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(未顯示由 5 位使用者於中間所作的 41 次修訂)
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Hello and welcome to the wiki! We want you to enjoy your time here. In that spirit, the following is a list of "do" and "don't" activities that we hope will be helpful. Most of the items are based on common sources of confusion or error that have been encountered most frequently.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list of rules, but an effort to convey the general practices and conventions used on the Stardew Valley official wiki.
==What is the Stardew Valley Wiki?==
== 星露谷物语维基是什么?==
* This is the online encyclopedia of the game, not the social area. For social interactions and general gameplay questions, use the [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/ official forums], [https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley subreddit], or [https://discord.com/invite/stardewvalley discord server].
* 是游戏的百科全书,而非社交平台。如果想和其他人交流或者对游戏的玩法等有疑问,请前往[https://forums.stardewvalley.net/ 官方论坛] [https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley reddit 子板] [https://discord.com/invite/stardewvalley discord 服务器]
* This is not wikipedia. Wikipedia conventions and rules may or may not apply.
* 不是维基百科。不能在本站直接套用维基百科的公约和规则。
* This is not any other game's wiki. Other game wikis' standards and conventions probably don't apply either.
* 不是其它游戏的维基。不能在本站直接套用其他游戏的维基的标准和规则。
* Please do not use the wiki (including your user page) to keep track of your personal game progress. The administrative staff of the Stardew Valley Wiki is small, and they do not want to review multiple edits for every milestone you've achieved in-game.
* 请不要使用维基(包括以“User”或“用户”开头的个人空间页)记录你的游戏进度。管理员团队的规模较小,他们需要在有限的精力下审阅维基的更改,在维基中记录你的游戏进度会给管理员造成困扰。
==New Editor Restriction==
== 新用户限制==
Newly created accounts cannot make large edits or add hyperlinks. This is to combat spam and vandalismIf you're trying to make a large edit and encountering this problem, make a series of smaller edits, saving in-between, until you are no longer considered a new user. It's a good idea to save large changes to a text file on your computer, so your work isn't lost in case of problems.
<p>为了避免网络连接不稳定等造成文本丢失的问题,建议先通过 .txt 文件来存储未完成的工作。</p>
==Protected Pages==
== 受保护页面==
Some pages are protected from editing. These pages have a "View source" link at the top instead of an "Edit" link. You can make suggestions for corrections to protected pages indirectly, by clicking on the "Discussion" link at the top and making a comment.
==Discussion Pages==
== 讨论页面==
Also known as "talk pages", these can be reached by clicking the "Discussion" link at the top of the page. Discussion pages are the place to propose large-scale changes to content or formatting, or to ask questions. Please sign your comments on discussion pages by typing 4 tildes <code><nowiki>~~~~</nowiki></code>. These will automatically add your signature and a date/time stamp to the comment.
* Use the '''Show preview''' button before saving edits. Look for redlinks, formatting glitches, missing table cells, etc. and '''fix them''' before saving the edit.
* Provide a code reference when removing or changing existing information. (For more information about formatting references, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Cite/zh.)
== 编辑==
* Discuss large scale changes before making them. Large changes to the {{#language:{{PAGELANGUAGE}}}} wiki must be carried out in 11 other languages. The time and effort required to implement the changes must be taken into account before the changes are made.
* 完成内容编辑后,请先通过点击''' 显示预览''' 检查是否存在链接错误、格式混乱或表格内容丢失等问题,确认''' 一切无误''' 后再点击保存更改。
* For new pages that lack complete information, especially those related to new content, it's a good idea to place <code><nowiki>{{Stub}}</nowiki></code> at the top of the page.
* 修改或删除已有的内容时,请尽量给出修改的依据和信息的来源。(引用格式的写法请查看 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Cite
* When updating a page after a game update, please add a "History" section to the page, or add to the existing "History" section. Example: <code><nowiki>{{History|1.6|Introduced.}}</nowiki></code>
* 在进行大规模的修改之前,请先进行讨论。维基的内容需要在十二种语言间保持一致,大规模的修改需要在所有语言中同步进行,请先考虑所需要花费的时间和精力。
* When making edits, please try to remember to edit all affected pages. For example, a change to [[Spice Berry]] may affect that page, the [[Spring Seeds]] page, [[Foraging]], and [[Crafting#Seeds|Crafting]].
