
增加 116 位元組 、 2024年6月15日 (星期六)
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[[Clint]] can upgrade the four main [[tools]] and the [[Trash Cans|Trash Can]] in the inventory menu incrementally. That is to say, the previous quality of the tool is required to upgrade it to the next level. It takes 2 days to upgrade a tool. Other Blacksmith services are still available while Clint is upgrading a tool. A notification will pop up on the left side of the screen on the morning a tool upgrade is ready.
[[ 克林特]] 可以对四种主要[[ 工具]] 和物品栏菜单中的[[ 垃圾桶(工具)]] 进行逐步升级。也就是说,工具升级必须按顺序升级,比如:铜制工具不能直接升级成铱制工具。升级需要等待2天时间。在克林特升级工具期间,仍然可以使用铁匠商店以及砸开晶石。工具升级完成后,玩家每天醒来时,屏幕左下角会有一条消息提示(如果当天铁匠铺不营业,则等到铁匠铺营业时才会出现此消息提醒)。如果玩家当天未领取已升级的工具,则第二天会继续提示。
Note that even when Blacksmith's shopfront itself is closed on festival days (although the door will not be shut for the [[Dance of the Moonlight Jellies]] in the Summer, and the [[Spirit's Eve]] festival in the Fall), Clint will still work on tools. If a player drops off a tool the day before a festival, it will be ready the day after the festival as normal. However, if a player drops off a tool 2 days before a festival and the Blacksmith's shop is closed due to the festival, the player will be unable to pick up the tool and must wait an additional day.
请注意,即使铁匠铺的店面在节日期间不营业( 夏季的[[ 月光水母起舞]] 和秋季的[[ 万灵节]] 除外) ,克林特仍在升级工具。如果玩家在节日前一天将工具放在铁匠铺升级,那么工具将在节日后的第二天正常升级完成。然而,如果玩家选择的时间是节日前两天,铁匠铺由于在节日期间不营业,玩家将无法如期拿到工具,必须多等一天。
All [[Axes|Axe]] and [[Pickaxes|Pickaxe]] upgrades reduce the number of hits necessary to remove trees and rocks. In addition, certain metal versions are able to break larger objects of their respective type (logs and stumps; or boulders and meteorites, respectively). Upgraded versions of the [[Watering Cans|Watering Can]] and [[Hoes|Hoe]] allow the player to water and till multiple squares of land in a single use (using click-and-hold). The trash can upgrades increase the autosell value of any objects placed into them up to 60%.
[[ 斧头]] 的每次升级都会减少砍伐树木所需的次数,升级到铜斧头或更高等级后可以砍伐大树桩,升级到钢斧头或更高等级后可以砍伐大圆木。[[ 十字镐]] 的每次升级都会减少敲碎石块与采矿点所需的次数,升级到钢十字镐或更高等级后可以敲碎圆石,升级到金十字镐或更高等级后可以敲碎陨石。[[ 喷壶]] [[ 锄头]] 升级后,允许玩家通过长按蓄力的方式,一次性灌溉或挖掘多个土壤方格。垃圾桶升级后,丢弃物品时会返还一部分物品价值,最高可达60%
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