
移除 248 位元組 、 2020年4月3日 (五) 01:21
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 星露谷物语 经历4 年的开发,终于在2016年2月26日登陆Windows PC端。 于2016年7月29日更新并兼容Mac OS X端和Linux端。
 星露谷物语 历经4 年的开发,终于在2016年2月26日登陆Windows PC端。 于2016年7月29日更新并兼容Mac OS X端和Linux端。
<br />如果要查看手机平台的详细游戏更新信息请查看[[移动 版历史]]。
<br />如果要查看手机平台的详细游戏更新信息请查看[[移动版历史]]。
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Stardew Valley 1.4.5[https://www.stardewvalley.net/new-update-for-android-and-hotfix-patch-for-pc/ released] 发布于2020年2月11日。
Stardew Valley 1.4.5 [https://www.stardewvalley.net/new-update-for-android-and-hotfix-patch-for-pc/ 发布] 于2020年2月11日。
; Bug修复
; Bug修复
:* Fixed an issue on Windows where the game would initialize incorrectly and start without audio.
:* 修复了Windows上的一个问题,在该问题中,游戏将不正确初始化并在没有音频的情况下启动。
:* Fixed an issue where passable objects, such as torches, could block you from attacking enemies that are standing nearby.
:* 修正了一个移动的问题,比如火把,会阻止你攻击站在附近的敌人。
:* 如果捐赠了古代种子而未拿到配方,可找[[冈瑟]]索取。
:* 如果捐赠了古代种子而未拿到配方,可找[[冈瑟]]索取。
:* Fixed an issue that would allow animals to walk on certain water tiles alongside some bridges.
:* 修正了一个允许动物在某些桥旁的瓷砖上行走的问题。
:* 壁纸不能再代替物品。
:* 壁纸不能再代替物品。
:* 修复了简体中文版刘易斯雕塑信件拿不到钱的bug。
:* 修复了简体中文版[[ 刘易斯]] 雕塑信件拿不到钱的bug。
Stardew Valley 1.4.4 was [https://www.stardewvalley.net/patch-1-4-4-available-now-for-pc-consoles/ released] on 31 January 2020.
Stardew Valley 1.4.4 [https://www.stardewvalley.net/patch-1-4-4-available-now-for-pc-consoles/ 发布] 于2020年1月31日。
; Changes
; 变化
:* Adjusted dropped item pickups so that they’re more responsive for clients in multiplayer and will “rubber band back to their previous locations less frequently.
:*  调整掉落的物品拾起,使其在多人游戏中对客户更具响应性,并将“橡皮筋 回到以前的位置的频率降低。
:* Adjusted item collection code so that machines tucked in corners can be refilled without using cursor mode.
:* 调整了项目集合代码,以便可以在不使用光标模式的情况下重新填充角落中的机器。
:* Added Elliott’s 14-heart not properly working in non-English languages.
:* 补充[[埃利欧特]]的14颗心时在非英语语言中不能正常运行。
:* Fixed a data entry issue that caused some fish ponds to use incorrect data.
:* 修复了导致某些鱼塘使用错误数据的数据输入问题。
:* Fixed the Shrimp Enthusiast Shirt applying the wrong shirt artwork.
:* Fixed the Shrimp Enthusiast Shirt applying the wrong shirt artwork.
:* Fixed a softlock when watching the 2nd Fall movie in a non-English languages.
:* 修正了用非英语观看第二部秋季电影时的软锁问题。
:* Fixed the cursor not appearing in the level up profession selector if the Controller Style Menus option is toggled off while using a controller.
:* Fixed the cursor not appearing in the level up profession selector if the Controller Style Menus option is toggled off while using a controller.
:* Unsuccessfully crafting an unstackable item while already holding an item on your cursor no longer grants you credit for crafting it.
:* Unsuccessfully crafting an unstackable item while already holding an item on your cursor no longer grants you credit for crafting it.
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:* Fixed the color selector sliders on the Farmhand creation screen having incorrect navigation on controller.
:* Fixed the color selector sliders on the Farmhand creation screen having incorrect navigation on controller.
:* Fixed the logic for fruit tree obstruction checking the wrong tile.
:* Fixed the logic for fruit tree obstruction checking the wrong tile.
:* Fixed the dagger swipe sound effect repeating an extra time in multiplayer if another player is in the same area.
:* 修正了多人游戏中,如果另一个玩家在同一区域,匕首轻扫声音效果会重复一次。
:* Krobus will no longer get jealous if you gift characters you’re dating after he moves in.
