
行 30: 行 30:  
| up
| up
| up
| up
| <samp> </samp>
| <samp>None</samp>
| up
| up
| down
| down
| <samp> 按下</samp>
| <samp>Pressed</samp>
| down
| down
| down
| down
| <samp> 按住</samp>
| <samp>Held</samp>
| down
| down
| up
| up
| <samp> 松开</samp>
| <samp>Released</samp>
行 89: 行 89:  
<li>The [[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Events#Input.ButtonReleased|<samp>ButtonReleased</samp> event]] will be raised on the next tick for the suppressed input.</li>
<li>[[Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Events#Input.ButtonReleased|<samp>ButtonReleased</samp> 事件]] 会在输入被抑制后的下一个 tick 触发。</li>
<li>Methods like <samp>helper.Input.IsDown(button)</samp> and <samp>helper.Input.GetState(button)</samp> will show the button as released for the duration of the suppression, even if it's physically still pressed. You can use <samp>helper.Input.IsSuppressed(button)</samp> to check if that's the case (it will only be true until the button is physically released):
<li> 在按键被抑制期间,类似 <samp>helper.Input.IsDown(button)</samp> <samp>helper.Input.GetState(button)</samp> 的方法会表明按键的状态是 released ,即使该按键在现实中处于被按下的状态。你可以使用 <samp>helper.Input.IsSuppressed(button)</samp> 来检查按键是否处于这种情况(它会一直返回 true 直到按键在现实中被松开):
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
bool isPhysicallyDown = helper.Input.IsDown(button) || helper.Input.IsSuppressed(button);
bool isPhysicallyDown = helper.Input.IsDown(button) || helper.Input.IsSuppressed(button);
行 96: 行 96:  
==Data structures==
== 数据结构==
SMAPI's <samp>SButton</samp> is a constant which includes every [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb975202(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) controller], [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb197781(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) keyboard], and [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb198097(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) mouse] button. SMAPI events use this to let you handle button presses without needing separate code for each. See [[Modding:Player Guide/Key Bindings]] for a list of values.
SMAPI <samp>SButton</samp> 是一个涵盖了每种[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb975202(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) 控制器], [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb197781(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) 键盘] [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/xna/bb198097(v%3dxnagamestudio.40) 鼠标] 的按键的常量。SMAPI 事件使用此常量,这允许你处理按键按下时不需要区分每种按键的代码。阅读 [[Modding:Player Guide/Key Bindings]] 来获取值列表。
SMAPI provides extensions to convert any of the other constants to <samp>SButton</samp>:
SMAPI 提供了把任意其他常量转换为 <samp>SButton</samp> 的扩展:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
<syntaxhighlight lang="c#">
SButton key = Keys.A.ToSButton(); // SButton.A
SButton key = Keys.A.ToSButton(); // SButton.A
