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第1行: 第1行:
'''增益效果''' are temporary boosts or drains on [[The Player|the player's]] stats and abilities. They can be achieved by consuming various [[Cooking|foods]] and drinks, or from [[Monsters|monster]] attacks.
'''增益效果''' [[ 玩家]] 数值/能力暂时的强化,游戏里同样有许多削弱玩家数值/能力的减益效果/负面效果,在此页面一并讨论。这种增/减益效果来自于[[ 烹饪]] 出的食物或饮品,或者[[ 怪物]] 的攻击。
==  复合 增益效果 ==
== 增益效果 叠加 ==
In general, buffs do not stack, but instead replace any previous buffs. More specifically, buffs from exactly one food and one drink can be active at a given time.<ref>BuffsDisplay::tryToAddFoodBuff and BuffsDisplay::tryToAddDrinkBuff</ref>  Eating a food with buffs will wipe out any buffs from previously-eaten food (but not buffs from a previous drink); one drink's buffs will replace any previous drink's buffs, but have no effect on existing food buffs. Foods or drinks that have no buffs (but restore [[Health]] and [[Energy]]) can be safely consumed without any effect on active buffs.
<br> 但是,食物的增益效果与饮品的增益效果之间相对独立并可以叠加。也就是说,当你食用带有增益效果的食物时,新的效果会取代之前食物的效果,但对已有的来自饮品的效果不会有任何影响,饮品也是同理。不带增益效果(只回复血量和能量)的食物/ 饮品不会对已有的效果产生影响。
Only two buffs, namely [[Speed]] and [[Energy|Max Energy]], are available from both food and drink and can therefore be stacked:
只有两种增益效果,[[ 速度]] [[ 能量| 最大能量]], 是食物和饮品都可能拥有的,这两种效果是可以叠加的,例如:
* +1 Speed from [[Coffee]] or [[Triple Shot Espresso]] can be added to the +1 Speed from a food.
* 来自[[ 咖啡]] 或是[[ 三倍浓缩咖啡]] +1 速度可以与食物的 +1 速度叠加。
* +30 Max Energy from [[Green Tea]] can be added to the +30 to +50 Max Energy from a food.
Special-effect and negative buffs ("debuffs") are each handled individually, independently of standard food- and drink-derived buffs: only one instance of each of these buffs can be active, and they are unaffected by other types of buffs.  The special-effect buffs are "Adrenaline Rush", "Oil of Garlic", "Warrior Energy", and "Yoba's Blessing"; the negative buffs are "Jinxed", "Slimed", and "Tipsy".
一些特殊的增益以及减益效果是独立的,不受标准的食物或饮品增益效果影响,自身也无法叠加。这些特殊的增益效果包括" 战士能量" " 由巴的祝福" " 无敌" " 肾上腺冲击" " 蒜油" " 墨汁意大利饺" ;减益效果包括" 眩晕" " 粘滑的" 等等。在下文的表格中你可以详细了解这些效果。
For example, drinking an alcoholic beverage makes the player "Tipsy".  Drinking another alcoholic beverage replaces the first "Tipsy" effect with a new one (the magnitude remains -1 speed, but the duration is reset). Consuming any other drink or food (including ones with buffs) will not remove the "Tipsy" effect -- at best, +1 Speed buff (e.g., from Coffee) can be used to counteract the -1 Speed.
  举一个例子,酒精饮料会让你" 眩晕" 。在眩晕状态下继续喝酒只能刷新你的眩晕时间,并不会让你眩晕得更厉害(从数值上讲不论喝多少酒精饮料都是让你的速度-1 )。吃喝别的食物或饮品无法消除这种眩晕效果——最多也就是给你一个加速的增益效果来抵消眩晕的减速效果。
== 增益效果持续时间 ==
== 增益效果持续时间 ==
Buff durations are specified on the wiki and in-game using real-time minutes and seconds.
Typically, 42 real-time seconds are equivalent to one game hour. (7 real-time minutes are 10 game hours.)
However, time in [[Skull Cavern]] runs more slowly: one game hour lasts 54 real-time seconds. (Except in multiplayer games and on Prehistoric Floors, which revert to 42-second hours).  So one cup of [[Coffee]], that normally would last for two hours, will only last for one and a half hours in Skull Cavern.
但是,[[ 骷髅洞穴]] 里的时间更慢:游戏里一小时在现实生活中是54秒。(但是在多人游戏和都是霸王喷火龙的史前层数时间流逝又会与标准情况一致)。所以,一杯[[ 咖啡]] 正常情况下可以持续2个小时,但在骷髅洞穴里只有一个半小时。
All buffs are cleared when you sleep.
== 可获得的增益效果 ==
== 可获得的增益效果 ==
第34行: 第36行:
|Being hit by a [[Shadow Shaman]]'s fireball
| [[ 暗影萨满]] 的火球命中
第40行: 第42行:
|Being hit by a [[Slimes|Slime]]
| [[ 史莱姆(怪物)| 史莱姆]] 伤害
第46行: 第48行:
|Consuming alcohol ([[Beer]], [[Mead]], [[Pale Ale]], or [[Wine]])
| 喝酒([[ 啤酒]] [[ 蜜蜂酒]] [[ 淡啤酒]] [[ 果酒]]或是[[椰林飘香]])
|id="Adrenaline Rush"|[[File:Speed Buff.png]]
|id="Adrenaline Rush"|[[File:Speed Buff.png]]
| 急速
| 肾上腺冲击
|Killing an enemy while wearing a [[Savage Ring]]
| 佩戴[[ 野蛮人戒指]] 消灭一个怪物
|id="Oil of Garlic"|[[File:Oil of Garlic Buff.png]]
|id="Oil of Garlic"|[[File:Oil of Garlic Buff.png]]
|Your skin exudes a pungent aroma
| 你的皮肤散发刺激的气味
|Consuming [[Oil of Garlic]]
| 喝下[[ 蒜油]]
第64行: 第66行:
|Killing an enemy while wearing a [[Warrior Ring]]
| 佩戴[[ 战士戒指]] 消灭一个怪物
