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增加 5,088 位元組 、 2024年3月29日 (星期五)
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星露谷物语 1.6.3 版本于2024年3月28日[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4206998459074597475 发布]。
<!-- 同步了英语 wiki 的内容,部分内容需要整理
:*Starter cabins now appear in the actual order intended.
:*You can now press the Escape or menu button to "go back" on a shipping menu category page
:*Made berry bush state consistent overnight and on load (both at 20% plus a small new random bonus chance)
; 新内容和新特性
:* You can now access [[Blacksmith|Clint's shop and geode service]] while your tool is being upgraded.
:* Added [[Krobus Portrait|Krobus portrait]].
:* Added [[Minecart|mine cart shortcut]] to year 1 [[Spirit's Eve]] festival.
:* You can now paint the new cabins (at third upgrade level).
; 平衡性调整
:* Increased [[Giant Stump|raccoon]] bug meat and bat wing request amount.
:* Harvesting [[moss]] now grants 1 foraging exp per moss.
:* The Infinite Power achievement is now more generous with how it activates, allowing pre-1.6 saves to trigger the achievement.
:* You now have to collect (not just donate) the four prismatic shards for the [[Quests#List of Mr. Qi's Special Orders|"Four Precious Stones" Qi quest]].
:* The Junimo Kart Qi quest now rewards 20 [[Qi Gem|Qi gems]] (up from 10).
:* Adult mossy green rain trees boost the moss growth rate of nearby trees.
:* Moss now grows more slowly on sunny summer days, and recovers more slowly after harvest.
:* Reduced meteorite prismatic shard chance (100% -> 25%).
:* [[Ancient Seed|Ancient seed]] packets can no longer be sold at the [[Traveling Cart|traveling cart]].
; 游玩体验改善
:* Waterfall and some other ambient positional sounds now fade out more smoothly.
:* If you don't have a pet in year two, you can now start adopting them from Marnie's shop.
; 问题修复
:* Added the new cabin styles to the multiplayer starter layouts.
:* Starter cabins now appear in the actual order intended.
:* If a journal quest title is too wide, the clock icon and the rest of the text will be shifted down to make room.
:* You can now press the Escape or menu button to "go back" on a shipping menu category page.
:* Made berry bush state consistent overnight and on load (both at 20% plus a small new random bonus chance).
:* Minor graphical fixes.
:* Fixed several translation errors and missing translations.
:* Fixed large character sprites having a visual glitch (e.g. bear, island frog, or Clint when hammering).
:* Fixed a visual error in the shop menu if an item's name was longer than the width of the menu.
:* Fixed a crash related to the new festival.
:* Fixed a bug that caused excess trash to be fished.
:* Fixed bug preventing Emily's 10-heart mail and event from triggering.
:* Fixed graphics issues with the shipping menu.
:* Fixed several more cases of out-of-bounds spawning.
; 模组开发优化
:* Fixed items able to have a null <samp>Name</samp> or <samp>DisplayName</samp> in 1.6. They now default to the qualified item ID and "''Unnamed Item (<id>)''" respectively.
:* The <code>${...}$</code> gender-switch syntax now works in events.
:* The <samp>character.EventActor</samp> flag is now synced in multiplayer.
:* Added paint masks for the new cabins style.
:* The <samp>debug whereis</samp> command now lists event actors too.
:* Fixed pet license name delimiter conflicting with unique string ID format.
:* Fixed NPC duplication bug with movie theater.
:* Fixed fruit trees above growth stage 4 no longer producing fruit.
:* Fixed current location's building interiors not being actively synced.
:* Fixed error processing a machine with no <samp>Data/Machines</samp> entry.
:* Fixed broken fruit tree sprite if it's synced from another player and has a custom texture in <samp>Data/FruitTrees</samp>.
 星露谷物语 1.6.2 版本于2024年3月21日[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4143947429353685596 发布]。
 星露谷物语 1.6.2 版本于2024年3月21日[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4143947429353685596 发布]。
第32行: 第109行:  
:* 修复了钓鱼时头饰在眉毛上看起来奇怪的问题
:* 修复了钓鱼时头饰在眉毛上看起来奇怪的问题
:* Don't allow clipboard to be set to a null string.
:* Don't allow clipboard to be set to a null string.
:* 避免了[[天气| 绿色 ]]时农场联机玩家重新联机进入鹈鹕镇时的崩溃(及其他相关潜在的崩溃)
:* 避免了[[天气#苔雨| 雨]]时农场联机玩家重新联机进入鹈鹕镇时的崩溃(及其他相关潜在的崩溃)
:* 修复了几个地图图格的问题和一些采集物会生成却不可到达的地方。
:* 修复了几个地图图格的问题和一些采集物会生成却不可到达的地方。
   第44行: 第121行:  
:** 夏季的一个新环境“[[天气#苔雨|事件]]”。
:** 夏季的一个新环境“[[天气#苔雨|事件]]”。
:* 增加了一个“[[精通山洞|精通]]”系统,通过一个新区域进入,可以获得强大的技能和物品...
:* 增加了一个“[[精通山洞|精通]]”系统,通过一个新区域进入,可以获得强大的技能和物品...
:* 增加了一种新的农场类型:[[农场地图#地 图类型|草原农场]]。它有一种动物喜欢的蓝色韧草。你还会以一个鸡舍和2只鸡开始游戏。
:* 增加了一种新的农场类型:[[农场地图# 農場 |草原农场]]。它有一种动物喜欢的蓝色韧草。你还会以一个鸡舍和2只鸡开始游戏。
:* 增加了许多新的NPC对话。包括...
:* 增加了许多新的NPC对话。包括...
:** 自定义礼物反应;
:** 自定义礼物反应;
第133行: 第210行:  
:* 皮埃尔现在在冬日星盛宴展位上出售一些随机物品(价格上涨!)。
:* 皮埃尔现在在冬日星盛宴展位上出售一些随机物品(价格上涨!)。
:* 穿上灰烬小丑鞋子奔跑时增加了叮当声。
:* 穿上灰烬小丑鞋子奔跑时增加了叮当声。
:*  投掷 婴儿 现在 有机会暴击。
:*  婴儿 进行举高高互动 有机会暴击。
:* 增加了一个骷髅洞穴雕像,可以用来在骷髅洞穴中切换困难模式(完成齐先生的挑战后)。
:* 增加了一个骷髅洞穴雕像,可以用来在骷髅洞穴中切换困难模式(完成齐先生的挑战后)。
:* 在骷髅洞穴的200层和300层增加了额外的宝箱。
:* 在骷髅洞穴的200层和300层增加了额外的宝箱。
:* 为100层、200层和300层的骷髅洞穴宝箱增加了独特的外观。
:* 为100层、200层和300层的骷髅洞穴宝箱增加了独特的外观。
:* 在长笛块中增加了一个高音(C5)。
:* 在长笛块中增加了一个高音(C5)。
:* 在荒野农场中增加了铱石傀儡。
:* 在荒野农场中增加了[[ 铱石傀儡]]
:* 查看[[:en:Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.6|针对模组作者的更改]]。
:* 查看[[:en:Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.6|针对模组作者的更改]]。

