
添加21,528字节 、 2024年5月3日 (星期五)
第1行: 第1行: −
{{Infobox villager
|portrait = Penny.png
|birthday=[[秋季| 秋季2日]]
|birthday = {{Season|Fall|2}}
|location = 鹈鹕镇
|address   = [[拖车]]
|family   = {{NPC|Pam|母亲}}
|friends={{NPC|Sam|alt= 山姆}}{{NPC|Maru|alt=玛鲁}}
|friends   = {{NPC|Sam}}
|marriage  = 是
|favorites={{name|Diamond|alt=钻石}}{{name|Emerald|alt=绿宝石}}{{name|Melon|alt=甜瓜}}{{name|Poppy|alt=罂粟}}{{name|Poppyseed Muffin|alt=罂粟籽松糕}}{{name|Red Plate|alt=红之盛宴}}{{name|Roots Platter|alt=块茎拼盘}}{{name|Sandfish|alt=沙鱼}}{{name|Tom Kha Soup|alt=椰汁汤}}
|clinic   = {{Season|Winter|4}}
|favorites = {{name|Diamond}}{{name|Emerald}}{{name|Melon}}{{name|Poppy}}{{name|Poppyseed Muffin}}{{name|Red Plate}}{{name|Roots Platter}}{{name|Sandfish}}{{name|Tom Kha Soup}}
<div style="margin:5px;margin-top:15px;margin-left:15px;float:right;clear:right;">__TOC__</div>
{{Quote|潘妮与她的母亲[[潘姆]]一起生活在河边的小拖车里。当潘姆在酒吧里寻欢作乐时,潘妮则默默地在她不得不称之为家的昏暗闷热的房间里疲于家务。她很羞涩和谦逊,她此生无其他追求,只想早日嫁人成家。她喜欢烹饪(黑暗料理新星)和去图书馆看书。|[http://stardewvalley.net/dev-update-12/ Dev Update #12]}}
[[潘妮]] 是[[鹈鹕镇]]的[[村民]],她是可[[婚姻|结婚]]的12个角色之一。<ref>http://stardewvalley.net/dev-update-12/</ref> 她的[[拖车]]在镇中心的东部,河的西面。
{{Quote|潘妮与她的母亲[[ 潘姆]]一起生活在河边的小拖车里。当潘姆在酒吧里寻欢作乐时, 潘妮 则默默地在她不得不称之为家的昏暗闷热的房间里疲于家务。她很羞涩和谦逊,她此生无其他追求,只想早日嫁人成家。她喜欢烹饪(黑暗料理新星)和去图书馆看书。|[https://www.stardewvalley.net/dev-update-12/ 游戏开发者更新 #12]}}
'''潘妮''' 是[[鹈鹕镇]]的[[村民]],她是可[[婚姻|结婚]]的12个角色之一。她 所居住 的[[拖车]]在镇中心的东部,河的西面。
 经常 可以看到[[ 潘妮]] 在小镇读 书或者在 与母亲[[潘姆]]居住的[[拖车]] 打扫卫生 。周二、周三、周五时,她会去[[博物馆]]给[[贾斯]]和[[文森特]]上课,然后送他们俩回家, 但是[[ |夏天]]她 会去 上课。[[ 夏季|夏天]] [[ 秋季|秋天]] 的周六 她一般都会带两个孩子 小镇的[[ 鹈鹕镇|操场]] 游玩
  潘妮 经常 [[ 鹈鹕镇]] 上看 或者在[[拖车]] 中做家务 。周二、周三、周五时,她会去[[博物馆]]给[[贾斯]]和[[文森特]]上课,然后送他们俩回家 。在周六 她会带孩子们去鹈鹕镇西北角的游乐场游玩。
[[ 季]] 的第四天, 她会去[[ 哈维的诊所]] 做体检。
如果碰上雨天,潘妮可能会一直待在[[ 拖车]] 或者 去[[ 博物馆]] 看书
如果碰 雨天, 潘妮 可能 [[拖车]] 或去[[博物馆]]看书
[[姜岛#海滩度假村|姜岛的海滩度假村]]解锁后,潘妮有时会去那儿。下午6点离开姜岛后,潘妮会立即回家 床睡觉。 潘妮 会在 周二、周三、周五、冬季4日(她的体检日) 节日当天 姜岛
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>日常行程</big>
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|8:00 AM
|8:00 上午
|起床 离开[[拖车]] 来到[[墓园]] 左边的树下
|睡醒 起床离开[[拖车]]来到[[ 鹈鹕镇| 墓园]] 旁。
[[File:Penny location 0.jpg|200px|]]
|12:30 PM
|12:30 下午
|回 [[拖车]]洗碗
|4:00 PM
|4:00 下午
|离开[[拖车]]来到[[星 之果实餐 吧]]旁,和[[玛鲁]]一起坐在长椅上
|离开[[拖车]]来到[[星 落酒 吧]]旁,和[[玛鲁]]一起坐在长椅上
[[File:Penny location 1.jpg|200px|]]
|6:40 PM
|6:40 下午
|回 [[拖车]]
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|11:00 上午
| 离开[[拖车]],前往[[博物馆]]。给[[贾斯]]和[[ 文森特]] 上课。
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Summer]]</big>
|8:10 AM
|2:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开[[ 博物馆]] ,站在[[ 冰淇淋摊]] 附近看着贾斯和文森特。
|Wakes up and walks through [[Pelican Town|town]] to stand by the river behind [[JojaMart]].
|1:00 PM
|4:20 下午
|[[Community Center]]
| 送文森特回[[1柳巷]]
|Walks back through [[Pelican Town|town]] and sits down next to the [[Community Center|community center]].
|6:00 PM
|5:50 下午
| 送贾斯回[[ 玛妮的牧场]]
|Leaves [[Pelican Town|town]] and returns to the [[trailer]] to do dishes.
|8:00 PM
|6:30 下午
| 回到[[ 拖车]]
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Summer]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:00 上午
| 呆在她自己的房间内。
|8:00 AM
|10:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开家,在[[2柳巷]] 旁边和文森特与贾斯见面。
|Leaves her [[trailer]] and walks into [[Pelican Town|town]].
|12:00 PM
|12:00 下午
|[[24 Mountain Road]]
| 将贾斯和文森特带到小镇广场北面的操场,看着他们玩耍。
|Goes up to [[24 Mountain Road]] and sits inside.
|6:00 PM
|5:00 下午
| 送贾斯和文森特回城,将他们送到艾米丽和海莉家门口。
|Leaves [[24 Mountain Road]] and returns to the [[trailer]] to do dishes.
|9:00 PM
|6:30 下午
| 回到[[ 拖车]]
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Monday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
|8:00 AM
|[[Pelican Town]]
|Wakes up and walks through [[Pelican Town|town]] to stand by the river behind [[JojaMart]].
