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农作物 是指为了贩卖、获取食物和送礼而种从种子培育而成的植物。 一般来说, 每一种农作物都是 季节性的. 每种农作物只能在特定的季节种植。当季节变换时,它会枯萎并死去。但是多季节植物(例如, 上古水果, 咖啡豆, 玉米, 向日葵, 小麦)会在所有指定的季节生长。



本页面所指的生长时间不包括种下种子的那一天,而且没有考虑肥料农业学家 这个职业造成的影响。




Crops can be eaten by crows when there is no 稻草人 within range.


Some crops require a trellis, which is a wooden or metal bar. Once planted, a trellis cannot be walked through.


Crops planted in a 3x3 pattern have a chance to become a "giant crop." A giant crop is a single plant that takes up a 3x3 grid of plots, and yields 15-21 items instead of 9. A giant crop must be harvested with an 斧子.

Giant crops do not conform to a strict grid. For example, a 3x4 area will have two chances for a giant crop to grow, since it contains two (overlapping) 3x3 grids.

The crop will not appear giant until it is ready to be harvested. You can leave mature crops planted and they may fuse to become giant in the following days.

As of PC v1.11, only 3 crops are able to become giant crops.

Giant Crops
Cauliflower Melon Pumpkin


The quality of crops comes in three levels: regular,    silver, and    gold. Quality differences first show themselves when a crop is harvested. Normally, harvested crops are almost all of regular quality, with a few at higher quality levels. The average quality can be increased by planting seeds into fertilized soil. Increasing Farming Skill also increases the chance to harvest a quality crop. If a Seed Maker turns a higher-quality crop into seeds, however, the seeds are not more likely to bear a larger proportion of high-quality crops when grown.

Higher quality crops command higher prices when sold, and deliver greater energy and health benefits when eaten. If given as a gift to an NPC who likes or loves the crop, a silver or gold quality crop gives a higher number of friendship points. Crop quality has no effect on cooked foods' health or energy gains, or on the quality of Artisan Goods produced.


Calculations do not take into account Fertilizer or the Tiller or Agriculturist Professions. Values are calculated based on normal quality crops. Variations are noted in or below each table, if applicable. It is assumed that the crop is watered on the day of planting.

The general formula is (Max Harvests × Sell Price per Harvest) − Seed Price / Growing Days

Growing Days = Days to Maturity + ((Max Harvests − 1) × Days to Regrow)

Max Harvests is normally 1, but for crops that continue to produce, it is the actual number of harvests that can be obtained in the growing season(s).

Sell Price per Harvest is normally the same as the Sell Price of one normal-quality crop. Extra crops are not counted since their occurrence is rare, except in the case of potatoes. The chance of an extra potato is ≈20%, much higher than with any other crop. Thus, the Sell Price per Harvest is 1.2 × 80 instead of 1 × 80.

In the case of plants that always give >1 item per harvest (e.g., Coffee Bean, Blueberry, Cranberry) the Sell Price per Harvest = # of crops per Harvest × Sell Price for one item.

Example: Cranberries

Max Harvests = 5

Sell Price per Harvest = 2 berries × data-sort-value="75"> 75金 = data-sort-value="150"> 150金

Seed Price = data-sort-value="240"> 240金

Growing Days = 7 + ((5 − 1) × 5) = 27

Gold per Day = 5 × 150 − 240 / 27 = data-sort-value="18.89"> 18.89金




种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 收获 售价 恢复 用途


杂货店 data-sort-value="30"> 30金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="37"> 37金

Template:QualityHealthGrid   幸运午餐
1 天 2 天 2 天 2 天 共: 7 天 data-sort-value="2.86"> 2.86金/d



种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 阶段 5 收获 售价 恢复 用途


杂货店 data-sort-value="80"> 80金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="100"> 100金

Template:QualityHealthGrid   乳酪花椰菜


1 天 2 天 4 天 4 天 1 天 共: 12 天 data-sort-value="7.92"> 7.92金/d


Each plant yields 4 beans per harvest with a small random chance for more beans.

种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 阶段 5 收获 售价 恢复 用途


旅行货车 data-sort-value="2500"> 2,500金
沙尘恶灵 (1% 掉落)

  data-sort-value="15"> 15金
data-sort-value="18"> 18金
data-sort-value="22"> 22金
Inedible   咖啡
1 天 2 天 2 天 3 天 2 天 共: 10 天 持续收获
每 2 天.
旅行货车: data-sort-value="-20.74"> -20.74金/d

Dust Sprite: data-sort-value="25.56"> 25.56金/d

Note: The Gold Per Day value reflects 4 beans sold at standard quality.
Basic Fertilizer and Quality Fertilizer only affect 1 out of 4 harvested beans.


