
於 2017年8月4日 (五) 07:52 由 人民万岁對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 →‎Gifts


Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯人民萬歲於2017-08-04 07:52:51.

潘姆克林特 幾乎每個晚上都會來我的餐吧。要是哪天他們不來了,我這兒也就要關門大吉了。所以請你千萬不要把他們趕走!”
— 格斯



我們可以在星之果實餐吧開放期間(12:00AM~0:00)在酒吧找到格斯。 在星之果實餐吧開放期間我們可以在格斯那買到各種烹飪及一些食譜。 在10:AM~12:00AM期間, 我們可以在皮埃爾的商店找到他,他往往在瀏覽商品。 有時也會站在食物貯藏室。


格斯僱傭了艾米麗一段時間來幫助他照顧沙龍酒吧。 潘姆是沙龍的常客之一,我們常看見她與格斯聊天。



如果他在生日當天(  夏季 8日)收到禮物,好感度的變動是平常的8倍,並且根據格斯的喜好觸發以下任意一條對話。






當他在星之果實餐吧的櫃枱裏面時, 你需要走到櫃枱後面才能給他禮物。


“You're giving this... to me? I'm speechless.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Diamond A rare and valuable gem. Mining
法式田螺 Butter-soaked snails cooked to perfection. Cooking   蝸牛(1)  (1)
魚肉卷 It smells delicious. Cooking   金槍魚(1)  墨西哥薄餅(1)  紅葉捲心菜(1)  蛋黃醬(1)
橙子 Juicy, tangy, and bursting with sweet summer aroma. 果樹


“Oh goodness! Are you sure?”
Image Name Description Source
黃水仙 A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring


“Oh, that's sweet. Thank you.”
Image Name Description Source
雞油菌 A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. Foraging - Fall
普通蘑菇 Slightly nutty, with a good texture Foraging - Fall
蒲公英 Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Foraging - Spring
榛子 That's one big hazelnut! Foraging - Fall
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. Foraging - Spring
Morel Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. Foraging - Fall
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. Foraging - The Mines
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. Foraging - Winter
Winter Root A starchy tuber. Foraging - Winter


“No, no, no...”
Image Name Description Source
Salmonberry A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. Foraging - Spring
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - Spring


“This is absolute junk. I'm offended.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Coleslaw It's light, fresh and very healthy. Cooking   紅葉捲心菜(1)  (1)  蛋黃醬(1)
Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. Foraging - Winter
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Mining

Heart Events

Three Hearts


After reaching three hearts with Gus he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Salmon Dinner Dear (Player),

Here's a recipe from my saloon. I only share this with my good friends!


Four Hearts


Enter the Saloon during open hours.

Note: Only occurs if your friendship with Pam is at 2 hearts or more.

When you enter the bar, Gus will be sitting at one of the tables looking dejected. When you ask what's wrong, he'll tell you that the saloon is having hard times financially. He'll admit that at least one problem is that Pam isn't paying off her tab and he's afraid to confront her because they are friends. Pam will then enter and ask for a drink. Gus will be flustered and concede, but you will get the choice to either say:
  • The saloon isn't doing well, financially (+15好感度 Pam will be somewhat upset but she will pay her tab off and Gus will give her the drink she asked for.
  • You need to pay your tab right now! (-50好感度

Your relationship with Pam will not be affected either way

Seven Hearts


After reaching seven hearts with Gus he will send you a recipe in the mail. He will also begin to send gifts in the mail.

Image Recipe / Item Description
Cranberry Sauce Dear (Player),

Here's a recipe from my saloon. I only share this with my good friends!


Baked Fish (Player)

I made you a little treat this morning in the saloon. Dig in!

-Your friend, Gus

Bean Hotpot
Vegetable Medley



Doctor Visit

“It's my liver, isn't it Doctor? I can see it on your face. *Sigh*... I really need to cut back on that sweet, delicious Stardew Valley wine.”
