
跳至導覽 跳至搜尋
移除 5,280 位元組 、 2024年6月12日 (星期三)
第1行: 第1行: −
{{Infobox villager
|portrait  = Marnie.png
|portrait  = Marnie.png
|birthday  = [[File:Fall.png|24px|link=]] [[秋季]]18日
|birthday  = [[File:Fall.png|24px|link=]] [[秋季]]18日
|location  =  苹果酒 森林 ‏‎
|location  =  煤矿 森林
|address  = [[玛妮的牧场‏‎]]
|address  = [[玛妮的牧场‏‎]]
|family   = {{NPC|Shane|alt=谢恩|侄 }}{{NPC|Jas|alt=贾斯|侄 }}
|family   = {{NPC|Jas|侄 }}{{NPC|Shane|侄 }}
|friends  = {{NPC|Lewis|alt=刘易斯 ‏‎}}
|friends  = {{NPC|Lewis‏‎}}
|marriage  = 否
|marriage  = 否
|favorites = {{name|Diamond|alt=钻石}}{{name|Farmer's Lunch|alt=农夫午餐}}{{name|Pink Cake|alt=粉红蛋糕}}{{name|Pumpkin Pie|alt=南瓜派}}
|clinic   = {{Season|Fall|18}}<br />{{Season|Winter|18}}(陪[[贾斯]]一起)
|favorites = {{name|Diamond}}{{name|Farmer's Lunch}}{{name|Pink Cake}}{{name|Pumpkin Pie}}
{{quote|Animals are so innocent, so sweet. And If I don't look after them, who will? I just hope my chickens aren't too upset when I take their eggs.|Marnie}}
'''玛妮''' 一个 [[村民]] ''[[ 星露谷]]''. She resides at [[Marnie's Ranch]] in the northeast area of [[ 苹果酒森林]], near the southwest entrance to [[Pelican Town]].
{{Quote| 动物是如此的天真无邪,真好。如果我们不照顾它们,谁来照顾它们呢?但愿当我拿走鸡蛋的时候,母鸡们不会太难过。| 玛妮}}
'''玛妮'''是[[星露谷]]的[[村民]] 。她居住 在[[ 玛妮的牧场]]。玛妮的牧场位于[[煤矿森林]] 东北处,靠近[[ 鹈鹕镇]] 的西南入口。
玛妮在[[ 玛妮的牧场]]经营她自己的商店。玛妮的开店时间是每天上午9:00至下午4:00(周一周二除外,不过这时尽管建筑仍可进入)。她出售[[动物]] 和动物用品。
[[ 姜岛#海滩度假村|姜岛的海滩度假村]] 解锁后,玛妮有时会在星期一或星期二去那儿度假。下午6点离开姜岛后,玛妮会立即回家上床睡觉。玛妮不会在秋季18日(她的体检日)或节日当天去姜岛。
 玛妮 在玛妮的农场经营她自己 商店 ,从 早上九点开始 到下 午四点结束。除了周一和周二(尽管她 房子在这两天依旧开门) 她贩卖[[牲畜]]和[[牲畜的物资]]
  以下是 玛妮的 日程安排 优先度 低排序。例如,如果当天下雨,雨天的时间表会比它 优先级更高
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
!colspan="2"| 秋季18日
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] 她的房间.
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] 她的房间 里。
|8:00 AM
|10:30 AM
|离开 [[玛妮的 |她的房子]] 并走 到[[皮埃尔的商店]]。
|离开[[玛妮的 场]]并走 [[ 哈维 诊所]]。
|10:00 AM
|到达[[ 皮埃尔 商店]]。
|12:00 PM
|12:00 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
| 到达[[ 哈维的诊所]] ,站在候诊室中。
|1:30 PM
|1:30 PM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and stands in the kitchen.
| 走进[[ 哈维的诊所]] 的检查室。
|9:00 PM
|4:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
| 离开[[哈维的诊所]]并走回[[玛妮的牧场]]。
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|5:30 PM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| 到达[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并站在厨房里。
|10:00 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
|12:00 PM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to exercise with [[Caroline]], [[Jodi]], [[Emily]], and [[Robin]].
