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[[File:Forge Interface.png|thumb|right|300px|The Forge Interface]]
The '''Forge''' in the volcano caldera on [[ 姜岛]] lets you upgrade weapons, enchant weapons and tools, combine rings, and change weapon appearances.
[[File:Forge Interface ZH.png|thumb|right|300px| 锻造界面]]
: 这个页面介绍的是锻造台和'''[[迷你锻造台]]''' 的功能。对于火山地牢最后一层的信息,请参阅[[ 火山地牢#火山口|火山口]]
==Weapon forging==
You can forge a melee weapon (dagger, hammer, or sword) up to three times to improve its stats. Each forge costs one gem, and 10/15/20 [[Cinder Shard|cinder shards]] depending on the forge level.
== 武器强化==
Using a diamond as the gem fills all remaining forge levels with random upgrades, but only consumes 10 cinder shards.
每次锻造消耗一个宝石,并根据锻造的次数消耗 10/15/20 个{{name|Cinder Shard|class=inline}}。
{| class="wikitable"
使用 {{name|Diamond|class=inline}} 强化只消耗 10 个{{name|Cinder Shard|class=inline}},根据剩余的可强化次数获得对应多个随机属性。
! Gem
! 名称
! Effect
! 效果
| Amethyst
| {{name|Amethyst}}
| More knockback (adds 1 per level).
| 提高 {{name|Weight|class=inline|link=重量{{!}}击退}}(每级 +1
| Aquamarine
| {{name|Aquamarine}}
| More critical hit chance (adds 4.6% × level).
| 提高 {{name|Crit. Chance|class=inline}}(每级 +4.6%
| Emerald
| {{name|Emerald}}
| More weapon speed (adds 5 × level).
提高 {{name|Speed w|class=inline|link=速度{{!}}攻速}}(第一/三级 +2,第二级 +3)
| Jade
| {{name|Jade}}
| More critical hit damage (adds 10% × level).
| 提高 {{name|Crit. Power|class=inline|link=暴击力量{{!}}暴击伤害}}(每级 +10%
| Ruby
| {{name|Ruby}}
| More damage (adds 10% × level to both min and max damage).
| 提高 {{name|Attack|class=inline|link=攻击{{!}}伤害}}(每级最小和最大伤害 +10%
| Topaz
| {{name|Topaz|alt=黄水晶}}
| More defense (adds 1 × level).
| 提高 {{name|Defense|class=inline}}(每级 +1
== 附魔==
<section begin="Enchantments" />
<section begin="Enchantments" />
You can add a random enchantment to any weapon or tool (except fishing pole, pan, return sceptre, or scythe). This costs one prismatic shard and 20 [[Cinder Shard|cinder shards]].
你可以花费一个[[ 五彩碎片]] 和20个[[火山晶石]],对任何近战武器或工具进行附魔([[镰刀]]除外)。
Each weapon or tool can only have one enchantment, and you can't choose which one will be applied, but you can repeat with another prismatic shard to re-randomize it.
Although enchantment is randomized, each weapon and tool have their own seeded enchantment "progression". Re-rolling the enchantment on the same weapon by restarting the day will result in the same order of enchantments with every attempt. However, this is unique to the individual weapon (i.e., 2 swords of the same type will have their own unique order of enchantments that will not change from restarting the day, or from moving on to the next day.)
===武器 附魔===
 弹弓 不可 附魔。
  该类附魔只适用于近战武器(不能给[[武器#弹弓| 弹弓]] 附魔
{| class="wikitable"
! Name
! 名称
! Effect
! 效果
| Artful
| 巧妙
| 50% cooldown on special moves. Can only be applied once to a weapon.
| 武器特殊动作的冷却时间降低50% 。(效果可以与[[技能#战斗|特技者]]堆叠,总共减少75%的冷却时间。)<noinclude><ref name="meleeweapon" /></noinclude>
| Bug Killer
| 虫子杀手
| Double damage to bugs, allows killing armored bugs.
| 对虫类怪物([[蛆]]、[[苍蝇]]、[[臭虫]]、[[蜘蛛]]、[[岩石蟹]]及其变种)的伤害翻倍。可以杀死[[甲虫]]。
| 十字军
| 十字军
| 对 不死族 、暗影 伤害增加50% 木乃伊 可直接
| 对[[木乃伊]]、[[幽灵]]、[[骷髅]]、[[暗影狂徒]]、[[暗影萨满]] [[ 暗影 狙击手]]及其变种的 伤害增加50% 。同时 木乃伊 被击 后不会再复活。
| 吸血鬼
| 当攻击时,有9%几率回复生命值。回复的生命值为所攻击怪物最大血量的9%~10.67%,回复量不会随武器攻击力变化
| Vampiric
| 干草
| Chance to regain some health on hit.
