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— 罗宾


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最后编辑Licer于2017-04-14 10:55:10.

— 艾米丽

艾米丽鹈鹕镇的一个村民。Her home is south of the town square, right next to Jodi's, at the address 2柳巷. She works most evenings at 星之果实餐吧 starting at about 4:00 PM.

艾米丽 loves to make her own clothing, but fabric can be difficult to come by in town. Among her favorite gifts are 布料 and 动物毛.




时间 地点
9:00 AM 醒来起床
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室,然后走到书架前
4:30 PM 星之果实餐吧工作


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室.
1:00 PM 皮埃尔的杂货店,与其他女士一起锻炼


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开卧室,来到客厅的书架前


时间 地点
11:30 AM 一直待在自己的卧室里


时间 地点
11:30 AM 在自己卧室里
12:00 PM 离开卧室,来到客厅的书架前
12:30 PM 待在客厅里


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室.
12:40 PM 在客厅的书架前
9:00 PM 在她的卧室里


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室.


时间 地点
1:20 PM 走到客厅的书架前


时间 地点
1:00 PM 皮埃尔的杂货店,与其他女士一起锻炼


时间 地点
10:20 AM 站在她的卧室里
3:10 PM 站在客厅里
4:10 PM 到达星之果实餐吧


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在她自己的卧室里
12:00 PM 移动到客厅


时间 地点
3:50 PM 穿过小镇的广场,在去沙龙的路上
4:10 PM 进入星之果实餐吧


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室,然后走到书架前


时间 地点
9:00 AM 在自己卧室里
10:20 AM 离开家
11:00 AM 进入皮埃尔的杂货店
1:00 PM 加入健身班


时间 地点
4:10 PM 进入星之果实餐吧


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室,然后走到书架前


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室,然后走到书架前
04:00 PM 离开她的家,然后走到星之果实餐吧


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室,然后走到书架前


时间 地点
1:00 PM 在客厅,待在书架前
3:30 PM 离开家
4:00 PM 到达星之果实餐吧


时间 地点
11:10 AM 进入皮埃尔的杂货店
1:20 PM 到家。


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室
4:30 PM 星之果实餐吧工作


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室


时间 地点
12:00 PM 离开她的卧室,待在书架前


时间 地点
3:30 PM 离开家去星之果实餐吧工作
12:00 AM 回家,走进她的卧室


时间 地点
12:00 PM 从卧室出来,在家里溜达
多数时候艾米丽在9:00 AM起床, 在家里活动几个消失之后,3:30 PM去星之果实餐吧工作。她的的工作在12:30 AM结束,之后就是回家睡觉。



时间 地点
9:00 AM 醒来起床, 在卧室
12:00 PM 在家里溜达
3:30 PM 离开家前往星之果实餐吧工作
12:30 AM 离开星之果实餐吧回家睡觉


时间 地点
9:00 AM 醒来起床
11:00 AM 离开,去和玛妮、卡洛琳、乔迪、罗宾一起在皮埃尔的杂货店锻炼。
1:00 PM 开始锻炼
4:00 PM 星之果实餐吧工作.
12:30 AM 离开星之果实餐吧,回家睡觉


时间 地点
9:00 AM 醒来起床
10:30 AM 拜访哈维的诊所去做健康检查。“大多数人都会每年来检查一次身体。”
1:30 PM 做健康检查“医生,如果可以的话我想选择‘自然疗法’。”
4:00 PM 离开哈维的诊所星之果实餐吧工作
12:30 AM 离开星之果实餐吧回家

重建社区中心后 - 星期五

时间 地点
9:00 AM 醒来起床,待在她的卧室
10:00 AM 拜访社区中心。 “多棒的织布机啊。这里简直就是天堂。”
3:30 PM 前往星之果实餐吧工作
12:30 AM 离开星之果实餐吧,回家睡觉


时间 地点
9:00 AM 醒来起床,待在卧室里
12:00 PM 在家里溜达
3:30 PM 离开家前往星之果实餐吧工作.
12:30 AM 离开星之果实餐吧,回家睡觉


时间 地点
6:00 AM 站在厨房灶台前
8:30 AM 离开家,走向镇里
9:00 AM 鹈鹕镇‏‎,回家路上
9:40 AM 在自己家中,走向厨房左边的区域
10:00 AM 站在蓝色凳子旁边,面向厨房
11:40 PM 回卧室
11:50 PM 上床睡觉。