* 建议在信息缺失、内容需要更新的页面或章节(比如涉及游戏更新后新增内容时)的顶部添加内容不完善的标记:<code><nowiki>{{Stub}}</nowiki></code>
** Ensure that similar pages read the same. For example, don't change the wording about the profitability of [[Spicy Eel]] without changing the wording of ''all'' [[Cooking#Profitable Recipes|profitable recipes]].
* 在游戏更新后,更新包含新内容的页面时,更新“历史”这一章节(不存在时新建即可)。写法如下:<code><nowiki>{{History|1.6| 加入游戏。}}</nowiki></code>
* Don't edit the [[Crops]] or seasons pages to add additional calculations of profit, ROI (return on investment), ROE (return on equity), or any other way to calculate gold per day. This issue has been discussed and debated for ''years'', with multiple ways to display profit. The debate is over; if you wish to share your personal preference for calculating profit, create your own web page or post a link to a google spreadsheet on the official forums. There's a [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/forums/guides-resources.14/ thread] specifically for "Guides & Resources".
* 编辑页面后,请尽可能将所有受影响的页面一并更新。比如说,修改[[ 香味浆果]] 不仅会影响这个页面本身,还会影响[[ 夏季种子]] [[ 觅食]] [[ 制作# 种子| 制作]] 等页面。
** 同类内容的基本格式和措辞需要保持一致。比如说,许多食谱的页面存在对[[烹饪#食谱的利润|食谱的利润]]的描述,因此如果想修改[[ 香辣鳗鱼]] 中关于食谱的利润的措辞,请''' 同时修改所有食谱页面'''下相关的内容。
* 请勿试图在[[ 农作物]] 或者季节的页面下添加新的利润计算公式。围绕此话题的争论''' 长达数年''' ,不同利润计算公式可以说是五花八门,如今这场没有硝烟的战争已经结束了。如果你想分享你的见解,你可以在相关的社交平台发布,官方论坛也有一个专门的[https://forums.stardewvalley.net/forums/guides-resources.14/ 分区] 用于分享游戏经验。
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===Major vs. Minor Edits===
=== 主要编辑 v.s. 次要编辑===
Major edits change the meaning of an article, even if the edit is a single word. Minor edits do not change the meaning of an article, and consist of things like typo corrections and rearranging existing text. Both types of edits are valuable, and marking an edit as "minor" does not mean it isn't important!
区分主要编辑(大型编辑)和次要编辑(小型编辑)的一个重要标志是'''原文的基本含义是否发生变化''' 。只要发生变化,即使只修改了一个词汇,也应当视为主要编辑。
If you've made a minor edit and checked the "minor edit" box, then proceed to make a major edit, please ensure the box is unchecked.
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<p>对于可能造成剧透的内容,请将 <code><nowiki>{{Spoiler}}</nowiki></code> 标签添加到页面顶部或者章节内作为提醒。'''小型变动则无需添加剧透标签:'''价格的变动、物品获得几率的调整以及礼物偏好的变动等。</p>
<p>对于可能造成剧透的内容,请将 <code><nowiki>{{Spoiler}}</nowiki></code> 标签添加到页面顶部或者章节内作为提醒。'''小型变动则无需添加剧透标签:'''价格的变动、物品获得几率的调整以及礼物偏好的变动等。</p>
== 图片==
For information about the wiki markup used to add images to pages, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images/zh.
<li>Please upload only Stardew-related images that will be used in the main or modding namespaces, not your user space.  Avatars can be used on the [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/ official forums], [https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley subreddit], or [https://discord.gg/stardewvalley discord server].</li>
<li> 本站只能上传和星露谷物语有关的图像,请勿上传个人图片。个人图片请发布到[https://forums.stardewvalley.net/ 官方论坛] [https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley reddit 子板] [https://discord.gg/stardewvalley discord 服务器] </li>
<li>Upload high-quality images using the smallest file size possible. 