|6:10 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|8:00 PM
|Arrives [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
| 离开厨房,走回自己的房间并睡觉。
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!colspan="2"| 冬季16日
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,她的房间里。
|9:00 AM
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
| 站在[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 的柜台后面。
|4:00 PM
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to the kitchen.
| 参加[[ 夜市]].
|6:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room.
|9:00 PM
|11:40 PM 
|Goes to bed after reading in her room.
| 走回家睡觉
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!colspan="2"| 冬季18日
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,她的房间里。
|4:00 PM
|11:00 AM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to the kitchen.
| 离开[[ 玛妮的牧场]]带着[[贾斯]]到[[哈维的诊所]]
|6:00 PM
|12:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room.
| 站在诊所的候诊室。
|9:00 PM
|1:40 PM
|Goes to bed after reading in her room.
| 走进诊所的检查室。
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to the kitchen.
| 离开[[ 哈维的诊所]] 并走回[[玛妮的牧场]]。
|6:00 PM
|6:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room.
| 到达[[玛妮的牧场]]并站在厨房里。
|9:00 PM
|9:00 PM
|Goes to bed after reading in her room.
| 离开厨房,走回自己的房间并睡觉。
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!colspan="2"| 雨天 或 星期四
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,她的房间里。
|9:00 AM
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
| 站在[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 的柜台后面。
|4:00 PM
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
| 关闭商店,走到厨房。
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to the kitchen.
|6:00 PM
|6:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room.
| 离开厨房,走进她的房间。站在梳妆台前。
|9:00 PM
|9:00 PM
|Goes to bed after reading in her room.
| 上床睡觉
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
!colspan="2"| 星期一
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,她的房间里。
|8:00 AM
|8:10 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
| 离开[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 走向[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]]
|10:00 AM
|10:00 AM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to shop.
| 到达[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]]
|12:00 PM
|12:00 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
| 离开[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]] 并走回[[ 玛妮的牧场]]
|1:30 PM
|1:30 PM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and stands in the kitchen.
| 到达[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并站在厨房里。
|9:00 PM
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
| 离开厨房,走回自己的房间并睡觉。
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!colspan="2"| 星期二
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,她的房间里。
|10:00 AM
|10:00 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
| 离开[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并走向[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]]
|12:00 PM
|12:00 PM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to exercise with [[Caroline]], [[Jodi]], [[Emily]], and [[Robin]].
| 到达[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]] ,和[[ 卡洛琳]] [[ 乔迪]] [[ 艾米丽]] [[ 罗宾]] 一起锻炼身体。
|6:10 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|8:00 PM
|Arrives [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to the kitchen.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to the kitchen.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|4:00 PM
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
| 锻炼结束后,和大家一起聊天
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|8:00 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
|10:00 AM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to shop.
|12:00 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|1:30 PM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|10:00 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
|12:00 PM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to exercise with [[Caroline]], [[Jodi]], [[Emily]], and [[Robin]].
|6:10 PM
|6:10 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
| 离开[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]] 并走回[[ 玛妮的牧场]]
|8:00 PM
|8:00 PM
|Arrives [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] and stands in the kitchen.
| 到达[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并站在厨房里。
|9:00 PM
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
| 离开厨房,走回自己的房间并睡觉。
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!colspan="2"| 日常行程
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| [[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,她的房间里。
|9:00 AM
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
| 站在[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 的柜台后面。
|4:00 PM
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
| 关闭[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并走到她的房间。
|5:00 PM
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
| 离开[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并走到[[ 星之果实餐吧]]
|6:20 PM
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
| 到达[[ 星之果实餐吧]].
