
移除 837 位元組 、 2024年5月20日 (星期一)
第1行: 第1行:  
{{Stub|参考、历史的 翻译 仍需要校对、润色}}
{{TOC right}}
{{TOC right}}
第11行: 第11行:  
 玩家可以使用钓鱼竿在水中进行钓鱼。按住使用键(PC端默认为C键和鼠标左键[[File:Left-Click.png|24px]], Xbox为[[File:360 X.png|24px]], Playstation为[[File:PS4 Square.png|24px]], Switch为[[File:Switch Y.png|24px]])抛钩,这时会出现一个量表指示把鱼钩抛多远,松开使用键即可抛出鱼钩。提高钓鱼技能等级或使用更好的钓鱼竿可以把鱼钩抛的更远。在鱼钩抛出后且未入水时,按住方向键可以改变落点位置,这一技巧可以用于在更好的[[钓鱼#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]]和不易达到的[[钓鱼#气泡|气泡]]处钓鱼。
 玩家可以使用钓鱼竿在水中进行钓鱼。按住使用键(PC端默认为C键和鼠标左键[[File:Left-Click.png|24px]], Xbox为[[File:360 X.png|24px]], Playstation为[[File:PS4 Square.png|24px]], Switch为[[File:Switch Y.png|24px]])抛钩,这时会出现一个量表指示把鱼钩抛多远,松开使用键即可抛出鱼钩。提高钓鱼技能等级或使用更好的钓鱼竿可以把鱼钩抛的更远。在鱼钩抛出后且未入水时,按住方向键可以改变落点位置,这一技巧可以用于在更好的[[钓鱼#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]]和不易达到的[[钓鱼#气泡|气泡]]处钓鱼 (详见“[[钓鱼#倾斜抛竿|倾斜抛竿]]”)
第18行: 第18行:     
第59行: 第58行:     
{{Stub|Changed to 7 "zones" with beta 1.6; Final 1.6 code needs to be checked. Also "Fishing Zones" needs to be renamed to "Distance from Land"}}
{{Stub| 在beta1.6 版本中钓鱼区调整为7个等级;需要确定1.6 版本的最终代码。另外“钓鱼区”需要改名为“距陆地的距离”}}
 水域的每个格子都按照离(最近)岸边的距离被划分为钓鱼区0、1、2、3或5<ref name="fishing_zone" /> ,距离越远,数字越大,等级越高,钓鱼收获越好。钓鱼区等级在距离大于等于5时设为5,否则设为距离减去1。游戏将陆地、码头、石桥都视为岸,木桥除外。钓鱼区分布请查看[[钓鱼攻略#距离图片|距离图片]]。
 水域的每个格子都按照离(最近)岸边的距离被划分为钓鱼区0、1、2、3或5<ref name="fishing_zone" /> ,距离越远,数字越大,等级越高,钓鱼收获越好。钓鱼区等级在距离大于等于5时设为5,否则设为距离减去1。游戏将陆地、码头、石桥都视为岸,木桥除外。钓鱼区分布请查看[[钓鱼攻略#距离图片|距离图片]]。
   第111行: 第110行:  
| 铱星
| 铱星
{{Stub|Fishing zone mechanics changed in 1.6, need to check if fish quality chances as outlined in the table below change}}
{{Stub| 在1.6 版本中修改了钓鱼区的机制,需要重新检查下表中列出的鱼基础品质的概率是否有所变化。}}
 下表是根据钓鱼区和钓鱼等级不同,列出获得鱼基础品质的几率和尺寸。请注意,基础品质不涉及完美钓鱼或优质浮标带来的品质提高,上表描述了如何进行这些调整。关于详细的fFishSize和尺寸说明<ref name="fish_quality" />参见[[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Fishing#Fish_Size_.26_Quality 英文wiki]]。
 下表是根据钓鱼区和钓鱼等级不同,列出获得鱼基础品质的几率和尺寸。请注意,基础品质不涉及完美钓鱼或优质浮标带来的品质提高,上表描述了如何进行这些调整。关于详细的fFishSize和尺寸说明<ref name="fish_quality" />参见[[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Fishing#Fish_Size_.26_Quality 英文wiki]]。
第121行: 第120行:  
! rowspan="2" | 钓鱼区
! rowspan="2" | 钓鱼区
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type=number | 钓鱼等级
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type=number | 钓鱼等级
! colspan="2" | fFishSize
! colspan="3" | 鱼的基础品质 (%)