<li> 尽量保持图片大小和图片质量的平衡。
<li>Use the game's "[[选项#截图|截屏]]" feature, or use [[控制#键盘和鼠标|screenshot mode]] (F4) to remove the inventory bar and season/day/time display, unless it is relevant to the image.</li> 
<li> 建议使用游戏自带的“[[选项#截图|截屏]] ”功能,你可以通过点击 F4 来打开[[控制#键盘和鼠标| 截屏模式]] 。如果维基的内容不涉及游戏的界面(如背包栏、日期和时间、天气等),将其隐藏。</li> 
<li>Don't use the .jpg format for images containing transparency. Instead, use .png for static images and .gif for animated images. For large images, such as screenshots of an entire map area, .jpg format usually gives the smallest file size with good quality.</li>
<li> 如果图片包含透明度,不要使用 jpg 格式。一般情况下,静态图片使用 png 格式,动态图片使用 gif 格式。如果图片较大(比如整个地图的截图),使用 jpg 格式更好。这种情况下,jpg 格式能在确保图片清晰度的情况下保持最小的文件。</li>
<li>When uploading a new version of an existing file, try to use the same file format as the existing image, even if the file size is large.
<li> 上传已有图片的新版本时,使用和原有图片相同的文件格式,即使文件占用空间更大。
<li>When uploading a new version of an existing image, it may take several hours for the new image to display on the wiki. This is a transient problem that keeps recurring, despite several fixes. If this happens, the only thing you can do is wait.</li>
<li> 上传已有图片的新版本时,维基可能需要过几个小时才能显示新的图片。我们努力进行了多次修复,但这种问题依旧存在。如果发生这种情况,请耐心等待。</li>
<li>When uploading non-English versions of existing images, please use the existing file name and append the 2-letter language code in capital letters to the end.
<li> 上传已有图片的非英文版本时,请使用已有图片的文件名,并在其末尾附加用两个大写字母表示的对应语言的代码。
<li>Example: [[:File:Bundle Purchase.png]]. When uploading the German version, name the file [[:File:Bundle Purchase DE.png]]. The full list of language codes is: DE (German), ES (Spanish), FR (French), IT (Italian), JA (Japanese), KO (Korean), HU (Hungarian), PT (Brazilian Portuguese), RU (Russian), TR (Turkish), and ZH (Chinese).</li>
<li> 例如 [[:File:Bundle Purchase.png]] ,上传其中文版本时,文件应当命名为 [[:File:Bundle Purchase ZH.png]] </li>
<li>语言代码如下:DE(德语)、ES(西班牙语)、FR(法语)、IT(意大利语)、JA(日语)、KO(韩语)、HU(匈牙利语)、PT(巴西/葡萄牙语)、RU(俄罗斯语)、TR(土耳其语)、以及 ZH(中文)。</li>
== 漏洞==
Report game bugs on the [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/forums/help-bug-reports-non-modded.12/ official forums] first, and not the wiki. The developer team does not monitor the wiki for bugs, but they do monitor the forums.
维基不用于上报漏洞。如果发现了游戏漏洞,请在[https://forums.stardewvalley.net/forums/help-bug-reports-non-modded.12/ 官方论坛] 进行上报,以便官方团队检查和修复。
* If you have made a bug report on the forums that includes the platform, version, and language where the bug happened, then feel free to add the bug to a "Bugs", "Glitches", or "Exploits" section of the relevant page(s). Feel free to create the section if it does not already exist.
* 如果你已经在论坛上上报了完整的漏洞报告(包括游戏的平台、版本和语言)并且认为漏洞有必要添加到维基当中,将其添加到相关页面的“漏洞”、“错误”或“故障”部分中即可。如果这些章节不存在,请手动创建。
== 翻译==
The English-language wiki ''usually'' contains the most current information about the game. When updating pages, please refer to the English wiki.
<li>Please be familiar with the game, and the words used in-game. Please use the words used in the game on the wiki.