|11:00 PM 
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
| 离开[[ 星之果实餐吧]] 并走回[[ 玛妮的牧场]]
|12:30 AM
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
| 到达[[ 玛妮的牧场]] 并睡觉。
== 人际关系==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
玛妮与她的姪女[[ 贾斯]] 以及外甥[[ 谢恩]] 住在一起。如果周二不下雨,她会去[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]] ,与[[ 卡洛琳]] [[ 乔迪]] [[ 艾米丽]] [[ 罗宾]] 一起锻炼身体。
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
[[ 刘易斯]] 和玛妮有非常亲密的关系。虽然玛妮在[[ 花舞节]] 称自己是单身,但是从[[#6 心事件| 刘易斯和玛妮的6心事件]] 中能看出他们在约会。刘易斯经常会去玛妮的牧场照顾她的“业务需求”,并且这两人经常晚上在[[ 星之果实餐吧]] 一起喝酒。在某个[[ 任务#剧情任务| 剧情任务]] 中,刘易斯求你帮忙找到他的幸运紫色短裤,而这条短裤可以在玛妮的卧室里找到。
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
=== 最爱===
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
{{Quote| 真是一份好到令人难以置信的礼物!谢谢。}}
* 当收到[[ 星之果茶]] 时:
|6:00 AM
{{Quote| 天哪,万分感谢![ 玩家名] 。我可不会忘了这个!}}
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!style="width: 48px;"| 图片
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
! 材料
|6:00 AM
| [[File:Marnie Happy.png|48px|center]]
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| colspan="4" | <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊#最爱的礼物| 普遍最爱的礼物]]'''</li></ul>
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|At the clinic
|5:30 PM
|[[File:Farmer's Lunch.png|center]]
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]]
|[[ 农夫午餐]]
|{{description|Farmer's Lunch}}
|[[File:Pink Cake.png|center]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
|{{description|Pink Cake}}
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|{{name|Melon|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Sugar|1}}{{name|Egg|1}}
|6:00 AM
|[[File:Pumpkin Pie.png|center]]
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|[[ 南瓜派]]
|{{description|Pumpkin Pie}}
|8:00 AM
|[[ 烹饪]]
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
|{{name|Pumpkin|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Milk|1}}{{name|Sugar|1}}
|10:00 AM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to shop.
|12:00 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|1:30 PM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
=== 喜欢===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
{{Quote| 非常感谢!}}
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|10:00 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Pierre's General Store]].
|12:00 PM
|Arrives at [[Pierre's General Store]] to exercise with [[Caroline]], [[Jodi]], [[Emily]], and [[Robin]].
|6:10 PM
|Leaves [[Pierre's General Store]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|8:00 PM
|Arrives [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|Leaves the kitchen and walks to her room to go to sleep.
* 当收到[[ 星露谷年历]] 时:
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
{{quote|[ 玩家名] ,谢谢你,我一直想要一本年历,里面写的都很准!}}
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
!style="width: 48px;" | 图片
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
! 来源
|6:00 AM
| [[File:Marnie Happy.png|48px|center]]
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''所有[[ 友谊#喜欢的礼物|普遍喜欢的礼物]]'''</li><li>'''所有蛋类''' (除了[[虚空蛋]]和[[恐龙蛋]] )</li><li>'''所有奶类'''</li></ul>
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|[[ 石英]]
|[[采集]] - [[矿井]]
|4:00 PM
|[[File:Stardew Valley Almanac.png]]
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|[[ 星露谷年历]]
|{{description|Stardew Valley Almanac}}
|5:00 PM
|[[ 书摊老板]]
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
'''Thursday (18th)'''
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"| 图片
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''所有[[ 友谊#一般的礼物|普遍觉得一般的礼物]]'''</li><li>'''所有[[水果]]''' (除了[[果树| 果树果实]]和[[美洲大树莓]] )</li></ul>
|11:00 AM
|[[File:Common Mushroom.png|center]]
|Goes to clinic.
|{{description|Common Mushroom}}
|[[采集]] - [[秋季]]
|12:00 PM
|In clinic waiting room.
|[[采集]] - [[秋季]]
|1:40 PM
|Clinic examination room.
