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增加 1,981 位元組 、 2024年3月23日 (星期六)
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{{ 翻译}}
{{Infobox location
|name= 温泉
|building=Spa ZH.png
|openhours=All Day
|openhours= 全天
The [[Spa]] is located within the area of the [[Railroad]].
'''温泉'''位于[[ 铁路]] 场景的左下角。第一年[[ 夏季]] 第三天的地震发生后,玩家才可从[[深山]]进入铁路场景。
It becomes available after the earthquake on the third of [[Summer]] of the first year clears the blocked pass from [[the Mountain]].
想要泡温泉,需要先在更衣室中换衣服。待在温泉的泳池中静止不动时,[[ 玩家角色|玩家]] [[ 能量]] 和[[生命值]]会以每秒10点的速率迅速恢复<ref name="regenerationspeed" />。
By entering the Spa, passing through the changing room, and remaining stationary in the pool, [[The Player|the player]]s [[energy]] and [[health]] is quickly restored.
入口处通往两间更衣室,一男一女。可以进入跟[[ 玩家角色| 玩家]] 性别相反的更衣室,但必须在进入泳池区后,从另一边的出口处无视警告快速连续多次尝试后才能进入。
There are two changing rooms - one for women and one for men. You can enter the changing room opposite to [[The Player|the player]]s gender, but only after attempting to enter several times in quick succession.
穿过更衣室与泳池之间的门洞后,玩家的行走速度会减慢,并自动换上一套与玩家所穿[[ 裁缝#下装| 下装]] 相同颜色的泳衣。如果玩家身穿[[五彩碎片#裁制|五彩裤子或五彩神怪裤]],则泳衣也会变换颜色。如果玩家没有穿下装或下装不可染色,则泳衣为白色。
The Spa is the location for certain events with some NPCs.
== 秘密==
== Livin' Off The Land Tip ==
春、夏、秋三季时,都可以在温泉建筑外面的水池中[[钓鱼]]。[[ 冬季]] 时水池会结冰,因此无法钓鱼。
There's a [[television|tips channel]] show describing the spa:
阅读[[ 秘密纸条#秘密纸条 #25|秘密纸条#25]] 后,第一次在该处钓鱼时……
*Using the [[Return Scepter]] while in the water won't interrupt the animation resulting in extremely reduced movement speed as well as the high energy regeneration upon standing still. The only way to fix this is going back to the spa and entering the swimming pool again.
== 离地而居小提示 ==
奇数年[[夏季]]15日的[[ 离地而居|《离地而居》]][[电视]]节目中介绍了温泉:
[[File:Spa-Tip ZH.png|640px]]
== 画廊==
Bath building.jpg|Bath building
Spa Entrance ZH.png| 入口
Penny's locker ZH.png|[[潘妮]]的储物柜
Penny's locker.jpg|Penny's locker
Abigail's locker ZH.png|[[阿比盖尔]]的储物柜
Abigail's locker.jpg|Abigail's locker
Alex's locker ZH.png|[[亚历克斯]]的储物柜
Alex's_Locker.jpg|Alex's locker
SpaInteriorWomen.png| 女更衣室
Another entrance.jpg|Another entrance
Bathhouse m transparent.png| 男更衣室
Bath 1.jpg|Bath
Spa Interior.png| 室内布局
Broke with a bath.jpg|Broke with a bath
   <ref name="regenerationspeed">参见游戏代码中的<samp>Farmer::updateCommon</samp>。</ref>
[[Category:Mountain Locations]]
[[Category: 深山地点]]