<li> 维基上应当使用游戏内一致的说法,请确认您对游戏本身和游戏内的遣词造句足够熟悉。
      <li>For example, in Turkish there are two words for [[ 季]]: sonbahar and güz. The game uses [[:tr:güz|guz]] exclusively, so the wiki should use güz exclusively.</li>
      <li> 比如说,中文中,春天和春季二者意义完全一致,而游戏中采用了[[ 季]] ,所以应该在维基中使用春季一词。</li>
<li>If you find bad translations, please report them on the [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/ official forums]. There are separate threads for each language
<li> 如果发现游戏内的文本有标点符号缺失、出现错字、或者翻译糟糕的现象,请在[https://forums.stardewvalley.net/ 官方论坛]对应的语言的帖子中上报。简体中文的页面为 [https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/simplified-chinese-typo-display-text-errors.20921/ Simplified Chinese Typo/Display Text Errors]。
<li>Until the translation is fixed, use the (incorrect) in-game name of the item. It's perfectly acceptable to add a "Notes" section to the page explaining why the translation is bad.</li></ul></li>
<li> 即使游戏内的文本“不恰当”,也请先在维基中使用这种“不恰当”的说法,直到文本被官方正式更正。你可通过添加注释等方法来说明为什么这样翻译不够准确和恰当。</li></ul></li>
<li>Template names (and many of their parameters) must be in English. Examples
<li> 模板的名称及其参数必须使用英文填写。
::*<samp><nowiki>{{Prezzo|120}}</nowiki></samp> will cause a <span style="color: #BA0000;">red link</span>, which indicates an error.
::*<samp><nowiki>{{Nome|Blobfish}}</nowiki></samp> will cause a similar <span style="color: #BA0000;">red link</span>.
::*<samp><nowiki>{{ 价格|120}}</nowiki></samp> 会导致<span style="color: #BA0000;"> 链接标红(即断链)</span> ,说明链接有误。
::*<samp><nowiki>{{Name| 澄んだスープ}}</nowiki></samp> will cause a <span style="color: #BA0000;">red link</span> wherever it is placed, and an error at the bottom of the page.
::*<samp><nowiki>{{ 名称|Blobfish}}</nowiki></samp> 也会导致<span style="color: #BA0000;"> 链接标红</span>
:: The correct format for these examples are:
::*<samp><nowiki>{{Name| 清汤}}</nowiki></samp> 会导致<span style="color: #BA0000;"> 链接标红</span> ,并且页面底部会报错。
:: 正确的格式如下:
::*<samp><nowiki>{{Name|Pale Broth}}</nowiki></samp>.
::*<samp><nowiki>{{Name|Pale Broth}}</nowiki></samp>
::These will '''automatically be translated''' into the native language. (Try it and see! Use that "Show preview" button!)</li>
:: 参数会被模板''' 自动翻译''' 为当前语言(即中文)。点击“显示预览”按钮试试看!</li>
<li>Don't delete formatting that you don't understand. This includes internal and external links. If <code><nowiki>[[动物#产出|动物制品]]</nowiki></code> looks like gibberish to you, you should probably leave it alone and research [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki/zh mediawiki] syntax first.
<li> 无论是内部链接或者外部链接,如果您不理解某种格式的用法,请将其保留下来,不要随意删除。
    <li>Feel free to translate around the confusing formatting. That is, translate what you know, and leave what you don't understand.</li>
    <li> 如果您觉得像<code><nowiki>[[动物#产出|动物制品]]</nowiki></code>这样的格式是一串乱码,请不要随意修改。这种情况下,我们建议您先研究和学习 [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki/zh mediawiki] 的语法。</li>
<li>Try to avoid using online translators for large portions of text.
<li> 维护大段的文本时,请尽量避免使用机器翻译。
    <li>If you use an online translator, '''review the edit''' before saving. Be sure it ''makes sense'' in the native language.</li>
    <li> 如果使用机翻,请在保存更改前''' 先检查一下文本是否通顺''' ,确保文本''' 至少逻辑上是融洽的'''。</li>
    <li>If the translator has changed names of items used in-game, please change them back before saving.</li>
    <li> 如果机翻后物品的名称等翻译不准确,请将其改回游戏内的说法。</li>
    <li>Please fix any wiki markup before saving. Online translators like to add whitespace and delete apostrophes.</li>
    <li> 机翻可能会删除维基标记或给文本添加无意义的空行。保存之前,请先检查格式是否有误。</li>
<li>When creating new pages copied from English, please delete the appropriate link at the bottom of the page and add a link to the English wiki. For example, if copying the [[:en:Beer|Beer]] page from English to Japanese, remove <samp><nowiki>[[ja: ビール]]</nowiki></samp> and add <samp><nowiki>[[en:Beer]]</nowiki></samp>. Please keep these inter-language links in the following order: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, hu, pt, ru, tr, zh.</li>
<li> 创建新页面时,如果直接从英语维基中复制的话,请删除页面底部的当前语言的链接,并添加英语维基对应的链接。比如说,如果将英语的[[:en:Beer| 啤酒]] 这一页面复制到中文中,请删除末尾的<samp><nowiki>[[zh: 啤酒]]</nowiki></samp> ,并添加上<samp><nowiki>[[en:Beer]]</nowiki></samp> 。语言的链接请按照字母进行排序:de、en、es、fr、it、ja、ko、hu、pt、ru、tr、zh。</li>
== 模板==
Template changes '''MUST BE DISCUSSED''' before being implemented. Template formatting and content should be kept consistent across all 12 language wikis. There are two exceptions to this rule:
修改模版前必须先''' 经过讨论确认''' 。模板的基本格式需要在十二种语言间保持一致。以下两种情况除外:
#Discussion is not required to translate terms used in templates copied from the English wiki.
