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===Check cursor position===
The <samp>GetCursorPosition()</samp> method provides the [[#ICursorPosition|cursor position in three coordinate systems]].
For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
// draw text at the cursor position
ICursorPosition cursorPos = this.Helper.Input.GetCursorPosition();
Game1.spriteBatch.DrawString(Game1.smallFont, "some text", cursorPos.ScreenPixels, Color.Black);
===Suppress input===
You can prevent the game from handling any [[#SButton|controller/keyboard/mouse button press]] (including clicks) by ''suppressing'' it. This suppression will remain in effect until the player releases the button. This won't prevent other mods from handling it.
{| class="wikitable"
! method
! effect
| <code>Suppress</code>
| Suppress the specified [[#SButton|<samp>SButton</samp>]] value.
| <code>SuppressActiveKeybinds</code>
| For the given [[#KeybindList|<samp>KeybindList</samp>]], suppress every button that's part of an activated keybind.
| <code>IsSuppressed</code>
| Get whether the specified [[#SButton|<samp>SButton</samp>]] value is currently suppressed.
For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
// prevent game from seeing that LeftShift is pressed
// that works for clicks too:
// check if a button is being suppressed:
bool suppressed = this.Helper.Input.IsSuppressed(SButton.LeftShift);
<li>The [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Events#Input.ButtonReleased|<samp>ButtonReleased</samp> event]] will be raised on the next tick for the suppressed input.</li>
<li>Methods like <samp>helper.Input.IsDown(button)</samp> and <samp>helper.Input.GetState(button)</samp> will show the button as released for the duration of the suppression, even if it's physically still pressed. You can use <samp>helper.Input.IsSuppressed(button)</samp> to check if that's the case (it will only be true until the button is physically released):
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
bool isPhysicallyDown = helper.Input.IsDown(button) || helper.Input.IsSuppressed(button);
==Data structures==
SMAPI's <samp>SButton</samp> is a constant which includes every [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb975202(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) controller], [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb197781(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) keyboard], and [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb198097(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) mouse] button. SMAPI events use this to let you handle button presses without needing separate code for each. See [[Modding:Player Guide/Key Bindings]] for a list of values.
SMAPI provides extensions to convert any of the other constants to <samp>SButton</samp>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
SButton key = Keys.A.ToSButton(); // SButton.A
SButton button = Buttons.A.ToSButton(); // SButton.ControllerA
SButton input = new InputButton(true).ToSButton(); // SButton.MouseLeft
You can also convert <samp>SButton</samp> to the other constants. This uses a <samp>TryGet</samp> approach since <samp>SButton</samp> is a superset of the others (''e.g.,'' you can't convert <samp>SButton.ControllerA</samp> to a keyboard value):
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
SButton value = SButton.A;
if (value.TryGetKeyboard(out Keys key))
if (value.TryGetController(out Buttons button))
if (value.TryGetStardewInput(out InputButton input))
Two last extensions let you check how the button is mapped in the game:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
SButton button = SButton.MouseLeft;
if (button.IsUseToolButton())
  // use tool
else if (button.IsActionButton())
  // perform action
You can use <samp>SButton</samp> values directly in your [[../Config|config model]], but <samp>[[#KeybindList|KeybindList]]</samp> is recommended instead in most cases.
SMAPI's <samp>KeybindList</samp> utility lets you manage an arbitrary set of keybindings. A ''keybind list'' has any number of ''keybinds'', each of which has any number of [[#SButton|button codes]]. For example, the keybind list <code>"F2, LeftShift + S"</code> would be pressed if (a) <samp>F2</samp> is pressed, ''or'' (b) both <samp>LeftShift</samp> and <samp>S</samp> are pressed.
