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增加 31,616 位元組 、 2024年5月6日 (星期一)
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::Thank you, working in progress.
::Thank you, working in progress.
::I made a simple script to help me unify the content, wanna test it just now on <samp>Sizau@sizau_bot</samp> but I got this when trying <samp>'action': 'edit'</samp>:
::I made a simple script to help me unify the content, wanna test it just now on <samp>Sizau@sizau_bot</samp> but I got this when trying <samp>'action': 'edit'</samp>:
::code: <samp>permissiondenied</samp>, info: <samp>The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: [[Stardew Valley Wiki:用户|用户]].</samp>
::code: <samp>permissiondenied</samp>, info: <samp>The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: '''Stardew Valley Wiki:用户|用户'''.</samp>
::How can I solve this problem? [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年2月24日 (五) 15:11 (UTC)
::How can I solve this problem? [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年2月24日 (五) 15:11 (UTC)
:::It sounds like you were trying to edit from an account that doesn't exist. I don't really understand what <samp>Sizau@sizau_bot</samp> is, so I don't really understand what you were trying to do. But the error message means that who or whatever was trying to edit the wiki wasn't logged in, or doesn't have an account. Your username [[User:Sizau]] is a valid member of the "Users" (用户) group.
:::It sounds like you were trying to edit from an account that doesn't exist. I don't really understand what <samp>Sizau@sizau_bot</samp> is, so I don't really understand what you were trying to do. But the error message means that who or whatever was trying to edit the wiki wasn't logged in, or doesn't have an account. Your username [[User:Sizau]] is a valid member of the "Users" (用户) group.
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::::Plus, found a few that were left out because of spaces: "== 行程表 ==" to "==日程表==", [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月12日 (三) 17:44 (UTC)
::::Plus, found a few that were left out because of spaces: "== 行程表 ==" to "==日程表==", [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月12日 (三) 17:44 (UTC)
:::::Eek! 😨 They should be fixed now. I double-checked all the replacements you suggested. 👍 [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月12日 (三) 18:55 (UTC)
::::::The translation is also toooooo weird: "农场外的打造物品" -> "在农场外放置设备", [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月13日 (四) 13:54 (UTC)
:::::::Hmm... I google-translated that, I think. Sincere apologies!
:::::::Now, I hate to ask, but I must: Is there no way to include the characters for "build" ("打造") in the heading on the [[打造]] page? You know, in English there is equipment that is crafted and equipment that must be purchased or obtained some other way. The fact that the equipment can be crafted is important. So, I ask the question if there is a translation that reflects the craftable nature of the item? (I also want to learn more about Chinese, of course!) Please advise. Thank you! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月13日 (四) 17:24 (UTC)
::::::::'''The word "打造" is inaccurate used in game.'''  I think localization is not good enough, but without affecting understanding, it is considered a game feature.
::::::::'''Explanation in the dictionary:''' "打造", which means to make, to create. What is made can be concrete things, such as gold, silver, jewelry, weapons, etc., or abstract concepts, such as spirit, culture, brand, etc. The word "打造" '''emphasizes the determination of people''' to create things, '''their concern for the quality''' of things, '''and the strength of the manufacturing methods used'''.
::::::::'''The most commonly used term is "制造/制作/造/做 (make)"''', which is commonly referred to as "做个箱子 (make a chest)" in colloquial language. If something crafted "can be used to do a certain job", it is called "设备 (equipment)" (or "机器(machine)" in Chinese).
::::::::"打造(v.)物品(n.)" can only represent one action, which can be confusing, as it can only be used as a verb. "打造的(adj.)物品(n.)" is a relatively normal word, but to some extent, '''it alienates the language''', with strong traces of English Chinese, and can also make the title extremely long:"在农场外放置打造的物品"
::::::::The reason why I translated it as "设备 (equipment)" is based on the idea that all the crafted items placed outside are used for "work". Without using the word "equipment", my suggestion is to omit "crafted" and translate it directly into "'''在农场外放置物品''' (place items outside the farm)", to ensure accuracy. However, it should be added in the text that the furniture is not affected
::::::::Some things are really hard to explain, after all, I haven't taken the teacher qualification exam and I'm not in a related major, and it feels like I'm writing an essay 😢 [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月13日 (四) 18:31 (UTC)
:::::::::Sorry to make you write an essay, but it was really informative and very interesting. Thank you!
