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Mining Skill Icon.png采矿技能



等级1 等级2 等级3 等级4 等级5
合成配方: 合成配方: 烹饪配方: 合成配方: 选择一个职业:
Cherry Bomb.png 樱桃炸弹 Staircase.png 楼梯 Miner's Treat.png 矿工特供 Iron Bar.png 熔炼(铁)Glowstone Ring.png 辉石戒指 Miner.png 矿工
Geologist.png 地质学家
等级6 等级7 等级8 等级9 等级10
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 矿工: 地质学家:
Bomb.png 炸弹 Gold Bar.png 熔炼(金) Mega Bomb.png 超级炸弹 Crystalarium.png 宝石复制机 Blacksmith Icon.png 铁匠
Excavator.png 挖掘者
Prospector.png 勘探者
Gemologist.png 宝石专家


Different rock types give different numbers of experience points. While generic rocks inside The Mines provide no experience bonus on their own, if coal is dropped, you are awarded 5 experience points (except in the case of the two gray rocks pictured below). No other "extra" drops from breaking rocks inside the Mines award experience points.

Breaking open a meteor dropped on The Farm during a Meteorite event awards no experience.

Rock Type Experience
Any Rock (outside The Mines) 1
If coal is dropped: 5
Gray Boulder (outside The Mines) 0
Rock (inside The Mines) 0
Stone Index668.png Stone Index670.png Either of these dark gray rocks (inside The Mines) 3
If coal is dropped: 4
Amethyst Node Geologist Profession: 8
Miner Profession: 16
Aquamarine Node Geologist Profession: 20
Miner Profession: 40
Diamond Node Geologist Profession: 100
Miner Profession: 150
Emerald Node Geologist Profession: 50
Miner Profession: 80
Jade Node Geologist Profession: 20
Miner Profession: 40
Ruby Node Geologist Profession: 50
Miner Profession: 80
Topaz Node Geologist Profession: 8
Miner Profession: 16
Gem Node 3
Mystic Stone 50
Copper Node 5
Iron Node 12
Gold Node 18
Iridium Node 50
Geode Node (seen on the Hill-top Farm) 8
Frozen Geode Node (seen on the Hill-top Farm) 16
Magma Geode Node (seen on the Hill-top Farm) 32


All nodes (other than the Geode Nodes) may be found in the Skull Cavern or Quarry.


图片 名字 包含矿石 采矿点位置
Amethyst Node.png 紫水晶矿 紫水晶 矿井 (任意层)
Aquamarine Node.png 海蓝宝石矿 海蓝宝石 矿井 (40+层),在到达矿井底后会出现在矿井任意层
Copper Node.png 铜矿 铜矿石 矿井 (任意层)
Diamond Node.png 钻石矿 钻石 矿井 (50+层)
Emerald Node.png 绿宝石矿 绿宝石 矿井 (在到达矿井底后会出现在矿井任意层,否则不出现)
Gem Node.png 宝石矿 紫水晶, 海蓝宝石, 钻石, 绿宝石, 翡翠, 五彩碎片, 红宝石, or 黄水晶 矿井 (任意层)
Gold Node.png 金矿 金矿石 矿井 (80+层)
Iridium Node.png 铱矿 击碎以获得 铱矿石, 有4%概率获得一个 五彩碎片 骷髅洞穴
Iron Node.png 铁矿 铁矿石 矿井 (40+层)
Jade Node.png 翡翠矿 翡翠 矿井(40+层),在到达矿井底后会出现在矿井任意层
Mystic Stone.png 神秘矿石 1-3个铱矿石,1-4个金矿石,以及25%概率获得一个五彩碎片. 矿井 (100+层),采石场
Ruby Node.png 红宝石矿 红宝石 矿井 (在到达矿井底后会出现在矿井任意层,否则不出现)
Topaz Node.png 黄水晶矿 黄水晶. 矿井 (任意层)
Geode Node.png
Geode Node Geode Hill-top Farm Map only
Frozen Geode Node.png
Frozen Geode Node Frozen Geode Hill-top Farm Map only
Magma Geode Node.png
Magma Geode Node Magma Geode Hill-top Farm Map only

钻石矿从矿井50层开始出现,概率为每个可以出现石头的位置都有1/500概率。 对于每一个深于50的层数,每层增加0.000016的概率,这使得在矿井100层有0.0028的几率出现钻石矿(1.2/500或7/2500),以及在第119层有0.003104的几率出现钻石矿(1.552/500 或194/62500)。

The chance for Gem Nodes to appear is very small, but is slightly increased by Mining Skill level and Daily Luck. The chance for Mystic Stones to appear is also increased by Mining Skill Level and daily Luck.


参见: 矿井


参见: 骷髅洞穴


参见: 采石场


  • 1.0:加入
  • 1.1:铁匠铺现在将金属锭的价值从25%提高到了50%