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增加 58 位元組 、 2020年11月11日 (三) 04:45
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|price    = 1500
|price    = 1500
The '''Peach Tree''' is a type of [[Fruit Trees|fruit tree]]. It takes 28 days to grow to maturity, after which it will produce one [[Peach]] each day during the [[Summer]]. It can only grow in the center of a 3x3 square, each square of which must be kept completely clear of objects, flooring, and terrain features (including grass).
''' 桃子树''' 是果树的一种。[[ 桃子树苗]] 需要28天的时间生长成熟,变成桃子树。成熟后的桃子树在每年的[[ 夏季]] 每天都会产出一个[[ 桃子]] 。同其他果树一样,桃子树也只能生长在 3x3 的方格中央。每格都必须清空, 每个方格必须保持完全没有物体、地板和地形特征(包括草地)。 在桃子树成熟后的一整年后,果树可能产出更高品质的水果。成熟并满三年后,果树可以产出铱星品质的水果。
For each full year after maturing, a fruit tree will produce higher quality fruit, up to iridium star quality after three years.  '''Note''' that fruit quality will not increase if the surrounding tiles are not kept completely clear.
''' 注意''' :如果,果树周边的方格不是全部空的,产出水果的品质不会提高。
If struck by lightning during a [[Weather|storm]], a fruit tree will produce [[Coal]] for 4 days instead of fruit.
[[ 天气#暴风雨| 暴风雨]] 期间,如果闪电击中了果树,果树会连续四天产出[[ 煤炭]] ,而不是水果。
Fruit trees can be planted in the [[Greenhouse]].
果树可以在[[ 温室]] 中成长。