:::::::::I've changed the heading and links to the heading, as you suggested. The differences between English and Chinese are truly fascinating to me. Thank you again!! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月13日 (四) 23:13 (UTC)
::::::::::[[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月15日 (六) 17:42 (UTC)
== global replacement request & page moving suggest ==
Hi Margotbean! I'm trying to add Cookout Kit information to every food page, but there are just too many of them. Since most pages use the same phrases, I think a global replacement would be more efficient. Can you help me with this?
* Replace <nowiki>“[[农舍]]的厨房中制作” with “[[农舍]]的厨房中或通过[[野炊工具]]制作”</nowiki>
* Replace <nowiki>“升级后的[[农舍]]内的厨房制作” with “升级后的[[农舍]]内的厨房或[[野炊工具]]制作”</nowiki>
* Replace “烹饪#有利润的食谱” with “烹饪#有利可图的食谱”
After the replacement is done, I will manually check these pages again to make sure there are no errors~
Also, I suggest move the page '''小屋/小屋位置''' to [[联机小屋布局]],then replace <nowiki>“'''小屋/小屋位置'''” with “[[联机小屋布局]]”</nowiki>
Because “联机小屋布局” is the correct in-game text, while 小屋/小屋位置 is a wrong translation.--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年4月15日 (六) 13:40 (UTC)
:看了一下相关的页面,感觉[[烹饪#有利可图的食谱]]</samp>改成[[烹饪#食谱的利润]]会好些。所有的“有利可图”都应该替换成“有利润”。<br/>After viewing the relevant pages, I feel that it would be better to change [[烹饪#有利可图的食谱]]] to [[烹饪#食谱的利润]]. All '有利可图' should be replaced with '有利润'.
:那个是为了表示次级页面有意留的斜杠(虽然确实很难用,如果我想看相关的信息在wiki上面很难找到这个页面),如果要变更的话估计还是留重定向。<br/>That is a intentionally left slash, indicating a secondary page (although it is indeed difficult for players to find this page on the wiki if they want). If changes made, I estimate a redirect would be left.
:[[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月15日 (六) 14:44 (UTC)
:我又检查了一下,发现这个是遗留的名称问题...如果要保持现有的规范,应该是要把'''小屋/小屋位置'''移动到[[联机小屋/布局]]。<br />I checked again and found that this is a legacy name issue. According to the existing specifications, it should be moved from '''小屋/小屋位置''' to [[联机小屋/布局]].
:[[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月15日 (六) 14:53 (UTC)
::I agree with Sizau, so allow me to summarize all the requests:
::** Replace <nowiki>“[[农舍]]的厨房中制作” with “[[农舍]]内的厨房或[[野炊工具]]制作”</nowiki>
::** Replace <nowiki>“它需使用升级后的[[农舍]]内的厨房制作” with “它需使用升级后的[[农舍]]内的厨房或[[野炊工具]]制作”</nowiki>
::** Replace “有利可图” with “有利润”
::** Replace “烹饪#有利润的食谱” with “烹饪#食谱的利润”
::** Move '''小屋/小屋位置''' to [[联机小屋/布局]],then replace <nowiki>“'''小屋/小屋位置'''” with “[[联机小屋/布局]]”</nowiki>
::--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年4月15日 (六) 15:41 (UTC)
::I found another replacement needs to be done to match the game:
::** Replace “文物” with “古物”, except for the page [[日记残页]]
--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年4月15日 (六) 18:49 (UTC)
:::OK, all done. I've also changed the inter-language links to "联机小屋/布局" in all languages that have the page. There is a redirect from the old page name, but nothing should link to it in any language.
:::Thank you for all the improvements you're making to the wiki!! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月16日 (日) 17:25 (UTC)
:::: Thank you so much for the help!~<3--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年4月17日 (一) 08:18 (UTC)
== Some spaces that shouldn't be there ==
This problem is not related to duration, so I open a new topic<br />
some pages always have a strange space in the first sentence (like [[艾利欧特的铅笔]], [[葡萄]], [[华丽窗户]]), it is much less after cleaning up but I still occasionally found one or two or even more after clicking [[Special:Random]].<br />
Is it possible to remove them all at once? <br />
Plus: I clicked on it and found another example: [[汽水机]]... 🤣 [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月28日 (五) 16:13 (UTC)
:Unfortunately, this isn't something I can search for without getting a lot of false positive results. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月28日 (五) 16:37 (UTC)
== Pages that need to be changed ==
Plz check:
*[[Stone]] (Delete)
*[[鸭蛋]] (Delete)
*[[讨论:鸭蛋]] (Move)
*[[讨论:荷包蛋]] (Move?)