! colspan="3" | 鱼的基础品质 (%)
! colspan="2" | fFishSize
! colspan="2" | 鱼的完美尺寸 (英寸)
! colspan="2" | 鱼的完美尺寸 (英寸)
! 最小
! 最大
! 普通
! 普通
! 银星
! 银星
! 金星
! 金星
! 最小
! 最大
! data-sort-type=number | 沙丁鱼
! data-sort-type=number | 沙丁鱼
! data-sort-type=number | 鲱鱼
! data-sort-type=number | 鲱鱼
第226行: 第225行:  
 除默认的上下左右四个方向可以钓鱼之外,在抛竿的过程中(即从鱼钩甩出到入水之间的空中阶段),玩家可以按移动键(WASD)微调鱼钩入水的位置,从而更好地控制抛竿角度,实现倾斜抛竿。 调整 抛竿 角度 在两​​种情况下很有用:
 除默认的上下左右四个方向可以钓鱼之外,在抛竿的过程中(即从鱼钩甩出到入水之间的空中阶段),玩家可以按移动键(WASD)微调鱼钩入水的位置,从而更好地控制抛竿角度,实现倾斜抛竿。 倾斜 抛竿在两​​种情况下很有用:
1. 在一些形状不规则的钓鱼区,需要通过倾斜抛竿才能钓到深水区的鱼。
1. 在一些形状不规则的钓鱼区,需要通过倾斜抛竿才能钓到深水区的鱼。
第395行: 第394行:  
 发现箱子的基础几率为15%。几率可以通过[[磁铁]](+15%)、[[寻宝者]](+5%)和[[#钓鱼技能|海盗职业]](+15%)增加,总共达到50%。每日[[运气]]的数值/2也会影响几率,即-5%到+5%。[[特殊的魅力]]增加1.25%几率。食物提供的每一点临时运气增加0.5%几率<ref name="treasure_chance" /> 。运气也会略微提高宝箱内战利品的数量和质量。
After obtaining [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Fishing Mastery]], the treasure chest that appears when fishing may be golden. The base chance of a fishing treasure chest being golden is 25%. This is adjusted by the value of daily [[luck]], increasing by 10% at best or decreasing by 10% at worst, with the [[Special Charm]] adding 2.5%.<ref name="treasure_chance" />
当玩家通过[[ 精通山洞]]获得[[精通山洞# 钓鱼精通| 钓鱼精通]] 后,钓鱼时可能会出现金宝箱。
金宝箱出现的基础几率为25% [[ 运气#每日运气|每日运气]] 可提供10%的最大增益/减益,即25% ±10% ;若玩家拥有[[ 特殊的魅力]] ,则额外增加2.5%<ref name="treasure_chance" />
1. 书籍类:[[鱼饵和浮漂]]、[[战斗季刊]]、[[采矿月刊]]、[[星露谷年历]]、[[樵夫周刊]]
2. 渔具类:[[精装旋式鱼饵]]、[[挑战鱼饵]]、[[磁铁]]、[[声纳浮漂]]
3. 种子类:[[胡萝卜种子]]、[[金皮西葫芦种子]]、[[西蓝花种子]]、[[霜瓜种子]]
4. 菜肴类:[[鱼肉卷]]、[[虾鸡尾酒]]、[[烩鱼汤]]
5. 其他:[[铱锭]]、[[星之果茶]]、[[仙尘]]、[[珍珠]]
Golden treasure chests provide on average more items than normal treasure chests and golden treasure chests have about a 70% chance of containing at least one of the following items:<ref name="treasure" /> [[Iridium Bar]], [[Bait And Bobber]], [[Combat Quarterly]], [[Mining Monthly]], [[Stardew Valley Almanac]], [[Woodcutter's Weekly]], [[Carrot Seeds]], [[Summer Squash Seeds]], [[Broccoli Seeds]], [[Powdermelon Seeds]], [[Fish Taco]], [[Fairy Dust]], [[Dressed Spinner]], [[Challenge Bait]], [[Magnet]], [[Stardrop Tea]], [[Pearl]], [[Shrimp Cocktail]], [[Fish Stew]], and [[Sonar Bobber]]. Most of these items cannot be found in normal fishing treasure chests, and those that can have much greater chances of being found in golden ones.
