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第1行: 第1行:
<includeonly><span id="nametemplate" {{#switch:{{{class|}}} 
|inline = class="nametemplate inline" style="display:inline; margin-right:0;"
|#default = class="nametemplate"}}>[[File:{{#if:{{{image|}}}|{{{image|}}}|{{{1|}}}.{{{ext|png}}}}}|{{#if:{{{size|}}}|{{{size|}}}|24}}px|link=]] {{#if:{{{link|}}}|[[{{{link|}}}]]|[[{{{1|}}}]]}}{{#if: {{{2|}}}|&nbsp;({{{2|}}})|}}</span></includeonly><noinclude>{{englishdoc}}</noinclude>
Note: Special symbols such as spaces or connectors need to be reserved for the item name, but it should be uniformly lowercase letters
--></noinclude><includeonly><templatestyles src="Template:Name/styles.css" /><span class="nametemplate{{#ifeq:{{{class|}}}|inline|inline|}}">[[File:{{{1|Blank icon}}}.png|{{#if:{{{size|}}}|{{{size|}}}|24}}px|link=]] {{#if:{{{link|}}}|[[{{{link|}}}]]|{{#if:{{{alt|}}}|[[{{{alt|}}}]]|{{#switch:{{lc:{{{1|}}}}}
|wild horseradish=[[野山葵]]
|prismatic shard=[[五彩碎片]]
|cave carrot=[[山洞萝卜]]
|secret note=[[秘密纸条]]
|fire quartz=[[火水晶]]
|frozen tear=[[泪晶]]
|earth crystal=[[地晶]]
|cactus fruit=[[仙人掌果子]]
|dwarf scroll i=[[矮人卷轴 I]]
|dwarf scroll ii=[[矮人卷轴 II]]
|dwarf scroll iii=[[矮人卷轴 III]]
|dwarf scroll iv=[[矮人卷轴 IV]]
|chipped amphora=[[有缺口的土罐]]
|lost book=[[遗失之书]]
|ancient doll=[[古代玩偶]]
|elvish jewelry=[[精灵珠宝]]
|chewing stick=[[咀嚼洁齿棒]]
|ornamental fan=[[装饰用扇子]]
|dinosaur egg=[[恐龙蛋]]
|rare disc=[[稀有圆盘]]
|ancient sword=[[古剑]]
|rusty spoon=[[生锈的汤匙]]
|rusty spur=[[生锈的靴刺]]
|rusty cog=[[生锈的齿轮]]
|chicken statue=[[鸡雕像]]
|ancient seed=[[古代种子]]
|prehistoric tool=[[史前工具]]
|dried starfish=[[干海星]]
|glass shards=[[玻璃碎片]]
|bone flute=[[骨笛]]
|prehistoric handaxe=[[史前手斧]]
|dwarvish helm=[[矮人头盔]]
|dwarf gadget=[[矮人小工具]]
|ancient drum=[[古代鼓]]
|golden mask=[[黄金面具]]
|golden relic=[[黄金遗物]]
|strange doll (green)=[[诡异玩偶(绿)]]
|strange doll (yellow)=[[诡异玩偶(黄)]]
|largemouth bass=[[大嘴鲈鱼]]
|smallmouth bass=[[小嘴鲈鱼]]
|rainbow trout=[[虹鳟鱼]]
|red mullet=[[红鲻鱼]]
|red snapper=[[红鲷鱼]]
|green algae=[[绿藻]]
|sea cucumber=[[海参]]
|super cucumber=[[大海参]]
|white algae=[[白藻]]
|ice pip=[[冰柱鱼]]
|lava eel=[[岩浆鳗鱼]]
|scorpion carp=[[蝎鲤鱼]]
|treasure chest=[[财宝箱]]
|joja cola=[[Joja可乐]]
|trash (item)=[[垃圾(物品)|垃圾]]
|broken glasses=[[破损的眼镜]]
|broken cd=[[破损的CD]]
|soggy newspaper=[[湿透的报纸]]
|large egg=[[大鸡蛋]]
|brown egg=[[蛋|棕色蛋]]
|large brown egg=[[大鸡蛋|棕色大鸡蛋]]
|large milk=[[大壶牛奶]]
|green bean=[[青豆]]
|fried egg=[[煎鸡蛋]]
|cheese cauliflower=[[乳酪花椰菜]]
|baked fish=[[烤鱼]]
|parsnip soup=[[防风草汤]]
|vegetable medley=[[蔬菜杂烩]]
|complete breakfast=[[完美早餐]]
|fried calamari=[[炸鱿鱼]]
|strange bun=[[奇怪的小面包]]
|lucky lunch=[[幸运午餐]]
|fried mushroom=[[炒蘑菇]]
|bean hotpot=[[豆类火锅]]
|glazed yams=[[琉璃山药]]
|carp surprise=[[惊喜鲤鱼]]
|salmon dinner=[[鲑鱼晚餐]]
|fish taco=[[鱼肉卷]]
|crispy bass=[[香酥鲈鱼]]
|pepper poppers=[[爆炒青椒]]
|tom kha soup=[[椰汁汤]]
|trout soup=[[鳟鱼汤]]
|chocolate cake=[[巧克力蛋糕]]
|pink cake=[[粉红蛋糕]]
|rhubarb pie=[[大黄派]]
|fried eel=[[炒鳗鱼]]
|spicy eel=[[香辣鳗鱼]]
|maki roll=[[生鱼寿司]]
|red plate=[[红之盛宴]]
|eggplant parmesan=[[帕尔玛奶酪茄子]]
|rice pudding=[[大米布丁]]
|ice cream=[[冰淇淋]]
|blueberry tart=[[蓝莓千层酥]]
|autumn's bounty=[[秋日恩赐]]
|pumpkin soup=[[南瓜汤]]
|super meal=[[巨无霸餐]]
|cranberry sauce=[[红莓酱]]
|farmer's lunch=[[农夫午餐]]
|survival burger=[[救生汉堡]]
|dish o' the sea=[[海之菜肴]]
|miner's treat=[[矿工特供]]
|roots platter=[[块茎拼盘]]
|wheat flour=[[大麦粉]]
|fiddlehead fern=[[蕨菜]]
|hot pepper=[[辣椒]]
|red cabbage=[[红叶卷心菜]]
|bok choy=[[小白菜]]
|cherry bomb=[[樱桃炸弹]]
|mega bomb=[[超级炸弹]]
|grass starter=[[草籽]]
|blue grass starter=[[蓝色草籽]]
|hardwood fence=[[硬木围栏]]
|amaranth seeds=[[苋菜种子]]
|grape starter=[[葡萄种子]]
|hops starter=[[啤酒花种子]]
|pale ale=[[淡啤酒]]
|void egg=[[虚空蛋]]
|duck mayonnaise=[[鸭蛋黄酱]]
|void mayonnaise=[[虚空蛋黄酱]]
|maple seed=[[枫树种子]]
|pine cone=[[松果]]
|mahogany seed=[[桃花心木种子]]
|wood fence=[[木围栏]]
|stone fence=[[石围栏]]
|iron fence=[[铁围栏]]
|dwarvish translation guide=[[矮人语教程]]
|wood floor=[[木地板]]
|stone floor=[[石头地板]]
|weathered floor=[[风化地板]]
|crystal floor=[[水晶地板]]
|copper bar=[[铜锭]]
|iron bar=[[铁锭]]
|gold bar=[[金锭]]
|iridium bar=[[铱锭]]
|refined quartz=[[精炼石英]]
|tea set=[[茶具]]
|pickles|brown pickles|dark pink pickles|dark purple pickles|green pickles|orange pickles|pink pickles|purple pickles|red pickles|white pickles|yellow pickles=[[果酱和腌菜|腌菜]]
|jelly|blue jelly|brown jelly|dark blue jelly|dark pink jelly|dark purple jelly|green jelly|light blue jelly|orange jelly|pink jelly|purple jelly|red jelly|white jelly|yellow jelly=[[果酱和腌菜|果酱]]
|rare seed=[[稀有种子]]
|wine|blue wine|brown wine|dark blue wine|dark pink wine|dark purple wine|green wine|light blue wine|orange wine|pink wine|purple wine|red wine|white wine|yellow wine=[[果酒]]
|energy tonic=[[哈维的诊所|能量滋补水]]
|juice|brown juice|dark purple juice|green juice|orange juice|pink juice|purple juice|red juice|white juice|yellow juice=[[果汁]]
|muscle remedy=[[哈维的诊所|肌肉回复药]]
|basic fertilizer=[[初级肥料]]
