
群星之尘讨论 | 贡献2024年5月6日 (一) 11:20的版本 (搬运并部分翻译自英文对应页面)
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— 罗宾


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最后编辑群星之尘于2024-05-06 11:20:06.

Pink Bait.png
来源 鱼饵制造机鱼店
能量 不可食用
售出价格 0.1 × 的价值

针对性鱼饵是一种特殊类型的鱼饵,它可以增加钓上某种特定鱼类的概率,前提是该鱼可以在此时间段、此天气和此季节在该区域被钓到。 它与鱼饵一样可以减少50%等待鱼上钩的时间。[1]


When using targeted bait, the Locational Chance[2] and Spawn Rate for the targeted fish are both multiplied by 1.66, after applying any relevant modifiers.[3] These chances are capped at 1, so in most cases the Locational Chance adjustment will have no effect as most fish have a Locational Chance of 1. However, the Spawn Rate normally has a cap of 0.9, so this adjustment can guarantee a fish passing that check, assuming that a different item is not hooked first. In addition, when choosing from the list of possible catches for the area, the game will look at the first three items to pass both the Spawn Rate and Location-based checks. If the targeted fish is among them, the player will hook the targeted fish. Otherwise, the player will hook the third item, whatever it may be. If the game reaches the end of the list of possible catches before three items have passed both checks, it will loop back to the beginning of the list and check each item a second time.[4] If it reaches the end of the list a second time, the player will hook 垃圾.[5]

Targeted Bait also works with 蟹笼. Its effect depends on the chance of the targeted fish.[6] Specifically:

  • 龙虾 chance is quadrupled.
  • , 螃蟹, and 牡蛎 chances are tripled.
  • All other Crab Pot fish chances are doubled.






若要把鱼饵放进鱼竿里,打开背包,鼠标点击鱼饵(  左键或   右键,取决于你要放置多少鱼饵),然后   右键鱼竿。

若要移除鱼饵,  右键鱼竿。


在 Xbox 手柄上,按   选取一组鱼饵(或按   选取单个鱼饵),然后按   放在鱼竿上。

在 PS4 手柄上, 按   选取一组鱼饵(或按   选取单个鱼饵),然后按   放在鱼竿上。

在 Nintendo Switch 手柄上,打开背包,按   选取一组鱼饵(或按   选取单个鱼饵),然后按   放在鱼竿上。

按手柄上的  (NS 上是  )来移除鱼饵。







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  1. See FishingRod::calculateTimeUntilFishingBite in the game code.
  2. See SpawnFishData::GetChance in the game code. The multiplier is applied after all modifiers except Luck, most notably applying after any Curiosity Lure buff, by far the most common modifier to Location chance.
  3. See GameLocation::GetGenericFishRequirements in the game code. The 1.66x multiplier is applied after fishing zone, fishing level, and curiosity lure modifiers, and the 0.9 cap.
  4. See GameLocation::GetFishFromLocationData in the game code. If a fish passes both random checks, it is hooked if either: there no targeted fish, it is the targeted fish, or at least two items in the list have already passed both checks.
  5. Since Trash exists at precedence 2000 in all areas, and is guaranteed to pass both checks, the only way to reach the end of the list twice is if Trash was the only item hooked on both loops. Therefore, the only items that can be hooked from this condition are Trash items.
  6. See CrabPot::DayUpdate in the game code.
  7. See Data/Locations.xnb in the game files for Precedence values.
  8. See MineShaft::GetFish in the game code.
  9. See Data/Locations.xnb in the game files.


  • 1.6:加入游戏。