# 翻译模版中的英语术语时,不需要进行讨论。
#Addition of new or existing items to [[Template:Name]], [[Template:Description]], and templates whose name starts with "Template:Navbox" can generally be made without discussion.
# [[Template:Name]] [[Template:Description]] 和名称以 Template:Navbox 开头的模版(即导航模板)添加新的项目时,不需要进行讨论。
Note that when translating Navbox templates, any major formatting changes should be discussed '''before''' being made.
注意:如果翻译导航模板时需要对格式排版进行大规模的修改,请务必''' 先在讨论页中提出'''
==More Info==
== 更多信息==
For information about wiki markup and formatting, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki.
如果对维基的标记和排版有疑问,请查阅 [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki mediawiki]。
Thanks for reading, and happy farming!

於 2024年4月19日 (五) 20:34 的修訂




  • 是遊戲的百科全書,而非社交平台。如果想和其他人交流或者對遊戲的玩法等有疑問,請前往官方論壇reddit 子板discord 伺服器
  • 不是維基百科。不能在本站直接套用維基百科的公約和規則。
  • 不是其它遊戲的維基。不能在本站直接套用其他遊戲的維基的標準和規則。
  • 請不要使用維基(包括以「User」或「用戶」開頭的個人空間頁)記錄你的遊戲進度。管理員團隊的規模較小,他們需要在有限的精力下審閱維基的更改,在維基中記錄你的遊戲進度會給管理員造成困擾。




為了避免網絡連接不穩定等造成文本丟失的問題,建議先通過 .txt 文件來存儲未完成的工作。








  • 完成內容編輯後,請先通過點擊顯示預覽檢查是否存在連結錯誤、格式混亂或表格內容丟失等問題,確認一切無誤後再點擊保存更改。
  • 修改或刪除已有的內容時,請儘量給出修改的依據和信息的來源。(引用格式的寫法請查看 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Cite
  • 在進行大規模的修改之前,請先進行討論。維基的內容需要在十二種語言間保持一致,大規模的修改需要在所有語言中同步進行,請先考慮所需要花費的時間和精力。
  • 建議在信息缺失、內容需要更新的頁面或章節(比如涉及遊戲更新後新增內容時)的頂部添加內容不完善的標記:{{Stub}}
  • 在遊戲更新後,更新包含新內容的頁面時,更新「歷史」這一章節(不存在時新建即可)。寫法如下:{{History|1.6|加入游戏。}}
  • 編輯頁面後,請儘可能將所有受影響的頁面一併更新。比如說,修改香味漿果不僅會影響這個頁面本身,還會影響夏季種子覓食製作等頁面。
    • 同類內容的基本格式和措辭需要保持一致。比如說,許多食譜的頁面存在對食譜的利潤的描述,因此如果想修改香辣鰻魚中關於食譜的利潤的措辭,請同時修改所有食譜頁面下相關的內容。
  • 請勿試圖在農作物或者季節的頁面下添加新的利潤計算公式。圍繞此話題的爭論長達數年,不同利潤計算公式可以說是五花八門,如今這場沒有硝煙的戰爭已經結束了。如果你想分享你的見解,你可以在相關的社交平台發佈,官方論壇也有一個專門的分區用於分享遊戲經驗。




主要編輯 v.s. 次要編輯







1.6 版本更新

內容完善 & 格式排版

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