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删除2,228字节 、 2023年1月31日 (二) 09:04
Clear translation
第1行: 第1行: −
<includeonly><span style="display:inline; margin-right:0;">{{#switch: {{lc:{{{1}}}}}
|1|01|spring|[[spring]]| 春季|[[春季]] = [[File:Spring.png|{{{width|24px}}}|link=]]&nbsp;[[春季]]{{#if:{{{2|}}}|&thinsp;{{{2|}}} }}
// Define the allowed values, with handling for various quirks/oddities.
|2|02|summer|[[summer]]| 夏季|[[夏季]] = [[File:Summer.png|{{{width|24px}}}|link=]]&nbsp;[[夏季]]{{#if:{{{2|}}}|&thinsp;{{{2|}}} }}
//  First column=icon name -> same in all languages
|3|03|fall|autumn|[[fall]]|[[autumn]]| 秋季|[[秋季]] = [[File:Fall.png|{{{width|24px}}}|link=]]&nbsp;[[秋季]]{{#if:{{{2|}}}|&thinsp;{{{2|}}}日}}
//  Second column=link (wiki page) name, generally same as displayed text -> needs translation
|4|04|winter|[[winter]]| 冬季|[[冬季]] = [[File:Winter.png|{{{width|24px}}}|link=]]&nbsp;[[冬季]]{{#if:{{{2|}}}|&thinsp;{{{2|}}} }}
//  All other values are synonyms
|marriage|[[marriage]]|婚姻|[[婚姻]]| 婚后|[[婚后]] = [[File:Mermaid's Pendant.png|{{{width|24px}}}|link=]]&nbsp;[[婚姻|婚后]]
// Marriage, Deviations are for sake of NPC schedule sections (and translations)
|deviations|例外 = 例外
// For 'All Seasons' case, display text doesn't match icon or wiki-link, so
|5|05|all|any|季节|一年四季|所有季节| 任意季节 = [[File:All Seasons Icon.png|{{{width|24px}}}|link=]]&nbsp;[[季节|一年四季]]
// define default display text in $lang_allseasons, with parameter allowing any other preferred value
|#default = {{ucfirst:{{{1|}}} }} }}</span></includeonly><noinclude>{{Englishdoc}}</noinclude>
,All Seasons Icon,  季节,一年四季,All Seasons,All,Seasons,
,Spring,       春季,
,Summer,       夏季,
,Fall,        秋季, Autumn, 
,Winter,       冬季,
,Mermaid's Pendant, 婚后, Marriage,婚姻, 
,Deviations,     例外
}}{{#arraydefine:$lang_allseasons | 一年四季 }}<!--
// END OF translated text
// Check whether there's already a file link in {{{1}}}... implying this is probably a recursive call.  Return immediately
// Parse input data, then loop over all extracted entries
// Convert @season@ (icon name) into translated page name
// Wrap a sort-key span around all items if requested. On other entries, add {{{space}}} or bullet.
   |{{{space|&#32; •&#32;}}}
   |{{#ifexpr:{{#if:{{{sortkey|}}}|1|0}} or {{#ifeq:{{{sortkey}}}||1|0}}
     |<span data-sort-value="{{#ifeq:{{{sortkey}}}|||{{#ifeq:{{{sortkey|true}}}|true
   |0}}{{#iferror:{{#expr:{{{2|0}}}>0}}|| + {{{2|0}}}}}}}
  }}}}<span style="display:inline; margin-right:0; white-space: nowrap"><!--
// Display the non-icon, non-linkable cases: Deviations, and unmatched text (detected by empty link_text)
// This is also where text_only option is handled
   | {{ucfirst:@season@}}
   | {{#ifexpr: {{#ifeq:@season@|Deviations|1|0}} or {{#if:{{{text_only|}}}|1|0}}
     | {{#if:{{{no_translate|}}}
   |{{#ifeq:@season@|All Seasons Icon|All|@season@}}
   |{{#ifeq:@season@|All Seasons Icon|{{#arrayprint:$lang_allseasons}}|{{#arrayprint:$slink_text}}}}}}
// Display the normal cases: first display icon
   {{#if:{{{size|}}}|{{{size}}}px|{{{width|24px}}}}} | link={{#arrayprint:$slink_text}} | alt=]]&nbsp;<!--
// Add day if provided
// Add link, with special treatment for text of All Seasons
-->{{#ifeq:@season@|All Seasons Icon
-->{{#ifexpr:{{#if:{{{sortkey|}}}|1|0}} or {{#ifeq:{{{sortkey}}}||1|0}}|</span>}}
}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Englishdoc}}<br />{{{{FULLPAGENAME}}/doc}}</noinclude>