|[[采集]] - [[春季]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|[[ 蒲公英]]
|[[采集]] - [[春季]]
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|[[ 姜]]
|[[采集]] - [[姜岛]]
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|[[ 榛子]]
|[[采集]] - [[秋季]]
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|[[ 韭葱]]
|[[采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|6:20 PM
|[[File:Magma Cap.png|center]]
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|{{Description|Magma Cap}}
|[[ 采集]] - [[火山地牢]]
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|[[ 羊肚菌]]
|[[采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|12:30 AM
|[[File:Purple Mushroom.png|center]]
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
|[[ 紫蘑菇]]
|{{description|Purple Mushroom}}
|[[采集]] - [[矿井]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|[[File:Snow Yam.png|center]]
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|[[ 雪山药]]
|{{description|Snow Yam}}
|[[采集]] - [[冬季]]
|9:00 AM
|[[File:Winter Root.png|center]]
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|[[ 冬根]]
|{{description|Winter Root}}
|4:00 PM
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 冬季]]
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|5:00 PM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|6:20 PM
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
{|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
!style="width: 48px;" | 图片
! 描述
|6:00 AM
| [[File:Marnie Concerned.png|48px|center]]
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''所有[[ 友谊#不喜欢的礼物|普遍不喜欢的礼物]]''' (除了[[粘土]] )</li></ul>
|9:00 AM
|Stands behind the counter of [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]].
|[[ 美洲大树莓]]
|[[采集]] - [[春季]]
|4:00 PM
|Closes [[Marnie's Ranch|her shop]] and walks to her room.
|[[ 海草]]
|5:00 PM
|[[File:Wild Horseradish.png|center]]
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|[[ 野山葵]]
|{{description|Wild Horseradish}}
|6:20 PM
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|Arrives at [[the Stardrop Saloon]].
|11:00 PM
|Leaves [[the Stardrop Saloon]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|12:30 AM
|Arrives at [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and goes to sleep.
{{Quote| 这东西一文不值。我搞不懂你怎么想的。}}
{|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" |图片
| [[File:Marnie Concerned.png|48px|center]]
'''[[Fall|Fall 18]] (Birthday)'''
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊#讨厌的礼物| 普遍讨厌的礼物]]'''</li></ul>
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|6:00 AM
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|[[ 粘土]]
|[[采集]] - [[锄头]]
|10:30 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] and walks to [[Harvey's Clinic]].
|[[ 冬青树]]
|12:00 PM
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 冬季]]
|Arrives at [[Harvey's Clinic]].
|1:30 PM
|In the exam room at [[Harvey's Clinic]].
|4:00 PM
|Leaves [[Harvey's Clinic]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|5:30 PM
|Arrives [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|Walks to her room and goes to sleep.
'''[[Winter|Winter 18]]'''
{| class="wikitable" style="width:500px"
{{Main article| 电影院}}
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
{|style="border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;"
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|9:00 AM
|style="vertical-align: top;"|
|At [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] in her room.
|11:00 AM
|Leaves [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]] to take [[Jas]] to [[Harvey's Clinic]].
|4:00 PM
|Leaves [[Harvey's Clinic]] and walks back to [[Marnie's Ranch|her house]].
|6:00 PM
|Arrives [[Marnie's Ranch|home]] and stands in the kitchen.
|9:00 PM
|Walks to her room and goes to sleep.
Marnie lives with her niece, [[Jas]], and her nephew, [[Shane]]. She exercises with [[Caroline]], [[Jodi]], [[Emily]], and [[Robin]] on Tuesdays at [[Pierre's General Store]].
[[Lewis]] and Marnie have a very close relationship. Although Marnie claims to be single during the [[Flower Dance]], another [[quests|questline]] raises some suspicions between the two. Lewis visits Marnie to attend to her "business needs" on occasion, and they can often be found drinking together at [[the Stardrop Saloon]] in the evening. You can even find Lewis' shorts in her room, and that's spicy enough to confirm something.
{{quote|This is an incredible gift! Thanks!!}}
{| class="wikitable" id="roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
!style="width: 48px;"| Image
| [[File:Marnie Happy.png|center|48px]]
| colspan="4" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Loves|Universal Loves]]'''</li></ul>
|[[File:'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png|24px|link=]] 冷星牧场的奇迹
|A rare and valuable gem.
|[[File:Farmer's Lunch.png|center]]
|[[Farmer's Lunch]]
|This'll keep you going.
|[[File:Pink Cake.png|center]]
|[[File:'It Howls In The Rain'.png|24px|link=]] 它在雨中嚎叫
|[[Pink Cake]]
<p>[[File:'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png|24px|link=]] 草原之王之旅:大电影</p>
|There's little heart candies on top.