[[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年5月3日 (三) 03:11 (UTC)
:Hi Margotbean, I think you missed this one. In 1.5.6, the in-game name of Fried Egg is "煎鸡蛋". I think we need to move [[荷包蛋]] to [[煎鸡蛋]], and replace all the "荷包蛋" with "煎鸡蛋". 😂--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月3日 (三) 13:25 (UTC)
::Hi Shirotsuki! I didn't miss it, it was just very late at night, so I put it off until today. When I move a page, I have to change all the links to it in the other 11 languages. I'll get to it shortly. :) [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年5月3日 (三) 14:23 (UTC)
:::Hi Margotbean, I would like to apologize for my impatience. I understand that you are busy and may have other priorities, and I am grateful for all the work that you have done as our wiki admin! Best regards, [[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月4日 (四) 14:52 (UTC)
::::Thank you, but there is no need to apologize. I would have thought the same thing as you did. You're doing a lot of work on the wiki, and I appreciate it! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年5月4日 (四) 17:16 (UTC)
== pages with titles in Traditional Chinese ==
Hi Margotbean, I came across two pages that have titles written in Traditional Chinese characters:[[鐵燈柱]]、[[木燈柱‎]]
It appears that due to these Traditional Chinese titles, the pages are unable to display the description text in the infobox.
I hope this can be fixed by moving these pages to simplified Chinese titles:
And I think it's better to keep the redirects, as removing them would cause the two pages appear in [[Special:WantedPages]].😂--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 15:07 (UTC)
:The reason for appearing in [[Special:WantedPages]] is that some pages are in traditional Chinese. For example, <nowiki>[[木燈柱]]</nowiki> and <nowiki>[[鐵燈柱]]</nowiki> in the page [[电池组]]. Redirects can be removed if global replacements done at the same time, [[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 15:29 (UTC)
::之前<nowiki>[[小鎮鑰匙]]和[[豬]]</nowiki>也有这个问题,不过我手动把涉及到的页面改掉了。它们都没留重定向,所以我觉得是没留重定向就会出现的问题orz--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 16:13 (UTC)
:::OK, the pages are moved, and I replaced all links that I could find. I left the redirects. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do, and thank you both for all your hard work in making the wiki better!! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 17:36 (UTC)
== Unused Categories and Blank Spaces ==
I fixed [[Talk:矿物#又发现一个遗留问题|some translation problems]] that [[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]] found and redirected the Categories([[:Category:矿石‎]], [[:Category:晶洞矿石‎]], and [[:Category:可觅食矿石‎]]), which doesn't seem very necessary, maybe you can consider deleting them?
Also, the issue [[#Some spaces that shouldn't be there|I mentioned earlier]], is it possible to implement this replacement of:
*Original text: <samp><nowiki>''' 是</nowiki></samp>
*Replace with: <samp><nowiki>'''是</nowiki></samp>
- [[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年6月16日 (五) 17:06 (UTC)
:I think maybe [[:Category:矿石‎]](Category:ore) can be used for the ores (copper, iron, etc)?--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年6月16日 (五) 17:13 (UTC)
::I've done the replacement (<nowiki>''' 是 to '''是</nowiki>) on 129 pages, I chose not to show them in "Recent Changes" since there are so many. I've also deleted the unused categories. If you two decide to use one of the deleted categories, you can recreate the page, I have not locked it down or anything like that. ok? Thank you both so much for making the wiki really great!! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年6月16日 (五) 17:38 (UTC)
== [[template:Construction]] ==
I'm trying to make the translation of some templates sound more native. I started a discussion on [[Template talk:Construction]], Sizau explained the first question to me, and we have made some progress. However, I still need your opinion on the second question. But it seems that you haven't noticed it. So, please allow me to rephrase my question and post it here:
Should we add a prompt in [[template:Construction]] to remind readers to avoid [[wikipedia:Help:Edit conflict|edit conflicts]]? You said that [[Special:Diff/19382/19550|"Template should invite others to edit"]], however, if this template means "This article is under construction (usually by the editor who added this template)", then inviting others to edit may cause edit conflicts. Personally, in most wikis I know, the use of <nowiki>{{under construction}}</nowiki> simply means "do not edit this page while this message is displayed". So I suggest that we change the "welcome" parameter to something like "Please note that editing this page now is likely to cause edit conflicts". If we do want to invite others to edit, I think we can use [[template:stub]] instead.