|quality fertilizer=[[高级肥料]]
|basic retaining soil=[[初级保湿土壤]]
|quality retaining soil=[[高级保湿土壤]]
|golden pumpkin=[[黄金南瓜]]
|copper ore=[[铜矿石]]
|iron ore=[[铁矿石]]
|gold ore=[[黄金矿石]]
|iridium ore=[[铱矿石]]
|nautilus shell=[[鹦鹉螺]]
|rainbow shell=[[彩虹贝壳]]
|spice berry=[[香味浆果]]
|sea urchin=[[海胆]]
|spring onion=[[大葱]]
|straw floor=[[稻草地板]]
|sweet pea=[[甜豌豆]]
|field snack=[[工作小食]]
|common mushroom=[[普通蘑菇]]
|wood path=[[木头小径]]
|wild plum=[[野梅]]
|gravel path=[[砾石小径]]
|crystal path=[[水晶小径]]
|cobblestone path=[[鹅卵石小径]]
|winter root=[[冬根]]
|blue slime egg=[[史莱姆蛋|蓝色史莱姆蛋]]
|crystal fruit=[[水晶果]]
|stepping stone path=[[垫脚石小径]]
|snow yam=[[雪山药]]
|sweet gem berry=[[宝石甜莓]]
|red mushroom=[[红蘑菇]]
|purple mushroom=[[紫蘑菇]]
|fairy seeds=[[玫瑰仙子种子]]
|goat cheese=[[山羊奶酪]]
|tulip bulb=[[郁金香球茎]]
|jazz seeds=[[蓝爵士种子]]
|sunflower seeds=[[向日葵种子]]
|truffle oil=[[松露油]]
|coffee bean=[[咖啡豆]]
|goat milk=[[羊奶]]
|l. goat milk|large goat milk=[[大瓶羊奶]]
|red slime egg=[[史莱姆蛋|红色史莱姆蛋]]
|purple slime egg=[[史莱姆蛋|紫色史莱姆蛋]]
|explosive ammo=[[爆炸弹丸]]
|duck egg=[[鸭蛋]]
|duck feather=[[鸭毛]]
|rabbit's foot=[[兔子的脚]]
|poppy seeds=[[虞美人种子]]
|ancient fruit=[[上古水果]]
|spangle seeds=[[夏季亮片种子]]
|algae soup=[[海藻汤]]
|pale broth=[[清汤]]
|mermaid's pendant=[[美人鱼吊坠]]
|drum block=[[鼓块]]
|flute block=[[长笛块]]
|deluxe speed-gro=[[高级生长激素]]
|parsnip seeds=[[防风草种子]]
|bean starter=[[青豆种子]]
|cauliflower seeds=[[花椰菜种子]]
|potato seeds=[[土豆种子]]
|garlic seeds=[[大蒜种子]]
|kale seeds=[[甘蓝种子]]
|rhubarb seeds=[[大黄种子]]
|melon seeds=[[甜瓜种子]]
|tomato seeds=[[西红柿种子]]
|blueberry seeds=[[蓝莓种子]]
|pepper seeds=[[辣椒种子]]
|wheat seeds=[[小麦种子]]
|radish seeds=[[萝卜种子]]
|red cabbage seeds=[[红叶卷心菜种子]]
|starfruit seeds=[[杨桃种子]]
|corn seeds=[[玉米种子]]
|eggplant seeds=[[茄子种子]]
|artichoke seeds=[[洋蓟种子]]
|pumpkin seeds=[[南瓜种子]]
|bok choy seeds=[[小白菜种子]]
|yam seeds=[[山药种子]]
|cranberry seeds=[[蔓越莓种子]]
|beet seeds=[[甜菜种子]]
|spring seeds=[[春季种子]]
|summer seeds=[[夏季种子]]
|fall seeds=[[秋季种子]]
|winter seeds=[[冬季种子]]
|ancient seeds=[[上古种子]]
|pineapple seeds=[[菠萝种子]]
|small glow ring=[[小型光辉戒指]]
|glow ring=[[光辉戒指]]
|small magnet ring=[[小型磁铁戒指]]
|magnet ring=[[磁铁戒指]]
|slime charmer ring=[[史莱姆克星戒指]]
|warrior ring=[[战士戒指]]
|vampire ring=[[吸血戒指]]
|savage ring=[[野蛮人戒指]]
|ring of yoba=[[由巴的戒指]]
|sturdy ring=[[结实戒指]]
|burglar's ring=[[窃贼戒指]]
|iridium band=[[铱环]]
|jukebox ring=[[点唱机戒指]]
|amethyst ring=[[紫水晶戒指]]
|topaz ring=[[黄水晶戒指]]
|aquamarine ring=[[海蓝宝石戒指]]
|jade ring=[[翡翠戒指]]
|emerald ring=[[绿宝石戒指]]
|ruby ring=[[红宝石戒指]]
|frozen geode=[[冰封晶球]]
|magma geode=[[岩浆晶球]]
|lemon stone=[[柠檬石]]
|petrified slime=[[石化史莱姆]]
|thunder egg=[[雷公蛋]]
|ocean stone=[[海洋石]]
|ghost crystal=[[幽灵水晶]]
|fire opal=[[赤红猫眼石]]
|fairy stone=[[精灵石]]
|star shards=[[陶瓷碎片]]
|prehistoric scapula=[[史前肩胛骨]]
|prehistoric tibia=[[史前胫骨]]
|prehistoric skull=[[史前头骨]]
|skeletal hand=[[手部骨骼]]
|prehistoric rib=[[史前肋骨]]
|prehistoric vertebra=[[史前脊骨]]
|skeletal tail=[[尾部骨骼]]
|nautilus fossil=[[鹦鹉螺化石]]
|amphibian fossil=[[两栖动物化石]]
|palm fossil=[[棕榈化石]]
|artifact spot=[[远古斑点]]
|summer spangle=[[夏季亮片]]
|fairy rose=[[玫瑰仙子]]
|blue jazz=[[蓝爵]]
|plum pudding=[[葡萄干布丁]]
|artichoke dip=[[水煮洋蓟]]
|stir fry=[[蔬菜什锦盖饭]]
|roasted hazelnuts=[[烤榛子]]
|pumpkin pie=[[南瓜派]]
|radish salad=[[萝卜沙拉]]
|fruit salad=[[水果沙拉]]
|blackberry cobbler=[[黑莓脆皮饼]]
|cranberry candy=[[蔓越莓糖果]]
|quality sprinkler=[[优质洒水器]]
|cherry sapling=[[樱桃树苗]]
|apricot sapling=[[杏子树苗]]
|orange sapling=[[橙子树苗]]
|peach sapling=[[桃子树苗]]
|pomegranate sapling=[[石榴树苗]]
|apple sapling=[[苹果树苗]]
|69|banana sapling=[[香蕉树苗]]
|835|mango sapling=[[芒果幼苗]]
|iridium sprinkler=[[铱制洒水器]]
|fiddlehead risotto=[[意式蕨菜炖饭]]
|poppyseed muffin=[[虞美人籽松糕]]
|green slime egg=[[史莱姆蛋|绿色史莱姆蛋]]
|rain totem=[[雨水图腾]]
|mutant carp=[[变种鲤鱼]]
|bug meat=[[虫肉]]
|dressed spinner=[[精装旋式鱼饵]]
|warp totem farm=[[传送图腾:农场]]
|warp totem mountains=[[传送图腾:山岭]]
|warp totem beach=[[传送图腾:海滩]]
|barbed hook=[[倒刺钩]]
|lead bobber=[[铅制浮标]]
|treasure hunter=[[寻宝者]]
|trap bobber=[[陷阱浮标]]
|cork bobber=[[软木塞浮标]]
|tiger trout=[[虎纹鳟鱼]]
|crab pot=[[蟹笼]]
|maple syrup=[[枫糖浆]]
|oak resin=[[橡树树脂]]
|pine tar=[[松焦油]]
|fish stew=[[烩鱼汤]]
|lobster bisque=[[龙虾浓汤]]
|maple bar=[[枫糖棒]]
|crab cakes=[[蟹黄糕]]
|strawberry seeds=[[草莓种子]]
|rotten plant=[[腐烂的植物]]
|omni geode=[[万象晶球]]
|bat wing=[[蝙蝠翅膀]]
|solar essence=[[太阳精华]]
|void essence=[[虚空精华]]
|mixed seeds=[[混合种子]]
|oil of garlic=[[蒜油]]
|life elixir=[[生命药水]]
|wild bait=[[万能鱼饵]]
|battery pack=[[电池组]]
|void salmon=[[虚空鲑鱼]]
|midnight squid=[[午夜鱿鱼]]
|spook fish=[[幽灵鱼]]
|wedding ring=[[结婚戒指]]
|cactus seeds=[[仙人掌种子]]
|max energy=[[能量|体力值上限]]
|crit. power=[[暴击力量]]
|speed|speed w|speed_w=[[速度]]
|bear's knowledge=[[熊的知识]]
|ornate necklace=[[华丽的项链]]
|tea sapling=[[茶苗]]
|triple shot espresso=[[三倍浓缩咖啡]]
|warp totem desert=[[传送图腾:沙漠]]
|seafoam pudding=[[海泡布丁]]
|midnight carp=[[午夜鲤鱼]]
|unmilled rice=[[未碾米]]
|rice shoot=[[稻苗]]
|artifact trove=[[古物宝藏]]
|wilted bouquet=[[枯萎的花束]]
|magic rock candy=[[魔法糖冰棍]]