=== 战利品===
The following is a list of all items that can be found inside treasure chests.<ref name="treasure" /> The "Chance" columns provide the probability per treasure chest (normal and golden) that the item will appear at least once in the treasure chest, if all of the requirements for the item are met.
以下是可以在宝箱中找到的所有物品的列表。<ref name="treasure" /> “概率”栏表示在满足该物品所有要求的前提下,每个宝箱(普通宝箱和黄金宝箱)中至少出现一次该物品的几率。
All of the items listed below, with the exception of [[Mixed Seeds]], can be found in golden treasure chests. [[Iridium Bar]], [[Carrot Seeds]], [[Summer Squash Seeds]], [[Broccoli Seeds]], [[Powdermelon Seeds]], [[Fish Taco]], [[Fairy Dust]], [[Challenge Bait]], [[Magnet]], [[Stardrop Tea]], [[Pearl]], [[Shrimp Cocktail]], and [[Fish Stew]] cannot be found in normal treasure chests.
除了[[ 混合种子]] 之外,下面列出的所有物品都可以在黄金宝箱中找到。[[ 铱锭]] [[ 胡萝卜种子]] [[ 金皮西葫芦种子]] [[ 西蓝花种子]] [[ 霜瓜种子]] [[ 鱼肉卷]] [[ 仙尘]] [[ 挑战鱼饵]] [[ 磁铁]] [[ 星之果茶]] [[ 珍珠]] [[ 虾鸡尾酒]] [[ 烩鱼汤]] 无法在普通宝箱中找到。
<!--The items are listed in the order when they first appear in the game code. Please DO NOT rearrange them. -->
<!--The items are listed in the order when they first appear in the game code. Please DO NOT rearrange them. -->
<!--下列物品是按照它们第一次出现在游戏代码中的顺序列出的。请不要重新排序。 -->
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
第422行: 第436行:  
|{{name|Rice Shoot}}
|{{name|Rice Shoot}}
|[[Spring]] only, not at [[The Beach]]
| 只能在[[ 春季]] 找到,且玩家不位于[[ 沙滩]]
第428行: 第442行:  
|{{name|Wild Bait}}
|{{name|Wild Bait}}
|Must know the recipe for Wild Bait<br />
| 必须学会万能鱼饵的配方。<br />
Chance is significantly increased if more than one fish is caught simultaneously, which is reflected with the extra percentage ranges given
|data-sort-value=9|8-9%, 64-65%
|data-sort-value=9|8-9%, 64-65%
|data-sort-value=6|5-6%, 69%
|data-sort-value=6|5-6%, 69%
第435行: 第449行:  
|{{name|Qi Bean}}
|{{name|Qi Bean}}
|1-4 ||
|1-4 ||
|Only if the [[Quests#Qi's Crop|Qi's Crop]] Quest is active
| 仅在[[ 任务# 齐先生的特别任务列表| 齐先生的作物]] 任务期间出现
第441行: 第455行:  
|{{name|Mystery Box}}
|{{name|Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
|Requires having seen Mr. Qi's cutscene and [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Foraging Mastery]] not obtained<br />
| 需要阅览齐先生的过场动画并且没有获得[[ 精通山洞# 精通| 采集精通]]<br />
Chance increases with higher daily [[luck]] and if the player has received the power from the [[Book of Mysteries]]
如果玩家获得了[[ 谜之书]] 的力量,则出现概率随每日[[ 运气]] 的增加而增加
第448行: 第462行:  
|{{name|Golden Mystery Box}}
|{{name|Golden Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
|Requires obtaining [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Foraging Mastery]]<br />
| 需要[[ 精通山洞# 精通| 采集精通]]<br />
Chance increases with higher daily [[luck]] and if the player has received the power from the [[Book of Mysteries]]
如果玩家获得了[[ 谜之书]] 的力量,则出现概率随每日[[ 运气]] 的增加而增加
第455行: 第469行:  
|{{name|Golden Animal Cracker}}
|{{name|Golden Animal Cracker}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
|Requires obtaining [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|Farming Mastery]]
| 需要[[ 精通山洞# 精通| 耕种精通]]
第467行: 第481行:  
|{{name|Bait And Bobber}}
|{{name|Bait And Bobber}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests
| 必须开启过至少三个其他的钓鱼宝箱之后才会出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第473行: 第487行:  
|{{name|Mining Monthly}}
|{{name|Mining Monthly}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests
| 必须开启过至少三个其他的钓鱼宝箱之后才会出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第479行: 第493行:  
|{{name|Combat Quarterly}}
|{{name|Combat Quarterly}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests
| 必须开启过至少三个其他的钓鱼宝箱之后才会出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第485行: 第499行:  
|{{name|Stardew Valley Almanac}}
|{{name|Stardew Valley Almanac}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests
| 必须开启过至少三个其他的钓鱼宝箱之后才会出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第491行: 第505行:  
|{{name|Woodcutter's Weekly}}
|{{name|Woodcutter's Weekly}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Must have already opened at least 3 other fishing treasure chests to obtain in normal chests
| 必须开启过至少三个其他的钓鱼宝箱之后才会出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第497行: 第511行:  
|{{name|Carrot Seeds}}
|{{name|Carrot Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|2-8 ||
|Must be between [[Winter]] 21 and [[Spring]] 23
| 只能在[[ 冬季]] 第二十一天到[[ 春季]] 第二十三天获得
第503行: 第517行:  
|{{name|Summer Squash Seeds}}
|{{name|Summer Squash Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|2-8 ||
|Must be between [[Spring]] 24 and [[Summer]] 20
| 只能在[[ 春季]] 第二十四天到[[ 夏季]] 第二十天获得
第509行: 第523行:  
|{{name|Broccoli Seeds}}
|{{name|Broccoli Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|2-8 ||
|Must be between [[Summer]] 21 and [[Fall]] 20
| 只能在[[ 夏季]] 第二十一天到[[ 秋季]] 第二十天获得
第515行: 第529行:  
|{{name|Powdermelon Seeds}}
|{{name|Powdermelon Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|2-8 ||
|Must be between [[Fall]] 21 and [[Winter]] 20
| 只能在[[ 秋季]] 第二十一天到[[ 冬季]] 第二十天获得
第533行: 第547行:  
|{{name|Dressed Spinner}}
|{{name|Dressed Spinner}}
|1  ||6+
|1  ||6+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5 to obtain in normal chests
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级才能获得
第575行: 第589行:  
|{{name|Sonar Bobber}}
|{{name|Sonar Bobber}}
|Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known
| 如果未获得万能鱼饵配方,概率将会提高
第581行: 第595行:  
|{{name|Iridium Ore}}
|{{name|Iridium Ore}}
|1-2 ||
|1-2 ||
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
第587行: 第601行:  
|{{name|Gold Ore}}
|{{name|Gold Ore}}
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
第593行: 第607行:  
|{{name|Iron Ore}}
|{{name|Iron Ore}}
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3 or 5, More likely at [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] 3
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3或5级,在3级时的概率更高
第599行: 第613行:  
|{{name|Copper Ore}}
|{{name|Copper Ore}}
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values
| [[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 等级更低时概率更高
第605行: 第619行:  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values
| [[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 等级更低时概率更高
第611行: 第625行:  
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values
| [[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 等级更低时概率更高
第617行: 第631行:  
|More likely at Fishing levels less than 2 and at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zones]] and if [[Lost Book]]s and [[Artifact]]s cannot be found
| 在钓鱼等级低于2级、[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 等级更低且[[ 遗失之书]] [[ 古物]] 不能出现时更容易获得
第623行: 第637行:  
|{{name|Deluxe Bait}}
|{{name|Deluxe Bait}}
|Chance is higher if the recipe for Wild Bait isn't known
| 如果未获得万能鱼饵配方,概率将会提高
第629行: 第643行:  
|Chance of obtaining is significantly reduced starting at Fishing level 6<br />
| 在钓鱼等级6级后,出现概率大幅降低<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots starting at Fishing level 6''
'' 钓鱼等级6级后,不能在同一个钓鱼宝箱内的不同位置出现多次''
第636行: 第650行:  
|{{name|Lost Book}}
|{{name|Lost Book}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Only if at least 1 Lost Book has already been found, and the [[Museum]]'s Library collection is not complete
| 仅在找到至少一本[[ 遗失之书]] 并且没有完成[[博物馆]]的书籍收集时才能找到
第642行: 第656行:  
|{{name|Skeletal Tail}}
|{{name|Skeletal Tail}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第648行: 第662行:  
|{{name|Nautilus Fossil}}
|{{name|Nautilus Fossil}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第654行: 第668行:  
|{{name|Amphibian Fossil}}
|{{name|Amphibian Fossil}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第660行: 第674行:  
|{{name|Ancient Doll}}
