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|image    = Weeds Composite.png
|eng     = Weeds Composite
|location   = [[The Farm]] • [[Pelican Town]] • [[Cindersap Forest]] • [[The Mines]] • [[Railroad]] • [[Mutant Bug Lair]]
|location   = [[ 农场]] • [[ 鹈鹕镇]] • [[ 煤矿森林]] • [[ 矿井]] • [[ 铁路]] • [[ 突变虫穴]] • [[姜岛]]
|season    = [[Summer]], [[Spring]], [[Fall]]
|season    = {{Season|Spring}} • {{Season|Summer}} • {{Season|Fall}}
|edibility  = Inedible
|edibility  = -300
|sellprice  = Cannot be sold
|sellprice  = Cannot be sold
|quality   = false
|quality   = false
'''杂草''' are wild plants which are spawned randomly and may spread if not cleared. Weeds have a 50% chance to drop 1 [[Fiber]] when cut with a [[Scythe]], [[Axes|Axe]], [[Pickaxes|Pickaxe]], [[Hoes|Hoe]], or [[Weapons#Sword|Sword]], or blown up by a [[Crafting#Bombs|bomb]].  If a weed does not drop fiber, there is a 5% chance it will drop [[Mixed Seeds]].
'''杂草''' 是一种野生植物,会随机生成并向周围八格生长。当用[[ 镰刀]] [[ 斧头]] [[ 十字镐]] [[ 锄头]] [[ 武器#匕首| 匕首]] [[ 武器# | ]] 或者[[ 炸弹]]破坏杂草时,有50%的概率掉落一个[[纤维]] 。如果没有掉落纤维,则有5% 的概率掉落[[ 混合种子]]<ref name="cutweed"/>。
There's also a 0.001% chance to find a [[Living Hat]] when cutting weeds.
使用[[锻造#战斗的附魔|附魔]]有“干草”属性的近战[[武器]]破坏杂草时,另有50%概率获得[[纤维]],33% 概率获得[[ 干草]]
==Spawning and spread==
清除杂草的时候还有0.001%的几率掉落一顶[[File:Living Hat.png|24px]][[ 活的帽子]]
Weeds don't spawn above-ground in [[Winter]], but in any other season will appear randomly on [[The Farm|the farm]] and in [[The Mines|the mines]]. This is most common when the season changes, but may occur later in the season. They also spawn in specific areas of [[Pelican Town]] and [[Cindersap Forest]] at the start of the game, and each [[Spring]] 1st. Weeds don't spawn on tiles that are already occupied by buildings, equipment, fences, or closed gates.
If weeds aren't cleared, they may multiply and spread. Weeds may spread to a tile occupied by a [[Crafting#Decor|floor or path]], which will destroy the path tile.
地表以上的杂草都会在[[ 冬季]] 消失。
Any weeds above ground disappear in [[Winter]].
单个的杂草会随机在[[ 农场]] 上和[[姜岛#岛屿西部|姜岛西部]]的任何可耕种地块上生成。在农场上,杂草只在每个季节([[冬季]]除外)的第一天生成<ref name="farmday"/>;在姜岛上,杂草只在[[周循环#星期一|星期一]]生成<ref name="islandday"/>。如果农场上有[[黄金时钟]],则这两处地点中不会再生成杂草。
==Special Weed==
除了上述地点之外,游戏中的其他地方也会生成杂草,且不受黄金时钟制约。[[ 鹈鹕镇]]、[[煤矿森林]]、[[铁路]]中的特定位置会在每年[[春季]] 第一天生成大量杂草。[[ 突变虫穴]] [[ 姜岛#岛屿东部| 姜岛丛林]]中的杂草会每天刷新,但数量有限。[[矿井]] 里的杂草随着矿井刷新而刷新。
The weed shown below, which can only be found on the [[Farm Maps|Forest and Four Corners maps]], will always drop 1 [[Mixed Seeds]] when cut.
[[File:WeedsMixedSeeds.png|thumb|left|Special Weed<br />(Spring, Summer, Fall)]]{{Clear}}
如果杂草没有被清除,它们会逐渐扩散到临近的地块中<ref name="spawndebris"/>。杂草每天都会扩散,但在雨天、[[夏季]]或每个季节的第一天,扩散速度会更快。新长出的杂草可能会占据玩家原本放置物品的地块,导致物品被摧毁。但[[打造#围栏|栅栏]]和[[宝箱]]不会被杂草摧毁。如果有物品被杂草摧毁了,第二天早上玩家醒来时,屏幕左下角会弹出一条提示,但它不会说明被杂草摧毁的具体物品。
There's an unimplemented quest in the game code to destroy all weeds in Pelican Town.
  如果杂草生成在[[ 果树]] 周围,便会阻碍果树的生长。如果杂草阻碍了果树生长,左下角也会弹出一条提示,但它不会说明是那棵树无法生长。
{{history|1.4|Added [[Living Hat]] to drop pool. Removed bug that caused a weeds item to spawn when breaking a [[Mushroom Tree]] seed. Weeds (and other debris) now spawn in [[Cindersap Forest]] & [[Pelican Town]] each Spring 1st.}}
[[File:WeedsMixedSeeds.png|thumb|left|特殊杂草<br />(春季、夏季和秋季)]]{{Clear}}
   <ref name="cutweed">参见<samp>StardewValley.Object::cutWeed</samp></ref>
   <ref name="farmday">参见<samp>StardewValley.Farm::DayUpdate</samp></ref>
   <ref name="islandday">参见<samp>StardewValley.IslandWest::DayUpdate</samp></ref>
   <ref name="spawndebris">参见<samp>StardewValley.GameLocation::spawnWeedsAndStones</samp></ref>
[[Category: 采集]]
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