|brick floor=[[红砖地板]]
|aged roe=[[腌鱼籽]]
|green tea=[[绿茶]]
|shrimp cocktail=[[虾鸡尾酒]]
|tree fertilizer=[[树肥]]
|dinosaur mayonnaise=[[恐龙蛋黄酱]]
|void ghost pendant=[[虚空幽灵吊坠]]
|movie ticket=[[电影票]]
|crabshell ring=[[蟹壳戒指]]
|napalm ring=[[燃烧弹戒指]]
|squid ink=[[鱿鱼墨汁]]
|tea leaves=[[茶叶]]
|fossilized skull=[[颅骨化石]]
|fossilized spine=[[脊柱化石]]
|fossilized tail=[[尾巴化石]]
|fossilized leg=[[腿骨化石]]
|fossilized ribs=[[肋骨化石]]
|snake skull=[[蛇头骨]]
|snake vertebrae=[[蛇脊椎骨]]
|mummified bat=[[蝙蝠木乃伊]]
|mummified frog=[[青蛙木乃伊]]
|taro root=[[芋头]]
|taro tuber=[[芋头块茎]]
|blue discus=[[蓝铁饼鱼]]
|fairy dust=[[仙尘]]
|piña colada=[[椰林飘香]]
|prismatic jelly=[[五彩胶冻]]
|quality bobber=[[优质浮标]]
|monster musk=[[怪兽香水]]
|fiber seeds=[[纤维种子]]
|bone fragment=[[骨头碎片]]
|qi fruit=[[齐瓜]]
|radioactive ore=[[放射性矿石]]
|radioactive bar=[[放射性矿锭]]
|sturgeon roe=[[鱼籽|鲟鱼鱼籽]]
|fishing treasure chest=[[钓鱼#宝箱|钓鱼宝箱]]
|ostrich incubator=[[鸵鸟孵化器]]
|deluxe fish tank=[[豪华鱼缸]]
|solar panel=[[太阳能板]]
|big chest=[[大箱子]]
|stone chest=[[石箱]]
|big stone chest=[[石制大箱子]]
|farm computer=[[农场电脑]]
|coffee maker=[[咖啡机]]
|sewing machine=[[缝纫机]]
|mini-shipping bin=[[迷你出货箱]]
|bone mill=[[碎骨机]]
|geode crusher=[[晶球破开器]]
|crit. chance=[[暴击率]]
|ginger ale=[[姜汁汽水]]
|banana pudding=[[香蕉布丁]]
|mango sticky rice=[[芒果糯米饭]]
|tropical curry=[[热带咖喱]]
|squid ink ravioli=[[墨汁意大利饺]]
|radioactive ore=[[放射性矿石]]
|qi gem=[[齐钻]]
|cinder shard=[[火山晶石]]
|island trader=[[姜岛商人]]
|dragon tooth=[[龙牙]]
|golden coconut=[[金色椰子]]
|galaxy soul=[[银河之魂]]
|galaxy sword=[[银河剑]]
|galaxy dagger=[[银河匕首]]
|galaxy hammer=[[银河之锤]]
|magma cap=[[熔岩菇]]
|heavy tapper=[[重型树液采集器]]
|heavy furnace=[[重型熔炉]]
|curiosity lure=[[珍稀诱钩]]
|mushroom tree seed=[[蘑菇树种子]]
|bug steak=[[虫肉块]]
|rusty sword=[[生锈的剑]]
|silver saber=[[镀银军刀]]
|dark sword=[[黑暗剑]]
|holy blade=[[圣剑]]
|bone sword=[[骨剑]]
|iron edge=[[铁刃]]
|templar's blade=[[圣堂之刃]]
|obsidian edge=[[黑曜石之刃]]
|lava katana=[[熔岩武士刀]]
|steel smallsword=[[钢制轻剑]]
|wooden blade=[[木剑]]
|insect head=[[昆虫头部]]
|neptune's glaive=[[海王星大剑]]
|forest sword=[[森林剑]]
|carving knife=[[刻刀]]
|iron dirk=[[铁制短剑]]
|burglar's shank=[[飞贼之胫]]
|shadow dagger=[[暗影匕首]]
|elf blade=[[精灵之刃]]
|crystal dagger=[[水晶匕首]]
|wind spire=[[疾风利剑]]
|wood club=[[木棒]]
|alex's bat=[[亚历克斯的棒球棍]]
|lead rod=[[铅棒]]
|wood mallet=[[木锤]]
|the slammer=[[巨锤]]
|galaxy hammer=[[银河之锤]]
|sam's old guitar=[[山姆的旧吉他]]
|master slingshot=[[高级弹弓]]
|galaxy slingshot=[[银河弹弓]]
|elliott's pencil=[[艾利欧特的铅笔]]
|maru's wrench=[[玛鲁的扳手]]
|harvey's mallet=[[哈维的锤子]]
|penny's fryer=[[潘妮的煎锅]]
|leah's whittler=[[莉亚的削木刀]]
|abby's planchette=[[阿比盖尔的占卜写板]]
|seb's lost mace=[[塞巴斯蒂安的遗失之锤]]
|haley's iron=[[海莉的烫发棒]]
|pirate's sword=[[海盗剑]]
|wicked kris=[[蛇形邪剑]]
|yeti tooth=[[雪怪之牙]]
|steel falchion=[[钢刀]]
|broken trident=[[残破的三叉戟]]
|tempered broadsword=[[淬火阔剑]]
|golden scythe=[[金色的镰刀]]
|dwarf sword=[[矮人剑]]
|dwarf hammer=[[矮人锤]]
|dwarf dagger=[[矮人匕首]]
|dragontooth cutlass=[[龙牙弯刀]]
|dragontooth club=[[龙牙棒]]
|dragontooth shiv=[[龙牙小刀]]
|ossified blade=[[骨化剑]]
|iridium needle=[[铱针]]
|infinity blade=[[无限之刃]]
|infinity gavel=[[无限之锤]]
|infinity dagger=[[无限匕首]]
|rubber boots=[[橡胶靴]]
|leather boots=[[皮靴]]
|work boots=[[工作靴]]
|combat boots=[[战靴]]
|tundra boots=[[冻土靴]]
|thermal boots=[[热能靴]]
|dark boots=[[黑暗之靴]]
|firewalker boots=[[蹈火者靴]]
|genie shoes=[[神怪之鞋]]
|space boots=[[太空之靴]]
|cowboy boots=[[牛仔之靴]]
|emily's magic boots=[[艾米丽的魔法靴]]
|leprechaun shoes=[[矮精灵鞋子]]
|cinderclown shoes=[[灰烬小丑鞋]]
|mermaid boots=[[美人鱼靴]]
|dragonscale boots=[[龙鳞靴]]
|crystal shoes=[[水晶鞋]]
|single bed=[[单人床]]
|oak chair=[[橡木椅子]]
|walnut chair=[[胡桃木椅子]]
|birch chair=[[桦木椅子]]
|mahogany chair=[[红木椅子]]
|red diner chair=[[红色餐椅]]
|blue diner chair=[[蓝色餐椅]]
|country chair=[[乡村椅]]
|breakfast chair=[[早餐椅]]
|pink office chair=[[粉红办公椅]]
|purple office chair=[[紫色办公椅]]
|green office stool=[[绿色办公凳]]
|orange office stool=[[橙色办公凳]]
|dark throne=[[暗黑王座]]
|dining chair (yellow)=[[餐椅(黄)]]
|dining chair (red)=[[餐椅(红)]]
|green plush seat=[[绿色毛绒座椅]]
|pink plush seat=[[粉色毛绒座椅]]
|winter chair=[[凛冬座椅]]
|groovy chair=[[时髦座椅]]
|cute chair=[[可爱座椅]]
|stump seat=[[树桩座位]]
|metal chair=[[金属座椅]]
|green stool=[[绿色板凳]]
|blue stool=[[蓝色板凳]]
|king chair=[[国王座椅]]
|crystal chair=[[水晶椅]]
|tropical chair=[[热带椅子]]
|oak bench=[[橡木长椅]]
|walnut bench=[[胡桃木长椅]]
|birch bench=[[桦木长椅]]
|mahogany bench=[[红木长椅]]
|modern bench=[[现代长椅]]
|blue armchair=[[蓝色单人沙发]]
|red armchair=[[红色单人沙发]]
|green armchair=[[绿色单人沙发]]
|yellow armchair=[[黄色单人沙发]]
|brown armchair=[[棕色单人沙发]]
|blue couch=[[蓝色沙发]]
|red couch=[[红色沙发]]
|green couch=[[绿色沙发]]
|yellow couch=[[黄色沙发]]
|brown couch=[[棕色沙发]]
|dark couch=[[暗黑沙发]]
|wizard couch=[[法师沙发]]
|woodsy couch=[[林木沙发]]
|oak dresser=[[橡木梳妆台]]
|walnut dresser=[[胡桃木梳妆台]]
|birch dresser=[[桦木梳妆台]]
|mahogany dresser=[[红木梳妆台]]
|coffee table=[[咖啡桌]]
|stone slab=[[石桌]]
|winter dining table=[[冬日餐桌]]
|festive dining table=[[节日餐桌]]
|mahogany dining table=[[红木餐桌]]
|modern dining table=[[现代餐桌]]