|{{name|Ancient Doll}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第666行: 第680行:  
|{{name|Elvish Jewelry}}
|{{name|Elvish Jewelry}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第672行: 第686行:  
|{{name|Chewing Stick}}
|{{name|Chewing Stick}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第678行: 第692行:  
|{{name|Ornamental Fan}}
|{{name|Ornamental Fan}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第684行: 第698行:  
|{{name|Dinosaur Egg}}
|{{name|Dinosaur Egg}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第690行: 第704行:  
|{{name|Rare Disc}}
|{{name|Rare Disc}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第696行: 第710行:  
|{{name|Ancient Sword}}
|{{name|Ancient Sword}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第702行: 第716行:  
|{{name|Rusty Spoon}}
|{{name|Rusty Spoon}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第708行: 第722行:  
|{{name|Rusty Spur}}
|{{name|Rusty Spur}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第714行: 第728行:  
|{{name|Rusty Cog}}
|{{name|Rusty Cog}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第720行: 第734行:  
|{{name|Chicken Statue}}
|{{name|Chicken Statue}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第726行: 第740行:  
|{{name|Ancient Seed}}
|{{name|Ancient Seed}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第732行: 第746行:  
|{{name|Prehistoric Tool}}
|{{name|Prehistoric Tool}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第738行: 第752行:  
|{{name|Dried Starfish}}
|{{name|Dried Starfish}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第744行: 第758行:  
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第750行: 第764行:  
|{{name|Glass Shards}}
|{{name|Glass Shards}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第756行: 第770行:  
|{{name|Bone Flute}}
|{{name|Bone Flute}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Only if at least 1 [[Artifacts|artifact]] has already been found
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
第762行: 第776行:  
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|More likely at lower [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zones]]
| [[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 等级更低时概率更高
第768行: 第782行:  
|{{name|Magma Geode}}
|{{name|Magma Geode}}
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
第774行: 第788行:  
|{{name|Frozen Geode}}
|{{name|Frozen Geode}}
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3 or 5, More likely at [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] 3
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3或5级,在3级时的概率更高
第780行: 第794行:  
|{{name|Fire Quartz}}
|{{name|Fire Quartz}}
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
第786行: 第800行:  
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
第792行: 第806行:  
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 5
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
第798行: 第812行:  
|{{name|Frozen Tear}}
|{{name|Frozen Tear}}
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
第804行: 第818行:  
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
第810行: 第824行:  
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 3
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
第816行: 第830行:  
|{{name|Earth Crystal}}
|{{name|Earth Crystal}}
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
第822行: 第836行:  
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
第828行: 第842行:  
|1-4 ||2+
|1-4 ||2+
|[[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] must be 2 or less
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
第834行: 第848行:  
|1-2 ||2+
|1-2 ||2+
|More likely at higher [[#Fishing Zone|Fishing Zone]] values
|[[# 钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 等级更高时概率更高
第864行: 第878行:  
|{{name|Glow Ring}}
|{{name|Glow Ring}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Requires a [[Luck]] buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff
| 需要[[ 增益效果#基础数值提升|运气]] 增益,增益更高时概率更高
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02|≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02|≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第877行: 第891行:  
|{{name|Magnet Ring}}
|{{name|Magnet Ring}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Requires a [[Luck]] buff; chance increases with magnitude of buff
| 需要[[ 增益效果#基础数值提升|运气]] 增益,增益更高时概率更高
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02|≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02|≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第931行: 第945行:  
|{{name|Strange Doll (yellow)}}
|{{name|Strange Doll (yellow)}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Possible even if no [[artifacts]] previously found
| 没有找到过[[ 古物]] 时也有可能出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第937行: 第951行:  
|{{name|Strange Doll (green)}}
|{{name|Strange Doll (green)}}
|1  ||2+
|1  ||2+
|Possible even if no [[artifacts]] previously found
| 没有找到过[[ 古物]] 时也有可能出现
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第948行: 第962行:  
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第954行: 第968行:  
|{{name|Rubber Boots}}
|{{name|Rubber Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第960行: 第974行:  
|{{name|Leather Boots}}
|{{name|Leather Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第966行: 第980行:  
|{{name|Work Boots}}
|{{name|Work Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第972行: 第986行:  
|{{name|Combat Boots}}
|{{name|Combat Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第978行: 第992行:  
|{{name|Tundra Boots}}
|{{name|Tundra Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第984行: 第998行:  
|{{name|Thermal Boots}}
|{{name|Thermal Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第990行: 第1,004行:  
|{{name|Dark Boots}}
|{{name|Dark Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第996行: 第1,010行:  
|{{name|Firewalker Boots}}
|{{name|Firewalker Boots}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第1,002行: 第1,016行:  
|{{name|Genie Shoes}}
|{{name|Genie Shoes}}
|1 pair||2+
|1 ||2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第1,009行: 第1,023行:  
|{{name|Golden Egg}}
|{{name|Golden Egg}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Requires achieving [[Perfection]]
| 需要达到[[ 完美]]
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
第1,015行: 第1,029行:  
|{{name|Golden Bobber}}
|{{name|Golden Bobber}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
|Can only get when Willy's "Golden Bobber" quest is active during the [[Desert Festival]] and cannot already have Golden Bobber in inventory<br />
| 仅在[[沙漠节]]期间且已经接取威利的[[ 沙漠节#钓鱼任务|金浮漂]] 任务、物品栏中没有金浮漂时可以获得。<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
'' 不能在同一个钓鱼宝箱内的不同位置出现多次''
第1,022行: 第1,036行:  
|1-6 ||
|1-6 ||
|Requires having the power obtained from the [[Jewels Of The Sea]] book, gives the same fish roe as the fish being caught<br />
| 需要获得[[ 海之宝石]] 书中的力量,提供与捕获的鱼相同的鱼籽<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
'' 不能在同一个钓鱼宝箱内的不同位置出现多次''
第1,029行: 第1,043行:  
|{{name|Jewels Of The Sea}}
|{{name|Jewels Of The Sea}}
|1  ||5+
|1  ||5+
|Must have already opened at least 2 other fishing treasure chests, chance is greater if book has not been found before<br />
| 必须已经打开过至少两次钓鱼宝箱,在没有找到过时概率更高<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
'' 不能在同一个钓鱼宝箱内的不同位置出现多次''
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
第1,036行: 第1,050行:  
|{{name|Golden Tag}}
|{{name|Golden Tag}}
|1  ||
|1  ||
|Can only get during the [[Trout Derby]] festival when catching a [[Rainbow Trout]] with a Golden Tag<br />
| 只能在[[ 鳟鱼大赛]] 期间获得,且只能在钓到[[ 虹鳟鱼]] 时获得<br />
''Cannot appear in multiple slots''
'' 不能在同一个钓鱼宝箱内的不同位置出现多次''
第1,107行: 第1,121行:  
== 参考==