| 破坏[[杂草]]时,有50%概率获得[[纤维]],33%概率获得[[干草]]([[筒仓]]未满则进入筒仓,筒仓满了以掉落物形式出现)。
===Tool enchantments===
=== 龙牙附魔===
{| class="wikitable"
龙牙附魔可以与武器附魔叠加,消耗1个{{name|Dragon Tooth|class=inline}}和10个{{name|Cinder Shard|class=inline}}。
! 名称
! 等级范围
! 效果
! Name
| 防御(武器等级<=10时)
! Axe
| +1~2或(武器等级/2+1)
! Rod
| 减少玩家受到的物理伤害
! Hoe
! Pick
! Can
! Effect
| Auto-Hook
| 重量
| -1~5
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=Fishing Rods]]
| 降低武器的击退
| 史莱姆刮泥
| N/A(5)
| 钓到鱼 自动进入钓鱼小游戏
| 击杀任意种类史莱姆或大型史莱姆时多掉落1~√(怪物血量上限)/3+1个史莱姆泥
| 攻击
| +1~5或(武器等级/2+1)
| 增加玩家的基础伤害,每级增加3点
| 暴击率
| +1~3或((武器等级-1)/3)
| 增加玩家攻击时触发暴击的概率
| 暴击威力
| +25~75或int((武器等级-1)/3)*25
| 增加玩家触发暴击时造成的伤害
| 速度
| +1~(4-武器速度)或(武器等级-1)
| 加快武器的挥动速度
| 史莱姆专杀
| N/A(5)
| 攻击任意种类史莱姆时造成的伤害*1.33+1
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! 名称
! 斧头
! 鱼竿
! 锄头
! 十字镐
! 喷壶
! 淘盘
! 效果
| 自动上钩
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=]]
* 钓到 垃圾和凝胶时自动收杆
*钓 上钩时 自动进入钓鱼小游戏
| 考古学家
| 考古学家
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=Hoes]]
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[远古斑点]]出现[[古物]]概率加倍。
| [[File:Iridium Pan.png|24px|center|link=]]
| 无底洞
| 无底洞
| [[File:Iridium Watering Can.png|24px|center|link=]]
| 省力
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Pickaxe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Watering Can.png|24px|center|link=]]
| 丰富
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Pan.png|24px|center|link=]]
*锄头挖掘[[ 远古斑点]] 有50%的概率获得双倍产物
| [[File:Iridium Watering Can.png|24px|center|link=Watering Cans]]
| 无限容
| Efficient
| 捕鱼
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=Axes]]
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=Fishing Rods]]
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=Hoes]]
| [[File:Iridium Pickaxe.png|24px|center|link=Pickaxes]]
| [[File:Iridium Watering Can.png|24px|center|link=Watering Cans]]
| No stamina drain.
| 慷慨
| [[File:Iridium Pan.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=Hoes]]
| 精通
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=]]
| 强力
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Pickaxe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| 50%概率远古斑点产物加倍。
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=]]
| 近战武器可用.<br />破坏草堆时,50%概率 获得[[ 纤维]] ,33%概率获得干草(农场直接加入干草堆,在外进入背包)。
*有50% 概率 使鱼竿在使用后不消耗[[ 鱼饵]] 的数量以及[[渔具]]的耐久
| Master
| 范围
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=Fishing Rods]]
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Watering Can.png|center|24px|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Pan.png|24px|center|link=]]
| Adds an extra fishing level to the player while held.
| Powerful
| 木屑
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=Axes]]
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Pickaxe.png|24px|center|link=Pickaxes]]
| Extra power level.
