戰利品。如果魚逃走,已獲得的寶箱也會失去。





After obtaining Fishing Mastery, the treasure chest that appears when fishing may be golden. The base chance of a fishing treasure chest being golden is 25%. This is adjusted by the value of daily luck, increasing by 10% at best or decreasing by 10% at worst, with the Special Charm adding 2.5%.[7]

Golden treasure chests provide on average more items than normal treasure chests and golden treasure chests have about a 70% chance of containing at least one of the following items:[8] Iridium Bar, Bait And Bobber, Combat Quarterly, Mining Monthly, Stardew Valley Almanac, Woodcutter's Weekly, Carrot Seeds, Summer Squash Seeds, Broccoli Seeds, Powdermelon Seeds, Fish Taco, Fairy Dust, Dressed Spinner, Challenge Bait, Magnet, Stardrop Tea, Pearl, Shrimp Cocktail, Fish Stew, and Sonar Bobber. Most of these items cannot be found in normal fishing treasure chests, and those that can have much greater chances of being found in golden ones.


The following is a list of all items that can be found inside treasure chests.[8] The "Chance" columns provide the probability per treasure chest (normal and golden) that the item will appear at least once in the treasure chest, if all of the requirements for the item are met.

All of the items listed below, with the exception of Mixed Seeds, can be found in golden treasure chests. Iridium Bar, Carrot Seeds, Summer Squash Seeds, Broccoli Seeds, Powdermelon Seeds, Fish Taco, Fairy Dust, Challenge Bait, Magnet, Stardrop Tea, Pearl, Shrimp Cocktail, and Fish Stew cannot be found in normal treasure chests.

名稱 數量 釣魚等級要求 其它要求 普通寶箱概率 金寶箱概率
Rice Shoot.png 稻苗 2-10 Spring only, not at The Beach 14% 18%
Wild Bait.png 萬能魚餌 2-10 Must know the recipe for Wild Bait

Chance is significantly increased if more than one fish is caught simultaneously, which is reflected with the extra percentage ranges given

8-9%, 64-65% 5-6%, 69%
Qi Bean.png 齊豆 1-4 Only if the Qi's Crop Quest is active 43% 51%
Mystery Box.png 謎之盒 1 Requires having seen Mr. Qi's cutscene and Foraging Mastery not obtained

Chance increases with higher daily luck and if the player has received the power from the Book of Mysteries

7-16% 9-20%
Golden Mystery Box.png 金色謎之盒 1 Requires obtaining Foraging Mastery

Chance increases with higher daily luck and if the player has received the power from the Book of Mysteries

7-16% 9-20%
Golden Animal Cracker.png 金色動物餅乾 1 Requires obtaining Farming Mastery 7% 9%
Iridium Bar.png 銥錠 1-5 0% 7%
Bait And Bobber.png 魚餌和浮漂 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests ≈0.12%[9] 1.5%
Mining Monthly.png 採礦月刊 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests ≈0.12%[9] 1.5%
Combat Quarterly.png 戰鬥季刊 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests ≈0.12%[9] 1.5%
Stardew Valley Almanac.png 星露谷年曆 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests ≈0.12%[9] 1.5%
Woodcutter's Weekly.png 樵夫周刊 1 Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests ≈0.12%[9] 1.5%
Carrot Seeds.png 胡蘿蔔種子 2-8 Must be between Winter 21 and Spring 23 0% 7%
Summer Squash Seeds.png 金皮西葫蘆種子 2-8 Must be between Spring 24 and Summer 20 0% 7%
Broccoli Seeds.png 西藍花種子 2-8 Must be between Summer 21 and Fall 20 0% 7%
Powdermelon Seeds.png 霜瓜種子 2-8 Must be between Fall 21 and Winter 20 0% 7%
Fish Taco.png 魚肉卷 1 0% 7%
Fairy Dust.png 仙塵 3-5 0% 7%
Dressed Spinner.png 精裝旋式魚餌 1 6+ Fishing Zone must be 5 to obtain in normal chests 4% 7-9%
Challenge Bait.png 挑戰魚餌 3-5 0% 7%
Magnet.png 磁鐵 3-5 0% 7%
Stardrop Tea.png 星之果茶 1 0% 7%
Pearl.png 珍珠 1 0% 7%
Shrimp Cocktail.png 蝦雞尾酒 1 0% 7%
Fish Stew.png 燴魚湯 1 0% 7%
Sonar Bobber.png 聲納浮漂 1 6+ Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known 3-4% 9-10%
Iridium Ore.png 銥礦石 1-2 Fishing Zone must be 5 1.1% 0.7%
Gold Ore.png 黃金礦石 1-24 Fishing Zone must be 5 9% 6%
Iron Ore.png 鐵礦石 1-24 Fishing Zone must be 3 or 5, More likely at Fishing Zone 3 5-10% 3-6%
Copper Ore.png 銅礦石 1-24 More likely at lower Fishing Zone values 5-12% 3-8%
Wood.png 木材 1-24 More likely at lower Fishing Zone values 5-6% 3-4%
Stone.png 石頭 1-24 More likely at lower Fishing Zone values 5-6% 3-4%
Coal.png 煤炭 1-24 More likely at Fishing levels less than 2 and at lower Fishing Zones and if Lost Books and Artifacts cannot be found 9-50% 6-27%
Deluxe Bait.png 高級魚餌 5 6+ Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known 21-30% 14-20%
Bait.png 魚餌 1-15 Chance of obtaining is significantly reduced starting at Fishing level 6