:* Krobus will no longer get jealous if you gift characters you’re dating after he moves in.
:* Penny now leaves Garden Pots alone in her 14 heart event.
:* [[潘妮]]现在会在14心事件中独自留下花园花盆。
:* Fixed an issue that could cause Sam’s 6 heart event to soft-lock.
:* 修复了一个可能导致[[山姆]]6 心事件软锁定的问题。
:* The game now re-issues the player the Qi’s Challenge quest if they had previously opened the mail, but dismissed it without accepting the quest.
:* The game now re-issues the player the Qi’s Challenge quest if they had previously opened the mail, but dismissed it without accepting the quest.
:* Items placed in an ex’s room are now collected and placed in a chest after divorce.
:* Items placed in an ex’s room are now collected and placed in a chest after divorce.
:* You can no longer give away quest items or non-giftable items during the Feast of the Winter Star.
:* 在冬星盛宴期间,您不能再赠送任务物品。
:* Adjusted some NPC gift reactions (Vincent and Jas now hate Triple Shot Espresso, Dwarf now loves Lemon Stone, and Sam now likes concession stand Joja Cola.)
:* Adjusted some NPC gift reactions (Vincent and Jas now hate Triple Shot Espresso, Dwarf now loves Lemon Stone, and Sam now likes concession stand Joja Cola.)
:* Adjusted Desert map so that crab pots placed in the water no longer render incorrectly, and objects can no longer be placed on top of the Desert Trader.
:* 调整沙漠地图,使放在水中的[[蟹笼]]不再渲染错误,物体也不能再放在沙漠商人的顶部。
:* Removed Catfish from Willy’s fishing quests during Winter, as it’s impossible to catch one without a Rain Totem.
:* 冬天从[[威利]]的捕鱼任务中移除了鲶鱼,因为没有图腾是不可能捕捉到的。
:* Fixed a crash that could occur on the host when a client connects to a game that was set to Friends or Invite Only that is now being hosted on a platform that doesn’t support those online modes.
:* 修复了当客户端连接到设置为“好友”或“仅邀请”的游戏时主机上可能发生的崩溃, or Invite Only that is now being hosted on a platform that doesn’t support those online modes.
:* Fixed incorrectly looping ambient noise in the [[Secret Woods|Deep Woods]] at night.
:* 修复了夜间在[[ 秘密森林| 深林]] 中不正确循环的环境噪音。
:* Fixed an issue where the Japanese localization’s dialogue for a spouse watering your crops would incorrectly show both gender variants of the text.
:* Fixed an issue where the Japanese localization’s dialogue for a spouse watering your crops would incorrectly show both gender variants of the text.
:* Fixed the Simplified Chinese localization incorrectly showing Sunflower Seeds as a Fall only crop.
:* 修正了在简体中文中错误地将向日葵种子显示为只在秋季种植的问题。
:* Removed the < ‘ from the Simplified Chinese localization of the “Pet loves you dialogue.
:*  删除了“宠物爱你”对话中简体中文中的“<”
:* Fixed an issue where Junimos would show an empty text bubble when bringing a bundle to the Junimo Hut after completing a bundle in Simplified Chinese or Korean.
:* 修复了[[祝尼魔]]在用简体中文或韩语时将包带到[[祝尼魔]]小屋时显示空文本气泡的问题。
:* Fixed an issue where viewing the Junimo Note before learning to read it would cause certain text to permanently display much larger in the Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean localizations
:* 修正了一个问题,即在学习阅读[[祝尼魔]]文字之前查看[[祝尼魔]]文字会导致某些文本在简体中文、日文和韩文中永久显示特别大。   我遇到过
:* Filled in some missing characters in the Korean fonts. This fixes some instances where an asterisk appears instead of a Korean character.
:* 在韩文字体中填写了一些缺少的字符。这修复了一些出现星号而不是朝鲜语字符的情况。
:* Fixed a minor typo in Grandpa’s Note in the Korean localization.
:* 修复了[[爷爷]]在韩语本地化中的一个小打字错误。
Stardew Valley 1.4.3 was [https://www.stardewvalley.net/1-4-3-bug-fix-patch-for-pc/ released] on 13 December 2019.
Stardew Valley 1.4.3 was [https://www.stardewvalley.net/1-4-3-bug-fix-patch-for-pc/ released] on 13 December 2019.