|long cactus=[[长仙人掌]]
|long palm=[[长棕榈]]
|exotic tree=[[异国情调的树]]
|deluxe tree=[[豪华树]]
|oak table=[[橡木桌]]
|walnut table=[[胡桃木桌]]
|birch table=[[桦木桌]]
|mahogany table=[[红木桌]]
|sun table=[[日之桌]]
|moon table=[[月之桌]]
|modern table=[[现代桌]]
|pub table=[[酒桌]]
|luxury table=[[豪华桌]]
|diviner table=[[预言桌]]
|neolithic table=[[新石器风格桌]]
|puzzle table=[[拼图桌]]
|winter table=[[凛冬之桌]]
|candy table=[[糖果桌]]
|luau table=[[夏威夷式宴会桌]]
|dark table=[[暗黑桌]]
|oak tea-table=[[橡木茶几]]
|walnut tea-table=[[胡桃木茶几]]
|birch tea-table=[[桦木茶几]]
|mahogany tea-table=[[红木茶几]]
|modern tea-table=[[现代茶几]]
|furniture catalogue=[[家具目录]]
|oceanic rug=[[海洋地毯]]
|china cabinet=[[碗柜]]
|artist bookcase=[[艺术家书架]]
|luxury bookcase=[[豪华书架]]
|modern bookcase=[[现代书架]]
|dark bookcase=[[深色书架]]
|ceramic pillar=[[陶瓷柱子]]
|gold pillar=[[金柱子]]
|industrial pipe=[[工业管道]]
|indoor palm=[[室内椰子树]]
|totem pole=[[图腾雕像]]
|manicured pine=[[修剪过的松树]]
|topiary tree=[[修剪过的树]]
|standing geode=[[直立的晶洞]]
|obsidian vase=[[黑曜石花瓶]]
|singing stone=[[唱歌的石头]]
|sloth skeleton l=[[树懒骨架(左)]]
|sloth skeleton m=[[树懒骨架(中)]]
|sloth skeleton r=[[树懒骨架(右)]]
|leah's sculpture=[[莉亚做的雕像]]
|dried sunflowers=[[风干太阳花]]
|sam's boombox=[[山姆的音响]]
|small plant=[[小型植物]]
|table plant=[[桌上盆栽]]
|decorative bowl=[[装饰碗]]
|futan bear=[[福坦熊]]
|model ship=[[轮船模型]]
|small crystal=[[小巧水晶]]
|decorative lantern=[[装饰灯笼]]
|wumbus statue=[[温布斯雕像]]
|bobo statue=[[波波雕像]]
|purple serpent statue=[[紫蛇雕像]]
|house plant=[[家居植物]]
|oak end table=[[橡木小茶几]]
|walnut end table=[[胡桃木小茶几]]
|birch end table=[[桦木小茶几]]
|mahogany end table=[[红木小茶几]]
|modern end table=[[新式小茶几]]
|grandmother end table=[[祖母小茶几]]
|winter end table=[[冬日小茶几]]
|tree of the winter star=[[冬日星树]]
|country lamp=[[乡村台灯]]
|box lamp=[[箱式台灯]]
|modern lamp=[[现代台灯]]
|classic lamp=[[经典台灯]]
|red rug=[[红色地毯]]
|patchwork rug=[[拼色地毯]]
|dark rug=[[深色地毯]]
|budget tv=[[廉价电视]]
|plasma tv=[[等离子电视]]
|green serpent statue=[[绿蛇雕像]]
|'the muzzamaroo'=[[《穆扎玛鲁》]]
|'a night on eco-hill'=[[《生态山之夜》]]
|'burnt offering'=[[《烧焦的祭品》]]
|'queen of the gem sea'=[[《宝石海的女王》]]
|'vanilla villa'=[[《香草别墅》]]
|'primal motion'=[[《原始运动》]]
|'jade hills'=[[《翡翠山》]]
|'sun 44'=[[《太阳 44》]]
|wallflower pal=[[壁花朋友]]
|'highway 89'=[[《高速公路 89》]]
|calico falls=[[卡利科瀑布]]
|needlepoint flower=[[刺绣花朵]]
|skull poster=[[骷髅海报]]
|'sun 45'=[[《太阳 45》]]
|'little tree'=[[《小树苗》]]
|'blue city'=[[《蓝色都市》]]
|little photos=[[小照片]]
|'dancing grass'=[[《舞动的小草》]]
|'vga paradise'=[[《VGA乐园》]]
|j. cola light=[[Joja可乐灯]]
|'kitemaster '95'=[[《风筝大师 '95》]]
|basic window=[[普通窗户]]
|small window=[[小型窗户]]
|red cottage rug=[[红色木屋地毯]]
|green cottage rug=[[绿色木屋地毯]]
|monster rug=[[怪物地毯]]
|boarded window=[[封上的窗户]]
|mystic rug=[[神秘地毯]]
|lg. futan bear=[[大福坦熊]]
|bear statue=[[熊雕像]]
|world map=[[世界地图]]
|ornate window=[[华丽窗户]]
|floor tv=[[落地电视]]
|carved window=[[木雕窗户]]
|colorful set=[[色块组画]]
|cloud decal 1|cloud decal 2=[[云朵贴纸]]
|junimo plush=[[祝尼魔毛绒玩具]]
|nautical rug=[[航海地毯]]
|burlap rug=[[粗麻布地毯]]
|tree column=[[树柱]]
|l. light string=[[小灯串]]
|s. pine=[[小型松树]]
|bonsai tree=[[盆景树]]
|metal window=[[金属窗]]
|candle lamp=[[蜡烛灯]]
|miner's crest=[[矿工标志]]
|bamboo mat=[[竹席]]
|ornate lamp=[[华丽灯]]
|small junimo plush=[[小祝尼魔毛绒玩具]]
|futan rabbit=[[福坦兔]]
|woodcut rug=[[木刻毛毯]]
|brick fireplace=[[红砖壁炉]]
|stone fireplace=[[石壁炉]]
|iridium fireplace=[[铱壁炉]]
|stove fireplace=[[炉式壁炉]]
|monster fireplace=[[怪物壁炉]]
|my first painting=[[我的第一幅画]]
|hanging shield=[[挂盾]]
|monster danglers=[[怪物吊饰]]
|ceiling flags=[[天花板旗帜]]
|ceiling leaves=[[天花板垂叶]]
|'red eagle'=[[《红鹰》]]
|'portrait of a mermaid'=[[《美人鱼肖像》]]
|'solar kingdom'=[[《太阳王国》]]
|'1000 years from now'=[[《1000年后》]]
|'three trees'=[[《三棵树》]]
|'the serpent'=[[《蛇》]]
|'tropical fish 173'=[[《热带鱼 173》]]
|'land of clay'=[[《粘土之地》]]
|elegant fireplace=[[华丽壁炉]]
|pirate flag=[[海盗旗]]
|pirate rug=[[海盗地毯]]
|strawberry decal=[[草莓贴纸]]
|fruit salad rug=[[水果沙拉地毯]]
|night sky decal 1=[[夜空贴纸 #1]]
|night sky decal 2=[[夜空贴纸 #2]]
|night sky decal 3=[[夜空贴纸 #3]]
|wall pumpkin=[[壁挂南瓜]]
|small wall pumpkin=[[小壁挂南瓜]]
|'the brave little sapling'=[[《勇敢的小树苗》]]
|'journey of the prairie king: the motion picture'=[[《草原之王之旅:大电影》]]
|'the zuzu city express'=[[《祖祖城特快列车》]]
|'the miracle at coldstar ranch'=[[《冷星牧场的奇迹》]]
|'natural wonders: exploring our vibrant world'=[[《自然奇观:探索我们这充满活力的世界》]]
|'it howls in the rain'=[[《它在雨中嚎叫》]]
|indoor hanging basket=[[室内吊篮]]
|winter tree decal=[[冬季树贴纸]]
|bone rug=[[骨头地毯]]
|butterfly hutch=[[蝴蝶笼]]
|wall flower=[[壁挂向日葵]]
|s. wall flower=[[壁挂小向日葵]]
|clouds banner=[[云彩帘子]]
|snowy rug=[[雪地地毯]]
|double bed=[[双人床]]
|starry double bed=[[星空双人床]]
|strawberry double bed=[[草莓双人床]]
|pirate double bed=[[海盗双人床]]
|child bed child=[[儿童床]]
|tropical bed=[[热带床]]
|tropical double bed=[[热带双人床]]
|deluxe red double bed=[[豪华红色双人床]]
|modern double bed=[[现代双人床]]
|large fish tank=[[大鱼缸]]
|small fish tank=[[小鱼缸]]
|tropical tv=[[热带电视]]
|'volcano' photo=[[《火山》照片]]
|jungle torch=[[丛林火炬]]
|gourmand statue=[[饕餮雕像]]