Available from Year 2.

种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 收获 售价 恢复 用途


杂货店 data-sort-value="40"> 40金

  data-sort-value="60"> 60金
data-sort-value="75"> 75金
data-sort-value="90"> 90金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   意式蕨菜炖饭  法式田螺  蒜油
1 天 1 天 1 天 1 天 共: 4 天 data-sort-value="5"> 5金/d



This crop uses a trellis, and continues to produce after maturity. Be aware, you cannot move onto a tile with a trellis, but you must be adjacent to a planted tile in order to harvest the plant. You must plan the layout of your plantings in order to guarantee access for harvesting.

种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 阶段 5 收获 售价 恢复 用途


杂货店 data-sort-value="60"> 60金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="75"> 75金

  data-sort-value="40"> 40金
data-sort-value="50"> 50金
data-sort-value="60"> 60金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   豆类火锅


1 天 1 天 1 天 3 天 4 天 共: 10 天 持续收获
每 3 天.
data-sort-value="7.20"> 7.2金/d



种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 收获 售价 恢复 用途


杂货店 data-sort-value="70"> 70金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="87"> 87金

  data-sort-value="110"> 110金
data-sort-value="137"> 137金
data-sort-value="165"> 165金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   蔬菜什锦盖饭  鲑鱼晚餐
1 天 2 天 2 天 1 天 共: 6 天 data-sort-value="6.67"> 6.67金/d



种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 收获 售价 恢复 用途

Parsnip Seeds

杂货店 data-sort-value="20"> 20金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="25"> 25金

  data-sort-value="35"> 35金
data-sort-value="43"> 43金
data-sort-value="52"> 52金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   防风草汤  农夫午餐



1 天 1 天 1 天 1 天 共: 4 天 data-sort-value="3.75"> 3.75金/d


A widely cultivated tuber. Yields 1 Potato at harvest, with ≈20% chance for more Potatoes.

种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 阶段 5 收获 售价 恢复 用途

Potato Seeds

杂货店 data-sort-value="50"> 50金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="62"> 62金

  data-sort-value="80"> 80金
data-sort-value="100"> 100金
data-sort-value="120"> 120金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   薯饼


1 天 1 天 1 天 2 天 1 天 共: 6 天 data-sort-value="5.0"> 5金/d (no extra potatoes)

data-sort-value="7.67"> 7.67金/d (1.2 potatoes/harvest)



种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 阶段 5 收获 售价 恢复 用途


Oasis data-sort-value="100"> 100金

  data-sort-value="220"> 220金
data-sort-value="275"> 275金
data-sort-value="330"> 330金
Inedible   大黄派
2 天 2 天 2 天 3 天 4 天 共: 13 天 data-sort-value="9.23"> 9.23金/d



When harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with a small random chance for more Strawberries.

种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 阶段 5 收获 售价 恢复


复活节data-sort-value="100"> 100金

  data-sort-value="120"> 120金
data-sort-value="150"> 150金
data-sort-value="180"> 180金
1 天 1 天 2 天 2 天 2 天 共: 8 天 持续收获
每 4 天.
Planted by:
Start of Spring: ≈data-sort-value="20.83"> 20.83金/d
Day of Festival: ≈data-sort-value="11.67"> 11.67金/d



种子 阶段 1 阶段 2 阶段 3 阶段 4 收获 售价 恢复

Tulip Bulb

杂货店 data-sort-value="20"> 20金
JOJA超市 data-sort-value="25"> 25金

  data-sort-value="30"> 30金
data-sort-value="37"> 37金
data-sort-value="45"> 45金
1 天 1 天 2 天 2 天 共: 6 天 data-sort-value="1.67"> 1.67金/d

Summer Crops


A popular berry reported to have many health benefits. The blue skin has the highest nutrient concentration. Keeps producing after maturity.
Each plant produces 3 blueberries at harvest, with ≈2% chance for more blueberries.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Blueberry Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="80"> 80金

  data-sort-value="50"> 50金
data-sort-value="62"> 62金
data-sort-value="75"> 75金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   蓝莓千层酥  水果沙拉


1 Day 3 Days 3 Days 4 Days 2 Days Total: 13 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
data-sort-value="20.8"> 20.8金/d
Note: The Gold Per Day value reflects 3 berries sold at standard quality.
Basic Fertilizer and Quality Fertilizer only affect 1 out of 3 harvested berries.


