
移除 92 位元組 、 2017年3月20日 (一) 17:06
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If the player chooses to sell produce/products to Pierre's General Store and sells a large volume of these items, there is a chance of the sold items to show up in the list of buyable goods; however, these goods will only be available in limited quantities.  Villagers may comment on having seen these goods from the player's farm in the store and may even admit to having bought them.
如果玩家选择向皮埃尔的杂货店卖东西并销售大量的物品,出售的物品有几率出现在可购买的商品列表中; 然而,这些货物只能以有限的数量提供。村民可能会评论商店里看到的这些货物来自玩家的农场的物品,甚至可以承认购买过它们。
[[en:Pierre's General Store]]
[[en:Pierre's General Store]]