|pyramid decal=[[金字塔贴纸]]
|palm wall ornament=[[棕榈树墙饰]]
|iridium krobus=[[铱制科罗布斯]]
|plain torch=[[普通火炬]]
|stump torch=[[树桩火炬(装饰)]]
|aquatic sanctuary=[[水生动物保护所]]
|modern fish tank=[[现代鱼缸]]
|foliage print=[[绿叶画]]
|wall basket=[[壁篮]]
|decorative trash can=[[装饰垃圾桶]]
|light green rug=[[淡绿色地毯]]
|wild double bed=[[原野双人床]]
|fisher double bed=[[渔夫双人床]]
|birch double bed=[[桦木双人床]]
|exotic double bed=[[奇异双人床]]
|'jade hills extended'=[[长版《翡翠山》]]
|pastel banner=[[彩色帘子]]
|winter banner=[[冬季帘子]]
|moonlight jellies banner=[[月光水母帘子]]
|jungle decal=[[丛林贴纸]]
|starport decal=[[星空门贴纸]]
|decorative pitchfork=[[装饰耙子]]
|wood panel=[[木制镶板]]
|decorative axe=[[装饰斧头]]
|log panel 1|log panel 2=[[圆木镶板]]
|floor divider r=[[地板分隔条(右)]]
|floor divider l=[[地板分隔条(左)]]
|icy banner=[[冰雪帘子]]
|wall palm=[[壁挂棕榈树]]
|wall cactus=[[壁挂仙人掌]]
|large brown couch=[[棕色长沙发]]
|'frozen dreams'=[[《冰封之梦》]]
|'physics 101'=[[《物理101》]]
|wall sconce=[[壁挂灯]]
|blossom rug=[[花地毯]]
|large green rug=[[大号绿色地毯]]
|icy rug=[[冰地毯]]
|old world rug=[[古典地毯]]
|large red rug=[[大号红色地毯]]
|large cottage rug=[[大号木屋地毯]]
|squirrel figurine=[[松鼠雕像]]
|funky rug=[[新潮地毯]]
|modern rug=[[现代地毯]]
|big barn=[[畜棚|大畜棚]]
|deluxe barn=[[畜棚|高级畜棚]]
|ostrich egg=[[鸵鸟蛋]]
|big coop=[[鸡舍|大鸡舍]]
|deluxe coop=[[鸡舍|高级鸡舍]]
|copper pan=[[淘盘]]
|skeleton statue=[[骷髅雕像]]
|basic log=[[普通圆木]]
|log section=[[圆木段]]
|ornamental hay bale=[[装饰干草捆]]
|sign of the vessel=[[船标]]
|wicked statue=[[邪恶雕像]]
|big green cane=[[大绿杖]]
|big red cane=[[大红杖]]
|green canes=[[绿杖]]
|red canes=[[红杖]]
|mixed cane=[[混色杖]]
|lawn flamingo=[[草坪火烈鸟]]
|plush bunny=[[绒毛兔子]]
|seasonal decor spring=[[季节性装饰]]
|tub o' flowers=[[一簇鲜花]]
|grave stone=[[墓石]]
|stone cairn=[[石堆]]
|stone frog=[[石蛙]]
|stone junimo=[[石祝尼魔]]
|stone owl=[[石猫头鹰]]
|stone owl random=[[随机事件#石猫头鹰|石猫头鹰]]
|stone parrot=[[石鹦鹉]]
|suit of armor=[[装甲]]
|??pinky lemon??=[[??粉色柠檬??]]
|solid gold lewis=[[刘易斯黄金像]]
|statue of endless fortune=[[无尽财富之雕像]]
|statue of perfection=[[完美雕像]]
|statue of true perfection=[[真正完美的雕像]]
|soda machine=[[汽水机]]
|stardew hero trophy=[[星露谷英雄奖杯]]
|junimo kart arcade system=[[祝尼魔赛车街机系统]]
|prairie king arcade system=[[草原之王街机系统]]
|cave fly=[[苍蝇]]
|rock crab=[[岩石蟹]]
|stone golem=[[石魔]]
|dust sprite=[[灰尘精灵]]
|lava crab=[[熔岩蟹]]
|shadow brute=[[暗影狂徒]]
|shadow shaman=[[暗影萨满]]
|metal head=[[金属大头]]
|squid kid=[[鱿鱼娃]]
|armored bug=[[甲虫]]
|iridium crab=[[铱蟹]]
|carbon ghost=[[石碳幽灵]]
|pepper rex=[[霸王喷火龙]]
|haunted skull=[[幽灵头骨]]
|mutant fly=[[突变苍蝇]]
|mutant grub=[[突变蛆]]
|wilderness golem=[[荒野石魔]]
|dwarvish sentry=[[矮人哨兵]]
|false magma cap=[[假熔岩菇]]
|hot head=[[熔岩大头]]
|lava lurk=[[熔岩潜伏怪]]
|magma sprite=[[熔岩精灵]]
|magma sparker=[[熔岩火球]]
|magma duggy=[[熔岩掘地虫]]
|blue squid=[[蓝鱿鱼]]
|green slime=[[史莱姆(怪物)|绿色史莱姆]]
|frost jelly=[[史莱姆(怪物)|蓝色史莱姆]]
|red sludge=[[史莱姆(怪物)|红色史莱姆]]
|purple slime=[[史莱姆(怪物)|紫色史莱姆]]
|copper slime=[[史莱姆(怪物)|铜史莱姆]]
|iron slime=[[史莱姆(怪物)|铁史莱姆]]
|tiger slime=[[史莱姆(怪物)|老虎史莱姆]]
|big slime sprite|big blue slime|big green slime|big purple slime|big red slime=[[史莱姆(怪物)|巨型史莱姆]]
|purple slime dangerous=[[史莱姆(怪物)|紫色史莱姆(危险)]]
|frost bat=[[蝙蝠|冰冻蝙蝠]]
|lava bat=[[蝙蝠|熔岩蝙蝠]]
|iridium bat=[[蝙蝠|铱蝠]]
|haunted skull dangerous=[[幽灵头骨(危险)]]
|blue squid=[[蓝鱿鱼]]
|bug dangerous=[[臭虫(危险)]]
|duggy dangerous=[[掘地虫(危险)]]
|rock crab dangerous=[[岩石蟹(危险)]]
|lava crab dangerous=[[熔岩蟹(危险)]]
|bat dangerous=[[蝙蝠|蝙蝠(危险)]]
|frost bat dangerous=[[蝙蝠|冰冻蝙蝠(危险)]]
|stone golem dangerous=[[石魔(危险)]]
|grub dangerous=[[蛆(危险)]]
|cave fly dangerous=[[苍蝇(危险)]]
|dust sprite dangerous=[[灰尘精灵(危险)]]
|putrid ghost=[[腐臭幽灵]]
|stick bug=[[竹节虫]]
|skeleton dangerous=[[骷髅(危险)]]
|skeleton mage dangerous=[[骷髅法师]]
|metal head dangerous=[[金属大头(危险)]]
|shadow brute dangerous=[[暗影狂徒(危险)]]
|shadow shaman dangerous=[[暗影萨满(危险)]]
|shadow sniper=[[暗影狙击手]]
|squid kid dangerous=[[鱿鱼娃(危险)]]
|armored bug dangerous=[[甲虫(危险)]]
|mummy dangerous=[[木乃伊(危险)]]
|royal serpent=[[皇家飞蛇]]
|squire's helmet=[[护卫头盔]]
|golden egg=[[金蛋]]
|charcoal kiln=[[煤炭窑]]
|cookout kit=[[野炊工具]]
|preserves jar=[[罐头瓶]]
|cheese press=[[压酪机]]
|worm bin=[[虫饵盒]]
|deluxe worm bin=[[高级虫饵盒]]
|lightning rod=[[避雷针]]
|recycling machine=[[回收机]]
|seed maker=[[种子生产器]]
|warp totem island=[[传送图腾:姜岛]]
|golden walnut=[[金色核桃]]
|bone node 1|bone node 2=[[采矿#Bone Node|骨头矿]]
|tiger slime egg=[[史莱姆蛋|老虎史莱姆蛋]]
|deluxe retaining soil=[[顶级保湿土壤]]
|qi bean=[[齐豆]]
|error item=[[错误物品]]
|bee house=[[蜂房]]
|mayonnaise machine=[[蛋黄酱机]]
|slime egg-press=[[史莱姆压蛋器]]
|slime incubator=[[史莱姆孵化器]]
|oil maker=[[产油机]]
|hyper speed-gro=[[顶级生长激素]]
|deluxe fertilizer=[[顶级肥料]]
|living hat=[[活的帽子]]
|garbage hat=[[垃圾帽]]
|skeleton mask=[[骷髅面具]]
|hard hat=[[安全帽]]
|arcane hat=[[神秘帽]]
|knight's helmet=[[骑士头盔]]
|glowstone ring=[[辉石戒指]]
|glacierfish jr.=[[小冰川鱼]]
|phoenix ring=[[凤凰戒指]]
|lucky ring=[[幸运戒指]]
|protection ring=[[保护戒指]]
|legend ii=[[传说之鱼二代]]
|radioactive carp=[[放射性鲤鱼]]
|immunity band=[[免疫指环]]
|ms. angler=[[雌鮟鱇鱼]]
|son of crimsonfish=[[绯红鱼之子]]