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:30 PM
|8:10 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 起床,走向[[Joja超市]] 后面。
|Watching the river behind [[JojaMart]].
|1:00 PM
|9:30 上午
|[[Community Center]]
| 站在[[Joja超市]] 后面的小河边。
|Walks back through [[Pelican Town|town]] and to the [[Community Center|community center]].
|2:30 PM
|1:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 前往[[ 社区中心]] 右侧的小花园。
|Sitting to right of the [[Community Center|community center]].
|6:00 PM
|2:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| [[ 社区中心]] 右侧的长椅坐下。
|Leaves [[Pelican Town|town]] and returns to the [[trailer]].
|7:00 PM
|6:00 下午
| 走向[[ 拖车]]
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
|7:00 下午
| 进入[[ 拖车]] ,开始洗碗。
|9:00 下午
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Tuesday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|8:00 AM
|9:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开拖车,前往博物馆。
|Wakes up for the day, leaves her [[trailer]] and goes outside near the [[Pelican Town|town graveyard]].
|9:00 AM
|10:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 呆在博物馆内。
|Reading a book under a tree near the [[Pelican Town|town graveyard]].
|12:30 PM
|2:00 下午
| 呆在博物馆附近的桥。
|Returns to the [[trailer]].
|4:00 PM
|4:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| [[2柳巷]] 外边,送文森特和贾斯回家。
|Leaves the [[trailer]] again to go outside [[The Saloon|the saloon]] where she sits on a bench.
|6:30 PM
|6:30 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开[[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,回家休息。
|Leaves [[Pelican Town|town]] and returns to the [[trailer]].
|7:00 PM
|8:00 下午
| 晚上到[[ 拖车| ]]
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Wednesday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|10:00 上午
|11:00 上午
| 和孩子们一起呆在[[ 鹈鹕镇|墓园]] 附近。
|9:00 AM
|12:00 下午
| 和孩子们一起去[[ 社区中心]] 左侧的操场。
|Leaves the [[trailer]] and walks to the [[museum]].
|10:00 AM
|1:00 下午
| 呆在操场,和孩子们一起玩耍。
|In the [[museum]].
|2:00 PM
|5:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| [[ 贾斯]] 和[[文森特]]回[[ 艾米丽]] 家。
|outside of the [[museum]] near bridge.
|4:00 PM
|6:00 下午
|[[2 Willow Lane]]
| [[ 艾米丽]] 家中,和文森特与贾斯交谈。
|Walking [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] home.
|6:30 PM
|8:00 下午
|[[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]]
| 回拖车。
|Leaves [[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]] and returns to home for the evening.
|8:00 PM
|9:00 下午
| 回到[[ 拖车|家]] 休息。
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Thursday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
|8:00 AM
|[[Pelican Town]]
|Wakes up and walks through [[Pelican Town|town]] to stand by the river behind [[JojaMart]].
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:30 PM
|8:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 起床后,离开[[ 拖车]] 来到[[ 鹈鹕镇|墓园]] 旁读书。
|Watching the river behind [[JojaMart]].
|1:00 PM
|12:30 下午
|[[Community Center]]
| [[ 拖车| ]] 洗碗
|Walks back through [[Pelican Town|town]] and to the [[Community Center|community center]].
|2:30 PM
|4:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开[[ 拖车]] 来到[[星之果实餐吧]]旁,和[[ 玛鲁]] 一起坐在长椅上
|Sitting to right of the [[Community Center|community center]].
|6:00 PM
|6:40 PM
|[[Pelican Town]]
| [[ 拖车| ]] 休息
|Leaves [[Pelican Town|town]] and returns to the [[trailer]].
|7:00 PM
|7:20 下午
| 上床睡觉
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Friday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:00 AM
|9:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开拖车,前往博物馆。
|Leaves the [[trailer]] and walks to the [[museum]].
|10:00 AM
|10:00 上午
| 呆在博物馆内。文森特会在上午 10:30 和她会面,贾斯是在上午 11:00 。
|In the [[museum]].
|2:00 PM
|2:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开博物馆,呆在小河旁边的桥上。
|outside of the [[museum]] near bridge.
|4:00 PM
|4:20 下午
|[[2 Willow Lane]]
| 离开小桥去[[2 柳巷]] ,送[[ 文森特]] [[ 贾斯]] 回家。在那里停了下来。
|Walking [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] home.
|6:30 PM
|5:50 下午
|[[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]]
| 前往[[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,送[[ 贾斯]] 回家。
|Leaves [[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]] and returns to home for the evening.
|8:00 PM
|6:30 下午
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
|8:00 下午
| 抵达拖车,然后上床睡觉。
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Saturday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|10:00 AM
|10:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 起床
|Leaves her [[trailer]] and goes outside near the [[Pelican Town|town graveyard]].
|11:00 AM
|11:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 在墓园附近,她经常读书的那棵树底下和贾斯与文森特见面。
|With the kids near the [[Pelican Town|town graveyard]].
|12:00 PM
|12:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 三人前往小镇北部的操场。
|Walk kids to the playground, left of the [[Community Center|community center]].
|1:00 下午
|1:00 PM
|5:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开操场,和孩子们一起前往[[ 艾米丽]] 家。
|At the playground, play with kids.
|5:00 PM
|6:20 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 到达艾米丽家。
|Walks [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]] to [[Emily]]'s house.
|6:00 PM
|8:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 文森特和艾米丽进入家中,潘妮返回[[ 拖车]]
|Beside [[Emily]]'s house, talking with [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]].
|8:00 PM
|8:40 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 到达[[ 拖车]] ,上床睡觉。
|Goes to the [[trailer]].
|9:00 PM
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Sunday]]</big> <br> Sunny Weather
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|8:00 AM
|9:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 醒来后离开拖车。"我今天下午在诊所有一个预约。"
|Wakes up and walks through [[Pelican Town|town]] to stand by the river behind [[JojaMart]].
|9:30 PM
|11:30 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开拖车,前往[[ 哈维的诊所]] 进行每年例行的身体健康检查。
|Watching the river behind [[JojaMart]].
|1:00 PM
|1:30 下午
|[[Community Center]]
| 继续在诊所内接受检查。"嘿!请给我一点隐私?"
|Walks back through [[Pelican Town|town]] and to the [[Community Center|community center]].
|2:30 PM
|4:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开诊所,前往[[Joja超市]] 西侧的桥桥边坐下。
|Sitting to right of the [[Community Center|community center]].
|6:00 PM
|7:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开小镇,回到[[ 拖车]] 洗碗。
|Leaves [[Pelican Town|town]] and returns to the [[trailer]].
|7:00 PM
|9:00 下午
| 回卧室睡觉休息。
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | Time
! style="width: 85%;" | Location
|9:00 上午
|11:00 上午
| 进入厨房
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Regular Schedule</big>
|8:00 AM
|1:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 做一些菜
|Wakes up for the day, leaves her [[trailer]] and goes outside to read near the town graveyard.
[[File:Penny location 0.jpg|200px|]]
|12:30 PM
|3:00 下午
| 坐在沙发上,可能在看电视。
|Returns to the [[trailer]] to wash dishes.
|4:00 PM
|4:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 进入[[ 夜市]]
|Leaves the [[trailer]] again to go outside the [[saloon]] where she sits on a bench with [[Maru]].