You can use a <samp>KeybindList</samp> directly in [[../Config|your <samp>config.json</samp> model]]:
{| class="wikitable"
! C# model
! &nbsp;
! JSON file
| <syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
class ModConfig
  public KeybindList ToggleKey { get; set; } = KeybindList.Parse("LeftShift + F2");
| &rarr;
| <syntaxhighlight lang="json">
  "ToggleKey": "LeftShift + F2"
And you can then check whether it's pressed directly in your code. For example, in a [[../Events|<samp>ButtonsChanged</samp> event handler]]:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
private void OnButtonsChanged(object sender, ButtonsChangedEventArgs e)
  if (this.Config.ToggleKey.JustPressed())
    // perform desired action
The <samp>KeybindList</samp> provides a number of methods depending on your use case:
{| class="wikitable"
! member
! description
| <code>KeybindList.Parse(…)</code><br /><code>KeybindList.TryParse(…)</code>
| Parse a keybind string like <code>"F2, LeftShift + S"</code> into a keybind list.
| <code>IsBound</code>
| Whether the keybind list has any keys bound. For example, this would be false for the strings <code>"None"</code> or <code>""</code>.
| <code>Keybinds</code>
| The individual keybinds. In most cases you shouldn't use these directly.
| <code>GetState()</code>
| Get the overall [[#Check button state|keybind state relative to the previous tick]]. This state is transitive across keybinds; ''e.g.,'' if the player releases one keybind and immediately presses another within the list, the overall state is <samp>Held</samp>.
| <code>IsDown()</code>
| Get whether any keybind in the list is currently down (''i.e.,'' the player pressed or is holding down the keys).
| <code>JustPressed()</code>
| Get whether the player just activated the keybind during the current tick (''i.e.,'' <code>GetState()</code> returns <samp>Pressed</samp> instead of <samp>Held</samp>).
| <code>GetKeybindCurrentlyDown()</code>
| Get the individual <samp>Keybind</samp> in the list which is currently down, if any. If there are multiple keybinds down, the first one is returned.
| <code>ToString()</code>
| Get a string representation of the input binding (''e.g.,'' <code>"F2, LeftShift + S"</code>).
* '''Don't use the <samp>ButtonPressed</samp> [[../Events|event]] to check keybinds''', since it's raised once for each button pressed. If the player presses two keys at once, your keybind would be activated twice. Use <samp>ButtonsChanged</samp> instead.
SMAPI's <samp>ICursorPosition</samp> provides the cursor position in four coordinate systems:
* <samp>AbsolutePixels</samp> is the pixel position relative to the top-left corner of the in-game map, adjusted for [[Modding:Modder Guide/Game Fundamentals#Zoom level|zoom]] but not [[Modding:Modder Guide/Game Fundamentals#UI scaling|UI scaling]].
* <samp>ScreenPixels</samp> is the pixel position relative to the top-left corner of the visible screen, adjusted for [[Modding:Modder Guide/Game Fundamentals#Zoom level|zoom]] but not [[Modding:Modder Guide/Game Fundamentals#UI scaling|UI scaling]].
* <samp>Tile</samp> is the [[Modding:Modder Guide/Game Fundamentals#Tiles|tile position]] under the cursor.
* <samp>GrabTile</samp> is the tile position that the game considers under the cursor for the purposes of clicking actions. This automatically accounts for controller mode. This may be different than <samp>Tile</samp> if that's too far from the player.
This is returned by the <samp>this.Helper.Input.GetCursorPosition()</samp> method and in the event args for some input events.
'''The pixel positions are ''not'' adjusted for [[Modding:Modder Guide/Game Fundamentals#UI scaling|UI scaling]]''' (''i.e.,'' they're non-UI mode). Whether you need UI or non-UI positions depends how you're using them, so you can use <samp>cursorPos.GetScaledAbsolutePixels()</samp> or <samp>cursorPos.GetScaledScreenPixels()</samp> to adjust them automatically for the current mode or <samp>Utility.ModifyCoordinatesForUIScale</samp> to always get UI mode coordinates.
==See also==
* [[../Events#Input|Input events]]
* [[Modding:Player Guide/Key Bindings]] for a list of valid <samp>SButton</samp> values
[[en:Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Input]]