时间 地点
6:00 AM 站在前廊,邮箱附近
1:00 PM 回到家中
1:10 PM 在房子里溜达
10:00 PM 回卧室
10:20 PM 上床睡觉


时间 地点
6:00 AM 站在厨房灶台前
6:20 AM 在房子里溜达
10:00 PM 上床睡觉


时间 地点
11:30 AM 站在码头边,望着海


时间 地点
10:00 PM 到家,上床睡觉


艾米丽 lives with her sister 海莉, and together they and care for their parents home, who have been traveling the world for the past two years. She works with Gus, who employs her part time at 星之果实餐吧. She is also friends with Sandy, which they both make mention of. Sandy is aware of the player's presence even before they have access to Calico Desert, because during her first meeting with the player, she claims that they must be the new farmer 艾米丽 wrote to her about.

In a quest, 克林特 asks to deliver an amethyst to 艾米丽 on his behalf.



如果她在生日当天(  春季 27日)收到礼物,好感度的变动是平常的8倍,并且根据艾米丽的喜好触发以下任意一条对话。







图片 名字 描述 来源 材料
紫水晶 一种紫色的水晶。 采矿
海蓝宝石 一种闪闪发亮的蓝绿色宝石。 采矿
布料 一匹上好的动物毛布料。 工匠物品   动物毛
绿宝石 一种亮绿色的珍贵宝石。 采矿
翡翠 一种淡绿色的装饰石。 采矿
红宝石 一种因其浓艳的颜色和美丽的光泽受人追捧的珍贵宝石。 采矿
救生汉堡 探险家们的便携小吃。 烹饪   面包(1)  山洞萝卜(1)  茄子(1)
黄水晶 很常见,但是因为漂亮还是很有价值。 采矿
动物毛 柔软蓬松的羊毛。 绵羊, 兔子


图片 名字 描述 来源
所有普遍喜欢的礼物 (除了鱼肉卷,炒鳗鱼,冰淇淋,生鱼寿司,大米布丁,鲑鱼晚餐,香辣鳗鱼,生鱼片)
  黄水仙 一种传统的春天花朵,适合送礼。 觅食 - 春季
石英 一种常见于洞穴和矿井里的纯净晶体。 觅食 - 矿井


图片 名字 描述 来源
All Universal Neutrals (except Wool), All Eggs (except Void Egg), All Fruit (except Fruit Tree Fruit & Salmonberry), All Milk
Common Mushroom Slightly nutty, with a good texture 觅食 - 秋季
Chanterelle A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. 觅食 - 秋季
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. 觅食 - 春季
Hazelnut That's one big hazelnut! 觅食 - 秋季
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. 觅食 - 春季
Morel Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. 觅食 - 秋季
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. 觅食 - 秋季
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. 觅食 - 冬季
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. 觅食 - 春季
Winter Root A starchy tuber. 觅食 - 冬季


图片 名字 描述 来源 材料
  炒鳗鱼 油腻而可口。 烹饪   鳗鱼(1)  (1)
  冰淇淋 很难找到一个不喜欢它的人。 烹饪   牛奶(1)  (1)
  大米布丁 有浓郁的奶油,又甜,并且吃起来也很有意思。 烹饪   牛奶(1)  (1)  大米(1)
  美洲大树莓 一种带有森林的味道的春天浆果。 觅食 - 春季
  香辣鳗鱼 真的很辣!小心点。 烹饪   鳗鱼(1)  辣椒(1)


“This gift has a strong negative energy. I can't stand it.”
图片 名字 描述 来源 材料
All Universal Hates
  Fish Taco It smells delicious. 烹饪   金枪鱼(1)  墨西哥薄饼(1)  红叶卷心菜(1)  蛋黄酱(1)
  Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. 觅食
  Maki Roll Fish and rice wrapped in seaweed. 烹饪   (1)  海草(1)  大米(1)
  Salmon Dinner The lemon spritz makes it special. 烹饪   鲑鱼(1)  苋菜(1)  甘蓝菜(1)
  Sashimi Raw fish sliced into thin pieces. 烹饪   (1)




Enter Emily's house whe she is home.