<ref name="max_cast"> See <samp>Tools/FishingRod::doStartCasting</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="max_cast"> 参见游戏代码中的<samp>Tools/FishingRod::doStartCasting</samp> 部分。</ref>
<ref name="fishing_zone">The fishing zone is calculated by the function <samp>FishingRod::distanceToLand</samp>; the value is assigned to the variable <samp>clearWaterDistance</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fishing_zone"> 钓鱼区由<samp>FishingRod::distanceToLand</samp> 函数计算;值将会被赋给变量<samp>clearWaterDistance</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fish_quality">The fish size and quality are determined by the functions <samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp>, <samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp>, <samp>BobberBar::update</samp>, and <samp>FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fish_quality"> 鱼的大小和基础品质由函数<samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp> <samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp> <samp>BobberBar::update</samp> ,和<samp>FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp> 决定。</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">The effects of bubbles on fishing bite times is handled in <samp>FishingRod::DoFunction</samp>, specifically at <samp>if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)</samp>.  The effect of bubbles on fish type is also in <samp>FishingRod::doFunction</samp> in the call to <samp>location.getFish</samp>, where the argument <samp>waterDepth</samp> is set to <samp>clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0)</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="bubbles"> 气泡对钓鱼咬钩时间的影响由函数<samp>FishingRod::DoFunction</samp> 处理,尤其是在<samp>if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)</samp> 中。气泡对于鱼类型的影响也出现在函数<samp>FishingRod::doFunction</samp> 中对<samp>location.getFish</samp> 的调用,其中参数<samp>waterDepth</samp> <samp>clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0)</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fishexp">See <samp>Tools/FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="fishexp"> 参见游戏代码中<samp>Tools/FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp> 部分。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_chance">See <samp>Tools/FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp> in the game code.</ref>
<ref name="treasure_chance"> 参见游戏代码中<samp>Tools/FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp> 部分。</ref>
<ref name="treasure">The contents of a treasure chest are determined by <samp>FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="treasure"> 钓鱼宝箱中的奖励由函数<samp>FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction</samp> 决定。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_artifact">The chance of an artifact appearing in a treasure chest is higher if [[Lost Books]] are not possible, ''e.g.,'' after the Museum's collection is complete.</ref>
<ref name="treasure_artifact"> [[ 遗失之书]] 不可能出现时,宝箱中出现古物的概率会更高。'' 例如,'' 玩家已经完成了博物馆中书的收集。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_special">The chance of a special item appearing in a treasure chest is adjusted by <samp>LuckModifier</samp>, which is set to <samp>(1 + DailyLuck) * FishingZone/5</samp>. This means that fishing zone is the most important factor, as special items are 5x more likely to be found when caught in a fishing zone of 5 instead of 1. Special items are only 1.25x more likely to be found with maximum daily luck (0.125) instead of minimum (-0.1). For example, the chance of finding a Broken Trident varies from 0.075% (DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1) to 0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5). The page lists the chance of finding special items with neutral luck and Zone=5.</ref>