|id="Yoba's Blessing"|[[File:Yoba's_Blessing.png]]
|id="Yoba's Blessing"|[[File:Yoba's_Blessing.png]]
| 无敌
|Being hit by an enemy while wearing a [[Ring of Yoba]]
| 佩戴[[ 由巴的戒指]] 受到伤害有概率获得
第76行: 第78行:
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]] or drink ([[Coffee]] or [[Triple Shot Espresso|Espresso]]
| 有速度增益的[[ 烹饪| 食物]] [[ 咖啡]]/[[ 三倍浓缩咖啡]]
| 不一定
|id="Mining Buff"|[[File:Mining Buff.png]]
|id="Mining Buff"|[[File:Mining Buff.png]]
|Alters pickaxe [[Skills#Proficiency|proficiency]] by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加[[ 技能# 熟练度| 采矿熟练度]]
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Fishing Buff"|[[File:Fishing Buff.png]]
|id="Fishing Buff"|[[File:Fishing Buff.png]]
|Alters fishing rod [[Skills#Proficiency|proficiency]] by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加[[ 技能# 熟练度| 钓鱼熟练度]]
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Farming Buff"|[[File:Farming Buff.png]]
|id="Farming Buff"|[[File:Farming Buff.png]]
|Alters hoe [[Skills#Proficiency|proficiency]] by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加[[ 技能# 熟练度| 耕种熟练度]]
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Foraging Buff"|[[File:Foraging Buff.png]]
|id="Foraging Buff"|[[File:Foraging Buff.png]]
|Alters axe [[Skills#Proficiency|proficiency]] by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加[[ 技能# 熟练度| 觅食熟练度]]
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Attack Buff"|[[File:Attack Buff.png]]
|id="Attack Buff"|[[File:Attack Buff.png]]
|Alters {{name|Attack|class=inline}} by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加{{name|Attack|class=inline}}
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Defense Buff"|[[File:Defense Buff.png]]
|id="Defense Buff"|[[File:Defense Buff.png]]
|Alters {{name|Defense|class=inline}} by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加{{name|Defense|class=inline}}
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Magnetism Buff"|[[File:Magnetism Buff.png]]
|id="Magnetism Buff"|[[File:Magnetism Buff.png]]
|Alters [[File:Magnetism.png|24px|link=]] [[Magnetism|magnetic radius]] by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加[[File:Magnetism.png|24px|link=]] [[ 磁性| 磁力半径]]
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
|id="Max Energy Buff"|[[File:Max Energy Buff.png]]
|id="Max Energy Buff"|[[File:Max Energy Buff.png]]
|Increases the player's [[File:Max Energy.png|24px|link=]] [[Energy|Max Energy]] by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加[[File:Max Energy.png|24px|link=]] [[ 能量| 最大能量]]
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]] or [[Green Tea]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]] [[ 绿茶]]
| 不一定
|id="Luck Buff"|[[File:Luck Buff.png]]
|id="Luck Buff"|[[File:Luck Buff.png]]
|Increases {{name|Luck|class=inline}} by an amount dependent on what was consumed
| 基于所吃的食物增加{{name|Luck|class=inline}}
|Consuming various [[Cooking|food]]
| 各种[[ 烹饪| 食物]]
| 不一定
| 烧伤
|Being hit by a [[Magma Sparker]]
| [[ 熔岩火球]] 击中
| 黑暗
|Makes the screen go almost completely dark
| 黑暗笼罩了你的视野,让你难以视物
|Being hit by a [[Shadow Sniper]]
| [[ 暗影狙击手]] 命中
| 冻结的
|Being hit by a [[Skeleton Mage]]
| [[ 骷髅法师]] 击中
| 恶心
|Prevents the player from eating or drinking anything
| 呃……你非常难受,什么都吃不下
|Being hit by a [[Putrid Ghost]]
| [[ 腐臭幽灵]] 的法术击中
|{{Duration|??}}''Note: this can be secretly cured by eating [[Ginger]]''
|{{Duration|??}}'' 注意:吃[[ ]] 可以治愈!''
|id="Squid Ink Ravioli"|[[File:Squid Ink Ravioli Buff.png|center]]
|id="Squid Ink Ravioli"|[[File:Squid Ink Ravioli Buff.png|center]]
|Squid Ink Ravioli Buff
| 墨汁意大利饺
|{{Duration| 2m 59s}}
* The terms "buff" and "debuff" do not appear anywhere in-game; they appear only in the underlying game code.
*Sometime between [[Version History|v1.11]] and [[Version History|v1.3]], a bug was removed that caused the duration of buffs to decrease as the day progressed.
*1.11 与1.3 版本之间,一个随着游戏时间进行,增益效果持续时间越来越短的bug被修复。
{{History|1.5|Added Burnt, Darkness, Frozen, Nauseated, Weakness, and Squid Ink Ravioli Buffs.}}
{{History|1.5| 加入烧伤,黑暗,冻结的,恶心,墨汁意大利饺。}}
== 参考==
<references />
<references />