艾米丽 is asleep 在她的卧室里 The screen pans and fades, and you find yourself inside 艾米丽's dream. It's a dreamscape of abstract shapes and colors, clouds and palm trees. 艾米丽 floats above a purple stone structure on a large cloud. She is floating, meditating and chanting "power words". You appear out of the cloud, surprising her. She wonders what you are doing in her dream. Rainbow streaks fly by, and she sees that as some kind of sign or omen. You disappear and she wakes up. She gets out of bed and says to herself that there is something special about you, that your destinies are somehow intertwined.



After reaching 3 hearts with 艾米丽 she will send you a recipe in the mail. She will also begin to send you gifts.

图片 配方/ 道具 描述
Salad Flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super-healthy meal!
You'll feel energized. See you soon.
Sea Urchin Hi!
How are you doing? I hope you enjoy the gift I've sent you... Well, goodbye!



Enter town on a sunny day. Cannot be triggered in 冬季.

艾米丽 离开她的家 on a sunny day. Three parrots fly by, and she waves and refers to them as her "friends". After a moment, she continues walking but quickly stops, confused. A fourth parrot flys in too low and smacks against the window of her house. The parrot is injured. 艾米丽 rushes over and cradles the poor thing, promising that she will take care of it. 艾米丽 will now have a parrot 在她的卧室里 The parrot hops around and will squawk if you go up to it and press the "check" button.

(If you marry 艾米丽, the parrot will move into your house as well.)





You'll enter Emily's room. She tells you that she is excited to show you her secret hobby that she has been working on for a long time. She'll then proceed to turn on her stereo and begin dancing for you. After the lights and music end it will ask you what you thought of the performance. You have three choices:

• "That was amazing!" +25 friendship points.
• "That was embarrassing..." -50 friendship points.
Say nothing and clap slowly. +25 friendship points.

This event was formerly 艾米丽's four heart event, it was changed in version 1.1. In that update it got a new unique song and dialogue, as well as animation and visual improvements.



After reaching 7 hearts with 艾米丽 she will send you a recipe in the mail.

图片 Recipe 描述
Red Plate Flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super-healthy meal!
You'll feel energized. See you soon.



A letter in the mail will invite the player to the Mayor's Manor that same day during open hours.

艾米丽 will send you a letter in the Mail, inviting you to attend her "Clothing Therapy" session:

I have this crazy new idea that I want to involve you in... It's called "Clothing Therapy".

Please come to the Mayor's house today to see what it's all about.

Love, 艾米丽”

Enter the Mayor's house. 艾米丽 will explain the purpose is to help the townspeople express their true selves in the form of clothing. Attending are Mayor Lewis, Abigail, 谢恩, Robin, and 克林特. Each one takes a turn going behind the curtain. 艾米丽 instructs them to choose whatever clothes "speaks to them", put it on and then show the world without fear. One by one, you get to see each character's choice. 谢恩 puts on a full "goth" outfit. Robin puts on a fine dress and lets her hair down, embracing her feminine side. Mayor Lewis comes out with a fancy hat, cape, and cane. Abigail comes out in a full suit of armor. 克林特 is apprehensive about the whole thing, but after 艾米丽 coaxes him, he goes ahead. He comes out in a button-up shirt, pink shorts and a beret. 艾米丽 sees it and says "Awww... cute!", which makes 克林特 depressed. After he is gone, 艾米丽 approaches you with romantic interest. 克林特 bursts in, saying he's too embarrassed to go out in his new outfit. He sees what's going on and feels awful. He makes some indirect remarks about it and leaves. 艾米丽 is confused.



A letter will invite the player to meet 艾米丽 in the Secret Woods after 10pm that night. (Note: If it is raining or a festival day, the event will trigger on the following night.)

You go camping with 艾米丽 in the Secret Woods. There is strange grunting coming from the forest. She says it's cold and snuggles up close to you by the fire. A bear comes out of the woods and approaches your campsite. It grunts loudly and you both jump and dive into the tent. The bear sniffs around and leaves. 艾米丽 says that one of the sleeping bags is still out there, and she's not willing to go out and get it... so you have to share a bag. You hear movement in the tent, the screen fades and the day ends.

The next day, the player receives a letter from 艾米丽, saying

“Dear [Player],

I had a great time last night. I'm actually kinda glad the bear showed up!

Love, 艾米丽”



  • 1.0:Introduced.
  • 1.1:Added ability to marry, updated heart events, dialogue and schedule.