<ref name="treasure_special"> 特殊物品出现在宝箱中的几率由<samp>LuckModifier</samp> 调整,会被设置为<samp> (1+DailyLuck *FishingZone/5</samp]。这段参数表明钓鱼区将是最重要的影响因素,因为在钓鱼区5中获得特殊物品的概率将是在钓鱼区1中的5倍。特殊物品在每日运气最大时(0.125 )相比最小时(-0.1 )仅有1.25倍的概率。例如,找到残破的三叉戟的概率范围是0.075%(DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1) 到0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5) 。本页列表的特殊物品概率均为中性运气(0.000)与钓鱼区5。</ref>
<ref name="roe_book">If the player has not obtained the [[Jewels Of The Sea]] book before, the chances of the book appearing is <samp>0.02+0.001*X</samp>, where <samp>X</samp> is the total amount of treasure chests the player has opened. If the player has obtained the book before, the chance is constant at <samp>0.02</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="roe_book"> 如果玩家还没有获得过[[ 海之宝石]] ,则该书出现的概率是<samp>0.02+0.001*X</samp> ,其中的<samp>X</samp> 是玩家开启过的宝箱的总数。如果玩家已经获得过该书,则概率为<samp>0.02</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="performtenminuteupdate">The bubbles, or 'fishSplashPoint' is placed in <samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="performtenminuteupdate"> 气泡,或者叫做'fishSplashPoint' 参数在<samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp> 中。</ref>
== 历史==
{{History|1.4|Introduced [[Training Rod]]. Can now attach [[bait]]s, [[tackle]]s, etc., directly from a [[#Treasure Chests|treasure chest]]. Bottom edge of fishing bobber bar made slightly more generous. Effect of fishing level on fish size no longer caps at 10. Removed exploit where clicking the journal icon would pause time but still allow fish to bite. Fixed bug where player's fishing level and bait were not taken into account for the wait time if the first nibble was missed.}}
{{History|1.4| 加入[[ 训练用鱼竿]] 。现在可以直接在[[#宝箱|钓鱼宝箱]] 页面向鱼竿上附加[[ 鱼饵]] [[ 渔具]] 等。渔具条的底边稍微更大了一些。钓鱼等级对鱼的大小不在限制为10。修复了点击日志图标会暂停时间但仍允许鱼咬钩的漏洞。修正了如果错过了第一次咬钩,玩家的钓鱼等级和诱饵不会再影响等待时间的错误。}}
{{History|1.5|Added [[#Presents|fishing presents]]. Added [[Golden Egg]]s and [[Qi Bean]]s to potential treasure chest rewards. Catching a non-fish item no longer triggers the minigame. Added option to choose between multiple fish-bite chime sounds.}}
{{History|1.5| 加入[[# 礼品| 钓鱼礼品]] 。向钓鱼宝箱中加入[[ 金蛋]] [[ 齐豆]] 。掉到非鱼物品时不再触发小游戏。增加了可以在多个上钩音效间进行选择的选项。}}
{{History|1.5.2|Fixed crash when fishing on [[the Farm]] using [[Magic Bait]].}}
{{History|1.5.2| 修复了在[[ 农场]] 上使用[[ 魔法鱼饵]] 钓鱼时崩溃的问题。}}
{{History|1.5.4|Fixed softlock when fishing with multiple rods in inventory after catching a treasure and casting from a different rod.}}
{{History|1.5.4| 修复了当找到宝箱后使用不同的鱼竿钓鱼时会使用多个鱼竿的软锁定问题。}}
{{History|1.5.5|Fixed issue preventing certain spots in the [[The Mountain|Mountain lake]] from spawning bubbles.}}
{{History|1.5.5| 修复了[[ 深山| 山区湖泊]] 中某些特定点不会出现气泡的问题。}}
{{History|1.6|Added [[Advanced Iridium Rod]]. Submerged fishing bobber now automatically recolored to match the water. Added [[Mystery Box]], [[Golden Mystery Box]], [[Golden Animal Cracker]], [[Sonar Bobber]], [[Deluxe Bait]], skill books, Golden Bobber, [[Roe]], [[Jewels Of The Sea]], and Golden Tag to potential treasure chest rewards. Added Golden Fishing Tresure Chests with more exclusive rewards. Players are now notified when they first catch each specific type of fish. If you haven't gained fishing experience after obtaining the Bamboo Pole, before spring 28, year 1, Willy comes to your house and give you a training rod after giving you a quick lesson on fishing basics that makes you reach level 1 fishing.}}
{{History|1.6| 加入[[ 高级铱金鱼竿]] 。浸入水中的钓鱼浮漂会被重新上色以匹配水面。向钓鱼宝箱中加入[[谜之盒]],[[金色谜之盒]],[[金色动物饼干]],[[ 声纳浮漂]] [[ 高级鱼饵]] [[ 书|技能之书]] [[ 黄金浮漂]] [[ 鱼籽]] [[ 海之宝石]] ,和[[ 黄金标签]] 。加入可以获得更高级奖励的金钓鱼宝箱。现在玩家第一次钓到某种鱼时会有提示。如果你在获得竹鱼竿后,在第一年春季第28天前没有获得钓鱼经验,威利会来到你的农舍,在简短地教你基础的钓鱼知识来帮你达到钓鱼等级1后,给你一个训练用鱼竿。}}
{{History|1.6.3|Fixed unintended bug introduced in v1.6 causing excess trash to be fished.}}
{{History|1.6.3| 修复了一个在1.6 版本中引入的非预期漏洞,该漏洞会导致玩家钓到过多的垃圾。}}