[[File:'Mysterium'.png|24px|link=]] 神秘事迹
<p>[[File:'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png|24px|link=]] 自然奇观:探索我们这充满活力的世界</p>
|{{name|Melon|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Sugar|1}}{{name|Egg|1}}
[[File:'The Brave Little Sapling'.png|24px|link=]] 勇敢的小树苗
<p>[[File:'The Zuzu City Express'.png|24px|link=]] 祖祖城特快列车</p>
[[File:'Wumbus'.png|24px|link=]] 温布斯
|[[File:Pumpkin Pie.png|center]]
! 不喜欢
|[[Pumpkin Pie]]
|Silky pumpkin cream in a flakey crust.
|{{name|Pumpkin|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Milk|1}}{{name|Sugar|1}}
{{quote|Thank you!}}
{| class="wikitable" id="roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" | Image
| [[File:Marnie.png|center|48px]]
| 不适用
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Likes|Universal Likes]]'''</li><li>'''All Eggs''' ''(except [[Void Egg]])''</li><li>'''All Milk'''</li></ul>
|A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines.
|[[Foraging]] - Mines
|style="width: 12px;"|
|style="vertical-align: top;"|
{{quote|Thank you! This looks nice.}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"| Image
|[[File:Marnie Neutral.png|center|48px]]
!最爱 [[File:ConcessionLove.png|24px|link=]]
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Neutrals|Universal Neutrals]]'''</li><li>'''All [[Fruits|Fruit]]''' ''(except [[Fruit Trees|Fruit Tree Fruit]] &amp; [[Salmonberry]])''</li></ul>
|[[File:Ice Cream Sandwich.png|24px|link=]] 冰淇淋三明治<br />[[File:Stardrop Sorbet.png|24px|link=]] 星之果实冰糕
|A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[File:Common Mushroom.png|center]]
!不喜欢 [[File:ConcessionDislike.png|24px|link=]]
|[[Common Mushroom]]
|Slightly nutty, with a good texture
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[File:Black Licorice.png|24px|link=]] 黑甘草糖<br />[[File:Fries.png|24px|link=]] 薯条<br />[[File:Joja Cola (large).png|24px|link=]] Joja可乐<br />[[File:JojaCorn.png|24px|link=]] Joja玉米<br />[[File:Nachos.png|24px|link=]] 芝士玉米片<br />[[File:Salted Peanuts.png|24px|link=]] 盐渍花生<br />[[File:Truffle Popcorn.png|24px|link=]] 松露爆米花
|A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
!喜欢 [[File:ConcessionLike.png|24px|link=]]
|Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
| 其他一切
|That's one big hazelnut!
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|A tasty relative of the onion.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|Sought after for its unique nutty flavor.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[File:Purple Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[Purple Mushroom]]
|A rare mushroom found deep in caves.
|[[Foraging]] - [[The Mines]]
|[[File:Snow Yam.png|center]]
|[[Snow Yam]]
|This little yam was hiding beneath the snow.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[File:Winter Root.png|center]]
|[[Winter Root]]
|A starchy tuber.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
{{quote|Oh. I guess I'll take it.}}
{| class="wikitable" id="roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" | Image
| [[File:Marnie Concerned.png|center|48px]]
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Dislikes|Universal Dislikes]]''' ''(except [[Clay]])''</li></ul>
|A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest.
|[[Foraging#Spring|Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|It can be used in cooking.
|[[Fish#Other Catchables|Fishing]]
|[[File:Wild Horseradish.png|center]]
|[[Wild Horseradish]]
|A spicy root found in the spring.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
== 好感度事件==
{{quote|This is worthless. I don't understand you.}}
=== 邮寄礼物 ===
{| class="wikitable" id="roundedborder" style="width:65%; min-width:500px;"
当玛妮对玩家的[[友谊| 好感度]]大于0,玛妮就有可能会给玩家邮寄一份礼物。好感度越高,收到礼物的可能性越大。
!style="width: 48px;" | Image
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | ''' 详情'''&nbsp;
{| class="wikitable roundedborder"
| [[File:Marnie Concerned.png|center|48px]]
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''All [[Friendship#Universal Hates|Universal Hates]]'''</li></ul>
|Used in crafting and construction.
