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Like friendship, an animal's current mood can be checked by right-clicking after petting the animal.
和友好度一样, 可以在抚摸动物后通过右击查看动物的当前心情。
Mood is a very important factor when determining animal product quality and type. It is only taken into account when the game rolls animal produce at the beginning of the day, and has no effect otherwise.
Mood is a value from 0 to 255. You can estimate its current value from the message in the animals right click dialogue:
*''<Animal Name> looks really happy today!'' indicates Mood is at least 200 and at most 255.
*''< 动物名字> 今天看起来非常高兴!'' 表示心情值为200-255
*''<Animal Name> looks fine.'' indicates Mood is at least 30 and less than 200.
*''< 动物名字> 看起来心情不错。'' 表示心情值为30-200
*''<Animal Name> looks sad.'' indicates Mood is at least 0 and less than 30.
*''< 动物名字> 看起来悲伤。"'' 表示心情值为0-30
'''Actions that affect Mood are as follows''' (''every 10 minutes refers to ingame minutes''):
''' 影响动物心情的行为如下''' ('' 每10分钟指的是游戏中的分钟''):
*Petting ('''+32 to +36''' dependent on animal type, '''double''' amount if player has chosen the [[Farming#Farming Skill|Shepherd]] or [[Farming#Farming Skill|Coopmaster]] Profession and animal is of relevant type)
* 抚摸(''' 加32-36''' 取决于动物类型,如果玩家选择的是[[ 耕种# 耕种技能| 牧羊人]] 或者[[ 耕种# 耕种技能| 鸡舍大师]] 专精,对应的动物的心情值会'''加倍''')
*Eating Grass Outside ('''Sets Mood to 255''')
* 去外面吃草 (''' 心情值为255''')
*Season is Winter, animal is in an area with a Heater, and has mood 150 or higher ('''+4 to +8 every 10 minutes''' past 6PM the Player stays awake, up to 255. Only one heater required. ''overrides all other "every 10 minutes" effects'')
* 在冬季,动物的所在区如果有加热器,心情值为150以上( 晚上6点之后如果玩家还醒着,动物的心情值会''' 每10分钟加4-8 ''' 直到255。只需要一个加热器。 '' 覆盖其他 " 每10分钟" 的效果'')
*Animal was fed ('''+4 to +16''', dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps, checks whether the animal ate either hay or grass)
* 喂食动物 (''' 加4-16 ''', 取决于动物类型,Calculated when the Player sleeps, checks whether the animal ate either hay or grass)
*Animal outside after 6PM, but before 7PM, and has less than 150 Mood ('''+4 to +8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
* 动物在晚上6点至7点在外面,心情值为150以下 ('''+4 to +8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
*Animal outside in the rain or Winter ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
* 冬季或雨天待在外面 ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
*Animal outside past 7PM ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
* 动物在下午7点以后还待在外面('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes''' ''does not stack with any other "every 10 minutes" effect'')
*Player staying awake past 6PM, animal inside Barn or Coop ('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes the Player stays awake''', until a minimum of 150 is reached.)
* 晚上6点之后如果玩家还醒着,动物待在鸡舍或畜棚里('''-4 to -8 every 10 minutes the Player stays awake''', until a minimum of 150 is reached.)
*Animal slept outside ('''-Half of current Mood''',  Calculated when the Player sleeps)
* 动物睡在外面('''-Half of current Mood''',  Calculated when the Player sleeps)
*Animal was not pet ('''-20 to -40''', dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps)
* 没有抚摸动物 ('''-20 to -40''', dependent on animal type, Calculated when the Player sleeps)
*Animal was not fed ('''-100''' Calculated when the Player sleeps)
* 没有喂食动物 ('''-100''' Calculated when the Player sleeps)
To maximize Mood in seasons that are not winter, the player must pet their animals before they eat grass outside, and end their day as soon as possible after 6PM when all the animals are inside. Closing the door behind them will prevent them from eating grass outside before you can pet them.
To maximize Mood in seasons that are not winter, the player must pet their animals before they eat grass outside, and end their day as soon as possible after 6PM when all the animals are inside. Closing the door behind them will prevent them from eating grass outside before you can pet them.
Each animal type has a different amount of days required before they will be able to make a product. For example, cows and chickens can produce milk and eggs everyday, whereas a goat can only produce milk every other day.
Each animal type has a different amount of days required before they will be able to make a product. For example, cows and chickens can produce milk and eggs everyday, whereas a goat can only produce milk every other day.

