
添加58字节 、 2023年3月9日 (四) 00:18
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第2行: 第2行:  
|image    = Mini-Shipping Bin
|image    = Mini-Shipping Bin
|showheader = n
|showheader = n
|os     = [[任务#特别任务列表|特别任务列表]]
|os     = [[任务# 鹈鹕镇的 特别任务列表|特别任务列表]]
The '''Mini-Shipping Bin''' is a placeable item that is rewarded after completing either of the [[Quests#List of Special Orders|Special Order quests]] "Crop Order" or "Pierre's Prime Produce".
''' 迷你出货箱''' 是一种可被放置的物品,完成[[ 任务# 鹈鹕镇的特别任务列表| 特别任务]] 中的[[任务#Crop Order|“农作物订单”]]或是[[任务#Pierre's Prime Produce|“皮埃尔优选”]]之后可获得。
The bin can be placed on or off the farm and functions as a miniature version of the [[Shipping Bin]]. Similar to the shipping bin, the contents of mini-shipping bin are cashed in at the end of the day, but the mini-shipping bin has a maximum of nine slots that can be filled (each slot can be filled with stacks) and the items placed within the slots can be removed at any point throughout the day.
迷你出货箱可以被放置在农场内或农场外作为一个迷你版本的[[ 售卖|出货箱]] 。与出货箱相似,迷你出货箱中的物品在一天结束后会被售卖掉。但不同的是迷你出货箱最大拥有九个格子(每个格子都可以被同种物品填满),并且被放置其中的物品可以在一天之中的任何时间点取出。
== 历史==
{{History|1.5| 加入游戏。}}