[[File:Penny location 1.jpg|200px|]]
|6:40 PM
|11:50 下午
| 回家睡觉。
|Returns to her [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Saturday</big>
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:00 上午
| 离开拖车,前往博物馆。
|2:30 PM
|10:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 呆在博物馆内,文森特会在上午 10:30 达到,贾斯在上午 11:00 到达。
|At the playground with [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]].
|5:00 PM
|2:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开图书馆,呆在小河旁边的桥上。
|Walks [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]] to [[Emily]]'s house.
|6:20 PM
|4:20 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 前往[[2柳巷]] ,停在外边,送文森特回家。
|Beside [[Emily]]'s house, talking with [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]].
|8:00 PM
|5:40 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 前往[[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,送贾斯回家。
|Goes to the [[trailer]] with [[Jas]].
|8:10 PM
|6:30 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 将贾斯留在玛妮的牧场,自己回家休息。
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
|8:00 下午
| 到家,然后上床睡觉。
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|2:30 下午
| 和孩子们呆在操场上。
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Regular Schedule</big>
|8:00 AM
|5:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 和孩子们一起走路回家。
|Wakes up for the day, leaves her [[trailer]] and goes outside to read near the town graveyard.
[[File:Penny location 0.jpg|200px|]]
|12:30 PM
|6:20 下午
| [[ 艾米丽]] 的家中,和孩子们交谈。
|Returns to the [[trailer]] to wash dishes.
|4:00 PM
|8:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 和贾斯一起回拖车。
|Leaves the [[trailer]] again to go outside the [[saloon]] where she sits on a bench with [[Maru]].
[[File:Penny location 1.jpg|200px|]]
|6:40 PM
|8:10 下午
| 到达拖车,休息。
|Returns to her [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Saturday</big>
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|2:30 PM
|9:00 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 起床后,在拖车内转悠。
|At the playground with [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]].
|5:00 PM
|10:30 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开拖车,前往[[ 社区中心]] 读书。
|Walks [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]] to [[Emily]]'s house.
|6:20 PM
|3:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| [[ 社区中心]] 内晃悠。
|Beside [[Emily]]'s house, talking with [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]].
|8:00 PM
|6:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开社区中心,回家洗碗。
|Goes to the [[trailer]] with [[Jas]].
|8:10 PM
|9:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 上床睡觉。
|Arrives at the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Winter]]</big> <br> After restoring the [[Community Center]]
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:00 AM
|9:00 上午
| 起床后离开拖车。
|Wakes up and moves around her [[trailer]].
|10:30 AM
|10:30 上午
|[[Community Center]]
| 离开拖车前往博物馆读书。
|Leaves her [[trailer]] and walks to the [[Community Center|community center]] to read.
|3:00 PM
|6:00 下午
|[[Community Center]]
| 离开博物馆,回到拖车洗碗。
|Continues moving around the [[Community Center|community center]].
|6:00 PM
|9:00 下午
| 上床睡觉。
|Leaves the [[Community Center|community center]] and returns to the [[trailer]] to do dishes.
|9:00 PM
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>[[Winter|Winter 4]]</big>
|9:00 AM
| 根据季节、天气或日期的不同,她的行程安排也会有所改变。以下是潘妮的日程安排,优先度从高到低排序。(即:如果9日和23日当天下雨,优先使用9日和23日的日程安排。)
|Wakes up and moves around her [[trailer]]. "I have an appointment at the clinic this afternoon."
'''9 日和23日''' (玩家与潘妮和[[ 山姆]] [[ 友谊]] 均低于6心。)
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|11:30 AM
| 上午6:00
|[[Harvey's Clinic|Medical Clinic]]
| [[ 拖车]] 中她的小床上睡觉。
|Walks from her [[trailer]] to the [[Harvey's Clinic|medical clinic]] for her annual checkup.
|1:30 PM
| 上午9:00
|[[Harvey's Clinic|Medical Clinic]]
| 起床后站在卧室里。
|Continues getting checkup at [[Harvey's Clinic|clinic]]. "Hey! A little privacy, please?"
|4:00 PM
| 上午11:00 
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开拖车,走到[[ 鹈鹕镇]] [[ 冰淇淋摊]] 旁边的桥上,并坐下。
|Leaves [[Harvey's Clinic|clinic]] and goes to sit in [[Pelican Town|town]].
|7:00 PM
| 下午4:00 
| 回到拖车,洗碗。
|Leaves [[Pelican Town|town]] and returns to the [[trailer]] to do dishes.
|9:00 PM
| 下午6:40
| 上床睡觉。
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
'''9日和23日''' (玩家和潘妮或[[山姆]]的[[友谊]]达到6心。)
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
| 上午6:00
| [[ 拖车]] 中她的小床上睡觉。
Her schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather, or certain days of the week. Below are her schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it)
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Day 9 & Day 23</big> <br> With less than 6 [[friendship|hearts]] with [[Sam]]
|9:00 AM
| 上午8:10
| 离开拖车,进入[[ 鹈鹕镇]] ,在墓园左边的树下读书。
|Wakes up and walks around her [[trailer]].
|11:00 AM
| 下午12:30
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 回家,洗碗。
|Walks from the [[trailer]] out to [[Pelican Town|town]] and sits.
[[File:Penny location 0.jpg|200px|]]
|4:00 PM
| 下午4:00 
| 离开拖车,在[[ 星之果实餐吧]] 旁边的长椅和[[ 玛鲁]] 坐在一起。
|Returns from [[Pelican Town|town]] to the [[trailer]] and does some dishes.
|6:30 PM
| 下午6:40
| 回家休息。
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
'''下雨 (可能情况 A)'''
!colspan=3| <big>Raining</big>
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:00 AM
| 上午9:00 
| 起床,站在[[ 拖车| 她的卧室]] 中。
|Wakes up and walks around her [[trailer]].
|11:00 AM
| 上午11:00 
| 进入厨房。
|Continues moving around her [[trailer]].
|1:00 PM
| 下午1:00 
| 洗碗
|Moves around the [[trailer]] and does some dishes.
|3:00 PM
| 下午3:00 
| 坐在沙发上,可能是在看电视。
|Sits on the couch in the [[trailer]].
|6:00 PM
| 下午6:00 
| 回到卧室读书。
|Does some reading in the [[trailer]].
|9:00 PM
| 下午9:00 
| 上床睡觉。
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
'''雨天 (可能情况 B)'''
!colspan=3| <big>Raining (Year 2)</big>
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|8:10 AM
| 上午8:10 
| 离开拖车,前往博物馆,但坐在外边。" 我要进去了,我只是想安静一下。"
|Wakes up and walks to the [[museum]] to sit outside. "I'm going to go inside, I just wanted a quiet moment."
|12:00 PM
| 下午12:00 
| 进入博物馆,看着书架。
|Goes inside the [[museum]] to look at the bookshelves.
|4:00 PM
| 下午4:00 
| 离开博物馆,回到拖车看电视。
|Leaves the [[museum]] and returns to the [[trailer]] to watch some television.
|7:00 PM
| 下午7:00 
| 走到[[ 拖车]] 的水槽前洗碗。
|Moves over to the sink in the [[trailer]] to do some dishes.
|9:00 PM
| 下午9:00 
| 上床睡觉。
|Goes to bed in her room in the [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday</big>
|8:30 AM
|[[Pelican Town]]
|Wakes up for the day, moves around her [[trailer]].