One of the most popular grains. The sweet, fresh cobs are a summer favorite. Keeps producing after maturity.
Corn is one of the few multi-season crops and can be grown in Summer and Fall.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Corn Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="150"> 150金
JojaMart data-sort-value="187"> 187金

  data-sort-value="50"> 50金
data-sort-value="62"> 62金
data-sort-value="75"> 75金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   墨西哥薄饼 



2 Days 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 14 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
data-sort-value="1.92"> 1.92金/d
(Summer or Fall only)
data-sort-value="7.41"> 7.41金/d
(Spanning Summer and Fall)


A bitter, tangy flower used to flavor beer.
This crop uses a trellis, and continues to produce after maturity.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Hops Starter

General Store data-sort-value="60"> 60金
JojaMart data-sort-value="75"> 75金

  data-sort-value="25"> 25金
data-sort-value="31"> 31金
data-sort-value="37"> 37金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   淡啤酒
1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days Total: 11 Days Continues to
produce every day.
data-sort-value="13.52"> 13.52金/d

  Hot Pepper

Fiery hot with a hint of sweetness. Keeps producing after maturity. When harvested, each Hot Pepper plant gives 1 Hot Pepper every 3 days, with a small random chance for more Hot Peppers.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Pepper Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="40"> 40金
JojaMart data-sort-value="50"> 50金

  data-sort-value="40"> 40金
data-sort-value="50"> 50金
data-sort-value="60"> 60金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   爆炒青椒


1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 5 Days Continues to
produce every 3 days.
data-sort-value="10.77"> 10.77金/d


A cool, sweet summer treat.
Melons can become a Giant Crop.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Melon Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="80"> 80金
JojaMart data-sort-value="100"> 100金

  data-sort-value="250"> 250金
data-sort-value="312"> 312金
data-sort-value="375"> 375金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   粉红蛋糕  水果沙拉



1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 12 Days data-sort-value="14.17"> 14.17金/d


In addition to its colorful flower, the Poppy has culinary and medicinal uses.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Poppy Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="100"> 100金
JojaMart data-sort-value="125"> 125金

  data-sort-value="140"> 140金
data-sort-value="175"> 175金
data-sort-value="210"> 210金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   虞美人籽松糕


1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 7 Days data-sort-value="5.71"> 5.71金/d


A crisp and refreshing root vegetable with hints of pepper when eaten raw.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Radish Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="40"> 40金
JojaMart data-sort-value="50"> 50金

  data-sort-value="90"> 90金
data-sort-value="112"> 112金
data-sort-value="135"> 135金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   红之盛宴  萝卜沙拉
2 Days 1 Day 2 Days 1 Day Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="8.33"> 8.33金/d

  Red Cabbage

Often used in salads and coleslaws. The color can range from purple to blue to green-yellow depending on soil conditions. Available from Year 2.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Red Cabbage Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="100"> 100金

  data-sort-value="260"> 260金
data-sort-value="325"> 325金
data-sort-value="390"> 390金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   鱼肉卷  红之盛宴  卷心菜沙拉


2 Days 1 Day 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days Total: 9 Days data-sort-value="17.78"> 17.78金/d


An extremely juicy fruit that grows in hot, humid weather. Slightly sweet with a sour undertone.
Not to be mistaken for   星之果实.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores

Starfruit Seeds

Oasis data-sort-value="400"> 400金

  data-sort-value="750"> 750金
data-sort-value="937"> 937金
data-sort-value="1125"> 1,125金
2 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 13 Days data-sort-value="26.92"> 26.92金/d

  Summer Spangle

A tropical bloom that thrives in the humid summer air. Has a sweet, tangy aroma.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores

Spangle Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="50"> 50金
JojaMart data-sort-value="62"> 62金

  data-sort-value="90"> 90金
data-sort-value="112"> 112金
data-sort-value="135"> 135金
1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 2 Days Total: 8 Days data-sort-value="5"> 5金/d


A common misconception is that the flower turns so it's always facing the sun.

