
删除149字节 、 2024年6月15日 (星期六)
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== 小贴士==
*To avoid missing a day of watering, water crops, then upgrade the Watering Can when the weather report indicates rain the next day. Crops will be watered the day the can is taken to the Blacksmith, the following day by the rain, and the Watering Can can be picked up the day after that. It can also be a good idea to upgrade the watering can near the end of a season if there is nothing in the ground that will bear fruit until then.
* 为避免少浇一天水,在天气预报播报明天有雨这天,玩家可以先浇好作物,然后再将喷壶送去升级。这样一来,玩家便可在第三天拿到升级后的喷壶继续浇水。一个季节快要结束前,如果地面上已经没有任何农作物可以收获,那么此时升级喷壶也是个好主意。
*Regarding coal prices, during year 1, it's cheaper to buy wood from the [[Carpenter's Shop]] and use a [[Charcoal Kiln]] to make [[coal]] than it is to buy coal from the Blacksmith's. Conversely, starting in year 2, the price of [[wood]] increases from {{Price|10}} to {{Price|50}}, so it is cheaper to purchase coal.
* 关于煤炭价格,在第一年从[[ 木匠的商店]] 购买木材,然后用[[ 煤炭窑]] 制作[[ 煤炭]] ,要比直接从铁匠铺购买煤炭便宜。反之,木匠的商店的[[ 木材]] 价格从第二年开始由{{Price|10}} 上涨到{{Price|50}} ,所以此时在铁匠铺购买煤炭更划算。
*At [[Skills#Mining|Mining Skill]] 7, it is cheaper to purchase [[Iron Ore]], smelt [[Iron Bar]]s, and use the Transmute (Au) recipe to create [[Gold Bar]]s than it is to purchase [[Gold Ore]] and smelt it into Gold Bars.
* [[ 采矿]]7 级时,购买[[ 铁矿石]] 熔炼[[ 铁锭]] ,再使用打造里的熔炼(金)配方将铁锭制作[[ 金锭]] ,要比直接购买[[ 黄金矿石]] 去熔炼金锭更便宜。
* Although the door to the Blacksmith locks at 4pm, as long as the player is inside the building they can still interact with the counter after 4pm to make purchases, upgrade tools etc., even after Clint walks away from the counter at 5pm.
* 尽管铁匠铺的门在下午4点上锁,但只要玩家还在建筑内,仍然可以在下午4点后与柜台互动,如购买商品、升级工具等,即使克林特在下午5点离开柜台后亦是如此。
==External Links==
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