{|class="wikitable roundedborder"
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|9:00 AM
|8:30 上午
| 离开[[ 农舍]] [[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]]
|Leaves the [[trailer]] and walks to the [[museum]] to tutor [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]].
|2:00 PM
|2:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]] ,在镇上读书。
|Leaves the [[museum]] and walks with [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] to [[Pelican Town|town]].
|4:20 PM
|4:20 下午
|[[2 Willow Lane]]
| 坐在镇上。
|In front of [[Haley]] and [[Emily]]'s house while walking [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] home.
|5:50 PM
|6:10 下午
|[[The Ranch]]
| 离开小镇回到农场。
|Walks [[Jas]] home to [[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]] in [[The Woods|the woods]] west of [[Pelican Town|town]].
|6:30 PM
|10:00 下午
| 上床睡觉。
|Leaves [[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]] and returns to home for the evening.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="border:1px solid rgb(102, 204, 255);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
! style="background: #FF0099;" | <big>When Married</big>
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
{|class="wikitable" style="width: 500px;"
!colspan=3| <big>Saturday</big>
! style="width: 15%;" | 时间
! style="width: 85%;" | 地点
|10:00 AM
|8:30 上午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开农场,前往博物馆。"嗨,亲爱的。你能来看我工作真是太好了。"
|Wakes up for the day, leaves her [[trailer]] and goes to meet [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] near the [[Pelican Town|graveyard]].
|12:00 PM
|2:00 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 离开博物馆,和[[ 文森特]] [[ 贾斯]] 一起回到镇上。
|Escorts [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] to the [[Pelican Town|playground]].
|4:00 PM
|4:20 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 走到[[ 艾米丽]] 的家,送文森特回家。
|Leaves the playground with [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] and walks back to outside the [[Pelican Town|graveyard]].
|8:00 PM
|5:50 下午
| 前往[[ 玛妮的牧场]] ,送贾斯回家。
|Returns to her [[trailer]] for the evening.
{| class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid rgb(132,174,236);padding:5px;border-radius:11px;margin-top:15px"
!colspan=3| <big>Regular Schedule</big> <br> If [[Marriage|married]]
|8:30 AM
|6:30 下午
| 将贾斯留在牧场,然后回家休息。
|Leaves the [[Farmhouse|the farm]] and walks to the [[museum]]. "Hi, honey. It's nice of you to visit me at work."
|2:00 PM
|8:10 下午
|[[Pelican Town]]
| 抵达[[ 农舍]]
|Leaves the [[museum]] and walks with [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] to [[Pelican Town|town]].
|4:20 PM
|10:00 下午
|[[2 Willow Lane]]
| 上床睡觉。
|In front of [[Haley]] and [[Emily]]'s house while walking [[Vincent]] and [[Jas]] home.
|5:50 PM
|[[The Ranch]]
|Walks [[Jas]] home to [[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]] in [[The Woods|the woods]] west of [[Pelican Town|town]].
|6:30 PM
|Leaves [[The Ranch|Marnie's Ranch]] and returns to home for the evening.
她和[[ 山姆]] 是朋友。如果在[[ 花舞节]] 上,两人都没有成为玩家的舞伴,潘妮就会和山姆一起跳舞。
Penny lives with her mother [[Pam]]. She's friends with [[Maru]] and [[Sam]].
She also teaches the local children, [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]], at the [[museum]] a few days a week and accompanies them to the playground sometimes.
在8心事件中,文森特说他曾经看到过山姆和潘妮在爬树,潘妮对此明显感到惊愕,并斥责文森特的闲言碎语。[[ConcernedApe]] 解释说,他“并不是想通过这个场景来暗示”潘妮和山姆之间“可能发生过什么”。“在8心事件中......她实际上对山姆已经不感兴趣了。”<ref>原文请查看 [https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/4b8s7v/comment/d16zqdf reddit 帖子]。<p>“[[ 文森特]] 只是看到潘妮和[[ 山姆]] 在爬树。没有别的事情。<br/>我并没有试图暗示任何严重的问题。在我想象中...... 在心里,当她和你亲密度达到8颗心时,她已经对你有了真挚的喜欢,但当然她还是和[[山姆]]是朋友。<br/>她太有礼貌了,不会拒绝[[山姆]]邀请她爬树,所以她去了。但她其实已经不再对[[山姆]]感兴趣了。在树上什么事情都没有发生。”<br/></ref>
== 送礼==
=== 最爱===
{{quote|Thank you! I really love this!}}
{{Quote| 非常感谢!我太喜欢这个了!}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"|图片
! 名称
! 描述
! 来源
! 材料
| [[File:Penny Happy.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Penny Happy.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="4"| '''All [[Friendship#Universal Loves|Universal Loves]]''' ''(except [[Rabbit's Foot]])''
| colspan="4"| <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊# 最爱的礼物| 普遍最爱的礼物]]''' (除了[[兔子的脚]])</li></ul><ul><li>'''所有的[[ ]]'''</li></ul>
|[[ 钻石]]
|A rare and valuable gem.
|[[ 采矿]]
|[[ 绿宝石]]
|A precious stone with a brilliant green color.
|[[ 采矿]] 
|[[ 甜瓜]]
|A cool, sweet summer treat.
|[[Crops|Farming]] - [[Summer]]
|[[ 农作物| 耕种]] - [[ 夏季]]
|[[ 虞美人花]]
|In addition to its colorful flower, the Poppy has culinary and medicinal uses.
|[[Crops|Farming]] - [[Summer]]
|[[ 农作物| 耕种]] - [[ 夏季]]
|[[File:Poppyseed Muffin.png|center]]
|[[File:Poppyseed Muffin.png|center]]
|[[Poppyseed Muffin]]
|[[ 虞美人籽松糕]]
|It has a soothing effect.
|{{Description|Poppyseed Muffin}}
|[[ 烹饪]]
|{{name|Poppy|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Sugar|1}}
|{{name|Poppy|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Sugar|1}}
|[[File:Red Plate.png|center]]
|[[File:Red Plate.png|center]]
|[[Red Plate]]
|[[ 红之盛宴]]
|Full of antioxidants.
|{{Description|Red Plate}}
|[[ 烹饪]]
|{{name|Red Cabbage|1}}{{name|Radish|1}}
|{{name|Red Cabbage|1}}{{name|Radish|1}}
|[[File:Roots Platter.png|center]]
|[[File:Roots Platter.png|center]]
|[[Roots Platter]]
|[[ 块茎拼盘]]
|This'll get you digging for more.
|{{Description|Roots Platter}}
|[[ 烹饪]]
|{{name|Cave Carrot|1}}{{name|Winter Root|1}}
|{{name|Cave Carrot|1}}{{name|Winter Root|1}}
|[[ 沙鱼]]
|It tries to hide using camouflage.
|[[ 钓鱼]]
|[[File:Tom Kha Soup.png|center]]
|[[File:Tom Kha Soup.png|center]]
|[[Tom Kha Soup]]
|[[ 椰汁汤]]
|These flavors are incredible!
