
BolingH讨论 | 贡献2021年1月1日 (五) 09:10的版本
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以下内容可能涉及到星露谷物语 1.6 版本的更新。如果想避免剧透,请谨慎阅读。

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— 罗宾


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最后编辑BolingH于2021-01-01 09:10:13.

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来源 耕种采矿觅食战斗钓鱼 • 挖掘• 打开金色椰子
地点 姜岛铁匠铺

金色核桃 are the currency of the parrots on 姜岛.核桃并不存在于背包中(因此无法正常交易、赠与),而是在玩家钱包上方显示数字。合作模式中共享核桃。

You can find Golden Walnuts by picking them from walnut plants, digging dirt encircled in pebbles, digging sand encircled in starfish, digging a lighter square patch of dirt, killing monsters, fishing, mining, breaking golden coconuts, or breaking crates in the Volcano Dungeon on Ginger Island. Harvesting crops on the Ginger Island farm can also sometimes drop golden walnuts.

The parrot in Leo's treehouse will squawk hints for walnut locations when you interact with them.

Redeem Rewards

Walnuts can be traded with parrots for various awards.

Once a save file records that 100 Golden Walnuts have been earned (in total), Qi's Room is unlocked. There are 130 obtainable Golden Walnuts.

116 walnuts are needed to unlock all of the rewards, allowing for 14 remaining walnuts to be exchanged for 28 Qi Gems.

Reward Description Location Cost
Ginger Island North Unlock access to the north side of the island Leo's house data-sort-value="1">  1
Ginger Island West Unlock access to the west side of the island Ginger Island South data-sort-value="10">  10
Ginger Island Farmhouse Unlock the Farmhouse on the west side of the island, can be used to sleep in to pass the day without leaving the island. Ginger Island West data-sort-value="20">  20
Farmhouse Mailbox Allow players to access their mail without leaving the island. Ginger Island Farmhouse data-sort-value="5">  5
传送门 建设将玩家传送回农场的建筑(仅在建设房屋后可用)。similar to a warp totem. Ginger Island Farmhouse data-sort-value="20">  20
Island Digsite Repair the bridge to access to island digsite. Ginger Island North data-sort-value="10">  10
岛屿交易所 Unlock the Island Trader shop. Ginger Island North data-sort-value="10">  10
Volcano Bridge Unlocks a permanent bridge into the volcano so that players no longer have to have their watering can to get in. Volcano Dungeon entrance data-sort-value="5">  5
Volcano Exit Shortcut Unlocks an escape shortcut from level 5 of the Volcano Dungeon, allowing quick access to Island North. Volcano Dungeon level 5 data-sort-value="5">  5
度假村 在港口附近建设度假村。鹈鹕镇村民可能会过来。 Ginger Island South data-sort-value="20">  20
Parrot Express 开启岛上传送系统。 Ginger Island data-sort-value="10">  10
  齐钻(2) Exchange remaining Walnuts for Qi Gems


Qi's Walnut Room data-sort-value="1">  1


  • 1.5:Introduced.