Cannot appear in multiple slots starting at Fishing level 6

9-37% 6-9%
Lost Book.png 遺失之書 1 Only if at least 1 Lost Book has already been found, and the Museum's Library collection is not complete 4% 2%
Skeletal Tail.png 尾部骨骼 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 2.8-3.1%[10] 1.7-1.9%[10]
Nautilus Fossil.png 鸚鵡螺化石 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 2.8-3.1%[10] 1.7-1.9%[10]
Amphibian Fossil.png 兩棲動物化石 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 2.8-3.1%[10] 1.7-1.9%[10]
Ancient Doll.png 古代玩偶 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Elvish Jewelry.png 精靈珠寶 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Chewing Stick.png 咀嚼潔齒棒 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Ornamental Fan.png 裝飾用扇子 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Dinosaur Egg.png 恐龍蛋 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Rare Disc.png 稀有圓盤 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Ancient Sword.png 古劍 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Rusty Spoon.png 生鏽的湯匙 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Rusty Spur.png 生鏽的靴刺 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Rusty Cog.png 生鏽的齒輪 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Chicken Statue.png 雞雕像 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Ancient Seed.png 古代種子 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Prehistoric Tool.png 史前工具 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Dried Starfish.png 干海星 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Anchor.png 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Glass Shards.png 玻璃碎片 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Bone Flute.png 骨笛 1 2+ Only if at least 1 artifact has already been found 0.7-0.8%[10] 0.5%[10]
Geode.png 晶球 1-6 More likely at lower Fishing Zones 4-16% 2-11%
Magma Geode.png 岩漿晶球 1-6 Fishing Zone must be 5 5% 3%
Frozen Geode.png 冰封晶球 1-6 Fishing Zone must be 3 or 5, More likely at Fishing Zone 3 4-12% 2-8%
Fire Quartz.png 火水晶 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 5 3.7% 2.3%
Ruby.png 紅寶石 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 5 4.3% 2.7%
Emerald.png 綠寶石 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 5 4.3% 2.7%
Frozen Tear.png 淚晶 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 3 3.7% 2.3%
Jade.png 翡翠 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 3 4.3% 2.7%
Aquamarine.png 海藍寶石 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 3 4.3% 2.7%
Earth Crystal.png 地晶 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 2 or less 3.7% 2.3%
Amethyst.png 紫水晶 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 2 or less 4.3% 2.7%
Topaz.png 黃水晶 1-4 2+ Fishing Zone must be 2 or less 4.3% 2.7%
Diamond.png 鑽石 1-2 2+ More likely at higher Fishing Zone values 3-4% 2-3%
Mixed Seeds.png 混合種子 1-3 <2 12% 0%
Neptune's Glaive.png 海王星大劍 1 2+ ≈0.6%[9] ≈0.4%[9]
Broken Trident.png 殘破的三叉戟 1 2+ ≈0.6%[9] ≈0.4%[9]
Small Glow Ring.png 小型光輝戒指 1 2+ ≈0.29%[9] ≈0.18%[9]
Glow Ring.png 光輝戒指 1 2+ Requires a Luck buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff ≈0.03-0.09%[9] ≈0.02-0.06%[9]
Small Magnet Ring.png 小型磁鐵戒指 1 2+ ≈0.29%[9] ≈0.18%[9]
Magnet Ring.png 磁鐵戒指 1 2+ Requires a Luck buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff ≈0.03-0.09%[9] ≈0.02-0.06%[9]
Amethyst Ring.png 紫水晶戒指 1 2+ ≈0.05%[9] ≈0.03%[9]
Topaz Ring.png 黃水晶戒指 1 2+ ≈0.05%[9] ≈0.03%[9]
Aquamarine Ring.png 海藍寶石戒指 1 2+ ≈0.05%[9] ≈0.03%[9]
Jade Ring.png 翡翠戒指 1 2+ ≈0.05%[9] ≈0.03%[9]
Emerald Ring.png 綠寶石戒指 1 2+ ≈0.05%[9] ≈0.03%[9]
Ruby Ring.png 紅寶石戒指 1 2+ ≈0.05%[9] ≈0.03%[9]
Treasure Chest.png 財寶箱 1 2+ ≈0.24%[9] ≈0.16%[9]
Prismatic Shard.png 五彩碎片 1 6+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Strange Doll (yellow).png 詭異玩偶(黃) 1 2+ Possible even if no artifacts previously found ≈0.12%[9] ≈0.08%[9]
Strange Doll (green).png 詭異玩偶(綠) 1 2+ Possible even if no artifacts previously found ≈0.12%[9] ≈0.08%[9]
Iridium Band.png 銥環 1 2+ ≈0.12%[9] ≈0.08%[9]
Sneakers.png 運動鞋 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Rubber Boots.png 橡膠靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Leather Boots.png 皮靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Work Boots.png 工作靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Combat Boots.png 戰靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Tundra Boots.png 凍土靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Thermal Boots.png 熱能靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Dark Boots.png 黑暗之靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Firewalker Boots.png 蹈火者靴 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Genie Shoes.png 神怪之鞋 1 pair 2+ ≈0.012%[9] ≈0.008%[9]
Golden Egg.png 金蛋 1 Requires achieving Perfection ≈0.12%[9] ≈0.08%[9]
Golden Bobber.png 黃金浮漂 1 Can only get when Willy's "Golden Bobber" quest is active during the Desert Festival and cannot already have Golden Bobber in inventory