Harvesting a sunflower will also produce 0-3 Sunflower Seeds. Like corn sunflowers can be grown in both summer and fall.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Sunflower Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="200"> 200金
Joja Mart data-sort-value="125"> 125金

  data-sort-value="80"> 80金
data-sort-value="100"> 100金
data-sort-value="120"> 120金


1 Days 2 Day 3 Days 2 Day Total: 8 Days General Store: data-sort-value="-15"> -15金/d

Joja Mart: data-sort-value="-5.63"> -5.63金/d


Rich and slightly tangy, the Tomato has a wide variety of culinary uses. Keeps producing after maturity. Can be harvested 5 times per season. Each harvest produces 1 tomato, with a small random chance for more tomatoes.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Tomato Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="50"> 50金
JojaMart data-sort-value="62"> 62金

  data-sort-value="60"> 60金
data-sort-value="75"> 75金
data-sort-value="90"> 90金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   蔬菜杂烩  披萨  意大利面  帕尔玛奶酪茄子  意式烤面包  烩鱼汤


2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days 3 Days Total: 11 Days Continues to
produce every 4 days.
data-sort-value="9.26"> 9.26金/d


One of the most widely cultivated grains. Makes for a great flour for breads and cakes.
Can be grown in summer or fall.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Wheat Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="10"> 10金
JojaMart data-sort-value="12"> 12金

  data-sort-value="25"> 25金
data-sort-value="31"> 31金
data-sort-value="37"> 37金


  啤酒  大麦粉
1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Total: 4 Days data-sort-value="3.75"> 3.75金/d

Fall Crops


A purple grain cultivated by an ancient civilization. Can be harvested 3 times per season.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Amaranth Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="70"> 70金
Joja Mart data-sort-value="87"> 87金

  data-sort-value="150"> 150金
data-sort-value="187"> 187金
data-sort-value="225"> 225金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   鲑鱼晚餐
1 Days 2 Day 2 Days 2 Day Total: 7 Days data-sort-value="11.43"> 11.43金/d


The bud of a thistle plant. The spiny outer leaves conceal a fleshy, filling interior.
Available from Year 2.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Artichoke Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="30"> 30金

  data-sort-value="160"> 160金
data-sort-value="200"> 200金
data-sort-value="240"> 240金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   水煮洋蓟  巨无霸餐
2 Days 2 Day 1 Days 2 Days 1 Days Total: 8 Days data-sort-value="16.25"> 16.25金/d


A sweet and earthy root vegetable. As a bonus, the leaves make a great salad.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Beet Seeds

Oasis data-sort-value="20"> 20金

  data-sort-value="100"> 100金
data-sort-value="125"> 125金
data-sort-value="150"> 150金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   蔬菜杂烩 
1 Days 1 Day 2 Days 2 Day Total: 6 Days data-sort-value="13.33"> 13.33金/d

  Bok Choy

The leafy greens and fibrous stalks are healthy and delicious.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Bok Choy Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="50"> 50金
JojaMart data-sort-value="62"> 62金

  data-sort-value="80"> 80金
data-sort-value="100"> 100金
data-sort-value="120"> 120金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   巨无霸餐
1 Days 1 Day 1 Days 1 Day Total: 4 Days data-sort-value="7.50"> 7.5金/d


These tart red berries are a traditional winter food. Yields 2 berries at harvest, with a small random chance for more berries. Keeps producing after maturity. Can be harvested 5 times per season.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Cranberry Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="240"> 240金
JojaMart data-sort-value="300"> 300金

  data-sort-value="75"> 75金
data-sort-value="93"> 93金
data-sort-value="112"> 112金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   巨无霸餐  红莓酱  塞料面包  蔓越莓糖果
1 Days 2 Days 1 Days 1 Days 2 Days Total: 7 Days Continues to
produce every 5 days.
data-sort-value="18.89"> 18.89金/d


A rich and wholesome relative of the tomato. Delicious fried or stewed. Keeps producing after maturity.

When harvested, each Eggplant bush gives 1 Eggplant every 5 days, with a very small random chance for more Eggplants.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Eggplant Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="20"> 20金
JojaMart data-sort-value="25"> 25金

  data-sort-value="60"> 60金
data-sort-value="75"> 75金
data-sort-value="90"> 90金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   救生汉堡  帕尔玛奶酪茄子


1 Days 1 Days 1 Days 1 Days 1 Days Total: 5 Days Continues to
produce every 5 days.
data-sort-value="11.20"> 11.2金/d

  Fairy Rose

An old folk legend suggests that the sweet smell of this flower attracts fairies.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores

Fairy Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="200"> 200金
Joja Mart data-sort-value="250"> 250金

  data-sort-value="290"> 290金
data-sort-value="362"> 362金
data-sort-value="435"> 435金
1 Days 4 Day 4 Days 3 Day Total: 12 Days data-sort-value="7.50"> 7.5金/d


A sweet cluster of fruit.
This crop uses a trellis, and continues to produce after maturity.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Grape Starter

