
於 2018年6月6日 (三) 06:23 由 Sato94討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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— 羅賓


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最後編輯Sato94於2018-06-06 06:23:10.

Green Slime Anim.gif
生成地點: 礦井
生成層數: 1-120
基礎HP: 可變
基礎傷害: 可變
基礎防禦: 可變
移速: 2
給予經驗: 可變
變種: 綠色史萊姆、
掉落物: Sap.png 樹液Slime.png 樹液


Diamond.png 鑽石(0.05%) Prismatic Shard.png 五彩碎片(0.05%)


史萊姆 是一種可在不同地點找到的敵對,包括 礦井秘密森林。它們有5個變種,不同的變種有著不同的顏色,但都基於同樣精靈和代碼。你需要消滅1000隻史萊姆(不限顏色)來完成消滅怪物的目標,遊戲中消滅的所有史萊姆都會被計入這一目標(例如秘密森林中的史萊姆)。





Image Name Effect Cause Duration
  Slimed   速度(-4) Being hit by a Slime.   2.5-3s


When a slime is hit, it will be knocked back a short distance, out of range of melee weapons. The best strategy to kill slimes is to quickly reach them to striking distance to prevent their charge attack, and corner them against a wall or, ideally, in a corner (of walls, rocks, or both). Both the charged and regular attacks may be avoided by using a defensive move (such as the block of the regular sword). Timing a block with a sword well can allow the player to get a decent amount of damage in. Otherwise, offense is the best defense.

The Slime Charmer Ring prevents all damage from Slimes. This ring is obtained as a reward for killing 1000 slimes for the Adventurer's Guild.

Male Slimes

Any slimes have a 49% chance to be male and will retain its original properties such as being special. Male slimes have a tail, 25% more health over the base HP, and 1 more damage. When it is passive and is attacked, male slimes have a 2.5% chance to increase its damage by 50% and do a shaking animation.

There's a very small chance for a male and female slime to mate in the Mines and create a small slime, which is same as the ones created by big slimes.

In a Slime Hutch, male and female slimes may mate to produce a small slime that will grow into either a male or female adult slime.


Note that Green, Blue, Red, and Purple slimes may drop Slime Eggs once a Slime Hutch has been built on The Farm. Once a Slime Hutch is built, any green, blue, red, or purple slime encountered anywhere may drop a Slime Egg.

HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
24 5 1 2 3 The Mines
(Floors 1-39)
  史萊姆泥(75%)  史萊姆泥(5%)  樹液(15%)  綠藻(10%)  紫水晶(1.5%)  矮人捲軸 I(0.5%)  矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)  Green Slime Egg(1%, only if a Slime Hutch has been built)
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
106 7 0 2 6 礦井
(Floors 41-79,
but can sometimes be found on other levels)
  史萊姆泥(75%)  樹液(50%)  冬根(8%)  翡翠(2%)  矮人捲軸 III(1.5%)  矮人捲軸 II(0.5%)  矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)  Blue Slime Egg(1%, only if a Slime Hutch has been built)
Notes: Each attack slightly increases the chance to start glowing and increase its speed by 2
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
205 16 0 2 10 礦井
(Floors 81-119)
  史萊姆泥(80%)  樹液(50%)  白藻(10%)  鑽石(1%)  矮人捲軸 III(0.5%)  矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)  Red Slime Egg(1%, only if a Slime Hutch has been built)Color based drops (see table below)
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
410 16 0 2 10 Skull Cavern (1%)   史萊姆泥(80%)  樹液(50%)  白藻(10%)  鑽石(1%)  矮人捲軸 III(0.5%)  矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)  銥礦石(repeats a random 8% chance to drop until fail)  銥錠(0.9%)  Purple Slime Egg(1%, only if a Slime Hutch has been built)Color based drops (see table below)
Notes: These are the most powerful slimes, found only in the Skull Cavern.
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
Varies Varies Varies 2 Varies 礦井,
Skull Cavern
Original slime's drops
Color based drops (see table below)
Notes: 0.1% chance to recolor any slime (including special and cute), will keep the original slime's properties (*HP, *Damage, items drop and cuteness)
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
Varies Varies Varies 2 Varies Slime Hutch Original slime's drops
Color based drops (see table below)
Notes: In a Random Event after you sleep, a Witch will fly over your Slime Hutch, she will turn Slimes inside into Black Slimes. They keep the original slime's special properties and stats.

Special Slimes

Special Slimes have a very small chance to replace any normal Slime. They can be identified by their antenna with a small yellow star.

Special Slimes have 3 times more health than normal Slimes, and will deal twice as much damage per attack. They can drop rare items.

Special Green Slime
File:Special green slime.png
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
72 10 1 2 3 The Mines
(Floors 1-40)
Notes: 0.175% chance to replace any Slime between floors 1-40.
Special Dark Green Slime
File:Green slime star.png
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
72 10 1 2 3 The Mines
(Floors 2-39)
Notes: 1% chance to replace any Slime on floors 2-39, excluding floors ending in 0, 1, 5, or 6.
Special Blue Slime (Frost Jelly)
File:Ice slime star.png
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
318 14 0 2 6 The Mines
(Floors 40-80)
Notes: 0.175% chance to replace any Slime between floors 40-80.
Special Black/Transparent Slime
File:Transparent Slime.png
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
Varies Varies 0 2 Varies The Mines
(Floors 42-79)
Notes: 1% chance to replace any Slime on floors 42-79, excluding floors ending in 0, 1, 5, or 6.
Special Red Slime (Sludge)
File:Red slime with star.png
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
615 32 0 2 10 The Mines
(Floors 80-120)
Notes: 0.175% chance to replace any Slime between floors 80-120.
Special Purple Slime (Sludge)
HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
1230 32 0 2 10 The Mines
(Floors 82-119)
Notes: 1% chance to replace any Slime between floors 82-119, excluding floors ending in 0, 1, 5, or 6.


超大史萊姆有著與小型史萊姆相同的攻擊行為。當你殺死超大史萊姆後,它通常會分成2-5個小型史萊姆並攻擊玩家。 超大史萊姆可以是5個變種中任意一種顏色,但骷髏洞穴中的超大史萊姆通常是紫色的。



Color HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
  Big Green Slime 60 6 0 2 7 The Mines,
Skull Cavern

  史萊姆泥(99%)  史萊姆泥(90%)  史萊姆泥(40%)  矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)

  Big Blue Slime 120 5 0 2 14
  Big Purple Slime 240 15 0 2 21
  Big Red Slime 180 10 0 2 21

Color Based Drops

In addition to the drops list above, the color of each variation is random and may have additional drops depending on the color range chosen.

Color groups are mutually exclusive, and listed in the order the game tests for them. (For example, a slime may fall into the White and Gray categories, but White is tested for first, so the slime would drop Iron Ore and not Stone).

The background color of the "RGB值" column in the table below shows the color range that a slime can be to receive the drop.

顏色 RGB值 怪物下降
黑色 紅 < 80、綠色 < 80、藍色 < 80   煤炭(100%)  柱星葉石(5%)  黑方石(5%)
黃色 紅 > 200、綠色 > 180、藍色 < 50   黃金礦石(100%)
紅 > 220、綠色 > 90 和 < 150、藍色 < 50   銅礦石(100%)
白色 紅 > 230、綠色 > 230、藍色 > 230   鐵礦石(100%)  鑽石(如果所有紅色、綠色和藍色值都是偶數、則100%)
灰色 紅 > 150、綠色 > 150、藍色 > 150   石頭(100%)
紫色 紅 > 150、綠色 < 50、藍色 > 180   銥礦石(25%)


  • 1.0:Introduced.