Cannot appear in multiple slots

100% 100%
Roe.png 魚籽 1-6 Requires having the power obtained from the Jewels Of The Sea book, gives the same fish roe as the fish being caught

Cannot appear in multiple slots

25% 25%
Jewels Of The Sea.png 海之寶石 1 5+ Must have already opened at least 2 other fishing treasure chests, chance is greater if book has not been found before

Cannot appear in multiple slots

>=2%[11] >=2%[11]
Golden Tag.png 黃金標籤 1 Can only get during the Trout Derby festival when catching a Rainbow Trout with a Golden Tag

Cannot appear in multiple slots

100% 100%



  • 漁夫(釣到10種不同
  • 老海員(釣到24種不同
  • 垂釣大師(釣到每一種(59種))
  • 捕魚大師(釣到100條



圖片 名稱 獲取地點
《小船》 海灘農場的西南角釣魚。
Decorative Trash Can.png
裝飾垃圾桶 社區中心左下角的噴泉釣魚;也可以在家具目錄中以data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0金獲得。
Foliage Print.png
綠葉畫 姜島北部隱藏的樹林中釣魚。
Frog Hat.png
青蛙帽 姜島的饕餮青蛙洞穴釣魚。
Gourmand Statue.png
饕餮雕像 海盜灣釣魚。
Iridium Krobus.png
銥制科羅布斯 煤礦森林最南邊靠近下水道的海洋釣魚。
救生圈 威利魚店的裡屋中釣魚。
'Physics 101'.png
《物理101》 火山地牢的第10層的岩漿中釣魚。
Pyramid Decal.png
金字塔貼紙 沙漠南側靠近沙灘的小池塘釣魚。
Squirrel Figurine.png
松鼠雕像 姜島河流的最北區域釣魚。
《林景》 溫泉外的水池釣魚(除了冬天)。
Wall Basket.png
壁籃 秘密森林的池塘釣魚。