|hot java ring=[[热咖啡戒指]]
|thorns ring=[[荆棘戒指]]
|soul sapper ring=[[吸魂戒指]]
|void chicken=[[虚空鸡]]
|golden chicken=[[金色的鸡]]
|animal catalogue=[[动物目录]]
|bait and bobber=[[鱼饵和浮漂]]
|book of stars=[[星之书]]
|book of mysteries=[[谜之书]]
|combat quarterly=[[战斗季刊]]
|dwarvish safety manual=[[矮人安全手册]]
|friendship 101=[[交友导论]]
|horse the book=[[马术秘籍]]
|jack be nimble, jack be thick=[[铜墙铁壁]]
|jewels of the sea=[[海之宝石]]
|mapping cave systems=[[洞穴地图绘制法]]
|mining monthly=[[采矿月刊]]
|monster compendium=[[怪物图鉴]]
|ol' slitherlegs=[[草中窜]]
|price catalogue=[[价格目录]]
|queen of sauce cookbook=[[酱料女皇烹饪秘籍]]
|stardew valley almanac=[[星露谷年历]]
|the alleyway buffet=[[小巷自助餐]]
|the art o' crabbing=[[捕蟹秘籍]]
|the diamond hunter=[[钻石猎人]]
|treasure appraisal guide=[[古代珍宝鉴定指南]]
|way of the wind pt. 1=[[风之道 第一部分]]
|way of the wind pt. 2=[[风之道 第二部分]]
|woodcutter's weekly=[[樵夫周刊]]
|woody's secret=[[伐木秘事]]
|raccoon journal=[[浣熊日记]]
|deluxe bait=[[高级鱼饵]]
|cave jelly=[[洞穴凝胶]]
|river jelly=[[河凝胶]]
|sea jelly=[[海凝胶]]
|mystery box=[[谜之盒]]
|golden mystery box=[[金色谜之盒]]
|carrot seeds=[[胡萝卜种子]]
|summer squash seeds=[[金皮西葫芦种子]]
|summer squash=[[金皮西葫芦]]
|broccoli seeds=[[西蓝花种子]]
|powdermelon seeds=[[霜瓜种子]]
|mystic tree seed=[[神秘树种]]
|mystic tree=[[神秘树]]
|mystic syrup=[[神秘糖浆]]
|mixed flower seeds=[[混合花卉种子]]
|blue pinstripe double bed=[[蓝白条纹双人床]]
|stardrop tea=[[星之果茶]]
|gil's hat=[[吉尔的帽子]]
|calico egg=[[卡利科三花蛋]]
|mushroom log=[[蘑菇树桩]]
|bait maker=[[鱼饵制造机]]
|wood sign=[[木牌]]
|stone sign=[[石牌]]
|dark sign=[[深色牌子]]
|text sign=[[文字标牌]]
|statue of blessings=[[祝福雕像]]
|statue of the dwarf king=[[矮人之王雕像]]
|fish smoker=[[熏鱼机]]
|sports cap=[[棒球帽]]
|moss soup=[[苔藓汤]]
|tent kit=[[便携帐篷]]
|golden animal cracker=[[金色动物饼干]]
|challenge bait=[[挑战鱼饵]]
|sonar bobber=[[声纳浮漂]]
|golden bobber=[[黄金浮漂]]
|golden tag=[[黄金标签]]
|fancy house plant=[[精致盆栽]]
|pig painting=[[猪的图画]]
|cow decal=[[奶牛贴纸]]
|blue pinstripe bed=[[蓝白条纹床]]
|basilisk paw=[[蜥怪的爪子]]
|fairy box=[[仙女盒]]
|green frog egg=[[青蛙蛋]]
|golden spur=[[黄金马刺]]
|ice rod=[[寒冰法杖]]
|magic hair gel=[[魔法发胶]]
|magic quiver=[[魔法箭筒]]
|parrot egg=[[鹦鹉蛋]]
|truffle crab=[[松露蟹]]
|retro tv=[[复古电视]]
|broken television=[[坏电视]]
|treasure totem=[[宝藏图腾]]
|desert chair=[[沙漠椅子]]
|joja chair=[[Joja 椅子]]
|joja stool=[[Joja 凳子]]
|wizard chair=[[法师椅子]]
|wizard stool=[[法师凳子]]
|junimo chair=[[祝尼魔椅子]]
|junimo stool=[[祝尼魔凳子]]
|retro chair=[[复古椅子]]
|retro stool=[[复古凳子]]
|plastic lawn chair=[[塑料草坪椅子]]
|joja couch=[[Joja 沙发]]
|junimo couch=[[祝尼魔沙发]]
|retro couch=[[复古沙发]]
|moldy couch=[[发霉的沙发]]
|oak lamp end table=[[橡木台灯小茶几]]
|walnut lamp end table=[[胡桃木台灯小茶几]]
|birch lamp end table=[[桦木台灯小茶几]]
|mahogany lamp end table=[[桃花心木台灯小茶几]]
|spirits table=[[烈酒桌]]
|desert table=[[沙漠桌子]]
|desert end table=[[沙漠小茶几]]
|joja table=[[Joja 桌子]]
|joja cola tea table=[[Joja 可乐茶几]]
|joja coffee table=[[Joja 咖啡桌]]
|gray joja coffee table=[[灰色 Joja 咖啡桌]]
|joja end table=[[Joja 小茶几]]
|gray joja end table=[[灰色 Joja 小茶几]]
|wizard table=[[法师桌子]]
|wizard tea table=[[法师茶几]]
|wizard end table=[[法师小茶几]]
|elixir table=[[药水桌子]]
|long elixir table=[[药水长桌]]
|junimo table=[[祝尼魔桌子]]
|junimo tea table=[[祝尼魔茶几]]
|junimo end table=[[祝尼魔小茶几]]
|retro table=[[复古桌子]]
|retro tea table=[[复古茶几]]
|retro end table=[[复古小茶几]]
|plastic lawn end table=[[塑料草坪小茶几]]
|bountiful dining table=[[丰盛餐桌]]
|short bookcase=[[矮书架]]
|joja bookcase=[[Joja 书架]]
|gray joja bookcase=[[灰色 Joja 书架]]
|large wizard bookcase=[[法师大书架]]
|wizard bookcase=[[法师书架]]
|short wizard bookcase=[[法师矮书架]]
|small wizard bookcase=[[法师小书架]]
|junimo bookcase=[[祝尼魔书架]]
|retro bookcase=[[复古书架]]
|joja dresser=[[Joja 抽屉柜]]
|gray joja dresser=[[灰色 Joja 抽屉柜]]
|wizard dresser=[[法师抽屉柜]]
|junimo dresser=[[祝尼魔抽屉柜]]
|retro dresser=[[复古抽屉柜]]
|desert fireplace=[[沙漠壁炉]]
|joja fireplace=[[Joja 壁炉]]
|wizard fireplace=[[法师壁炉]]
|junimo fireplace=[[祝尼魔壁炉]]
|retro fireplace=[[复古壁炉]]
|sandy rug=[[沙子地毯]]
|desert rug=[[沙漠地毯]]
|large joja rug=[[Joja 大地毯]]
|square joja rug=[[方形 Joja 地毯]]
|small joja rug=[[Joja 小地毯]]
|joja rug=[[Joja 地毯]]
|rune rug=[[符文地毯]]
|swirl rug=[[漩涡地毯]]
|starry moon rug=[[星月地毯]]
|stone flooring=[[石砖地板]]
|square junimo rug=[[方形祝尼魔地毯]]
|circular junimo rug=[[圆形祝尼魔地毯]]
|junimo rug=[[祝尼魔地毯]]
|junimo mat=[[祝尼魔地垫]]
|small junimo mat=[[祝尼魔小地垫]]
|large retro rug=[[复古大地毯]]
|retro rug=[[复古地毯]]
|retro square rug=[[复古方形地毯]]
|retro mat=[[复古地垫]]
|blue cushion=[[蓝色垫子]]
|yellow cushion=[[黄色垫子]]
|green cushion=[[绿色垫子]]
|red cushion=[[红色垫子]]
|brown cushion=[[棕色垫子]]
|black cushion=[[黑色垫子]]
|joja cushion=[[Joja 垫子]]
|gray joja cushion=[[灰色 Joja 垫子]]
|wizard cushion=[[法师垫子]]
|dark wizard cushion=[[深色法师垫子]]
|junimo cushion=[[祝尼魔垫子]]
|dark junimo cushion=[[深色祝尼魔垫子]]
|retro cushion=[[复古垫子]]
|dark retro cushion=[[深色复古垫子]]
|joja lamp=[[Joja 落地灯]]
|wizard lamp=[[法师落地灯]]
|junimo lamp=[[祝尼魔落地灯]]
|retro lamp=[[复古落地灯]]
|triangle window=[[三角窗户]]
|midnight beach bed=[[午夜沙滩床]]
|midnight beach double bed=[[午夜沙滩双人床]]
