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Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯EliGre於2021-08-02 09:49:27.









每個存檔都放在單獨的文件夾,就像這樣:角色名字_123456789, 文件夾里有兩個主要文件:角色名字_123456789SaveGameInfo。這兩個文件都是必要的。



  1. 按鍵盤上的Windows + R打開'運行'窗口。
  2. 複製並粘貼此路逕到輸入框:
  3. 點擊'確定'即可打開文件夾。



  1. 打開Files,點擊 Go » Enter Location
  2. 複製並粘貼此路徑:
  3. 提交即可打開文件夾。



  1. 打開Finder,點擊Go » Go to Folder.
  2. 複製並粘貼此路徑:
  3. 提交即可打開文件夾。

手機 (Android系統)

  1. 打開文件管理器。如果你的設備沒有文件管理器,你得有一個具有設備存儲空間讀寫權限的軟件。
  2. 找到並選中名為 StardewValley 的文件夾。
  3. 每一個帶有類似於 JonSnow_123456789 的子文件是一個存檔卡槽。

手機 (iOS系統)(針對於簡體中文版本的iOS)

iOS 13 或者更新的iOS系統版本

  1. 打開 文件應用。
  2. 點擊屏幕上的的瀏覽按鈕。
  3. 在位置部分下,點擊 我的iPhone/iPad.
  4. 選擇 Stardew Valley 文件夾.
  5. 裏面的每個子文件夾名稱格式為JonSnow_123456789是一個存檔。

iOS 12 或者更早的iOS系統版本:
提示: 在 macOS 10.15 上,此 iTunes 功能已移至Finder(查找器)。

  1. 打開電腦上的iTunes。
  2. 使用數據線將手機連接到電腦上的USB接口上。
  3. 當 iTunes 打開時,單擊頂部工具欄中的設備圖標(如果該圖標未出現,請嘗試斷開並重新連接設備 USB 接口)。 設備的頁面應該出現。
  4. 單擊左側菜單中的「文件共享」。
  5. 在出現的「應用程式」列表中單擊 Stardew Valley。
  6. 「Stardew Valley Documents」面板顯示您的 iOS 設備上已經存在哪些保存文件。 (它們顯示為文件夾,但您無法直接導航到文件夾中。)



  1. 找到你的存檔文件夾
  2. 將例如 JonSnow_123456789 這樣的文件夾整個壓縮打包成一個單獨的文件。
  3. 分享或者備份存儲這個壓縮包文件。


  • 上述方法不是唯一解;
  • 壓縮包文件某種程度上可以保證文件在傳遞過程中不會出現文件丟失的情況。


  1. 通過網絡雲盤、USB、藍牙、WiFi、FTP或NSA等任意一種途徑將你的設備和電腦連接起來。
  2. 瀏覽手機內部存儲,找到並發送 StardewValley 至電腦。
  3. 將整個存檔文件(StardewValley 的子文件中類似 JonSnow_123456789 這樣的子文件) 複製到電腦遊戲存檔路徑中。
  1. 如果你使用了mod,在傳輸前你必須把自定義內容(mod、材質包、替換文件等非官方編譯的遊戲運行文件)全部移除。
  2. 打開電腦端存檔路徑
  3. 通過網絡雲盤、USB、藍牙、WiFi、FTP或NSA等任意一種途徑將你的設備和手機連接起來。
  4. 瀏覽手機內部儲存,找到 StardewValley 。(這個文件夾在你第一次遊玩之前是不會出現在存儲空間的根目錄之中的。)
  5. 在電腦端把整個存檔文件(類似 JonSnow_123456789 這樣的子文件)複製到手機上對應的文件夾路徑中。


提示: 在 macOS 10.15 上,此 iTunes 功能已移至Finder(查找器)。

iOS 傳遞到電腦
  1. 在iTunes查找保存.
  2. 在 iTunes 中選擇保存文件夾,然後單擊「保存」按鈕。
  3. 這將保存一個包含兩個文件的文件夾(兩個文件都是保存工作所必需的)。
  4. 將整個文件夾複製到 您計算機的保存位置.
  1. 如果您使用模組,請在轉移到流動裝置之前刪除任何自定義內容。
  2. 查找您計算機上的保存文件夾
  3. 在 iTunes 中查找 iOS 保存
  4. 將整個存檔文件夾(類似於 JonSnow_123456789 的文件夾)複製到 iTunes 的「Stardew Valley Documents」面板中。
    注意:每次存檔都有一個文件夾。 您需要將這些文件夾中的每一個拖到 iTunes 中,以便各個保存文件夾都在「Stardew Valley Documents」面板的「root」中。 您不能將包含所有保存遊戲的文件夾拖到 iTunes 中。」
  5. 單擊 iTunes 中的「同步」按鈕將您的 iOS 設備與您的計算機同步。 保存現在應該出現在您設備上遊戲的加載遊戲菜單中。




  1. 找到你的存檔文件.
    • 如果存檔文件還在,可通過下面的辦法進行修復。(請一次只嘗試一種辦法):
      1. 如果有些文件的文件名中包含 _STARDEWVALLEYSAVETMP , 將其從文件名中移除並重啟遊戲。
      2. 如果你最近重命名或者創建了一個文件夾,(例如:恢復了一個備份), 確保文件夾的名稱與YourName_0123456789相應的文件完全匹配。
      3. 嘗試 撤銷上一次存檔.
    • 如果存檔文件不存在,但是你已安裝了 SMAPI, 可通過下面的方式恢復備份:
      1. 找到你的 遊戲文件夾.
      2. 打開 save-backups 子文件夾.
      3. 解壓最新的包含了你的存檔的備份文件,並且複製存檔文件夾然後粘貼到 Saves
  2. 如果以上方法無效,通過see this guideask for help; 我們可能會找到方法幫你恢復你的存檔。

注意: 不要在遊戲啟動之前,將備份文件夾置於存檔文件夾中。要麼將其置於不同的文件夾內,要麼刪除他們。


If something went wrong, you can undo the last save.