| 亲爱的 (玩家),<p>你是个好邻居,所以我想送些动物饲料给你,或许能帮得上你的忙。继续努力吧!</p><p>-瑪妮</p>
|[[Foraging]] - [[Hoe]]
|The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
===3心事件 I===
==Heart Events==
===Three Hearts I===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 3
  |hearts  = 3
  |trigger = Leave your [[farmhouse]] between 6:30am - 9:30am.
  |trigger = 在早上6:00~早上9:30之間,離開你的[[ 農舍]]
  |details = Marnie greets the player as they come out of the [[farmhouse]]. She will tell the player that she is trying to train her goats to say "hello" but they will not cooperate unless she has their favorite food, [[Cave Carrot]]s. Marnie asks the player to bring one to her ranch between 9 AM and 5 PM. If the player enters [[Marnie's Ranch]] during that time (opening hours may contradict this) with a [[Cave Carrot]] in their inventory, a cutscene will occur with the player giving Marnie the carrot. This cutscene will trigger regardless of whether or not Marnie is home.
  |details = 離開[[ 農舍]] 時,瑪妮會向玩家打招呼。她會告訴玩家她正在嘗試訓練她的山羊說" 哈囉" ,但是牠們不听话,除非瑪妮有它們最愛的食物——[[ 山洞蘿蔔]] 。瑪妮希望玩家在9 AM~5 PM 之間帶一個[[ 山洞蘿蔔]] 到她的牧場。當玩家帶著[[山洞蘿蔔]]在9 AM~5 PM進入[[ 瑪妮的牧場]](請注意牧場營業時間),便會出現玩家給予瑪妮蘿蔔的動畫。不管瑪妮在不在家都會觸發這個動畫。
|video  =
===Three Hearts II===
===3心事件 II===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 3
  |hearts  = 3
  |trigger = After reaching 3 hearts, Marnie sends you a recipe in the mail. She also begins sending you hay in the mail.
  |trigger =  達到3心之後,瑪妮會寄一個食譜給你。
  |details =
  |details =
<table class="wikitable">
<table class="wikitable">
    <th> 圖片</th>
    <th>Item / Recipe</th>
    <th> 食譜</th>
    <th> 描述</th>
   <td>{{recipe|Pale Broth}}</td>
   <td>[[Pale Broth]]</td>
   <td>Dear neighbor,<p>when I'm not taking care of animals I like to experiment in the kitchen. Since we've become friends I want to share some recipes with you.</p><p>I hope you like this!</p><p>-Marnie</p></td>
   <td>{{Recipe|Pale Broth|48|center}}</td>
   <td>[[Hay]] (30)</td>
   <td>[[ 清湯]]</td>
   <td>Dear (Player),<p>You're such a good neighbor I thought I'd send over some animal feed to make your job easier. Keep it up!</p><p>-Marnie</p></td>
   <td> 親愛的鄰居,<p>當我沒有在照顧動物時,我喜歡在廚房做一些料理。我們成為朋友後,我想要分享一些食譜給你。</p><p> 希望你喜歡這個!</p><p>- 瑪妮</p></td>
===Six Hearts===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 6
  |hearts  = 6
  |trigger = On a sunny day, enter the town between 7pm and 11pm.<p>Note: Only happens if [[Lewis]] is also at 6 hearts.</p>
  |trigger = 晴天的晚上7至晚上11之间进入小镇。<p> 注意:只有和[[ 刘易斯]] 也达到6心才能触发。</p>
  |details = After entering into Pelican Town after 7PM, you will appear behind Lewis' house. Lewis and Marnie are talking by the river about making their romance public. Lewis says it would undermine his authority, while Marnie says he's too concerned for his job. In the end, Marnie says she'll keep their relationship a secret. Afterwards, you'll pop up and scare both Lewis and Marnie. Lewis asks you if you heard anything, and you are presented with a choice. If you choose to keep the secret, Lewis will thank you.  If you say you'll tell everyone in town, Lewis will cry.  Afterwards, Marnie will ask why you were behind the house, and your character will run away, leaving the two alone and confused.<p>No change in relationship occurs if you say you will keep the secret with Marnie or Lewis.</p>
  |details = 7PM 以后进入小镇,你会出现在刘易斯家后。刘易斯和玛妮在河边讨论要不要将他们的关系公之于众。刘易斯说这会有损他的权威,玛妮说他过于在乎自己的工作。最后,玛妮同意保守秘密。后来,你会出现并吓到两位。刘易斯问你有没有听到什么,你可以选择不同的回答。如果你选择保守秘密,刘易斯会感激你。如果你说要公之于众,刘易斯会哭。接下来玛妮会问你为什么藏在屋后,随后你会跑开,留下困惑的二人。
*{{Choice|是的... 但是我会保密。|50|刘易斯}}
*{{Choice|是的... 我要告诉大家。|-100|刘易斯}}
===Seven Hearts===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 7
  |hearts  = 7
  |trigger = After reaching 7 hearts, Marnie sends you a recipe in the mail.