General Store data-sort-value="60"> 60金
JojaMart data-sort-value="75"> 75金

  data-sort-value="80"> 80金
data-sort-value="100"> 100金
data-sort-value="120"> 120金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   Wild Seeds (Su)


1 Day 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 3 Days Total: 10 Days Continues to
produce every 3 days.
data-sort-value="16.80"> 16.8金/d


A fall favorite, grown for its crunchy seeds and delicately flavored flesh. As a bonus, the hollow shell can be carved into a festive decoration. Pumpkins can become a Giant Crop.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Pumpkin Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="100"> 100金
Joja Mart data-sort-value="125"> 125金

  data-sort-value="320"> 320金
data-sort-value="400"> 400金
data-sort-value="480"> 480金
Inedible   秋日恩赐  南瓜汤  南瓜派  南瓜灯



1 Days 2 Day 3 Days 4 Days 10 Days Total: 13 Days data-sort-value="16.92"> 16.92金/d


A starchy tuber with a lot of culinary versatility.

Seeds Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest Sells For Restores Used In

Yam Seeds

General Store data-sort-value="60"> 60金
Joja Mart data-sort-value="75"> 75金

  data-sort-value="160"> 160金
data-sort-value="200"> 200金
data-sort-value="240"> 240金
Template:QualityHealthGrid   琉璃山药  秋日恩赐


1 Days 3 Day 3 Days 3 Day Total: 10 Days data-sort-value="10"> 10金/d

Winter Crops

There are no crops that grow in winter, except   Winter Seeds, which produce Winter forage plants.

Special Crops

  Mixed Seeds

There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows!

Mixed Seeds are a type of seed that can be planted in any season, except Winter, to grow into a random crop specific to that season. They can be found when cutting grass with a scythe, by digging up dirt or sand with a hoe, or from a Seed Maker.

        Wild Seeds

Wild Seeds can be crafted out of foraged plants once you reach the appropriate foraging level (Spring at level 1, Summer at level 4, Fall at level 6, Winter at level 7). Each recipe will produce 10 seed packets. When planted, wild seeds will randomly grow into one of that season's foraged plants. Regardless of what ends up growing, wild seeds all take the same amount of time to grow to maturity (7 days, not counting the day planted).

  Sweet Gem Berry

It's by far the sweetest thing you've ever smelled.

Grows in Fall. Seeds can also be found for sale at the Traveling Cart. Can be gifted to Old Master Cannoli in the Secret Woods in exchange for a Stardrop.

Seed Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores
Rare Seed

Traveling Cart data-sort-value="1000"> 1,000金
  data-sort-value="3000"> 3,000金
data-sort-value="3750"> 3,750金
data-sort-value="4500"> 4,500金
2 Days 4 Days 6 Days 6 Days 6 Days Total: 24 Days data-sort-value="83.3"> 83.3金/d*

*Assuming Rare Seed purchased from Travelling Cart for data-sort-value="1000"> 1,000金. Can be obtained for as little as data-sort-value="600"> 600金, but only rarely.

  Ancient Fruit

It's been dormant for eons.

Grows in Spring, Summer, or Fall. Seeds may be acquired by placing an Ancient Fruit into a Seed Maker, at random by placing other things into a seed maker (with around 0.5% chance), or from the Travelling Cart. A seed may also be crafted from an Ancient Seed artifact (which can be found in Artifact Spots or Fishing Treasure Chests).

Seed Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Harvest Sells For Restores
Ancient Seeds

Crafting Recipe
  data-sort-value="550"> 550金
data-sort-value="688"> 688金
data-sort-value="825"> 825金
2 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 5 Days Total: 28 Days Continues to
produce every 7 days.
data-sort-value="57.14"> 57.14金/d
(Spanning Spring, Summer and Fall)

Artisan Goods

Crops can be processed into Artisan Goods to increase their sell value. Most Fruits and Vegetables can be processed into Jellies and Pickles via a Preserves Jar, or Wine and Juice via a Keg. Hops and Wheat can be processed into Pale Ale or Beer via a Keg, and Coffee Beans can be processed into Coffee via a Keg.


There are 2 Achievements related to Shipping crops.

  • Polyculture (Ship 15 of each crop)
  • Monoculture (Ship 300 of one crop)

The crops that must be shipped for the Polyculture Achievement do not include flowers, fruit from fruit trees, forage (with the exception of grapes), ancient fruit or sweet gem berries. However, as of version 1.1, you also need to ship 15 coffee beans to unlock the achievement.