For a save from Linux/Mac/Windows/Android:

  1. Find your save files.
    You should see two files with an _old suffix in the name; if not, ask for help instead!
  2. Back up your save folder just in case.
  3. Delete SaveGameInfo and the file that looks like YourName_123456789.
  4. Remove the _old suffix from SaveGameInfo_old and the file that looks like YourName_123456789_old.

For a save from iOS:

  1. Find your save files.
    You should see a file with an _SVBAK suffix in the name; if not, ask for help instead!
  2. Back up your save folder just in case.
  3. Delete the files that look like YourName_123456789 and YourName_123456789_SVEMERG.
  4. Remove the _SVBAK suffix from the file that looks like YourName_123456789_SVBAK.



A save file open in Sublime Text with formatted XML.

You can edit your save to fix some common issues or change your choices. This can permanently break your save if you make a mistake; don't forget to create a backup first. You should also avoid automatic save editor tools, since they often break the save.

  1. Install Sublime Text for Linux, Mac, or Windows. (If you already have another text editor which supports XML formatting, feel free to use that instead.)
  2. Install the Package Control extension for Sublime Text.
  3. Use the Package Control extension to install the Indent XML and XPath plugins (see how to add plugins).
  4. Open your save file (the file that looks like Name_0123456789) in Sublime Text.
  5. Click Selection > Format > Indent XML.
  6. Make any changes you want and save. (See the sections below, this guide for changing the host of a co-op save, and this guide for other changes.)


  • Click an element, and press CTRL + SHIFT + [ to collapse the whole section which contains it. This is useful when you want to ignore a large field. For example, given this text in the save file:

    Click on one of the <int> fields and press those keys, and it will collapse into this:

    <ArrayOfInt> […]
  • Click any element, and look in the status bar to see the path to where you are in the save format (like /SaveGame/player/friendships/item[32]).



  1. Find your save files.
  2. Create the new save folder:
    1. Duplicate the target save folder.
    2. Rename the new folder:
      • change the name so you can recognise it in-game;
      • change the number at the end to any number that's not used by another save.
    3. Open the new folder for the next steps.
  3. Prepare the new files:
    1. Delete any file whose name ends with _old or .back.*.
    2. Rename the file that looks like Name_0123456789 to match your new folder name.
  4. Edit the save metadata:
    1. Open the SaveGameInfo file in a text editor like Notepad.
    2. Look for <name> on the first line. Your farmer's name should be right after that. Change it to your new name.
    3. Search for the 2nd mention of your name (ctrl+f to 'find') and change it to your new name.
  5. Edit the save file:
    1. Open the file that looks like Name_0123456789 in a text editor like Notepad.
    2. Look for <name> on the first line. Your farmer's name should be right after that. Change it to your new name.
    3. Search for the 2nd mention of your name (ctrl+f to 'find') and change it to your new name.
    4. Search for the old save ID (the number from the filename). Change it to your new number.

That's it! Launch the game and check the load menu; you'll see both saves now.



  1. Open your save file for editing.
  2. Search for <whichFarm>. The number after that open tag is the farm type.
  3. Change the number to the one you want:
    code farm type
    0 standard farm
    1 riverland farm
    2 forest farm
    3 hilltop farm
    4 wilderness farm
    5 four corners farm

That will change the farm map, but everything placed on the farm will stay where it is. You may have things in an invalid position, like trees in a lake. Here are some ways to fix that:

  • Take note of what's out of bounds, then switch back to the old farm type and move them.
  • If you use SMAPI, install the Noclip Mode mod to reach things that are out of bounds, so you can remove or move them.
  • If you use SMAPI, enter one of these commands in the SMAPI console:
    command effect
    world_clear farm debris remove stones, branches, weeds, and dead crops.
    world_clear farm trees remove non-fruit trees.
    world_clear farm fruit-trees remove fruit trees.
    world_clear farm grass remove tall grass.
    world_clear farm everything remove everything, including placed objects.


You can remove an NPC from your save file (e.g. to fix an NPC permanently stuck in an invalid place). If it still exists in the game data, the NPC will respawn when you reload the save file. This should be a last resort, and is unnecessary when using SMAPI versions 3.0 and up, as SMAPI will attempt to remove this data for you.

  1. Open your save file for editing. Make sure you format the file for readability per those instructions.
  2. Remove the NPC:
    1. Search for the NPC's default name between 'name' tags (e.g. to remove Penny: <name>Penny</name>).
    2. Remove the entire 'NPC' section containing the line you found, starting from the previous <NPC> line up to and including the next </NPC> line.
  3. (optional) Remove the NPC friendship data:
    1. Search for the NPC's default name between 'string' tags (e.g. to remove Penny: <string>Penny</string>).
    2. Remove the entire 'item' section containing the line you found, starting from the previous <item> line up to the next </item> line.