  |trigger = 達到7心之後,瑪妮會寄一個食譜給你。
  |details =
  |details =
<table class="wikitable">
<table class="wikitable">
    <th> 图片</th>
    <th> 配方</th>
    <th> 描述</th>
    <td>{{recipe|Rhubarb Pie}}</td>
    <td>{{Recipe|Rhubarb Pie|48|center}}</td>
    <td>[[Rhubarb Pie]]</td>
    <td>[[ 大黄派]]</td>
    <td>Dear neighbor,<p>when I'm not taking care of animals I like to experiment in the kitchen. Since we've become friends I want to share some recipes with you.</p><p>I hope you like this!</p><p>-Marnie</p></td>
    <td> 亲爱的邻居,<p> 当我没在照顾动物们的时候,我会在厨房做菜。我们已经是好朋友了,我想向你分享一些食谱。</p><p> 希望你喜欢!</p><p>- 玛妮</p></td>
== 对话==
===First Meeting===
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | '''常规'''&nbsp;
{{Quote|我爱动物,[玩家名] 先生。如果你好好对待你的动物的话,我相信我们能成为好朋友的!
我真的爱动物,[玩家名] 女士。好好地对待你的动物,我们就能成为好朋友,一定能的!}}
{{Quote|嗨 [玩家名]。你都成落汤鸡了……可怜的孩子!}}
好感度 6 心以上
好感度 8 心以上
{{Quote|*唉* ……我今天不是很有效率。}}
{{Quote|你在我的垃圾桶里面找什么?}}  (如果站在鸡舍门的旁边,这条对话不会被触发)
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | '''节日'''&nbsp;
{{quote|You can catch me at the saloon most nights.}}
{{quote|Animals are great company, but I need to spend some time with people, too.}}
{{Quote|*唉* ……大家都成双成对……凄凄惨惨戚戚。}}
===Doctor Visit===
{{quote|Erm... Doctor Harvey? This is completely confidential, right?}}
When entering Marnie's shop, there is a 0.01% chance for her to say
{{quote|*sigh*... When the door opened I thought it might be Lewis.}}
{{Quote| 这么陈旧的木制码头却挤满了人!我还是待在沙滩上吧。}}
<gallery mode="packed" widths=128px heights=128px class="portraitgallery">
{{Quote|你的农庄展览格子里放了些样子很奇怪紫色生菜啊!等等,这看起来像极了刘易斯镇长的内...噢!... 嘿嘿... 没事!}}
{{Quote|哦哦 ...精美的紫绸。你在Joja超市可没法买到!}}
== 趣闻==
* 正常情况下,物品购买菜单中显示“饲料大甩卖”。此处有0.01%的几率触发玛妮的隐藏台词:“*叹气* ……门打开的时候我还以为开门的人是刘易斯呢。”
* 即使玩家和[[谢恩]]结婚了,玛妮仍然会说最近几个月[[谢恩]]一直和她住在一起。
<gallery mode="packed" class="portraitgallery">
File:Marnie Happy.png
File:Marnie Concerned.png
File:Marnie Neutral.png
File:Marnie Surprised.png
File:Marnie Winter 00.png
File:Marnie Winter 01.png
File:Marnie Winter 02.png
File:Marnie Winter 03.png
File:Marnie Winter 04.png
File:Marnie Beach.png
File:Marnie Beach Happy.png
File:Marnie Beach Concerned.png
File:Marnie Beach Neutral.png