If you have some spare time, would you take a look at my question? I look forward to your response and would greatly appreciate your advice!--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年6月28日 (三) 18:04 (UTC)
:I think in the entire history of all language wikis, Template:Construction has never been used. I didn't create the template, and I don't really see a use for it, other than placing it on pages that display incorrectly after a template update. And template changes need to be discussed first, so we should have a plan in place for any problems that may arise.
:Given that context, I don't think it's a problem to leave it as is. I might just delete the template entirely, given that the game is 7 years old, and the wiki is in a fairly mature state. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年6月28日 (三) 18:23 (UTC)
::Well, as for me, sometimes when I'm in the process of making major restructurings, I need to stay on the edit screen for a long time, therefore I will temporarily use this template to remind other editors to help avoid edit conflicts. While the English wiki might be in a mature state, the other languages are not, and many pages require a lot of updating. I believe there are many other editors who will need to use this template as well. So, please do not delete it.
::Apart from that, you're right, and let's leave it as it is.--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年6月28日 (三) 19:25 (UTC)
:::OK, I won't delete the template. Now that you know it exists, you can make use of it. But, I'm afraid that if the power goes out while you're making large changes, you might lose a lot of work. For me, whenever there is a thunderstorm, there's a chance that the electricity will go out. Sometimes for a moment, sometimes for 10 minutes... sometimes just long enough for the computer to reboot. 😡 So, please consider working in a text document on your computer (and save frequently!) when making large changes!
:::Thank you again for your dedication to the wiki! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年6月29日 (四) 18:31 (UTC)
::::Thanks for the friendly reminder! I stay on the edit screen because it's easier to check the preview more frequently. I really hadn't thought about the power outage. 🤯 I'll be careful with it from now on! As for me, the biggest problem is that I often can't connect to the internet. So I will always save a backup file before submitting.😂
::::Anyway, many many thanks for your guidance and contributions to the wiki!🤗--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年6月29日 (四) 19:06 (UTC)
:::::No, thank you! 🤗🤗🤗 Without editors like you, I wouldn't have a wiki to nit-pick! 😂 [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年6月29日 (四) 19:26 (UTC)
== translation of the profession "Tiller" ==
I noticed that [[小桶生产力 - 农场主|Keg Productivity - Tiller]]&[[罐头瓶生产力 - 农场主|Preserves Jar Productivity - Tiller]] used the word "农场主" for "Tiller" in their titles. However, the current in-game translation of this profession is "[[耕种#耕种技能|农耕人]]". I guess it's another renaming issue that hasn't been updated on the wiki... So, do we need to move the page [[小桶生产力 - 农场主]] to “小桶生产力 - 农耕人”, and [[罐头瓶生产力 - 农场主]] to “罐头瓶生产力 - 农耕人”?--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年7月6日 (四) 16:00 (UTC)
:Yep, and all the links to those pages in all other languages. ''sigh'' I'll get on that right away. Thanks for pointing that out! (I hope it's a better translation as well!) [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年7月6日 (四) 18:49 (UTC)
::Thank you for your dedication to the maintenance of the wiki!! Yeah, I think it's a better translation, for the the previous “农场主” simply means "land owner"; while the current “农耕人” means "people who cultivate", and I think it's more suitable for a profession's name.
::I'd change the redirect [[农场主]] to [[耕种#耕种技能|farming skill]], too.--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年7月8日 (六) 08:06 (UTC)
:::It seems you've already changed that redirect page to a disambiguation page, so my work on it is done, correct? :) [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年7月8日 (六) 18:13 (UTC)
::::Yeah~ Thank you for helping to move the page! 😉--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年7月9日 (日) 13:47 (UTC)
== Replace Text ==
Hello! I left a message on the page [[Talk:采集]] for you earlier. Since I haven't received a response yet, I'm posting the message here again to kindly ask for your attention, as this issue requires your assistance.
We native speakers would love to undertake the project of updating the wiki. However, we don't have access to [[Special:ReplaceText]]. Seems that this feature is only accessible to administrators. So, is there any possibility that you could grant us the authorization? If not, could you please do the replacements for us?
Plus, there is a similar renaming problem with the page "[[talk:打造|crafting]]". The "hammer tab" used to be translated as 打造, but now in v1.5 it's 制造. However, v1.5 only changed the wording of the "hammer tab", while the old wording is still used in other places in the game. I'm not sure if we need to make any changes.
It would be very helpful if you could take a moment to check and reply to my message. Thanks! --[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年8月6日 (日) 08:48 (UTC)
:Hello Shirotsuki! I've been trying to follow the conversations about crafting & foraging, but I'm at a disadvantage since I can't read Chinese.