於 2021年1月13日 (三) 07:26 的修訂

Robin building.png
— 羅賓


本文或部分尚未完全翻譯成中文。 歡迎您通過編輯幫助其建設。
最後編輯Fengyue於2021-01-13 07:26:48.





一些特殊的增益以及減益效果是獨立的,不受標準的食物或飲品增益效果影響,自身也無法疊加。這些特殊的增益效果包括"戰士能量", "由巴的祝福","無敵","腎上腺衝擊","蒜油" 和"墨汁意大利餃";減益效果包括"眩暈","粘滑的"等等。在下文的表格中你可以詳細了解這些效果。









圖片 名稱 效果 產生原因 持續時間
Jinxed.png 倒霉的 Defense.png 防禦(-8) 暗影薩滿的火球命中 Time Icon.png 8s
Slimed.png 黏滑的 Speed.png 速度(-4) 史萊姆傷害 Time Icon.png 2.5-3s
Tipsy.png 眩暈 Speed.png 速度(-1) 喝酒(啤酒蜜蜂酒淡啤酒果酒或是椰林飄香) Time Icon.png 30s
Speed Buff.png 腎上腺衝擊 Speed.png 速度(+2) 佩戴野蠻人戒指消滅一個怪物 Time Icon.png 3s
Oil of Garlic Buff.png 蒜油 你的皮膚散發刺激的氣味 喝下蒜油 Time Icon.png 10m
File:Warrior Energy.png 戰士能量 Attack.png 攻擊(+10) 佩戴戰士戒指消滅一個怪物 Time Icon.png 5s
Yoba's Blessing.png 由巴的祝福 無敵 佩戴由巴的戒指受到傷害有概率獲得 Time Icon.png 5s
Speed Buff.png 速度 Speed.png 速度(+1) 有速度增益的食物咖啡/三倍濃縮咖啡 不一定
File:Mining Buff.png 採礦 基於所吃的食物增加採礦熟練度 各種食物 不一定
File:Fishing Buff.png 釣魚 基於所吃的食物增加釣魚熟練度 各種食物 不一定
File:Farming Buff.png 耕種 基於所吃的食物增加耕種熟練度 各種食物 不一定
File:Foraging Buff.png 覓食 基於所吃的食物增加覓食熟練度 各種食物 不一定
Attack Buff.png 攻擊 基於所吃的食物增加Attack.png 攻擊 各種食物 不一定
Defense Buff.png 防禦 基於所吃的食物增加Defense.png 防禦 各種食物 不一定
Magnetism Buff.png 磁半徑 基於所吃的食物增加Magnetism.png 磁力半徑 各種食物 不一定
Max Energy Buff.png 最大能量 基於所吃的食物增加Max Energy.png 最大能量 各種食物綠茶 不一定
Luck Buff.png 運氣 基於所吃的食物增加Luck.png 運氣 各種食物 不一定
燒傷 Speed.png 速度(-2)Defense.png 防禦(-3) 熔岩火球擊中 Time Icon.png 2.5-3s
黑暗 黑暗籠罩了你的視野,讓你難以視物 暗影狙擊手命中
凍結的 Speed.png 速度(-8) 骷髏法師擊中
噁心 呃……你非常難受,什麼都吃不下 腐臭幽靈的法術擊中 Time Icon.png ??注意:吃可以治癒!
Squid Ink Ravioli Buff.png
墨汁意大利餃 暫時免疫負面效果 食用墨汁意大利餃 Time Icon.png 2m 59s


  • 1.11與1.3版本之間,一個隨着遊戲時間進行,增益效果持續時間越來越短的bug被修復。
  • 1.5:加入燒傷,黑暗,凍結的,噁心,墨汁意大利餃。