|{{Description|Tom Kha Soup}}
|[[ 烹饪]]
|{{name|Coconut|1}}{{name|Shrimp|1}}{{name|Common Mushroom|1}}
|{{name|Coconut|1}}{{name|Shrimp|1}}{{name|Common Mushroom|1}}
=== 喜欢===
{{quote|Thank you! This looks special.}}
{{Quote| 非常感谢!这看起来很特别。}}
*当收到[[有缺口的土罐]], [[咀嚼洁齿棒]], [[古剑]], [[古代鼓]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;"|图片
! 名称
! 描述
! 来源
| [[File:Penny.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Penny Happy.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="3"| '''All [[Friendship#Universal Likes|Universal Likes]]''' ''(except [[Algae Soup]], [[Beer]], [[Mead]], [[Pale Ale]], [[Pale Broth]], &amp; [[Wine]])'', '''All Milk'''
| colspan="3"| <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊# 喜欢的礼物| 普遍喜欢的礼物]]''' (除了[[海藻汤]]、[[ 啤酒]] [[ 蜜蜂酒]] [[ 淡啤酒]] [[ 清汤]] [[ 果酒]] [[ 椰汁汤]] )</li><li>'''所有奶类'''</li><li>''' 所有[[古物]]'''</li></ul>
|[[ 蒲公英]]
|Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad.
|[[Foraging#Spring|Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 采集# 春季| 采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[ 韭葱]]
|A tasty relative of the onion.
|[[Foraging#Spring|Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 采集# 春季| 采集]] - [[ 春季]]
=== 一般===
{{quote|Thanks, this looks nice.}}
{{Quote| 谢谢,这看起来不错。}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"|图片
! 名称
! 描述
! 来源
| [[File:Penny Neutral.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Penny.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="3"| '''All [[Friendship#Universal Neutrals|Universal Neutrals]]''' ''(except [[Duck Feather]], [[Hops]], &amp; [[Wool]])'', '''All Eggs''' ''(except [[Void Egg]])'', '''All [[Fruit]]''' ''(except [[Fruit Trees|Fruit Tree Fruit]], [[Grape]], [[Melon]], &amp; [[Salmonberry]])''
| colspan="3"| <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊# 一般的礼物| 普遍觉得一般的礼物]]''' (除了[[ 鸭毛]] [[ 啤酒花]] [[ 动物毛]] )</li><li>''' 所有蛋类''' (除了[[ 虚空蛋]] )</li><li>''' 所有[[ 水果]]''' (除了[[ 果树| 果树果实]] [[ 葡萄]] [[ 甜瓜]] [[ 美洲大树莓]] )</li></ul>
|[[File:Common Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[File:Common Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[Common Mushroom]]
|[[ 普通蘑菇]]
|Slightly nutty, with a good texture
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 秋季]]
|[[ 鸡油菌]]
|A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 秋季]]
|[[ 黄水仙]]
|A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[采集]] - [[春季]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 姜岛]]
|[[ 榛子]]
|That's one big hazelnut!
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[采集]] - [[秋季]]
|[[File:Magma Cap.png|center]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 火山地牢]]
|[[ 羊肚菌]]
|Sought after for its unique nutty flavor.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[File:Snow Yam.png|center]]
|[[File:Snow Yam.png|center]]
|[[Snow Yam]]
|[[ 雪山药]]
|This little yam was hiding beneath the snow.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 冬季]]
|[[File:Wild Horseradish.png|center]]
|[[File:Wild Horseradish.png|center]]
|[[Wild Horseradish]]
|[[ 野山葵]]
|A spicy root found in the spring.
|{{Description|Wild Horseradish}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[File:Winter Root.png|center]]
|[[File:Winter Root.png|center]]
|[[Winter Root]]
|[[ 冬根]]
|A starchy tuber.
|{{Description|Winter Root}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 冬季]]
=== 不喜欢===
{{quote|Uh, it's for me? ...Thanks.}}
{{Quote| 呃,给我的?……谢谢。}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"|图片
! 名称
! 描述
! 来源
! 材料
| [[File:Penny Concerned.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Penny Concerned.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="4"| '''All [[Friendship#Universal Dislikes|Universal Dislikes]]''' ''(except [[Sandfish]])''
| colspan="4"| <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊# 不喜欢的礼物| 普遍不喜欢的礼物]]'''(除了'''[[ 古物]]'''和[[沙鱼]])</li></ul>
|[[File:Algae Soup.png|center]]
|[[File:Algae Soup.png|center]]
|[[Algae Soup]]
|[[ 海藻汤]]
|It's a little slimy.
|{{Description|Algae Soup}}
|[[ 烹饪]]
|{{name|Green Algae|4}}
|{{name|Green Algae|4}}
|[[File:Duck Feather.png|center]]
|[[File:Duck Feather.png|center]]
|[[Duck Feather]]
|[[ 鸭毛]]
|It's so colorful.
|{{Description|Duck Feather}}
|[[ ]]
|[[Pale Broth|Pale Broth]]
|[[ 清汤]]
|A delicate broth with a hint of sulfur.
|{{Description|Pale Broth}}
|[[ 烹饪]]
|{{name|White Algae|2}}
|{{name|White Algae|2}}
|[[File:Purple Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[File:Purple Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[Purple Mushroom]]
|[[ 紫蘑菇]]
|A rare mushroom found deep in caves.
|{{Description|Purple Mushroom}}
|[[Foraging]] - Mines
|[[ 采集]] - 矿井
|[[ 石英]]
|A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines.
|[[Foraging]] - Mines
|[[ 采集]] - 矿井
|[[File:Red Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[File:Red Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[Red Mushroom]]
|[[ 红蘑菇]]
|A spotted mushroom sometimes found in caves.
|{{Description|Red Mushroom}}
|[[Foraging]] - Mines
|[[ 采集]] - 矿井
|[[ 美洲大树莓]]
|A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 采集]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[ 动物毛]]
|Soft, fluffy wool.
|[[Rabbit]]s, [[Sheep]]
|[[ 兔子]] [[ 绵羊]]
=== 讨厌===
{{quote|Ugh...I'm sorry, but I absolutely hate this.}}
{{Quote| 啊……抱歉,但是我真的很讨厌这个。}}
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"|图片
! 名称
! 描述
! 来源
! 材料
| [[File:Penny Annoyed.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Penny Concerned.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="4"| '''All [[Friendship#Universal Hates|Universal Hates]]''' ''(except [[Poppy]] &amp; [[Red Mushroom]])''
| colspan="4"| <ul><li>''' 所有[[ 友谊# 讨厌的礼物| 普遍讨厌的礼物]]''' (除了[[ 虞美人花]] [[ 红蘑菇]] )</li></ul>
|[[ 啤酒]]
|Drink in moderation.
|[[Artisan Goods|Keg]]<br />[[The Stardrop Saloon]]
|[[ 工匠物品#酿造桶| 酿造桶]]<br />[[ 星之果实餐吧]]
|[[ 葡萄]]
|A sweet cluster of fruit.
|[[ 农作物| 耕种]]
|[[ 冬青树]]
|The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration.
|[[Foraging#Winter|Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[ 采集# 冬季| 采集]] - [[ 冬季]]
|[[ 啤酒花]]
|A bitter, tangy flower used to flavor beer.