:Unfortunately, I can't give you access to the find/replace tool. With what I can read on the talk pages, it seems like there is a concise list of items on [[Talk:采集]] that need to be replaced, which I thought would be perfect for a native speaker. The last thing I can read on [[Talk:打造]] is that the game uses 2 different translations. So, if there is a large batch of changes needed, I can use the find/replace tool, but you have to give me very specific instructions for what changes to make (in English). Otherwise, I see only one page that's been updated by a native speaker in all this time, surely you're not looking at edits that need to be made and waiting for the admin to do them?
:Please advise! Thank you so much for all your hard work, and I'm sorry the language barrier exists for me! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年8月6日 (日) 20:42 (UTC)
::Hi, sorry for not responding in time, I have been unwell recently.
::We native speakers are well aware that it's our responsibility to take care of the ZH wiki. And, if we're capable of handling something ourselves, we certainly wouldn't pass it on to the admin. Unfortunately, we do not have access to the find/replace tool, so we were seeking your help on [[Talk:采集]].
::So, please allow me to clarify the situation: Someone noticed that the translation for "foraging" is changed, and you've updated the title of the page [[采集|foraging]]. However, there are still many words on the ZH wiki that are using outdated translations. Sizau was trying to remind you that the subheadings and categories also need to be updated to make the wiki consistent, and we do not have access to the find/replace tool to do a global replacement.
::Here is the list of items that need to be replaced, compiled by Sizau:
::{| class="wikitable"
! Replace !! With
| 可觅食物品 || 可采集物品
| 觅食经验值 || 采集经验值
| <nowiki>[[采集#觅食技能]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[采集#采集技能]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[采集#觅食物品]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[采集#可采集物品]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:春季觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:春季采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:夏季觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:夏季采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:秋季觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:秋季采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:冬季觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:冬季采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:岛屿觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:岛屿采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:沙滩觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:沙滩采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:沙漠觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:沙漠采集]]</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[Category:矿井觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[Category:矿井采集]]</nowiki>
::After the replacement is done, we will check it again <!--by searching for the old wording--> to see if there are any further changes needed.
::As for "crafting", yes, the game is using 2 different translations. I'm not quite sure what to do with it, and I'm also afraid that it might change in the upcoming v1.6. I think it's better that we keep "crafting" in the current state until version 1.6 is released.--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年8月13日 (日) 19:25 (UTC)
:::I'm very sorry to hear that you've been unwell, I do hope you're feeling better. Thank you for the clear list of changes to make! I've made all requested changes and moved categories, so there should be very few (if any) more changes to make. 🤞
:::It seems wise to wait for v1.6 for crafting changes. If you've reported the errors on the forums, I know they've been sent to translators for review. Thanks for everything! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年8月13日 (日) 22:37 (UTC)
::::{| class="wikitable"
| <nowiki>[[采集#觅食技能</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[采集#采集技能</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[采集#觅食物品</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[采集#可采集物品</nowiki>
| <nowiki>[[技能#觅食</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>[[技能#采集</nowiki>
| <nowiki>==觅食==</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>==采集==</nowiki>
| <nowiki>觅食]]</nowiki>  ||  <nowiki>采集]]</nowiki>
::::Still reviewing other pages that require updates currently... [[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年8月14日 (一) 14:08 (UTC)
::::Thank you, Margotbean, I do feel better now.
::::I searched for the old wording and found that there are still a few changes that need to be made. I think they can be fixed by replacing all "觅食" with "采集" ('''except for''' the talk pages, Template:Description, and [[模组:物品数据|Modding:Object data]]). Thank you for your hard work! --[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年8月14日 (一) 15:00 (UTC)
:::::Done! The last replacement (replacing all "觅食" with "采集", except in talk pages) was 103 pages. Whew! Thank you for the clear instructions (in English), and let me know if there is more to do to fix foraging in ZH. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年8月14日 (一) 16:05 (UTC)
::::::Perfect! Thanks for everything!--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年8月15日 (二) 15:25 (UTC)
== Homepage logo and developer logo ==
1. The logo on the Chinese homepage is too wide, see [[Talk:Stardew Valley Wiki#Logo is too wide]].
2. The developer logo [[:File:Developed By Image ZH.gif]] and [[:File:Developed By Image small ZH.gif]] was updated in v1.4 and should be replaced.