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Pickaxe.png|24px|center|link=]]
| [[File:Iridium Rod.png|24px|center|link=Fishing Rods]]
|}<section end="Enchantments" />
| 50%概率鱼饵 渔具 消耗
你可以花费 20 个[[火山晶石]]将一个[[银河之魂]]铸进银河武器当中。
重复三次<span style="font-size: smaller;">(即总共花费三个银河之魂 60 个火山晶石)</span>后会将武器铸造成更强力的“无限”武器。
次数未达三次不会对武器造成任何影响。武器原有的附魔会被保留,但外观 会保留
<section begin="infinityweapons" />
| Reaching
|[[File:Infinity Blade.png|center]]
|{{Description|Infinity Blade}}
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=Hoes]]
|{{name|Galaxy Sword|1}}{{name|Galaxy Soul|3}}{{name|Cinder Shard|60}}
| [[File:Iridium Watering Can.png|center|24px|link=Watering Cans]]
| Increased charge-up capacity for greater area of effect.
| Shaving
|[[File:Infinity Dagger.png|center]]
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=Axes]]
|{{Description|Infinity Dagger}}
|{{name|Galaxy Dagger|1}}{{name|Galaxy Soul|3}}{{name|Cinder Shard|60}}
| Chance of extra wood from trees, hardwood from stumps, produce from giant crops.
| Swift
|[[File:Infinity Gavel.png|center]]
| [[File:Iridium Axe.png|24px|center|link=Axes]]
|[[ 无限之锤]]
|{{Description|Infinity Gavel}}
| [[File:Iridium Hoe.png|24px|center|link=Hoes]]
|{{name|Galaxy Hammer|1}}{{name|Galaxy Soul|3}}{{name|Cinder Shard|60}}
| [[File:Iridium Pickaxe.png|24px|center|link=Pickaxes]]
|}<section end="infinityweapons" />
| Tool use is faster.
<section end="Enchantments" />
==Infinity Weapons==
== 武器外观==
You can forge a [[Galaxy Soul]] into a galaxy weapon at the cost of 20 [[Cinder Shard|cinder shards]]. Doing this 3 times (at a total cost of 3 Galaxy Souls and 60 cinder shards) will turn the weapon into a more powerful "Infinity" weapon. Less or more Galaxy Souls do nothing. This works for the [[Galaxy Sword]] ([[Infinity Blade]]), [[Galaxy Hammer]] ([[Infinity Gavel]]), and [[Galaxy Dagger]] ([[Infinity Dagger]]).
==Weapon Appearance==
You can merge two weapons through the forge. The resulting weapon will have all the stats and info of the first weapon, but the appearance of the second weapon. You can only merge weapons of the same type (e.g. you can't merge a hammer with a sword), and can't merge slingshots.
This costs 10 [[Cinder Shard|cinder shards]], and consumes the second weapon.
你可以将两枚不同的戒指合而为一并拥有两者的叠加效果。这会花费20个[[ 火山晶石]]
==Combined Rings==
You can combine two different rings into one with stacked effects. This costs 20 cinder shards.
* 你不能将两枚一样的戒指组合。(但你“可以”将两枚带有相同效果的不同戒指组合,例如[[光辉戒指]]和[[辉石戒指]]。它们的效果会像你同时戴着它们一样叠加。)
* 你不能将三枚或者更多戒指合而为一。(即一枚组合戒指无法再进一步与其他戒指组合。)
This has two restrictions:
* You can't combine two of the same ring into one. (You ''can'' combine two different rings with the same effect though, like [[Glow Ring]] and [[Glowstone Ring]]. Their effects will stack in the same way as wearing both rings separately.)
* You can't combine three or more rings into one (i.e. a combined ring can't be further combined).
For a weapon, unforging removes all forge upgrades (but not enchantments) and resets its appearance. This is free, but only recovers some of the [[Cinder Shard]]s used to forge it.
For a combined ring, unforge splits it back into the original rings.
To begin the unforging process, place the item that you want to unforge into the left square slot. Then click the red ⨯ symbol near the bottom right corner. The unforged item(s) will appear in your inventory.
The Forge is the only level of the [[Volcano Dungeon]] where fishing can occur. It is one of two locations in the game where players can catch [[Lava Eel]]s.
*A bug in the 1.5.6 mobile interface prevents two weapons from being placed on the forge simultaneously, so weapon appearance cannot be changed in mobile.
[[Crab pot]]s cannot be placed in the forge.
   <ref name="meleeweapon">参见游戏代码中的<samp>Tools.MeleeWeapon::doAnimateSpecialMove</samp>。</ref>
== 历史==
{{History|1.5| 加入游戏。}}
{{History|1.6.4|[[锻造#工具的附魔|木屑]]附魔现在会导致特定树木的掉落:(蕨类植物 → 蕨菜、蘑菇 → 红蘑菇、桃花心木 → 硬木)}}
[[Category: 游戏玩法]]
<!--Note to translators: There is no official translation for "Forge".  Please make corrections to the translations below as necessary -->
[[ko: 포지]]
[[ko: 재련소]]
[[tr:Demir Ocağı]]