|[[ 农作物| 耕种]]
|[[ 蜜蜂酒]]
|A fermented beverage made from honey. Drink in moderation.
|[[Artisan Goods|Keg]]
|[[ 工匠物品#酿造桶| 酿造桶]]
|[[File:Pale Ale.png|center]]
|[[File:Pale Ale.png|center]]
|[[Pale Ale]]
|[[ 淡啤酒]]
|Drink in moderation.
|[[Artisan Goods#Keg|Keg]]
|[[ 工匠物品# 酿造桶| 酿造桶]]
|[[File:Piña Colada.png|center]]
|[[File:Rabbit's Foot.png|center]]
|[[File:Rabbit's Foot.png|center]]
|[[Rabbit's Foot]]
|[[ 兔子的脚]]
|Some say it's lucky.
|{{Description|Rabbit's Foot}}
|[[ 兔子]]
|[[ 果酒]]
|Drink in moderation.
|[[Artisan Goods|Keg]]
|[[ 工匠物品#酿造桶| 酿造桶]]
|Any [[Fruit]]
| 任何[[ 水果]]
==Heart Events==
== 电影和零食喜好==
===Two Hearts===
{{Main article|电影院}}
{|style="border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;"
|style="vertical-align: top;"|
<p>[[File:'The Brave Little Sapling'.png|24px|link=]] 勇敢的小树苗</p>
|[[File:'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png|24px|link=]] 草原之王之旅:大电影
<p>[[File:'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png|24px|link=]] 自然奇观:探索我们这充满活力的世界</p>
[[File:'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png|24px|link=]] 冷星牧场的奇迹
<p>[[File:'The Zuzu City Express'.png|24px|link=]] 祖祖城特快列车</p>
[[File:'Wumbus'.png|24px|link=]] 温布斯
|[[File:'It Howls In The Rain'.png|24px|link=]] 它在雨中嚎叫
<p>[[File:'Mysterium'.png|24px|link=]] 神秘事迹</p>
|style="width: 12px;"|
|style="vertical-align: top;"|
!最爱 [[File:ConcessionLove.png|24px|link=]]
|[[File:Cotton Candy.png|24px|link=]] 棉花糖<br />[[File:Stardrop Sorbet.png|24px|link=]] 星之果实冰糕
!不喜欢 [[File:ConcessionDislike.png|24px|link=]]
|[[File:Black Licorice.png|24px|link=]] 黑甘草糖<br />[[File:Joja Cola (large).png|24px|link=]] Joja可乐<br />[[File:JojaCorn.png|24px|link=]] Joja玉米<br />[[File:Sour Slimes.png|24px|link=]] 酸味史莱姆
!喜欢 [[File:ConcessionLike.png|24px|link=]]
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 2
  |hearts  = 2
  |trigger = Enter the [[town]] on a sunny day between 9am and 2pm.
  |trigger = 在晴天的9:00AM - 2:00PM进入[[ 鹈鹕镇|小镇]]
  |details = [[George]] looks into his mailbox and wonders how he'll reach a letter in the back. Penny notices and gets the letter out for him. George is upset at being seen helpless and scolds her. Penny sees you and asks if you were watching them.
  |details = [[ 乔治]] 想从信箱里取出信件,但是他在轮椅上够不着。潘妮看到了,跑过去帮他取出了信件。但乔治认为她是觉得自己没用,所以很生气。潘妮问你有没有看到事情的经过。
* {{choice|"I was. You did a kind thing there, Penny."|50}} Penny thanks you, but is unhappy that George was upset.
* {{choice|" 没错,你做的很好,潘妮。"|50}} 潘妮谢谢你,但对于乔治的态度感到不开心。
* {{choice|"You should've left him alone. Now he's grumpy."|-50}} Penny apologises to George.
* {{choice|" 你应该不管他的,现在他倒恼羞成怒了。"|-50}} 潘妮向乔治道歉。
* {{choice|"I'm just taking a walk, minding my own business."|0}} Penny responds "I see".
* {{choice|" 我就散个步,不用管我。"|0}} 潘妮回复你“好吧”。
Regardless of your choice, George sighs and apologises to Penny for getting angry. He says it was very kind of her to help. Penny says she understands. After George leaves, Penny says it must be difficult growing old.
* {{choice|"I'd rather not think about it."|0}} She responds, "I guess you're right... why stress out about something you can't change?"
* {{choice|" 我不是很想聊这个话题。"|0}} 她回应道,“我想你是对的……为什么要为这些无法改变的事情徒增压力呢?”
* {{choice|"It's just a different part of life."|0}} She responds, "You're right, we shouldn't ignore the reality of aging. I guess the sooner we come to terms with our mortality, the more time we can spend really living in the here-and-now."
* {{choice|" 这只是生命的另一段旅程。"|0}} 她回应道,“你说得对,我们不应该忽视变老的现实。我们越早接受这个残酷的事实,就越能珍惜活在当下。”
* {{choice|"That's why we should respect our elders."|0}} She responds, "That's nice of you to say... I totally agree with you. We should treat our elders with the same respect we hope to receive ourselves some day."
* {{choice|" 所以我们才要尊敬老人嘛。"|0}} 她回应道,“你说得真好…我完全同意。我们应该像自己变老后期待的那样尊敬长辈。”
* {{choice|"I'd rather die young..."|0}} She responds, "That's a horrible thing to say. Life is a precious thing to waste like that!"
* {{choice|" 我宁可年轻时就死掉……"|0}} 她回应道,“你说得太可怕了。生命太珍贵,你不该这样浪费掉!”
Penny bids you farewell and leaves.
  |video  =
===Four Hearts===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 4
  |hearts  = 4
  |trigger = Enter the [[trailer]] when she's home.
  |trigger = 潘妮在家的时候,去她[[ 拖车|家]]
  |details = Penny complains about how messy the place is, and asks if you could help her clean up. As you do so, Pam returns home and yells at Penny for letting someone else clean her home. Pam eventually asks you to leave, and they continue their discussion privately. Pam admits that she's embarrassed to have strangers clean up the house. The next day, you you get a letter of apology from Penny.
  |details =  潘妮抱怨这地方太脏了,然后来问你愿不愿意帮她一起打扫。在你帮她打扫的时候,[[潘姆]]回来了,看到你在整理她的屋子,就冲潘妮大吼并让你离开。她俩最后又吵了一会儿,潘姆说一个陌生人来打扫她的屋子会令她尴尬。这件事的第二天,玩家会收到一封来自潘妮的道歉信。}}
  |video  =
===Six Hearts===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 6
  |hearts  = 6
  |trigger = Enter the [[trailer]] when she's home.
  |trigger = 潘妮在家的时候,去她[[ 拖车|家]]
  |details = Penny asks you to try a recipe she invented.
  |details = 潘妮让你尝尝她新作的菜肴
* {{choice|"(Lie) Mmm! That was delicious!"|50}} She responds: "You really mean it? Thank you! ... it's such a relief to hear that. I've been working so hard on this recipe, and I'm really proud of it. Hey, since you're the first person to try it, I'm going to name this one 'Chili de <your name>'."