--[[User:Stevenlele|Stevenlele]]([[User talk:Stevenlele|讨论]]) 2023年12月4日 (一) 08:35 (UTC)
:I will put it on my "to do" list to update the "Developed by" images, but I wouldn't expect it before v1.6 is released. I tried playing around with the sizes of the home page, and I think they're as good as they can be. 400px is way too small, so I adjusted the images alongside it, and it looked awful. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年12月4日 (一) 17:31 (UTC)
== QQ Group Initiative ==
I'm considering creating a QQ group (the most common means of communication in mainland China) in the name of the official wiki and would like to ask if it's feasible. The current method - discussion page is not very user-friendly (in fact, most people haven't understood the correct format), [[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2024年3月23日 (六) 18:30 (UTC)
Additionally, I've noticed that the time format for Simplified Chinese has now been changed to the 24-hour system - could we consider globally replacing the old time texts? [[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2024年3月23日 (六) 18:32 (UTC)
:We can't have an official QQ group unless it's endorsed by ConcernedApe. And honestly, not understanding how to use talk pages because people haven't read [[帮助:编辑入门]] isn't really an excuse to create one. Also, "we" don't have time to do global find & replace right now! We can't even keep up with the number of changes on the EN wiki! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2024年3月24日 (日) 01:38 (UTC)
::Alternatively, if it's not possible to have an official QQ group, could we at least create an unofficial QQ group for ZH l10n editors? It's not just about making things easier for newcomers imho. (I'm not sure whether the ZH wiki could mention it - if we really have an unofficial one - on any main page, and I guess the answer is no.) By the way I noticed that the English main site has a header message for new editors (“'''New editors: Please read Help:Editing...'''”). I think adding this message to the ZH site would be helpful too. [[User:Dveïssre|Dveïssre]]([[User talk:Dveïssre|讨论]]) 2024年3月24日 (日) 09:40 (UTC)
:::Hello Dveïssre! I can't control what unofficial groups are created, but I do wish discussion about the wiki would take place on the wiki.
:::I'd love to add a sitewide message like in English, but I don't speak Chinese. I would need a good translation first. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2024年3月24日 (日) 16:16 (UTC)
::::After discussing with Sizau, here's the translation I propose: "<nowiki>致新编辑者:着笔前请先阅读[[Help:编辑入门]]!<br>创建的新页面若无“历史”章节将会被删除。感谢您的理解。</nowiki>"[[User:Dveïssre|Dveïssre]]([[User talk:Dveïssre|讨论]] | [[User:Sizau#讨论群|群组]]) 2024年3月25日 (一) 13:21 (UTC)
::::I think having a QQ group is a good idea as it will help users who are not familiar with editing or are not used to it. At the same time, it will also attract more players from Stardew Valley  to join the wiki        [[User:TBX1347|TBX1347]]([[User talk:TBX1347|讨论]]) 2024年5月6日 (一) 14:51 (UTC)
== On Semi-Automated Editing ==
Hello! I'd like to inquire about Stardew Valley Wiki's stance on '''semi'''-automated editing. In recent localisation efforts, I've encountered some highly repetitive editing tasks, such as dealing with unnecessary spaces and half-width characaters. For the sake of efficiency I'm considering using [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser AutoWikiBrowser], which is designed to assist manual editing rather than make bot edits, to handle these tasks, and I thought it best to ask for your opinion first. --[[User:Dveïssre|Dveïssre]]([[User talk:Dveïssre|讨论]] | [[User:Sizau#讨论群|群组]]) 2024年3月27日 (三) 14:43 (UTC)
:It's a fine idea, AutoWikiBrowser is a good product, and it lets you review the edits before saving them. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2024年3月27日 (三) 17:00 (UTC)
== The translation about modding page. ==
I found that many modding page just has English version. If I want to translate them into Chinese, I may create many Modding pages. At the same time, due to the particularity of this kind of page, it is difficult to translate it completely, there may be some words that I am not good at translating and leaving in English, but it may be difficult for someone to translate this kind of page even if it is tagged with "need translate", and I wonder if I should start to do it.Thanks in advance for your reply. [[User:Yyzjiben|Yyzjiben]]([[User talk:Yyzjiben|讨论]]) 2024年4月14日 (日) 05:54 (UTC)
:Hello! I would advise "no" because the game is still changing. There will be a version 1.6.4 and maybe more. Also, several modding pages are not up-to-date as of version 1.6.3 in English. So, it would be wasted effort right now. [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2024年4月14日 (日) 17:48 (UTC)

