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以下内容可能涉及到星露谷物语 1.6 版本的更新。如果想避免剧透,请谨慎阅读。


生日 Summer.png 夏季 26
居住于 Ginger Island
详细地址 Hut
可结婚对象 No
最爱的礼物 Duck Feather.png 鸭毛Mango.png 芒果Ostrich Egg.png 鸵鸟蛋Poi.png 夏威夷芋泥
“One time... I was at the top of the volcano at night, and I saw lights far, far away. I wonder if there are other bird families out there?”
— Leo

Leo is a boy who initially lives on Ginger Island. His parents were lost at sea, and he considers the parrots who inhabit the island to be his family. Initially, he is too shy to speak to the player, until the player "makes friends" with the parrots of the island by giving them Golden Walnuts. This is done by giving 10 Golden Walnuts to the first parrot outside by the turtle.

When the player reaches six hearts of friendship with Leo, he moves to the mainland of Stardew Valley, where he becomes friends with Linus, Jas, and Vincent.


Less than 6 Hearts

Leo lives on Ginger Island and doesn’t leave until the player has reached 6 hearts of friendship with him.

9:00am Inside his hut
11:00am Stands outside the entrance to his hut
2:00pm Returns inside his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed
9:00am Inside his hut
10:30am Walks to the dock on Island South, stands near the entrance to Island SouthEast
1:30pm Walks to the jungle outside his hut (Island East), stands near the bushes at the SouthWest corner
5:00pm Walks to Island North, stands to the right of the Parrot Vendor
8:00pm Goes home to bed
9:00am Inside his hut
9:30am Walks to the Banana Shrine, through the hidden passage in the East of the Jungle
2:00pm Stands outside the entrance to his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed
Regular Schedule
9:00am Inside his hut
10:30am Stands outside the entrance to his hut
12:00pm Walks to the docks at Island South, stands at the NorthWest corner, next to the parrot perch
3:00pm Walks to Island North, stands at the NorthWest corner of the map, West of the volcano entrance
8:00pm Returns home and goes to bed

6+ Hearts

Leo lives in a treehouse in The Mountain, and visits Ginger Island on Sundays and some Mondays.

Winter 15
11:00am Walks to Linus’ tent and stands outside the entrance
4:00pm Walks to the Night Market
11:30pm Goes home to bed
7:00am In his treehouse
10:00am Visits Linus’ tent
3:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

The rest: TBD




如果他在生日当天(  夏季 26日)收到礼物,好感度的变动是平常的8倍,并且根据雷欧的喜好触发以下任意一条对话。







“I love this. I'm going to put it in my nest.”
Image Name Description Source
Duck Feather 真是五颜六色。 Ducks
Mango 大而甜的热带水果,有独特的味道。 Mango Tree
Ostrich Egg 这可能是世界上最大的鸟蛋了。 Ostrich
Poi 一种传统食物,趁还新鲜时食用有一种细腻、微甜的味道。 Cooking


“Are you sure? This is so nice...”
Image Name Description Source
Dragon Tooth 传言说这是古代巨蛇的牙。它的牙釉质是由纯铱构成的! Monster drops in the volcano
Nautilus Shell 一种古老的贝壳生物。 Foraging
Quartz 一种常见于洞穴和矿井里的纯净晶体。 Foraging - Mines
Rainbow Shell 它是个非常美丽的贝壳。 Foraging
Sea Urchin 一种动作缓慢的带刺生物,一些人把它们当作佳肴。 Foraging
Spice Berry 让空气中满满都是芬香的香味。 Foraging


“I accept your gift.”
Image Name Description Source

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“Oh... I don't know if I can digest this...”
Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle 一种美味的蘑菇,味道像水果,稍辣。 Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom 稍微坚硬,肉质滑。 Foraging - Fall
Daffodil 一种传统的春天花朵,适合送礼。 Foraging - Spring
Dandelion 虽然不算漂亮,但是叶子适合做沙拉。 Foraging - Spring
Ginger 这种根茎味道辛辣,据说可以提高活力。 Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut 真是巨大的一颗榛子! Foraging - Fall
Leek 洋葱的美味近亲。 Foraging - Spring
Magma Cap 一种非常罕见的蘑菇,生长在熔岩池旁。 Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Pickles 一罐自制的腌菜。 Preserves Jar
Purple Mushroom 一种在山洞深处的稀有蘑菇。 Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry 一种带有森林的味道的春天浆果。 Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam 这种小山药隐藏在雪地下。 Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish 春天生长的一种根茎香料。 Foraging - Spring
Winter Root 一种淀粉块茎植物。 Foraging - Winter


“*sniff* *sniff*... Why are you giving this to me? Do you want me to bury it for you?”
Image Name Description Source
Beer 请适度饮酒。 Keg
Holly 它的叶子和鲜红的浆果让它成为了极受欢迎的冬天饰品。 Foraging
Hops 带苦味刺鼻的花朵,用于酿酒。 Crops
Mead 蜂蜜制成的发酵饮料。适度饮用。 Keg
Morel 因为独特的味道而深受欢迎。 Foraging
Oil 可煎可炸的万用食用油。 Oil Maker
Pale Ale 请适度饮酒。 Keg
Piña Colada 请适度饮酒。 The Beach Resort on Ginger Island
Triple Shot Espresso 它比普通咖啡更有效! Cooking
Unmilled Rice 大米以未加工的形式。通过磨机运行以增加价值。 Crops
Wine 请适度饮酒。 Keg

Heart Events

Three Hearts


After reaching three hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Poi (Player name),

Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.

Four Hearts


Enter Island North on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

The player approaches Leo from behind. Leo squawks like a parrot and startles the player, which startles Leo in turn. Leo then apologizes and explains that he has difficulty communicating using words, then asks the player if they find him weird. Leo wonders about the differences in his life if he hadn't been washed ashore and wonders about what "normal kids" would have to say about him. Leo then asks the player if they think he could ever be a normal kid again. After the player answers, he states that he's happy he met the parrots regardless, and that he will always consider them family no matter what. Leo thanks the player for talking to him and says that the player may be a part of his family too, someday. He then teaches the player how to say "let's play" in parrot-talk.

Note that none of the dialogue options in this cutscene affect friendship with Leo.

Six Hearts


Enter Island South on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

Linus invites Leo to move to the mainland of Stardew Valley. Willy says that there are other children there, and Leo can visit Ginger Island anytime he wants to. Willy asks the player what they think. (Choices have no effect on friendship).

Leo decides to move to Stardew Valley. That night, parrots build him a treehouse in the tree to the left of Linus' tent.

Seven Hearts


After reaching seven hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Mango Sticky Rice (Player name),

Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.

Nine Hearts


Enter the Mountain on a non-rainy day between 6am and 7pm

details TBD



  • 1.5:Introduced.