* {{choice|" (说谎)嗯嗯!真好吃!"|50}} 她回应道:“真的吗?谢谢!听到你这么说我真是松了一口气。畢竟是我花了心思製作出來的,我自己是很引以為豪啦。既然你是第一个品尝的人,那我就把它叫做‘辣  玩家的名字’吧!”
* {{choice|"Uh... can I get the rest to go?"|-50}} Penny is crestfallen and says her recipe was a failure.
* {{choice|" 呃……我能把剩下的带走吗?"|-50}} 潘妮非常气馁,称她的做的菜肴就是个失败品。
* {{choice|"Well it's definitely unique... how did you get it so rubbery?"|0}} Penny is crestfallen and says her recipe was a failure.
* {{choice|" 真是特别的味道……你是怎么把它做得那么耐人寻味的?"|0}} 潘妮非常气馁,称她的做的菜肴就是个失败品。
Regardless of your choice, she invites you to watch a movie together.
  |video  =
===Eight Hearts===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 8
  |hearts  = 8
  |trigger = Enter [[Cindersap Forest]] between 9am and 4pm.
  |trigger = 在任意天气的上午9:00至下午4:00来到[[ 煤矿森林]]
  |details = Penny is on a field trip with [[Jas]] and [[Vincent]]. Penny asks you if you'd like to be a guest speaker and share your experience about the countryside with the children.
  |details = 潘妮正在和文森特、贾斯进行实地考察。潘妮问你是否愿意当一名客座演讲人,和孩子们分享你在农村的经历。
* {{choice|"I'd love to!"|10}} She responds, "Great! Let me just call the children over."
* {{choice|" 我很乐意。"|10}} 她回答说:“太好了!让我叫孩子们过来。”
* {{choice|"Sure."|0}} She responds, "Great! Let me just call the children over."
* {{choice|" 当然。"|0}} 她回答说:“太好了!让我叫孩子们过来。”
* {{choice|"No... I can't stand kids."|-1500}} She responds, "Really?... Uh... Well, alright. I guess I'll see you later then." The scene ends.
* {{choice|" 不……我受不了小孩。"|-1500}} 她回答说:“真的吗... 好吧。我想待会儿见。”场景结束了。
* {{choice|"我还没认真想过。"|0}} 她回答说:“哦,不是吗?嗯,我想这是有道理的…你现在正忙着其他事情呢。”
* {{choice|"当然了。我想要一个子孙满堂的家庭。"|20}} 她回答说:“…我也是. 我很高兴你有这种感觉。”
* {{choice|"还好吧。我想这也算是人生的必经阶段。"|20}} 她回答说:“是的…关心无辜和无助的冲动。我们有这种感觉是有道理的。”
* {{choice|" 我觉得我不擅长这些事。"|10}} 她回答道:“哦,真的吗?我想你会成为一个好父母的。”
* {{choice|"不想,这个世界已经够拥挤的了。"|-10}} 她回答说:“嗯……如果每个人都这样想,人类就会灭绝。”
* {{choice|" 不想,我不想被家庭束缚。"|-10}} 她回答说:“哦…这是一种悲哀…但我想我能理解你的意思。”
If you agree to speak to the kids, you're prompted for a number of dialogue options (which have no effect on friendship). Afterwards Penny tells the children to run along and asks you if you'd like to be a parent.
* {{choice|"I haven't really thought about it."|0}} She responds, "Oh no? Well, I guess that makes sense... you're busy with other things right now."
* {{choice|"Absolutely. I want a big family."|20}} She responds, "... Me too. I'm glad you feel that way."
* {{choice|"I guess so. It's a natural urge."|20}} She responds, "Yes... the urge to care for something innocent and helpless. It makes sense that we'd feel that."
* {{choice|"No, I don't think I'd be good at it."|10}} She responds, "Oh, really? I think you'd make a good parent."
* {{choice|"No, The world's crowded enough already."|-10}} She responds, "hmm... If everyone thought like that, humans would die out."
* {{choice|"No, I don't want to be tied down with a family."|-10}} She responds, "Oh... That's kind of sad... but I guess I can understand your point."
The scene fades and she thanks you for showing up.
  |video  =
===Ten Hearts===
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts  = 10
  |hearts  = 10
  |trigger = You receive a letter from Penny. After receiving the letter, enter the pool area of the [[spa]] between 7pm and midnight.
  |trigger = 收到潘妮的来信后,在晚上7点到凌晨12点间进入[[ 温泉]] 的泳池区域。
  |details = Penny joins you in the pool. She asks if you know why she invited you here.
  |details = 
* {{choice|"You have something to tell me."|0}} She responds, "That's right..."
见到玩家来了之后,潘妮说:“你来了……我还担心你没收到我的字条呢。看来只有我们在这里。<span style="text-decoration: underline;">这里的水感觉真清凉</span>,对吧?”('''提示:'''此处意为“顶着外面的夜晚寒风来到浴室之后泡在温泉里面感觉很舒服”)
* {{choice|"I'm not exactly sure."|0}} She responds, "Really? I thought you'd have noticed by now..."
* {{choice|"You wanted to see me in my bathing suit."|0}} She responds, "No!"
潘妮问玩家:“你知道我今晚<span style="text-decoration: underline;">约你出来</span>的原因吗?”('''提示:'''此处应为“你知道我今晚<span style="text-decoration: underline;">约你到这里来</span>的原因吗?”)
* {{choice| “你有话想对我说。”|0}} “没错……”
* {{choice| “<u>我不大清楚。</u>”|0}} “<span style="text-decoration: underline;">真的?我还以为你早就意识到了呢……</span>”('''提示:''' 此处玩家说的是“我不是太敢肯定”,潘妮说的是“是吗?不过我觉得你现在应该已经意识到了……”)
* {{choice| “你想见穿着泳装的我。”|0}} “不!”
Penny confesses her feelings for you.
* {{choice|"I feel the same way about you."|0}} She responds, "...Oh, <your name>. I thought you did, but I wasn't sure. ...I'll always remember this night. You look so beautiful tonight... I... *gasp*" You kiss and the scene ends.
* {{choice| “我对你也有同样的感受。”|0}}
* {{choice|"Sorry, but I don't like you in that way..."|-1500}} The scene ends.
** (男性玩家)“……哦,(玩家名)。<span style="text-decoration: underline;">我还以为你早就意识到了,只是不确定而已。</span> ……今天晚上将会是我一生的回忆。”
  |video  =
** (女性玩家)“……哦,(玩家名)。<span style="text-decoration: underline;">我还以为你早就意识到了,只是不确定而已。</span>你今晚看起来真的很美……我……*喘气*”
** ('''提示:'''此处潘妮的话意为“我觉得你也对我有同样的感觉,但我始终不太敢确定”)
** 玩家和潘妮在温泉中接吻,随后场景结束。
* {{choice| “抱歉,但是我对你没有这种感觉……”|-1500}}  潘妮心碎大哭,场景结束。
[[File:Penny Spouse Room.png|200px|thumb|right|Penny's room.]]
Once [[Marriage|married]], Penny will move into the [[farmhouse]] and begin working at the [[museum]] on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Like other marriage candidates, she will add her own room off to the side of the bedroom, which happens to be a small library. She'll also setup a small potted plant garden behind the [[farmhouse]] where she'll go to read.
