
於 2017年5月12日 (五) 21:28 由 Margotbean討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (ZH image)
Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Margotbean於2017-05-12 21:28:36.









不久之後,Joja超市莫里斯會邊抱怨邊進入中心,他環顧四周的建築物,問他的顧客們去了哪裡。憤怒的皮埃爾會走過去,問莫里斯是什麼感覺。 你將有兩個選擇,以平息場面或加劇它。

  • "我們講講道理。"
  • "我們用老方法解決這一切吧。"

莫里斯當然表示,他將會加大折扣,讓他的客戶回來,並笑起來。皮埃爾告訴他,他錯了,並要求大家聚集在周圍。他開始談論他剛搬到鵜鶘鎮的時候,回想起這個城鎮如何成為真正意義上的家庭和社區,與不同的人談論他們在社區中心曾經多麼快樂,但是Joja超市把它從他們那裡拿走了。現在中心已經修復了,皮埃爾要求大家抵制Joja超市,以利用玩家給予他們的第二次機會。 莫里斯跳了起來,每個人都說了支持的話​​。





  • If the player completes a Community Center bundle, the area gets renewed and if all bundles are completed, the community center is repaired, the Junimos will be gone, JojaMart will go out of business and you'll be awarded with the Stardew Hero Trophy.
  • Once all the Community Center bundles are completed, Pierre's General Store will be open all days of the week.
  • The cutscene where you get the trophy will play the day after you complete the last bundle. If it is a festival day, it will be the day after the festival, when you go into town.
  • The cutscene where you get the trophy may play 2 days after completing the bundles if the bulletin bundle was completed last.
  • The cutscene may not happen in rainy days
  • The Junimo message in the community center translates to "We the junimo are happy to aid you. In return we ask for gifts of the valley. If you are one with forest magic then you will see the true nature of this scroll."
  • Each room has a Junimo that stands in front of the plaque, disappearing when the player gets near. When a bundle is completed, the associated Junimo will be seen carrying the bundle into the hut. When a room is completed, the Junimo will retrieve a star from the hut and place it above the mantle, and will then follow the player around until they leave the Community Center.
  • A Junimo carrying a bundle into the hut might say "A gift!" or "Thank you!" in Junimo. When fetching a star, they might say "Junimo!" or "Star!".
  • If the player completes two different bundles on the same day, the cutscene for the second bundle that was completed will be skipped and only the cutscene from the first bundle will be played.
  • If the player completes a particular bundle the day before he/she gets married, then the cutscene in which the Junimos unlock whatever was promised from said bundle will be skipped.
  • After being fully restored, some villagers may visit the Community Center on Fridays to hang around for the rest of their day.
  • After being restored the clock will work again and keep pace with the in-game clock.
  • Strangely enough; when the player passes out after 2 AM even after Joja Mart is run out of town, a Joja Mart Representative can still find you incapacitated.
  • There is a room in the community center in the upper-left corner with no bundles. Once the community center is finished, it is revealed as a kitchen and a dining area. Ironically, Gus doesn't go there that much.
  • It is possible for the cutscene to occur on the 28th of Summer (The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies).
