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== 利潤計算==
Spring Seeds are a profitable recipe without the [[Foraging#Foraging Skill|Botanist Profession]]. A craft of Spring seeds yields 10 seeds worth {{Price|350}} total, while a set of regular-quality ingredients to craft it sells for only {{Price|180}} and a set of gold-quality ingredients sells for {{Price|270}}.  With the Botanist Profession, selling the individual crops yields {{Price|360}}.
春季种子在没有[[ 采集# 采集技能| 植物学家职业]] 的情况下是一个有利可图的配方。制作一组春季种子可获得10颗种子,总价值为{{Price|350}} ,而制作它所需的普通品质材料仅能卖{{Price|180}} ,金星品质材料则能卖{{Price|270}} 。拥有植物学家职业时,单卖这些作物可获得{{Price|360}}
The long run average price from selling the directly resulting forage is 45g at 1/4*(30+40+50+60). However, on average this equates to 2.5 bundles of seeds, worth a total of 875g. This is equivalent to 87.5g per planted seed. Subtracting the cost of the initial seed at 35g each, this is 52.5g profit, or over the growth cycle 7.5g/day.
直接卖掉收集的物品的长期平均价格为每个45金(1/4*(30+40+50+60) )。然而,平均下来这相当于2.5组种子,总价值为875金,相当于每颗种子的价格为87.5 金。扣除每颗种子35金的初始成本,利润为52.5金,整个生长周期下,每天的利润为7.5金。