{{#lst: 花束|girls}}
{{heart event
|hearts  = 14
|trigger = 下午3点至7点之间,当她在家时,进入农舍。
|details = 潘妮说:"欢迎回家,亲爱的......。你今天过得怎么样?"
*{{Choice|很好|0}} 潘妮回应说:"只是像往常一样,嗯?好吧,我在烤箱里准备了一个有趣的新菜谱,所以也许事情会变得更刺激!"。
*{{Choice|不太好...|0}} 潘妮回应说:"哦,我很抱歉! 嗯,你现在回来了... 我会尽我所能让你感觉更好。"
*{{Choice|这真是太棒了!|0}} 潘妮回应说:"那很好!我很高兴你这么喜欢你的工作。"
潘妮然后说她想用她的手工装饰品重新装修卧室。 她问你喜欢什么风格。
潘妮说她不会碰你的任何[[ 宝箱|箱子]] ,但要求你把它们移出房间。
*{{Choice|我不希望有任何改变!|0}} 潘妮说,那她就不担心了。
:1: At 12 hearts she will help around the farm when she's not working. She will:
::Water crops
::Fill pet bowl
::Feed animals
::Repair fences
:2: She will also occasionally cook you breakfast, adding one random breakfast food to your inventory. If your inventory is full, you will not receive the item.
Some of the possible breakfast items are:
::[[Hashbrowns]] (90 Energy, 90 Health, +1 Farming)
::[[Pancakes]] (90 Energy, 36 Health, +2 Foraging)
::[[Omelet]] (100 Energy, 40 Health)
:3: Less often, Penny will say that she had gone shopping and brought you something. Some of the possible items are:
::[[Large Milk]]
{{main article|婚姻}}
结婚后,潘妮将搬进农舍。和其他人一样,她将在卧室的右侧增加自己的房间。她还会在[[ 农舍]] 后面增设一个小花园,她有时会到那里读书。此外,潘妮会在每周二、三、五去[[ 博物馆]] 工作。
:4: Give you a [[Stardrop]] as a sign of love.
在雨天的早上,潘妮可能会给你提供[[ 大壶牛奶]] 、[[蛋|鸡蛋]]、[[混合种子]]或[[矿物|晶球]]。
Get your Penny to 13/12 hearts and speak to them in your home. She will comment about life on the farm and how they are enjoying it, then give you the Stardrop Fruit as thanks.
Penny Spouse Room.png|潘妮的房间
Penny, harvey. elliot.png|潘妮的花园
== 对话==
{| class="wikitable" id="roundedborder"
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!Quest Name
! style="text-align: left;" | '''常规'''&nbsp;
!Quest Text
!Quest Summary
!Provided By
|'''Penny''' is in need of an [[Iron Bar]]. Bring '''Penny''' an [[Iron Bar]].
|Finish Quest by bringing '''Penny''' an Iron Bar within two days.
|Help Wanted
|360g; '''Penny''' will be thankful.
:星期四:<!-- 此处简繁转换存在异常,请勿移除标记。 -->
好感度 2 心以上
好感度 4 心以上
好感度 6 心以上,星期四:
{{Quote|如果能开个小花园就好了,不过我们的前院实在是太脏了。或许有一天,我也能住在有花园的地方。也许我会住在农场呢!* 咯咯笑 *}}
好感度 8 心以上,星期一:
好感度 10 心,星期二:
好感度 4 心以上,星期一:
{{Quote| 您好,[玩家名]。看来你最近过得不错哦。}}
:{{Quote| 感谢你把社区活动中心重建起来。这下你可算是小镇的英雄了呢。}}
好感度 4 心以上
好感度 6 心以上
好感度 8 心以上,星期六:
好感度 10 心,星期日:
'''[[ 冬季]]'''
好感度 2 心以上,星期五:
好感度 4 心以上,星期二:
''' 苔雨'''
[[ 博物馆]] 外时
{{Quote| 我们很快就会组成一个小小的农户家庭。真高兴你那么喜欢我。}}
''' 群体十心事件后'''
{{Quote| 你在我的心上留下了永久的伤疤,[玩家名]。然而...我准备好再次和你说话。}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | ''' 节日'''&nbsp;
|I'd like to put an Amethyst above the mantle. Please deliver it some time today. -'''Penny'''
|Finish Quest by bringing '''Penny''' an Amethyst within two days.
|Help Wanted
{{Quote| 孩子们盼着过节盼了好几个礼拜了。}}
|300g on delivery, '''Penny''' will be thankful
{{Quote|* 深呼吸 * ……紧张紧张好紧张。}}
{{Quote| 水母的生活过得真轻松……随波逐流,一生全靠浪。}}
{{Quote| 噢!这些水气……唔……今晚你看起来不错。}}
:{{Choice| 雪人太没意思了,咱们不要思想僵化!}}
{{Quote| 你今年打算参加钓鱼大赛吗,[玩家名]?我妈对今年的比赛志在必得。}}
{{Quote| 你能闻到吗?这里的空气真辛辣...}}
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
<gallery mode="packed" widths=128px heights=128px class="portraitgallery">
! style="text-align: left;" | '''婚后'''&nbsp;
{{Quote|因为我离开了她身边,妈妈现在可能很孤独。我只是希望她不要太频繁的去酒吧来打发寂寞。你不用感到难过!妈妈必须解决她自己的问题。 }}
春季 1
春季 8
春季 15
夏季 1
夏季 2
夏季 16
秋季 1
秋季 2
秋季 5
冬季 1
冬季 3
冬季 6
{{Quote|*唉* ……我妈每天晚上都去酒吧喝酒,怕是上瘾了。但果然还是不要总想着消极的一面吧?
* 潘妮会在[[皮埃尔的杂货店]]外边的[[任务#求助任务|“布告栏”]]上随机发布要求提供一个物品的求助任务,任务完成的奖励是与该物品基础价格3倍等值的金币和150点[[友谊]]。
<gallery mode="packed" class="portraitgallery">
Penny Happy.png
Penny Concerned.png
Penny Neutral.png
Penny Annoyed.png
Penny Blush.png
Penny Turned.png
<gallery mode="packed" class="portraitgallery">
Penny Winter 00.png
Penny Winter 01.png
Penny Winter 02.png
Penny Winter 03.png
Penny Winter 04.png
Penny Winter 05.png
Penny Winter 07.png
Penny Winter 11.png
Penny Winter 12.png
<gallery mode="packed" class="portraitgallery">
Penny's look evolved over the years the game was in development.
Penny Beach.png
Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Penny's style changed over the years before the game was launched.
Penny Beach Happy.png
Penny Beach Concerned.png
Penny Dress.png
Penny Dress Blush.png
Penny Dress Annoyed.png
Penny Dress Upset.png
*在游戏发布之前,潘妮(Penny)一度被命名为 "Dana"。
潘妮的外观随着游戏的开发进展而改变。 这里是一个时间轴,显示了ConcernedApe的作品和潘妮的风格在游戏推出之前几年内的改变。
[[File:Penny Timeline.png|center]]
[[File:Penny Timeline.png|center]]
== 参考==
{{history|1.1|Added reading garden area behind farmhouse if [[marriage|married]].}}
== 历史==