|joja bed=[[Joja 床]]
|wizard bed=[[法师床]]
|junimo bed=[[祝尼魔床]]
|retro bed=[[复古床]]
|wine table=[[酒桌(长)]]
|prize ticket=[[兑奖券]]
|decorative joja door=[[Joja 装饰门]]
|decorative wizard door=[[法师装饰门]]
|decorative junimo door=[[祝尼魔装饰门]]
|decorative retro door=[[复古装饰门]]
|jungle tank=[[丛林鱼缸]]
|upright piano=[[立式钢琴]]
|coat stand=[[衣帽架]]
|bird house=[[鸟屋]]
|decorative sword=[[装饰剑]]
|elegant vase=[[高雅花瓶]]
|cat tree=[[猫爬架]]
|dark cat tree=[[深色猫爬架]]
|dark doghouse=[[深色狗屋]]
|dark piano=[[黑暗钢琴]]
|radio desk=[[无线电台桌]]
|calico statue=[[卡利科三花雕像]]
|decorative barrel=[[装饰木桶]]
|joja vault=[[Joja 保险箱]]
|stacked joja crates=[[Joja 箱子堆]]
|joja crate=[[Joja 箱子]]
|joja shopping cart=[[Joja 购物车]]
|large joja crate=[[Joja 大箱子]]
|joja cola fridge=[[Joja 可乐冰箱]]
|wizard study=[[法师书桌]]
|junimo hut=[[祝尼魔屋家具]]<!--This is the furniture item-->
|large junimo hut=[[大祝尼魔屋]]
|small junimo hut=[[小祝尼魔屋]]
|brochure cabinet=[[宣传册展示架]]
|retro cabinet=[[复古橱柜]]
|joja cola cans=[[Joja 可乐罐]]
|cash register=[[收银机]]
|elixir bundle=[[多瓶药水]]
|two elixirs=[[两瓶药水]]
|crystal ball=[[水晶球]]
|amethyst crystal ball=[[紫水晶球]]
|topaz crystal ball=[[黄水晶球]]
|aquamarine crystal ball=[[蓝水晶球]]
|emerald crystal ball=[[绿水晶球]]
|ruby crystal ball=[[红水晶球]]
|small book stack=[[一小叠书]]
|book stack=[[一叠书]]
|large book stack=[[一大叠书]]
|purple book=[[紫色书]]
|blue book=[[蓝色书]]
|yellow book=[[黄色书]]
|red book=[[红色书]]
|green book=[[绿色书]]
|brown book=[[棕色书]]
|fallen purple book=[[散落的紫色书]]
|fallen blue book=[[散落的绿色书]]
|fallen yellow book=[[散落的黄色书]]
|fallen red book=[[散落的红色书]]
|fallen green book=[[散落的绿色书]]
|fallen brown book=[[散落的棕色书]]
|small book pile=[[一小堆书]]
|book pile=[[一堆书]]
|large book pile=[[一大堆书]]
|junimo pot=[[祝尼魔罐子]]
|junimo bag=[[祝尼魔袋子]]
|junimo bundle=[[祝尼魔包囊]]
|small junimo pot=[[祝尼魔小罐子]]
|green sleeping junimo=[[绿色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|blue sleeping junimo=[[蓝色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|red sleeping junimo=[[红色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|purple sleeping junimo=[[紫色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|yellow sleeping junimo=[[黄色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|orange sleeping junimo=[[橙色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|gray sleeping junimo=[[灰色睡觉祝尼魔]]
|retro radio=[[复古收音机]]
|decorative hatch=[[装饰活板门]]
|six-pack rings=[[塑料六连环]]
|green bottle=[[绿色瓶子]]
|plastic bag=[[塑料袋]]
|aluminum can=[[易拉罐]]
|blue bottle=[[蓝色瓶子]]
|buried tire=[[半埋轮胎]]
|spilled beverage=[[打翻的饮料]]
|messy shirt=[[脏乱的上衣]]
|messy shorts=[[脏乱的短裤]]
|chicken statue (furniture)=[[鸡雕像(家具)]]
|mystery hat=[[盲盒帽]]
|mystery shirt=[[谜之上衣]]
|retro banner=[[复古帘子]]
|hanging fish=[[咸鱼挂件]]
|wall clock=[[挂钟]]
|decorative oak ladder=[[装饰橡木梯子]]
|decorative walnut ladder=[[装饰胡桃木梯子]]
|light switch=[[电灯开关]]
|decorative shovel=[[装饰铲子]]
|wall sword=[[挂剑]]
|art photo=[[艺术照片]]
|art photo 2=[[艺术照片2]]
|pierre's sign=[[皮埃尔的招牌]]
|sam's skateboard=[[山姆的滑板]]
|chicken decal=[[小鸡贴纸]]
|exotic palace=[[异域宫殿]]
|periodic table=[[元素周期表]]
|dusty skull=[[沾满尘土的头骨]]
|model planes=[[模型飞机]]
|desert flags=[[沙漠旗]]
|j (sign)=[[J(标志)]]
|j. light=[[J. 灯]]
|joja cola ornament=[[Joja 可乐墙饰]]
|witch's broom=[[女巫的扫帚]]
|small elixir shelf=[[小药水架]]
|elixir shelf=[[药水架]]
|small stacked elixir shelf=[[双层小药水架]]
|stacked elixir shelf=[[双层药水架]]
|wizard bookshelf=[[法师壁挂书架]]
|junimo wall plaque=[[祝尼魔壁挂牌匾]]
|junimo plaque=[[祝尼魔牌匾]]
|junimo star=[[祝尼魔之星]]
|bulletin board=[[公告板]]
|tall house plant=[[大盆栽]]
|corn plant=[[香龙血树]]
|plastic plant=[[塑料植物]]
|plastic sapling=[[塑料树苗]]
|potted red mushroom=[[红蘑菇盆栽]]
|curly tree=[[卷叶树]]
|swamp plant=[[沼泽植物]]
|junimo flower=[[祝尼魔花]]
|junimo plant=[[祝尼魔植物]]
|junimo tree=[[祝尼魔树]]
|retro flower=[[复古花]]
|retro plant=[[复古植物]]
|leafy wall panel=[[叶子墙板]]
|dark leafy wall panel=[[深色叶子墙板]]
|light leafy wall panel=[[浅色叶子墙板]]
|mounted trout=[[鳟鱼标本]]
|'squid kid'=[[《鱿鱼娃》]]
|sun dunes=[[日照沙丘]]
|j. painting=[[J.图画]]
|'joja cola'=[[Joja 可乐图画]]
|'joja hq'=[[Joja 总部图画]]
|'wizard's tower'=[[《法师塔》]]
|'void swirls'=[[《虚空漩涡》]]
|'community center'=[[《社区中心》]]
|'little buddies'=[[《小伙伴们》]]
|wooden brazier=[[木头火炬]]
|stone brazier=[[石头火炬]]
|barrel brazier=[[木桶火炬]]
|stump brazier=[[树桩火炬]]
|gold brazier=[[金制火炬]]
|carved brazier=[[镂空火炬]]
|skull brazier=[[骷髅火炬]]
|marble brazier=[[大理石火炬]]
|raccoon hat=[[浣熊帽]]
|dark ballcap=[[黑色棒球帽]]
|iridium golem=[[铱石魔]]
|junimo catalogue=[[祝尼魔目录]]
|wizard catalogue=[[法师目录]]
|joja furniture catalogue=[[Joja 家具目录]]
|retro catalogue=[[复古目录]]
|trash catalogue=[[垃圾目录]]
|dried fruit|blue dried fruit|brown dried fruit|dark blue dried fruit|dark pink dried fruit|green dried fruit|light blue dried fruit|orange dried fruit|pink dried fruit|purple dried fruit|red dried fruit|white dried fruit|yellow dried fruit=[[果干]]
|dried mushrooms|dried chanterelles|dried common mushrooms|dried magma caps|dried morels|dried purple mushrooms=[[蘑菇干]]