  1. See Tools/FishingRod::doStartCasting in the game code.
  2. The fishing zone is calculated by the function FishingRod::distanceToLand; the value is assigned to the variable clearWaterDistance.
  3. The fish size and quality are determined by the functions FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction, BobberBar::BobberBar, BobberBar::update, and FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater.
  4. The effects of bubbles on fishing bite times is handled in FishingRod::DoFunction, specifically at if (location.fishSplashPoint != null). The effect of bubbles on fish type is also in FishingRod::doFunction in the call to location.getFish, where the argument waterDepth is set to clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0).
  5. The bubbles, or 'fishSplashPoint' is placed in GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate.
  6. See Tools/FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater in the game code.
  7. See Tools/FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction in the game code.
  8. 8.0 8.1 The contents of a treasure chest are determined by FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction.
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9.30 9.31 9.32 9.33 9.34 9.35 9.36 9.37 9.38 9.39 9.40 9.41 9.42 9.43 9.44 9.45 9.46 9.47 9.48 9.49 9.50 9.51 9.52 9.53 9.54 9.55 9.56 9.57 9.58 9.59 9.60 The chance of a special item appearing in a treasure chest is adjusted by LuckModifier, which is set to (1 + DailyLuck) * FishingZone/5. This means that fishing zone is the most important factor, as special items are 5x more likely to be found when caught in a fishing zone of 5 instead of 1. Special items are only 1.25x more likely to be found with maximum daily luck (0.125) instead of minimum (-0.1). For example, the chance of finding a Broken Trident varies from 0.075% (DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1) to 0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5). The page lists the chance of finding special items with neutral luck and Zone=5.
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.28 10.29 10.30 10.31 10.32 10.33 10.34 10.35 10.36 10.37 10.38 10.39 The chance of an artifact appearing in a treasure chest is higher if Lost Books are not possible, e.g., after the Museum's collection is complete.
  11. 11.0 11.1 If the player has not obtained the Jewels Of The Sea book before, the chances of the book appearing is 0.02+0.001*X, where X is the total amount of treasure chests the player has opened. If the player has obtained the book before, the chance is constant at 0.02.


  • 1.4:Introduced Training Rod. Can now attach baits, tackles, etc., directly from a treasure chest. Bottom edge of fishing bobber bar made slightly more generous. Effect of fishing level on fish size no longer caps at 10. Removed exploit where clicking the journal icon would pause time but still allow fish to bite. Fixed bug where player's fishing level and bait were not taken into account for the wait time if the first nibble was missed.
  • 1.5:Added fishing presents. Added Golden Eggs and Qi Beans to potential treasure chest rewards. Catching a non-fish item no longer triggers the minigame. Added option to choose between multiple fish-bite chime sounds.
  • 1.5.2:Fixed crash when fishing on the Farm using Magic Bait.
  • 1.5.4:Fixed softlock when fishing with multiple rods in inventory after catching a treasure and casting from a different rod.
  • 1.5.5:Fixed issue preventing certain spots in the Mountain lake from spawning bubbles.
  • 1.6:Added Advanced Iridium Rod. Submerged fishing bobber now automatically recolored to match the water. Added Mystery Box, Golden Mystery Box, Golden Animal Cracker, Sonar Bobber, Deluxe Bait, skill books, Golden Bobber, Roe, Jewels Of The Sea, and Golden Tag to potential treasure chest rewards. Added Golden Fishing Tresure Chests with more exclusive rewards. Players are now notified when they first catch each specific type of fish. If you haven't gained fishing experience after obtaining the Bamboo Pole, before spring 28, year 1, Willy comes to your house and give you a training rod after giving you a quick lesson on fishing basics that makes you reach level 1 fishing.
  • 1.6.3:Fixed unintended bug introduced in v1.6 causing excess trash to be fished.