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== 攻击==
Bats are a flying enemy that will come at you from any direction. It will fly towards you, sometimes directly and sometimes at an angle to surround and attack from a different position!

於 2018年6月6日 (三) 06:51 的修訂

Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Sato94於2018-06-06 06:51:44.

Bat Anim.gif
生成地點: 礦井
生成層數: 31-120
基礎HP: Bat.png 24, Frost Bat.png 36, Lava Bat.png 80
基礎傷害: Bat.png 06, Frost Bat.png 07, Lava Bat.png 15
基礎防禦: 1
移速: 3
給予經驗: Bat.png 03, Frost Bat.png 07, Lava Bat.png 15
變種: 蝙蝠, 冰凍蝙蝠, 熔岩蝙蝠
  • Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀
  • Bomb.png 炸彈
  • Rare Disc.png 稀有圓盤
  • 各種矮人捲軸


Diamond.png 鑽石(0.05%) Prismatic Shard.png 五彩碎片(0.05%)

蝙蝠是一種可在礦井的不同樓層找到的敵人。它們有3個變種,存在於不同深度。 消滅怪物的目標 要求殺死200個蝙蝠.


Image Name HP Damage Defense Speed EXP Location Drops
Bat.png 蝙蝠 24 6 1 3 3 礦井, 31-39層 和 荒野農場 Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(90%)Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(40%)Bomb.png 炸彈(20%)Dwarf Scroll I.png 矮人捲軸 I(0.5%)Dwarf Scroll IV.png 矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)Rare Disc.png 稀有圓盤(0.1%)
Frost Bat.png 冰凍蝙蝠 36 7 1 3 7 礦井, 40-79層 Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(90%)Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(55%)Bomb.png 炸彈(2%)Dwarf Scroll II.png 矮人捲軸 II(0.5%)Dwarf Scroll IV.png 矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)Rare Disc.png 稀有圓盤(0.1%)
Lava Bat.png 熔岩蝙蝠 80 15 1 3 15 礦井, 80-119層 Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(90%)Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(70%)Bomb.png 炸彈(20%)Dwarf Scroll III.png 矮人捲軸 III(0.5%)Dwarf Scroll IV.png 矮人捲軸 IV(0.1%)Rare Disc.png 稀有圓盤(0.1%)




  • 可能是正常敵人。在天花板上處於倒掛休眠狀態,玩家走近即活動。
  • 在地圖外隨機出現,有特徵聲音。
  • 有些層在挖掘中會起霧,然後大量蝙蝠從四面八方飛過來.


Since bats may appear from different directions, simultaneously to one another and other monsters, they can get dangerous especially early game. The best weapon against bats is a regular sword swing (not a club or dagger), since its angle is large. Finding the right timing is easy for a single bat, but might be tricker for multiple fliers. One strategy is to move in a contrary direction to the bats so they are all on one side, and swing at them all at once.


  • 1.0:Introduced.