2024年9月18日 (三) 18:19的最新版本





结果是... Blank icon.png [[]]


此模板用于将命名项目的图像放在名称旁,将图像调整为 24px 宽,如果存在同名的可用文章,则使项目名称成为链接,最后将第三个参数放在括号中以表示数量、关系或任何其他次要细节。要引用村民与 NPC,请使用 Template:NPC

图像大小可以通过添加 "size" 参数调整。

可以通过使用 "link" 参数添加缺失的中文翻译。






  • size: 要显示的图像大小(例如: size=48)
  • link: 将名称替换为指向其他页面的链接
  • class: 替代类。目前只有 inline 以抑制换行(例如: class=inline)


{{name|Complete Breakfast|30}}

使用时,参数不是按名称识别,而是按顺序识别。 此模板的使用示例:


结果: Corn.png 玉米(30)

{{name|Preserves Jar|3}}

结果: Preserves Jar.png 罐头瓶(3)



结果: 打造配方在Mining.png 采矿(等级9)时解锁。

大小可以使用具名参数 "size" 定义:


结果: Apple.png 苹果

模板会自动将英文名称翻译为中文。如果名称没有被自动翻译,可以使用具名参数 "link" 添加:

{{name|Fried Egg|link=煎鸡蛋}}

结果: Fried Egg.png 煎鸡蛋

如果将 size 参数与数量一同使用,它应放在数量值之后:


结果: Melon.png 甜瓜(3)

如果 link 参数与数量一同使用,它应放在数量值之后:


结果: Corn.png 葡萄(3)